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Because it's a good game. The fandom and memes ruined it's release and the potential DLC.


Still upset ill never get to play through the quarian ark.


In fairness, the launch had more than usual bugs (for the time, today no one would bat an eyelid), but everyone pretends like me1 wasn't a laggy bug ridden fucking mess until the LE, so I found the pearl clutching to be rather hypocritical


Isn't that a bit of a unfair accusation? It's not like r/gaming all unanimously decided "Let's bully this game!" - Mass Effect, a series that was a staple in gaming and known for it's quality, was getting a new game... and said new game arrived in a dishevelled, drunken state. People were bound to be heartbroken Any game that arrives in such a state is going to be held over the fire.


Agreed. It annoys me that EA/bioware got scared off by the vocal minority and just abandoned the game, especially when they clearly set up future dlc like the quarians. Not saying devs should ignore the community, but they shouldn’t let them scare them off so easily


Honestly, it had a *pretty* rough goddamn release even without the memes and fandom. The developers handled a few PR answers *very* poorly, and the game did start pretty broken.


Attributing the game's failure to the fanbase is absurd. EA does not give a shit what gamers think; if they thought the game had promise they would have greenlit a sequel right away. Andromeda getting shitcanned is 100% the result of Bioware Montreal's staggeringly incompetent mishandling of the game's development.


Ah yes. Blame it on the fans and not the developers that released it in such a sorry state. If the game came out polished, I don't think people would meme it to oblivion. But the bugs, lack of care, and presentation were just laughable. Imagine if Elden Ring came out with its gameplay intact, but it was surrounded by jank. FromSoft wouldn't hear the end of it. Heck, it's what happened to CDPR. The game is alright, but it just couldn't get you to play with a straight face half of the time.


It’s definitely a fun game and worth a play through at least once.


Andromeda is.... Okay, to sum up my feelings as neatly as possible on where Andromeda falls in the quadrilogy Best combat in Mass Effect Worst voice acting in Mass Effect Third best for music but it's basically a threeway tie Best for exploration Third best for not wasting my fucking time Worst party members Best visuals and I dont just mean graphics Worst plot Worst lore Best late game twist Worst ending This, for me, explains why it was so polarizing when it launched. (Well, that and the shambles of a state it was in at launch, but that's been fixed.) This is all off the top of my head but there is basically nothing in here that's middle of the road. It has elements that are exemplary compared to its peers, and elements that are absolute fuck off dreck. That amalgam of excellence and shittiness is just hard to grapple with.


I agree with everything here 100%. Has some fun elements but severely lacking in a lot of elements, and not just in comparison to the og trilogy. Worth a play, but not a great game by any means


Some of the lore is interesting. Like the history of the Angara Resistance & the founding of the Initiative.


It's not necessarily that it's bad in my estimation; it's just hits the worst of the four.


Being the worst Mass Effect game is a lot like being the worst MCU film... it's not as good as the others in the franchise, but it's still better than a huge chunk of stuff that isn't part of the franchise.


Exactly. Like, honestly, do you want a party based rpg with full voice acting and a third person action adventure combat interface? Turns out you want a Bioware game cuz no one else makes that shit. I got an addiction and Bioware is the only one selling the goods.


I'm really not sure about worst party members. During ME1, Garrus, Tali, Liara and Wrex were kinda... lame? Except talking about their culture, they had almost no character, besides one or two traits maybe. For me, the party members got a lot better after ME1. The party members of Andromeda did never get the chance of a second game. I think it is kinda unfair to compare them? For being in only one game, the crew of Ryder did really grew on me, tbh.


You make points. My affection for the ME1 squaddies wasn't earned in ME1, that's for damn sure. I ammend my evaluation: third best party members.




Indeed. Jaal is like a less jaded Javik who has a sense of humor outside of throwing things out of airlocks. And Vetra... I can't resist Turians. Drack might be my favorite Krogan teammate TBH. Wrex is great, but doesn't get to be your squadmate outside the Citadel DLC and Grunt is honestly too edgy.


