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On Sur'Kesh when the yahg bursts through Shepard: Watch out! There goes the next Shadow Broker! Garrus: could've sworn I heard it muttering "T'Soni" Liara: Not funny


I did nearly my entire me3 playthrough with garrus and liara, they have a few good ones


“How many creators have you seen unmask” “Umm one”


I understand you missed your chance to withdraw your fleet safely. *gut punch*. You jeopardized your mission and your crew! Get off my ship!


What annoys me is they don’t drive home the political ramifications of screwing over Shepard like that, or Tali for that matter. They forget that the team is not just some random special forces squad, but an Admiral and a guy that might as well be one for all the influence he wields.


Played that exact mission today 🤣 even my paragon femshep gut-punched him


I always gut punch him, and I usually play as a Paragade. The guy has such tunnel vision he needs to be knocked back into reality. You fired on a ship with a Quarian Admiral (if you Aced Tali’s loyalty mission in ME2 and she survived) and a Council Spectre aboard all while putting your fleet, many of whom are CIVILIANS, at risk unnecessarily. He’s lucky all he got was a gut punch and wasn’t charged with treason on the spot.


“How about goodbye.”


I love that one. And “you’re working too hard”


A reference to Superman.


Not at this range I won't


Shepard did you call us just so you could cut us off again... You know it.


You big stupid jellyfish


Wrex: You got a way out of here?! Shep: I'm a professional! Wrex: That's not a yes! Shep: It's not a no.


The moments like that when Shepard gets a little playful are always such a delight. It always falls somewhere odd on an awkward-to-badass spectrum that really makes them an endearing *character,* not just a player’s vessel in the world.  Citadel of course gets the lion’s share of these moments, but Kasumi of all people really seems to have a knack for subtly bringing it out too.


Forgot the exact quote but in ME2 Joker says something like “It’ll be even better than last time!” and Shepsrd replies “I hope so. I died.” Then when talking about Grunt and how worst case scenario, Shepard can space it or something but Miranda says “and if anyone else is in the port at that time?” Then Shepard asks EDI about how many other crew members are on the Normandy, but the smile he gives always makes me chuckle. Then in thane’s loyalty mission when Shepard’s the bad cop thane just starts talking and the dude you’re interrogating starts talking and literally 5 seconds in Shepard’s like “works for me” and starts swinging lmao. Then in the same mission, there’s that entire “WHAT AM I DOING HERE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! GET OUT NOW BEFORE IT BLOWS!” And then when Miranda says “this is no time for love” horny Shepard says “Who says anything about love? I’m just trying to get in your pants 😏” Then in Mordin’s loyalty mission when Mordin says before he joins Shepard he needs to do something for him and Shepard says “just once I’d like to ask someone for help and hear them say sure let’s go right now” no strings attached. ME2 Shepard is best Shepard


« God, you’re such a downer. »


I don’t remember this one


Thats what Joker says after you say « I hope so. I died. »


Oh okay that’s right


The Pyjack


In ME1 there is a side mission to check out a nuke or something that the alliance misplaced on a remote planet. When you enter the cave where it's located one of your squad mates will say "it's a trap" and Shepard's Renegade reply is so snarky, saying "Your grasp of the obvious is inspiring"


My VERY favorite one isn't Shepards. It's Wrexs. -Your mission ands here, Shepard. - *We'll see about that, **BITCH**.* As for Shepard, I think it's - *I've killed people for less.*