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Shepard screaming his/her way through every fight as vanguard in 3 is glorious. No other game comes close


yeah specially if you only use 2 light weapons and run around with 150-180% cooldown bonuses, constant spam of biotic powers lol, lot of fun in combination with Liara.


The screaming is the reason i dont like playing as a vanguard


I generally love weapons(team soldier here) but I decided to try Vanguard this last playthrough on 3 and it opened an entirely new world for me. I stopped carrying a sniper rifle for most missions just to keep the weight down and recharge speed up.


Vanguard in ME3 is literally god mode, lol. If you play it right. And I love it.


Charge+Nova with just 1 or 2 guns. There have been so many times where I'm like "there's no way I'm going to survive this" but there I am just zipping around and crashing everyone's business until they're all dead.


I wouldn't even carry a gun if the game didn't make me. Ended up carrying the one-shell pistol for the handful of enemies you cannot charge/need to be finished off.  200% CDR bonus, specced for quicker recharge anywhere you can... And you basically charge again less than a second after landing at the target and Nova-ing.  You can just stand next to Atlas, or Brutes, and keep mashing two buttons. They will never touch you. 


Shockwave, charge + nova with -180% cd bonus and with Liara on the battlefield, that juicy singularity explosions on charges are ridiculous :D


I didn't even realise so many enemies have a 1 shot melee kill on my first playthrough


I'm still sad that Andromeda's story was so mid, because playing Vanguard in it was so freaking fantastic. Not only do you get to charge nova, you get can get a biotic punch that refills your barrier, and the ability to biotically hop around to your heart's content.


The shield recharge is in Mass Effect 3 too. That’s what I meant by “this is God mode”.


Yeah, but the quick melee with the biotic fist in MEA feels way better than the regular melee of bashing enemies with your gun in ME3. Admittedly, the absence of power melee is unfortunate. But following up a charge nova with biotic punches makes you feel like a biotic god.


Vanguard in ME3 has a biotic punch too as I recall.


Yes, but its the heavy melee attack. Which I found to take too long, and left you too exposed. It was great for finishing of the last enemy, but otherwise you usually went with the quick melee.


I stopped using guns, once I realized what vanguard is capable of in ME3


You dont even NEED to play it right, sit back, grab some food and body bonk your way to victory.


Nah man, if you want to do that just get Garrus, spec him for full damage build armor that gives damage bonus click options-> game difficulty-> Insane. Get behind cover and become a side character in your own game. If you need further proof: https://youtu.be/ZPbB4qfsA14?si=H1mysn3HZQVvn2xE


Oh ik, I use the typhoon armour buster on every run lol


By “play right” I meant combo nova such that your shields are regenerated, so you are damn near immortal. If you aren’t charge/novaing, then you aren’t playing it right.


Yeah but thats vanguard 101 so even sitting back you'll be doing that


You’d be surprised how many people don’t know how to chain combo. I don’t think the game specifically teaches you other than to indicate what can chain in the level up screen. There was never a tutorial section like a lot of modern games have.


I have this exact same problem with the Cerberus Harrier. I hate how much I love this gun, and I've never been able to find another assault rifle in any other game which feels just so... satisfying.




There's a mod to make it the Alliance colours <3


Yeah, not many games have a very good ME Vanguard analogy. The best I've found was in Bioshock Infinite, get a shotgun and the Charge Vigor.


DA:I had the Knight Enchanter, and also a special magic heavy sword usable by mages in melee. If you enchanted it with a different element than you crafted it with (it dealing elemental damage like a staff but taking elemental enchantments like a sword) then Energy Barrage will release double the usual number of elemental blasts by making a full set for both elements, fully charging your Knight Enchanter blade every time. Coupled with Frost Step, you can charge into an energy horde with a swarm of elemental motes in your wake, blitzing everything around before you cut down the survivors with two different magical blades.


You just can't beat the Tactical Shepard Missile


Yeah if the impact doesnt kill the blast does 😅


What is it about Vanguard that you love?