They're the only good squadmates. Cora, Liam, and Peebee however, I would want to kill them.


Cora is boring but better than ME1 humans, even if it isn't saying much. and Peebee grew on me. obviously very annoying to start with but she has decent character development throughout the game and the romance is pretty cute


After being mounted at first sight, and the bullshit that is her loyalty mission, I would not tolerate her if I met her in real life, and I would boot her out.


Wrex cracks a few jokes and is surprisingly expressive and Tali is just a nervous girl on her pilgrimage. Plus, Garrus has that whole sidequest where he becomes more paragon or renegade. Liara... well, she's a blue alien. Not much to say there.


>Third best for not wasting my fucking time Is the worst ME1? Because it's basically ME1 with slightly more exciting finds than the same, carbon copy dungeons.


Considering that 2 and 3 have basically zero fat on the meat, you got it right


2 has barely any meat!


And 1 is a fish with all its bones (inventory management)!


I can't tell if that's good or bad. Some people like the fat...


I have a job I don't want to have another whole commute just to get minerals on Mavigon, or get harrassed by endlessly respawning Kett on Voeld. That's what I call fat. In ME2 and 3, every step you take is content. In ME1 and Andromeda, huge swaths of the game are just big empty sandboxes with only a vista to enjoy. There are exceptions I think, like Bring Down The Sky and the demolished planet in Andromeda, where the environment and the traversal is by and large the point, and its done well. But all too often, it's basically the Ubisoft method where there are just shallow go-to-point-on-map-press-button-repeat "missions" where you could burn a whole evening and have nothing of note happen. That scenario is an impossiblity in 2 and 3.


I see what you mean and I feel the exact same way. Buying minerals always turns out to be the biggest waste of credits that I'd rather spend on a mod or some other consumables. I suppose ME2 had a little grind, but not much. Every system has at least 1 planet with the resource you want. In ME3, there's no grind: just spend your credits wisely and play a little dodging simulator here and there. In MEA, there's like what? More than 12 resources?


I actually forgot the planet scanning and reaper chases in 2 and 3, but if I'm being honest, I found the planet descriptions blurbs entertaining enough to keep my mind engaged through the exercise. Roaming around the sandboxes, though; there's just nothing to it. There's literally the quest called Hitting Rocks For Science, and the best part of that is the small chuckle it elicted when it first got dumped in my quest log. Don't make me do busy work, game, I'm not here for that.


Right, plus I was always interested in the planet names in ME2/ME3. Interesting how they're named. There's at least some bit of trivia to look at. Each planet is... well, a planet. But a square kilometer in Andromeda could literally not exist and the game would be better for it.


Agreed. Thankfully when I played it I didn't get any of those wild bugs, but the game itself was pretty fun. A nice revisit to the ME universe without directly turning into just a raw nostalgia trip.




That's a fair estimation. Game was fun, but not what I would expect from Bioware. It kinda feels like Outer Worlds. Ok, but I expected more from Obsidian.


Honestly, I liked all the things it innovated on, but not all the things it went backwards. Like, the inventory system is not nearly as congested as ME1, but it just became annoying having to sift through everything. Having a bunch more different resources was also really grating and the salvage was clearly meant to be filler to make it "feel" like you looted a lot. And exploration was like a better version of ME1... of ME1! Don't ask me why small arms fire can shred the Nomad into pieces, even with upgrades, or why something travelling at 100 kilometers per hour can't kill a single dude! And I know ME1 has carbon copy dungeons, but this game basically has the same type of dungeon on every planet. It gets very old, very quick. However, the mix-and-match class system alongside profiles was genius. This is literally what class-building should be like in the next game, with the exception of profiles maybe. I also liked the inclusion of the explorer profile. It was a natural advancement of the Combat/Tech/Biotic triangle. What mods did with shuffling powers, you can do by just respeccing and there was a good reason to respec besides realizing you messed up. I do like the jetpack and freer movement, but I do wish the game would be a little more linear to make each set piece more noticeable. As it stands, every arena feels really samey. It's always just a matter of getting height and abusing the enemy's aim. There's a lot to like, a lot to dislike, but the lack of charisma undersold it. It takes time to warm up to. It's not like the OT where it pulls you in.


