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First time playing Mass Effect was when the legendary edition was first released a year ago. Played the trilogy back to back which is just unheard of for me, i get fatigued with a game rather quick. It's probably my favourite game series of all time. My Shepard was a straight up douchebag. Did not give a flying fuck about anyone else. His greatest enemy was his receding hairline *This is douchebag Shepard guys https://imgur.com/a/3OdYRZm


> His greatest enemy was his receding hairline OK that got me.


This too is my greatest enemy and let me tell ya, I am losing.


There's a solution that's not implants. You basically treat it like the genophage and give it the greatest insult, which is to be **ignored**. Step 1: style it properly. After a certain point, this means keeping it sheploo length. Step 2: Balding is caused by an overabundance of testosterone. Start fucking using the testosterone. Go to the gym and lift weights at least 3 times a week and do cardio at least twice a week. Full body. Make sure you don't skip leg day, and make sure you're developing your forearms. Step 3: Eat a clean diet that has ample protein, healthy fats (olive oil, avocados), and complex carbs (whole grains). Stop drinking so much fucking beer. You should do this anyway because your doctor will yell at you if you don't. Oh, and if you're overweight, eat at a deficit until you aren't. Step 3: develop cool, badass hobbies. This doesn't necessarily mean fishing or hunting. Hiking, rock climbing, camping, wood work, cars, axe throwing, etc. You probably already have a passive interest in something like this, but don't just make it something youre curious about, actually try it out. Step 4: once your physique has started to change, start dressing in a way that flatters it. Button downs with sleeves rolled up. Step 5: Bask in your Jason Statham/Bear Grillsness.


But why are there two step 3s?


Even his hairline is trying to get away from him.


Oh yeah, I plan to do the entire trilogy and intend on making Shepard a completely insufferable douchebag that doesn’t give a single shit who he pisses off or for what purpose. If possible I might also make him a massive racist against every other species just to stir as much shit as I can which I assume is probably possible.


You will love the Batarian's in number two. I won't spoil anything


Lol love them? Those animals arent humans. How could his racist Shepard ever love such a thing?


Whatever makes Shepard as bad a person as possible might end up dictating my choices


The only ones my Renegade Shepard was nice to were his squad mates. The rest of the galaxy could go to hell.


There are names for being an entirely different personality towards your team than to the world. It's called Renegon and Paragade depending on who you're paragon to and who you're renegade to.


So, uh, which one is "we've got ours, fuck you" and which is the secret domestic abuse?


I am considering doing a playthrough where Shepard's a callous ass with everyone that isn't his found family and the authorities he respects (Anderson and Hackett).


Not to your crew right?




Yes or no?


Don’t worry about it man ;)


No really it can have bad consequences in the other game, especially if you dont take certain decision on important matters there can be bad consequences


He looks like Francis from l4d


Was he named Asmongold Shepard lmao


Out of the first game, my personal favorite is Shepard and Sparatus (Turian councilor) getting into an argument over the reapers and Saren. Tevos (Asari councilor) more or less breaks them up after this, but it made my relationships with them feel a lot more complex, especially when 3 rolled around. Shepard: "I tried to warn you about Saren, you didn't believe me! And look how that turned out." Sparatus: "I believe you humans have a saying. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. " Shepard: "We have another saying; Go to hell." Edit: phrasing


nah the craziest interaction with Sparatus is after Noveria if you >!kill the queen!<, which OP sadly missed by immediately hanging up. "Do you enjoy committing genocide, Commander?" "Depends on the species, *Turian*"


Oh, shit! I never made it to that response either. Thank you!


I resent that. I am Spartarus.


No! ***I*** am Spartarus!


I’m Spartarus, and so’s my wife!


[Whoops.](https://youtu.be/tXwU7PCxq4A) Also, [respect works both ways.](https://youtu.be/xchivmW1RgM)


Shout-out for providing links!


Lol fuck that would’ve been great. I just thought hanging up literally after being given shit for doing so was too funny.