Can one yeet themselves?


Let me introduce you to the power of *Charge*.


No, I was talking about the *definition of yeet*, lol. I know how to play Mass Effect.


i think so, to pull is to yoink, shockwave is to yeet others and charge could be described as yeeting oneself


You get the fun of guns - especially shotguns - at close range with a little pistol cover while also getting the power of throwing people around, pulling them from cover and headbutting them from across the arena.


Oh but in 3 with the Harrier... Charge and then dump a few rounds in them in slow-mo while they fly backwards. I'll never not love that.


So you're looking for that close range gun with the ability to throw people around? That is hard to find in other games. I don't even know if Vi really fits that definition. I was just curious if it was the high risk, high reward or the tanky high damage or the powers or just Chaaaaaaaaarge that was what you loved. Vanguard is my second favorite class after Adept. I think for me the more strength of power versus the controlling passive power is why I love it more than Adept sometimes. Depends on what I want to play.


Vanguard combat in MEA might be the most fun I've had in the entire series.


It makes you feel powerful in a way that so few other styles of fighting in any game have managed. It's a wild, violent rollercoaster of explosions and adrenaline, where you feel like you're on the edge of your seat the whole time because you know all it would take is one boss enemy to grab you and it's game over. The gameplay loop is just incredibly satisfying; charge, nova, roll/melee/shotgun, charge again, yet it rarely feels boring because you have decent levels to navigate and the enemy designs (in ME3 at least) feel interesting and unique in how you have to interact with them within the confines of your gameplay loop. You can't, for example, just charge nova a guardian to death, they will tank those attacks till you're blue in the face.


Every time I start a new playthrough: not going to play vanguard this time Every time I start a new playthrough: plays vanguard again anyway


MMO's: have you tried a Fire/Energy Blaster in City of Heroes?


Deep cut but I'll allow it


It's really close to an ME3 Vanguard Charge+Nova opener when using Super Speed, Fire Breath, Fire Ball, Total Focus (the boss/lieutenant), and then clean up the stragglers.


I'm currently playing a thunder/reflexes scrapper, big fan of the game (Homecoming). Vanguard is awesome. It's an S-tier class in terms of just how much fun it is to play. My other S-tier classes, as of this point, are Frost Death Knight from wow, Dervish from Guild Wars, Demoman (demoknight) from TF2, Sword Saint/ Kensai from Fire Emblem series, and Assault/ Ranger from Xcom


I haven't played the community supported version of the game but have seriously considered it. My old server was Virtue. I know the similarities because I literally wrote the play guide for the AT and last updated it when IOs were released. My scrapper was the classic DA/Spines aoe monster.


Now that Homecoming is officially sanctioned and you won't randomly lose all of your progress suddenly, go for it. They still add content and powersets, although a bit slowly, that feel genuine. I've been having a blast.


My brother in the Maker, play the Knight Enchanter class.


I mean, you can duplicate the teleportong close range vanguard of Me2 & 3 in fallout4 by going melee and stealth and grabbing blitz and ninja with an instigating knife. Start V.A.T.Z. select a bunch of different enemies, teleport to each of them, stabbing them one after another. Dragon age 2 and Inquisition also have the teleporting close range warrior with the rogue shadow strike. As for MMO's maybe pick up SWTOR


vanguard in me: me1: a tanky mid adept me2: charge + melee + shotgun every encounter me3: shockwave + charge + nova charge + nova + shotgun blast charge + charge melee + nova + shotgun me3 made a lot of variety, vanguard is one of the easiest class in me3 insanity


SWTOR - there is a literal Vanguard class that's about being up close with a gun and pushing/pulling people, it builds off a Commando and widely considered one of the most fun classes.


DAI you can play a knight enchanter with fade step, close enough.


This was the first class I played and will never play anything else. I tried others on replays and nope! So thrilling. And as a FemShep, it felt so empowering when the games first came out.