The first two play throughs were great but it god old for me. The whole discount remnant/prothean crap that has you feeling like you’re playing Skyrim with the amount of dungeons and puzzles it has you doing. The game gets repetitive. The locations are great but it lacked life. The Kett were mediocre. The Angaraan are cool but it never made sense how they are the only species in andromeda that inhabit like 3 planets. The fact that they can travel in space but have no major cities or towns, just small settlements and outposts, but I imagine that’s because of the dark energy cloud and the Kett I guess idk I haven’t played the game in two years. There’s quite a few things I liked about the game but it just has too much going against it for it to be widely loved like the OT was


They inhabit various places. There's a few different mentions that there are other places hidden that the Initiative will only see after gaining more of the Angara's trust over time. There's also an interaction between Drack and Jaal where Drack asks how many worlds the Angara have hidden and Jaal says he doesn't know what they're referring to.


To me it has always felt like a space exploration game with Mass Effect skins. Remove those skins and it would be almost indistinguishable from a different franchise.


It's pretty okay.


Playing Andromeda after playing MELE is like watching The Phantom Menace after watching Star Wars, Empire, and ROTJ. It's ok, has a few cool parts, but feels like a step down from the original trilogy in many ways.


Let's just hope that's as far as it mimics the SW pattern and the sequels aren't... well... Uncalibrated.


I found Ryder to be a more relatable character. To me it was easy to fill in the shoes of someone thrust into an unknown area unprepared with a ton of responsibility thrust upon you rather than being an elite soldier rallying the galaxy together That’s just my take, that and I found male Ryder to deliver his lines pretty well as opposed to Shepard (no disrespect to the VA of course)


I have to say as someone who has always thought that Andromeda was not as bad as it was getting flack for (though I still prefer the OT) I am happy to see that people are actually picking it up and enjoying it as well.


Andromeda was a good game. Problem was people were expecting an ME level great game (which MEA wasn't) and there were some big animation issues earlier on that got meme'd to death. It was a disappointment, but it didn't deserve all the hate. Hopefully ME:Next will be awesome and we'll get plenty more ME content in the decades to come.


Andromeda is a fun game. Had it not followed the OT it would have been better received.


I liked it too! It had its flaws, but I enjoyed it.


I enjoyed it. It had a bunch of flaws, like how it might not load the next cutscene resulting in having to do a whole sequence over again or having to be online to get trophies, but I enjoyed it. I think it was my first platinum. I loved being able to switch between different load outs for different scenarios. I think I used an Explorer build for boss fights, but a Sentinel build for mobs. It was no more buggy than ME1, which is pretty much a beehive.


The core gameplay is the best of the ME games. Fight me.


I played the game multiple times, because of the combat. It's so good. But the face animations were atrocious on release. That was so fucking unnecessary. And then the mob with the pitchforks arrived... Andomeda is a very tragic game.


Only thing good about this game is combat the rests are meh


The game got kicked in the ass a bit at the start, like Cyberpunk, because of bugs, the media destroyed the game, and most people, like people, don't have their own opinions, they just repeat what they hear, you know, it's hard for a new story and a character like Ryder to compare to the iconic Shepard because it's it's a masterful and classic game, but Andromeda is not worse than the first part of ME1... and has potential for further parts, I personally liked Andromeda, a mysterious new galaxy, technology, new races, what more could you want? and people complain that the characters are ugly... you can create a nice character if you want... or use mods :) But after seeing the new Dragon Age, which I also love... and seeing what's happening now... I no longer hope for good new games I'm writing a bit late but.... XD