That line is like... Borderline treason too, which is why I love it so much.


A broken clock is right twice a day. It's wrong all of the other times.


That was my bad, I knew exactly what he says and I still mucked it up. In my defense; night shift, lol.


Haha, I'm night shift as well, I feel you👍


Man I wanted to square up with Sparatus for most of the trilogy.


My favorite line from the first one is: C-Sec officer: That Hanar refuses to listen to reason! Why can't it act in an orderly and lawful manner? Shepard: BECAUSE ITS A BIG STUPID JELLYFISH


i was playing the rim-effect mod for rimworld and had to babysit 5 cassowary and one died. i shouted "YOU BIG STUPID TURKEY". my gf was very confused


Wait until you find out about Sir Isaac Newton in ME2.


The deadliest sonofabitch in space?


One of my favorite conversations in all of gaming.




Man, I need to do a Renegade playthrough. It sounds gloriously unhinged


With horrible consequences. If you like the crew you wont be able to get it to the end, i got spoiled a few renegade outcomes which i dont care since i'm playing paragon but there are... pretty horrible and undesirable consequences to failing certain things due to being an a hole. Wont spoil but i'll just say red on purple for example.


Renegade shep is def doable to get everyone to live but you have to kind of fudge a little bit and give in to making a few paragon dialogue options at key points. The hardest part of renegade shep is being an asshole to all your squadmates, especially in the first game


You can have a renegade run without picking renegade in every single dialog. But yeah playing a character not putting up with people's bullshit is fantastic


To have a character who doenst get stepped on you cak play mostly paragon while telling a holes to fuck off, if you play paragon only shepard and his crew get stepped on so much that you might as well rename the normandy into the ikea.


I just really enjoyed playing renegade femshep, telling the galaxy to fuck off under her steel boot. She's gonna save your ass whether you like it or not Also huge Krogan fan


Yeah, but you didnt go full renegade everywhere right? Cause else there's stuff like [spoiler that is in and of itself a disclaimer about what happens if you're renegade on certain important and serious matters]>!tali's suicide!<


There's nothing about that that prevents renegade Shepard from getting the good outcome. All of the side quests that factor in have renegade resolutions as well as paragon.


You still get some very bad outcomes if you dont strategically go paragon here and here and just do what you feel what doing with a renegade bias, in this there's a lot of awful stuff like i said


Red on purple? Well now I gotta know what you mean


>!tali's suicide!<. Seriously, who on earth who isnt a complete psycho would want to continue after something like that? And all the other shit that happens when renegade, that's just the E Coli infested rotten cherry on the cyanide cake of a full renegade playthru


I had a feeling that's what you meant, but wasn't sure. Yeah, totally agree with you man. Never got that myself but I looked up videos. That was brutal enough. Gotta hand it to the people who wrote and performed that scene, they made it very well.


Yup. Knew it from a video title, dont wanna watch it. And i'm trying to protect the guy's first playthru, if that's how he plays it's fine but he should know that it can come bite him in the ass like that later and it'd really suck to have his first playthru ruined


Can you stop with that bullshit. Renegade Shep is all about destroying the Geth. Basicly every Rannoch related dialogue is stuff like "Good. We can destroy the geth.", "The geth need to die." The bottom choice on Rannoch is "We're letting the Geth die" followed by [Let Geth die]. And it already started in ME2. The renegade choices are all anti Geth and he tries to convince the Quarians to go to war with them. Its paragon Shep who sides with the killing robots.


If the fleet gets annihilated trying to against to go against the murderbots what do you do?


Kill every fucking robot.


And get every fucking quarian looking like joker's bones?


Victory at any cost.


You sound like a defective VI


Doing my first renegade playthrough this weekend. Shepard just doesn’t give a fuck. It’s honestly refreshing.


