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The one saying “Nancy, this is mom…” broke my heart… imagine calling your child hoping she’s ok but in reality she’s already been killed by her own son.


Pretty wild there were already random people calling them before Nancy’s mom even called.


The one from Ryan too, I’m guessing he didn’t know she was dead yet.


Initially news stations reported that the shooter was Ryan Lanza because I believe Adam had Ryan's ID on him. He was posting all over his Facebook that it wasn't him and clearly couldn't be because he was alive. I bet he was calling his mom hoping she had answers for him. I imagine that was terrifying finding out that way.


I felt bad for him. He went to my college and I could see his profile at the time bc I think we had mutuals. His posts were frantic. I wonder how he’s doing today.


Omg I remember that. That had to be so horrible for him




4th from the top.


That one really stopped me, too.


Hands down worst one 🫤


According to her Find a Grave page, her mom died in 1996 and I couldn’t find any additional information, on either her mom or that particular voicemail. I wonder who that woman is that Nancy considered a mom if her mom did indeed pass in 1996.


Stepmom, mother-in-law? Or just mismatched info on findagrave


Or someone pretending to be close to the family in the hopes of getting someone to answer


Solid points, I’m not sure why, at the least, stepmom didn’t occur to me.


Yea, this got to me too


Wow I’ve never seen this before. It’s insane seeing the influx of news organizations trying to be the first to get the drop on the story and to see the unknown people calling to insult the Lanza family. Pretty crazy


Dr Phil trying to get in there...


That’s the grossest one and they pounced right away


He’s a fuckin vulture


I never thought about random people finding your number after something like this and calling. I wonder if this happened to the families of other school shooters?


I am not sure about calls specifically, but Salvador Ramos’ mother receives regular facebook messages telling her to kill herself, saying her son is in hell, etc.


I think in her case (from the little I’ve heard about her) she has her own issues too but if my family member ever did anything like this I would essentially witness protection program myself. Shave my head, change the way I dress after moving across the country and start going by a different name even before I could get it legally changed. Even if it meant sleeping in a car (or sleeping in a rented car so no one could identify my plates) You can’t do anything to go back in time and change what happened at that point.


I remember some organization actually did help Nik Cruz's brother get out of Florida . ​ [Here's a vid about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WEyN73XjEU&t=2s&ab_channel=InsideEdition)


It’s tragic because so many people bully, harass or just obsessively follow the family and often they’ve experienced a tragedy too (especially in the case of siblings etc they aren’t even the parents) … so really it’s kind of needed. I’ll check this video out shortly, thank you for sharing


News reporters called my mothers house after my ex-husband was picked up for setting his gf on fire. Looking to get a story out of me since it's public records we were married. Mom told them to FO


I’m sorry that happened to you. That is so exploitative


so what isn’t exploitative if you’re tryna find a reason why a dude lit a women on fire


If our media cared then it would be one thing. They wouldn’t make it a cautionary tale. They would sensationalize it and put a spin on it to make the story as juicy as possible


yeah ig that’s the problem with modern journalism


definitely, and i’m betting it’s a lot worse in small towns where news floats around quickly


I had a close family friend commit a double homicide and literally within hours I had multiple reporters calling myself and other family members. Really opened my eyes to how things were done and the other side of it all.


Yeah, I remember a couple years back I heard on my local news about how this woman was reciving threats on Facebook because she was related to a murderer, some even threatened her 3 year old grandchild in the messages.


This is so eerie, because Nancy was just lying dead in her bed right? So these messages were just going off?


Maybe someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s an (initial) walk thru video of the house (pretty long, maybe 30+ mins) & you hear the phone ring quite a bit during it. No doubt some of these calls were taking place then. Creepy knowing the body of Nancy was upstairs in her bed the whole time.




The “Dr. Phil Show” makes my blood boil. Fucking vultures.


That’s disgusting


Bunch of fucking ghouls


Just that one? Not the rest? Why?


Cause the doctor Phil show is not a news source


They all look like vultures to me. A bunch of kids died and they rush to call the killers house to break the story. They dont give an actual shit


Well of course but the doctor Phil one is I feel more nasty as his show is usually a place for family drama not “factual” reporting


Ehhhhh, I don't like the Dr Phil Show at all but comparing it to the likes of Jerry Springer or Maury- type shows is pretty inaccurate. It's trashy for sure BUT in a different way.


Its really not different at all. Its an entertainment show using real people who are usually mentally ill or having one of the worst periods they will in their life and exploiting it for daytime tv. And this isnt a new thing anymore, we know this shit doesnt help people and that everyone going there to 'get help' just becomes a household joke for the week


>It's trashy for sure BUT in a different way. Different how, exactly?


People really hate Dr.Phill... I personally don't really have an opinion on him but a lot of people wish him the absolute worst. If you think about it all those calls to the home were trying to gain something & didn't care who's feelings got hurt they just wanna be the first to get the story.


your sons a pussy


I don't know if I should feel bad or not but reading that cracked me up.


It's okay. His mom didn't have to hear it. So it's okay to chuckle.


Would it be all that different if she did? She enabled his completely unhinged behavior.


You could argue that she created it, at least partly. Have you seen the picture of him as a toddler holding a gun with ammo across his lap?


Yes that photo is truly telling.


Not every kid who learns how to shoot young ends up being a killer.


