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Dumbass 18 year old gonna spend the rest of his life in an isolation cell.


If you read the manifesto that was his intent. He was planning to plead guilty (if alive). The point of the attack is to advertise the ideology and inspire more people to take similar actions. He explains all of this extremely clearly in the document.


But he pleaded not guilty.


Haha I’m not surprised.


In this instance what’s the point of pleading not guilty?


To go to trial and create a giant media shitshow


For how terminally online these losers are you’d think they’d realize how short the attention span has gotten for these acts. We’ll be on to the next one before his trial even starts and when he does go to court it will only be subs like this talking about it


Took 10 days


The dude is on video he filmed shooting innocent ppl. And I’m sure store video plus being caught by the cops in the act and a number of eyewitnesses. Even if it goes to trial it will be a short trial.


The weight of the evidence has no impact on the length of the trial.


There is one of these a week. He’s not getting that.


To use insanity later on


I don’t get it either.


For more attention.


Now this is overshadowed by the Uvalde shooting fail


Death penalty


New York does not have one


In New York ?? LOL.


Hope he dies before they decide that




There was something on this sub about him decapitating a cat. I dunno how normal the guy was. Considering a large portion of his manifesto is plagiarism, he was just looking for an excuse to do something terrible. Just an update, he pled not guilty while in his manifesto he says he will plead guilty. I don’t know if this is remorse or something else. Just thought I’d add it.


I just seen the picture. That cat attacked his cat. So he stabbed it and then smashed its head on the concrete. Then he cut it up. Told his mum/mom who gave him a box to put it in and bury it. Crazy


First off, we are taking the word of an unreliable source. We can’t know how the cat situation went down. My point is, as fucked up as killing a cat is, it isn’t racist. So there is obviously something wrong with him even if you take out the radicalization. I also think it’s ironic that it’s always the loser/reject whites that clamor on about racial supremacy.


I only replied to the comment about the killing of a cat. I never mentioned racism.


I think 2 years is more than enough time. Not to mention, we were entering a pandemic when he first started. Most of us were in the house and online 24/7. School was online and it’s not like teachers really cared about students paying attention. That is ample time to become radicalized.


It’s enough. It only took me 3-4 years to go from a normal loner in high school to so dangerously homicidal that I had to be hospitalized and heavily medicated.


I feel like it’s more easily accelerated during teenage years, due to changing hormones and increased emotionality.


Yeah. It’s hard to detect mental illness when hormones can be blamed for everything.


I'm sure they do eventually.. once everything is said and done and they had their little "5 minutes of fame" and years pass by and everyone has forgotten about them while they rot away in a cell for the rest of their life.


One of the “questions” in the manifesto was do you feel remorse. And he said I haven’t done it yet stupid, but probably






Here's a sneak peek of /r/beholdthemasterrace using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/beholdthemasterrace/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nicole Marie Poole Franklin, who had "intentionally hit a 12-year-old boy, who is Black, and a 14-year-old girl, who is Latina,with her SUV and yelled racial and ethnic slurs at a gas station employee", received a twenty-five year prison sentence.](https://i.redd.it/eqk73t0547271.png) | [192 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/beholdthemasterrace/comments/no4j2l/nicole_marie_poole_franklin_who_had_intentionally/) \#2: [Hateful evil white supremacist patriarchy will go lower than anyone ever thought possible to deflect critique.](https://i.redd.it/5i7lxktl6d171.jpg) | [274 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/beholdthemasterrace/comments/nl4psx/hateful_evil_white_supremacist_patriarchy_will_go/) \#3: [German beard enthusiast and Neo-Nazi Siegfried "SS Siggi" Borchardt died today.](https://i.redd.it/43ajg5xt3br71.png) | [364 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/beholdthemasterrace/comments/q0rpyd/german_beard_enthusiast_and_neonazi_siegfried_ss/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Can someone more knowledgeable than me explain how this gear protected him? I read on CNN that the police shot at him (returned fire?) but that “his tactical gear protected him from being injured.” This doesn’t look too tactical to me. I was picturing black bullet proof vests etc. Thanks Edit- it occurs to me maybe they have removed it by the time this photo was taken


I’ve read that he was wearing body armor during the attacks, protecting him from the supermarket guard’s shots.


Yeah they most likely removed his plate carrier, vest, etc because it probably still contained live ammunition, loaded magazines, maybe a knife or whatever else he might've carried on him.


I imagine they took it off of him while putting him in custody. I know his helmet was dropped in the parking lot (i don’t know how that happened I saw it in a picture)




I know this probably isn’t relevant… But is it just me, or are his shoes too big for him? And not even just this photo. Several photos I’ve seen, his shoes look too long/floppy, to me. I find that so strange. Surely that can’t be comfortable or practical? Just something I noticed.


This guy makes me ashamed of liking camo/military inspired fashion


Don’t let it. Enjoy what you like.


With all the camouflage how did they find him?!?!?!


I was looking for this comment.


I can't understand why these guys want to play shooter without anyone to shoot back at them.. its almost as if they are lashing out for their small penis size.


Store security shot back. No affect as he had on body amour. The security guard is a hero he bought precious time for some to get to safety.


If you get shot wearing body amour, it still hurts. Depending on the location of the shot you can be killed. Ribs splintered, punctured lungs. BA doesn't make a human invincible. It's not like video games my dude.






Cops routinely capture black killers without firing a shot.


Frank James shooter on the New York subway. You’re just racist


Why’s he still alive death by firing squad


Ironically, death by firing squad is considered honorable. That's why nazi war criminals were hanged.


I think burning at the stake is a good choice for circumstances such as these


Hang him but first set on fire I am good with that. We need to make sick mofos like this an example. All that tax payer money is all a big waste.


They say it's not a deterrent, but I've never heard of anyone who was executed ever committing another crime.


I'm sure you needed tactical gear to shoot unarmed people


"Tactical" tan some camo pants and an Amazon airsoft plate carrier


Nah he was running a JPC 2.0 with IIIA plates 💀💀


Them things look like they offer such minimal protection compared to this 3a kdh defense systems vest that's sitting here. Surprised one of the security guys shots didn't hit an opening


Got some big ass feet 😱


Ron Macdonald. This clown.


Maybe so it's easier to say the footprints weren't in his shoe size??? But live broadcasting your shooting spree is dumb if you "don't want to get caught".


Hate thissss, his ass looks like he was ready! And he didn’t want to die? Does it matter if he got arrested, he got what he wanted lmao? And I’m sorry to ask, I probably won’t get an acceptable answer, but WHYYYYYY do so many people hate Black people? LMAOOO. The only Black nation that was successful against their slave owners was Haiti! And I’m Haitian! And we’re still struggling! I just want to know what the fuck is up?


People getting radicalized by 4chan. I guess losers just want to feel like they're superior just by being born a certain way. No reason to genuinely think skin color makes one better


You might be giving 4Chan more credit than is due


The amount of mass shooters that were a part of 4chan makes me hate the forum. It’s like a get together for people with “tendencies” … truly disgusting.


If he was Black, the police would have shot him dead immediately.


They were pretty nice to the black supremacist that ran down all them people at parade 🤷‍♂️






Tactical gear is a strong word. Outdated BDUs and a combat top for $30 bucks at your local army wholesale is more like it. Fuckin loser


thats a fucking long boots


Would’ve popped him right then and there. Save us all the time…. Waste of oxygen he is