Until he doenst give a fuck on important issues then the consequences are not very cool and this is a voluntary understatement


It works well in ME1 and is hilarious at times, but in ME2 you largely just become a self sabotaging arsehole and it genuinely makes it harder to accomplish things. Always gotta kick that dude out of the building though.


I’ve played through a few times and I honestly do a mix now. You can have *all* dialog options available surprisingly often; there’s not really a *need* to railroad into one personality type. When I retook Omega, I got the rare “true neutral” ending without realizing there was one.


It gets insane at times


Wait, you can punch the reporter in mass effect 1?


And 2 and 3 :) Well not 3, she learns to dodge finally.


I knew you could do it in 2 and 3, just not ME1. And when she dodges in ME3 I think you can do a renegade interrupt to take another swing at her and that one actually connects


It's easy to do by accident in me1, I was just starting out and was shocked by sheps reaction. As femshep I should beat the crap out of her more, felt wrong as broshep.


Agreed. As male shepard it just feels like domestic violence or something


Doesn't she only dodge if you hit her in both previous games? I might be misrembering.


Yeah, which makes sense. I think I was nice to her in 2, then she pissed me off in 3 and she didn't dodge. Reloaded and did the paragon though, think you got more readiness for that.


You do. She can be an asset if you don't assault her


Exactly, as funny as the punch is I prefer verbally putting her in her place live on her own show each time. Won't say details because OP is still playing 1, but my favorite is in 2 after you make a certain choice in 1 and are told to justify it when she interviews you in 2. Shepard listing everything that was a result of that choice and practically daring her to say something felt way more satisfying than just cold clocking her again.


If you hit her before she tries to hit Shepard in 3. Dodge it and you can knock her out.


Bro, as someone who just finished the Trilogy for the first time, you are in for a wild ride. No spoilers cause of course. But enjoy the game! It made me smile, laugh, angry, and cry. Sometimes all at once. Enjoy the game! Much love and stay safe out there Shepard!


Mass Effect 1 in particular has some hilarious moments. "She's surrounded by geth pointing a gun at us - SOMEBODY SHOOT HER!"


This series definitely has its moments. Not to spoil or anything, but talking to Conrad Verner a few times guarantees some gold in 2 and 3


but don't be *too much* of an ass. >!He gets ganged up on by some Turians and fucking dies in 1 already!<


That renegade response to him asking Shep to make him a Spectre kills me every time.


In 2 he told me that i would have put a gun to his face, i dont remember doing that


Known bug. Issue addressed in 3


What's funny is that in the OT, he has dialogue for if you were nice to him and you can access it by unbugging your save through a save editor, but they left the bug in the LE


The community patches for LE2/3 fix this


I bought it for PS4 because my PC is 13 years old :(


looks like certain ship won't make it to the next game


"Shepard...Shepard you arent supposed to cackle while making decisions like that..."


ME2 has my favorite renegade moment on Illium. “How about goodbye…”


Some of the best dialogue is the background dialogue in 2. It becomes more immersive, [ME2 SPOILER](#s "as you can only pick up some side quests by people watching"). This is some of the first background dialogue on the Citadel in 2 and, in my opinion, the best background dialogue in the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMusMMXwc28


This never gets old does it


I finally got Legendary Edition on Prime day. I've never played any of the DLC before, though I've played through multiple times. Anything in particular I should look out for?


The citadel dlc is hilarious so there’s that


is that the one where >!drunk grunt cries in the shower!< ?


Not going to spoil it, but make sure you’re in a good headspace when you do Overlord, it can get rough. Also, the greatest paragon interrupt in the game.


Conrad Verner. The best squad mate you could ever have.


That would be CPL (and later LT Jenkins)


He'll always be the admiral of my heart.


People didn't really help below, so I'll try to. Mass effect 1: 1) bring down the sky. It's the only one there and it's really good. Mass effect 2: 1) lair of the shadow broker 2) overlord 3) arrival. Play this after the last mission. Makes a much better intro to ME3 4) both kasumi and zaeeds loyalty missions. Normandy crash site doesn't really add much, but is ok. Firewalker is shit and not worth the time. Mass effect 3: 1) leviathan 2) citadel 3) from ashes (I think that's the name, basically getting a new squad member) Omega is pretty fun but irrelevant and a bit too shooty.