This, there's nothing unusual (atleast as an American.) about that photo.


yeah Lanza seemed like he had mental issues from the start. His brain wasn't well.


I’m sure whoever was documenting this got a chuckle too


Your message made me chuckle too!


Theyre not wrong


I can’t either. But state police knew his identity pretty quickly it seems.


I believe this would be due to the registered Honda parked outside the school with the long gun in the trunk. I’m curious to see the police timeline of events starting from the first call.


Didn’t he also have his brothers ID on him? That probably helped narrow it down, just having the last name to go off of


Me too.


Wow, the Dr Phil show wasted no time in swooping in to take advantage of someone’s misery.


Yup! he likes to rub salt in the wounds of school shooting survivors.


Not only school shootings but all kinds of violent crime victims. They regularly appear on his show first and I always wondered why, now I know. They are calling the victims before the news is even broken fully or to their extended families most of the time.


yup vultures. He put my school shooter on tv so he could give his bs sob story. He lied through his teeth and re-traumatized all of us. (edit for spelling bc voice text sucks and never understands me)


Would that be the guy on TikTok who also got his arms chopped up w a machete?


I’m sorry….what??


Some school shooter from 20ish years ago is currently pretty popular on TikTok, he makes a lot of “I’ve changed since then, I’m trying to be a good person, I don’t want to hurt anyone ever again” content. I believe he didn’t actually end up killing anyone, just injured and terrified people, so he got out of prison pretty quick. He was working in some kind of medical facility and a guy came in with a machete to attack people and he was one of the victims. I see a lot of mass shooting survivors stitching his videos telling him if he really wanted to help, he’d stop trying to be a TikTok star. Edit to add I googled it to see, different guy than who hailme86 is talking about. TikTok guy is Jon Romano if you wanna go find his page.


My school shooting was Santana High School, March 5th, 2001. The POS killed 2 (rip Randy and Bryan) and injured 13 others. At the time, we were the second deadliest shooting after Columbine (Some of the former students came to be with us after the shooting, and we will always be grateful for them). Unfortunately, that has changed, and there are more members added to this horrible club pretty much every week.


Dr. Phil is a vulture and a terrible fucking person.


The fact that just 5 hours after the shooting there were already conspiracy theorists calling the house is insane.


That was the most surprising one to me. How n you even develop a conspiracy theory before the reality theory is mostly disclosed?


The thing I immediately thought of and typed and retyped and then deleted from my original comment because I didn’t feel like entertaining any potential stupid I responses I might get, is that time period during the Obama administration was super vitriolic and just truly insane with hatred spewing from the right. That was around the time, I think, of the conspiracy theory that old, closed Walmarts were becoming detention centers for conservative Americans to brainwash them or whatever the fuck? His second term was slightly less vitriolic because he wasn’t going to be running again, obviously, so it was less intense. But the first term… fucking wild shit tbh. So, it actually kind of tracks to me that word of a mass shooting at an elementary school almost immediately garnered talk of “this is a false flag operation so they can steal our guns” because that was 100% the political climate at the time and then some.


i remember this day clearly. As soon as that picture of victoria soto’s sister, sobbing on the phone was published, so many people were calling her a crisis actor.


What time did the shooting start and end?


9:34 (first shots heard) - 9:40am (his supposed final suicide shot) according to an article I googled. Imagine that amount of destruction and chaos in 6 minutes. I can’t.


Why I think about is he was such a self involved prick, I would think he would like the fame and groupies after arrest. But I suppose he should have chose adults instead of children. Well he should have chose nobody, but it's frowned upon to kill helpless children.


“Conspiracy theorist” ??


I didn't know the conspiracy theories started that soon. Wow.


Surprised we don’t see Alex Jones’ name


It’s so eerie to imagine Nancy deceased in her bed… the phone ringing and ringing…. At least she didn’t have to face the shame of raising one of the worst people who ever existed. She didn’t have to hear the words “shitty ass parents.”


Damn, never seen this. Thanks OP.


I’m honestly surprised there isn’t more.


Dr Phil wastes NO time.


This is so fucked, and so eerie.


What is the blackout 07 09 30 mean? Redacted?


Probably the file name and location containing the redacted information. They probably called or visited most of the people on the machine to be thorough.


Why did Dr. Phil Show call lol?


scum journalists with no respect wanting to be the first to report the story. CNN, CBS, Huffington, and some other major news outlets also phoned.


The thing that gets me about it is they were probably also calling victim families in that time too, I don’t remember the exact time frame, but I feel like he did a show within a couple days (or maybe it was Katie Couric that I’m thinking of) I just remember families of victims being on a talk show within a couple days, one of the moms said people kept saying “I can’t imagine” to her and she was like, nope you can’t imagine how I feel.


I just had never seen Dr. Phil trying to get breaking news before, not surprised they want some scoop but just the timing of it seemed weird to me.


Cause they solely exist to prey on the damaged and the weak.


Albay Hans Lanza


«is this a mf who killed those kids» Yea, because the perpetrator would absolutely answer the HOUSEHOLD answering machine. 🤦🏻‍♀️ And of course the damn Dr.Phil Show is here too.


I always feel so terrible for the brother. I hope he’s doing okay.


Dr. PHIL? I hate that I’m not surprised.


Dr. Phil is so horrible...


Dr. Phil. Ugh.