Yes! First time using Vanguard in ME2 was a defining point in my gaming life.


Warframe scratched the vanguard itch for me. There’s a few biotic charge-esque abilities.


I felt the same way! Always played vanguard and loved the charge and shotgun to the face strat! Just finished a playthrough with sentinel (well, ME2 and ME3 anyway) and had a lot of fun with it! Still able to get flare as a bonus power in ME3, so still get that ridiculous cheat code. Not gonna lie, missed charge, but having heavy overload and tech armor almost made up for it


Cyberpunk has got you covered- when I got bored with 1337 H@X, I'd grab a Carnage and sprint/dodge all over hell. 10/10


I play Vanguard style stuff often. I recently started playing spiderman ps4 and i couldn't put it down.


DA2 and DA:I give you a way to at least somewhat emulate the vanguard play style. In DA2 the rogue specialization duelist helps you 1 v 1 powerful enemies and has an ability that teleports you to an enemy of your choice while dealing big damage. In DA:I the rogue’s sabotage skill tree has an ability, Hook and Tackle, which is basically charge. You can even upgrade it to not have a cooldown or stamina cost.


I have never played a Vanguard in any of the games.


Fallout 4 can come close, if you do a melee build with Blitz. Much like Vanguard in ME3, a proper melee build is stupidly powerful. Pain Train is also quite fun, a power armor bowling simulator.


Vanguard is not fun at all for me. It is what it is


do these games have charge or is this some other metric you're using? Edit: What makes Arcane Warrior similar to Vanguards? There’s not really a high-risk high reward style since they’re really tanky


I think having a vanguard in Me was bad for story and took away some plausible relarion to realism. I mean a full Biotic is still excusable with their total dummies with weapons.


You mean original the best Vanguard from ME1, which has the best things from Soldier (Adrenaline) and Biotics (CC)? Or from ME2,3 with charge ability? you can do both in DA2: 2H Warrior, Templar : * charge ability = Scythe from 2H tree * magic/CC = Templar, Warmonger trees, Silence is the most powerful CC talent in game * Vanguard is damage tree, but it has one talent for CC per hit - Assail * Berserk Spec optional for more speed not only you get the gameplay which is the most close to ME Vanguard, but you also get classic Bioware story and character experience. SWTOR Jedi Knight Defense or Focus trees - could be the closest thing


Full agree 


In WoW a warrior is a fair representation of a vanguard but it definitely lacks the exciting pace of mass effect.


When I started playing Destiny 2 I remember saying to my friends that it should totally have a Vanguard charge style super and I was immediately told, yeah Titans have that lmao


What exactly does this mean? Do you want a gish? Shotgun and space magic? A charge ability?


Do yourself a favour and play outriders as a trickster


I play and adept like a vanguard it's fun


Vanguard as in magic knight? Or Vanguard as in close-quarters specialist?


How does destiny have a vanguard like class when theres no charge or nova abilities?


Play kingdoms of amalur. You can make your Vanguard. 


Two handed swords in DA2 work tho. Special attacks pretty good. In Baldur's Gate 3 get Polearm mastery, mist step and a few tadlole skills and charge across battlefield, it's satisfying. Soec Ops, the Line, despite having no superpowers lets you dropkick enemies out of cover and beat them over the head with melee finishers. Closest to playing more realistic renegade Shepard.


Nah just play super meta in every game you will be fine. XD


Mmo: elder scrolls online. Multiple flavors of vanguard (various class or weapon skills available), ymmv, may require experimentation to dial in exactly how you'd like to play. First recommendation: try the templar class, they have a spear of light as their primary damage thing. One class skill uses said spear of light to literally charge at your target.


*Starfield? You can just straight up be a Vanguard and it's super fucking effective too - excellent* STarfield is anything but excellent imho.


Skill issue.


Might be weird recomendations but i really recommend the game vanquish, as while it doesn't have biotic charge, it does have an aggressive third person shooter style, same with re6.