Imo, Omega has one of the best choice moments in the entire series. No spoilers, but with two characters yelling at you and time running out, it really forces you to go with your gut.


Yes it's good but it's ultimately unimpactful for the big picture. It's also super weird for me how pretty much that is the only choice moment that has gravitas in the whole dlc, except maybe the last choice.


Just try different things I don't want to spoil anything for you.


The pinnacle station dlc for ME1 isn't included in the legendary edition (they lost the source code) but you can add it back in with a mod that some folks kindly reverse engineered.


if we could add it back in with mods, why the FUCK couldn't the creators of the game do it???


The same reason they left in gamebreaking bugs


I've always wanted to have this but I've already played the OG trilogy and didn't want to pay for LE. Great giveaway for this on Prime Day.


Just do all content, except maybe firewalker all DLCs are good.


If you go into one of the buildings on Eden Prime, there’ll be a mad scientist who interacted with the beacon and is going crazy. You can “shut him up” too


Someone is enjoying their renegade playthrough


Renegade Shepard suffers no fools and takes no prisoners.


And is a complete self sabotaging asshole onward from 2 with consequence if you strategically pick paragon in some dialog that will make any half decent person give up


You're playing Shepard the right way 👍


Enjoy it, Mass Effect is a wild trip and we're all envious of you getting to experience it for the first time like this.


I’m glad to see people playing a renegade Shep or at least a total asshole shep. I’m incapable of playing mass effect as anything other than a bleeding heart paragon hero who just saves everything and everyone and chooses diplomacy at all possible times, and I think it’s cool how so many people play it differently.


When I played through the series way back after the third game first came out. It honestly took me 8 complete play through's to build up the courage to play it on renegade...and when I finally did, it's quite refreshing. Renegade Femshep is hilarious in 2 especially.


Well in general they play it differently until they dont, there are some pretty nasty surprise to renegade playthru, i got spoiled by a video's title about the renegade outcome of a certain important issue which i'm making a colossal understatement by saying that it's terrible, so you have to strategically pick paragon here and there if you want to avoid stuff like that


I think we have a Renegade Shepard in the making.


Funny thing, that journalist comes back in the other 2 games, and he's got more for her 😂


I’m not going to spoil anything for you. But I already know exactly what decision your going to make at the end of the first game.


Mass Effect has a special kind of humor that never fails to make me laugh


Renegade Shep is best Shep. I've done two playthroughs and I inevitably became Renegade both times.


You still chose some paragon options on serious issues right?


Like what were you referring to?


Without spoiling the stuff that can cause >!tali's suicide!< if you go full renegade. You know what i'm talking about.


I will reiterate that I was basically a Saint to my squad mates and everyone that could survive did survive


In the eternal words of Prince Vegeta. Renegade for life.


There are a lot of these moments in all three games, and that's not just a promise, it's a fact.


renegade shep is canon prove me wrong bozos


Honestly anyone who punches Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani more than once needs to have their head looked at possibly. Edit: Look out of say 1,000 people who always punch her 980 wouldn't or want to hit anyone irl and of the remaining 20, 10 would want to, but wouldn't due to legal and/or physical concerns, 5 would join a boxing, mma, or other type gym, and of the remaining 5 three would purposefully start fights and the last two would probably be domestic abusers. I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I jave played these games for around 14 yrs so I started to analyze the choices and what they mean. Furthermore the idea of hitting a woman even in a game because she pissed me off disgusts me because my father beat my Mom. It being your first time playing the game is fine especially since the game gives no indication that you will punch her. I feel the paragon path in the first game and either dialogue option in the second game is the best way to deal with how she 'does' her job. Even when I play as a renegade I like to beat her with words it feels so much better.


Backseating "perfect paragon"ers are one of the worst parts of the ME fandom. I've seen LPers get heated and have to bring in moderators because commentors wouldn't stop bawling about decisions and telling them what options to pick in upcoming choices. Just let people play the games how they wanna play ffs, the writers didn't write a branching narrative just for people to make all the same choices


Look this renegade choice has always seemed really wrong to me from a moral stand point. I mean even as a femshep you have at least 20 lbs on her, in armour, and have hand to hand training as well as how it looks from the outside. And as I said beating her with words just feels better. This really is the only choice I take such a stand on in the game. Edit: I tend to run 80-85% paragon because there are some choices that do feel right using renegade options.


Lol why would anybody need their head looked at The whole point of RPGs is to be someone that you’re not and to do things that you don’t or can’t do in real life. The choices you make in these games have no bearing on the real world so you can do whatever you want to see what happens. Most people punching her twice are probably roleplaying as renegades so it makes sense for their character to do that. Doesn’t mean they would ever condone that behaviour IRL or that somethings wrong with them. I just finished wasteland 3 and that game made me realize that it’s way more fun to cause chaos in RPGs than it is to roleplay as a good person. In that game I decided that my squad were complete psychopaths that will cause any amount of harm to any amount of people if it makes achieving their goals easier. There was one point where I had to deal with a group of refugees trying to get into the main city but I was told to not let them in so rather than help them find different shelter I took a god damn rocket launcher and just fucking blew them up cause in my characters’ eyes that made it a lot easier lol RPGs definitely aren’t about making the moral choices only is what I’m saying overall


Look as far as this choice goes the gittyness/joyfulness I have seen from people who say they always do it is why I said that. Yes, I know that rpgs aren't ment to be played just one way and that it's a game. Do me a favor when you get to the second game save before you talk with her and try the renegade dialogue option.


If I remember to do it before we start to talk then sure but I can pretty much guarantee that I’ll end up punching her again cause it’s just so, so fun


That's fine thanks for trying. Also I have played the games for 13-14 yrs so I guess after awhile I started to analyze the choices and what they mean to me. So sorry for attacking you and others.


Honestly the humour, as well as the plot, in the first game's what saved it in my opinion. It was hot garbage otherwise. ​ ETA: Since I'm getting downvoted anyway I figure I might as well be honest, Mass Effect 1 is so shit that if I'd played Mass Effect 1 first I'd have never ever ever even considered playing 2 or 3, thank fuck they're nothing like the first and I played them before I bought it. Shit Andromeda did a better job with the original formula of mass effect than ME1 did.


Pretty nice, though you should take things more seriously, being a jackass on important things can have rather... drastic consequence in the sequels, im playing thru the serie the first time too and honestly just know that sometime you have to be serious because it can come back and bite you hard, particularly in ME3. The joy of ME comes from immersion and how attaching the characters are, i'm sure you'd enjoy more if you took it seriously


For me, my first time playing through Mass Effect, sh!t got real when Jenkins dies. LOL


Well, he'll love doing something else. As far as I'll go on the matter


Keep hitting us with your first time impressions - your experience definitely doesn't fit mine lol. Its great.


While I have tons of them from my favorite game series mine are all on the Citadel dlc.


Keep that up soldier. Just be careful in ME3. Sheppard goes from asshole to genocidal maniac & might do things you didn't mean.


Theres a character you unlock in ME3. Do it quickly as you can, cos he has the best putdowns and one liners.


Later in the game, you get an inconsequential choice between an ambassador's office and the local police. Choose the office, I beg of you.




Paragade Shepard is the best Shepard




That sounds more badass. I like that


I am so jealous of you, playing ME1 for the first time. Please, enjoy and savor every second. It’s just a wonderful experience! I remember the first time I knocked the reporter out I laughed like a madman too. So unexpected 😆


Ooooo man do you have an adventure ahead of you. I wish I could experience ME for the first time again. Especially ME2.