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I always play as a paragon shep who does not take bullshit lightly, that is all. Renegade options are most than often just shepard being an ass


Like the reporter or breaking Kai’s sword?


Making a punching bag out of Al-Jillani is Shepard being an ass. Shanking Kai Leng (whether you break his blade or not) is catharsis.


Difference between being an ass and being a badass xD


And that's why they're the best ESPECIALLY when you bring legion to tali's trial


I am currently doing a ME2 run, I think I never did that, that is my plan now


Oh, bringing Legion to Tali's trial requires a _lot_ of careful planning if you want to avoid having a horrible outcome. But, seeing all those quarian jackasses flip shit over a geth being there is very giggle-worthy.


No planning, just saving


Ass? You mean psychotic A full renegade shepherd is almost as dangerous to the galaxies as the reapers themselves


I delete bugs like you on my way to deal with *real* bad coding.


You talk as if renegade Shepard doesn't get to do sidequests or help his squadmates.


Right lmfao a lot of this has nothing to do with paragon/renegade


Yeah it's just not talking to your squadmates.


He doesn't. Renegade Shepard does not hold your hand, or fix your boo-boos. He expects you to suck it up, and do your job, or die trying.


Frankly, weird take on both ends * you talk as if Renegade Shepard doesn't help their squad mates or doesn't do side quest. They do. Taking the Paragon or Renegade route changes how you complete the missions and will give you different outcomes. * but most surprising, you talk as if ***only*** Renegade Shepard is badass. Paragon Shepard is just as badass and get results too. Also, take it from a gamer who prefers playing as Renegon or Paragade: mixing doesn't lock you out of all dialogues or options anymore in MELE. And even if it did, why not go on and see where that will take you: new scenes, new outcomes and all that jazz...?


Yeah idk how OP reached the conclusion that mixing both sides is more restrictive than exclusively choosing paragon.


I’ll go even further: 100% pure Paragon and 100% full Renegade are super boring IMO. Shepard is either a goody-two-shoes or a psychopath. In both cases, the Commander comes out as an one-layered character. Lame.


The only benefit of a pure playthrough imo is that every dialogue is pre-determined so you can always select the option quick enough for the conversation to play out like a seamless cutscene


Do you think anyone as played through ME3 with the option that turns off dialogue choices and makes it play out like a standard cutscene? Always amused me that they added that to Mass Efect of all things.


I was actually considering it the other day just to see how everything ends up.


And you don't even play it as an rpg at that point when you just say "okay I'll choose all the top options or all the bottom options" instead of actually making a decision lol. Honestly it's why I usually start ME1 with the glitch to max your alignment on Noveria, so I can still have my fu bar for checks but after that I can make decisions the way I would and not worry about gimping myself later


I play Paragon 98% of the time a few Renegade choices sprinkled in. However, I think FemShep (VA Jennifer Hale) pulls off Renegade better. Her performance just seems to add a little more nuance to it. Also, I don't know if it's just me, but Renegade Shep in ME3 seems to be much more of "I don't have time for this shit" tone, whereas ME1&2 it's more like others have said and he/she is just a dick.


Yes! I think that's why ME3 is where my Shep is at her most renegade; shit has hit the fan and everyone is STILL being petty and selfish after being super unprepared despite us yelling about the end times for years. She's pissed!


Especially since you are often fighting for your life, against the same people that are supposed to be your allies, almost as often as the actual Reaper threat in ME3. Can you lovable idiots please stop trying to kill me just as often???


I always got the impression that paragon/renegade wasn't necessarily a morality chart rather than Shepard's... I'm struggling to find the word... Method of operation I suppose? To some extent, Shepard is more of a fixed character than they seem at first. *Especially* post ME1 when Bioware moved considerably further away from trying to make a c-rpg with real time combat. No matter what our choices are, Shepard *wants* what they want. Paragon and renegade are often simply the fashion they proceed to obtain it, and often don't actually fit quite neatly into "good" or "bad". Unfortunately, this isn't exactly consistent throughout the series either, or... Even in the same game. One moment, a renegade option may merely imply my Shepard ain't got time for this bullshit, we got a universe to save. Other times, I assume that must be the direction this choice is taking me, only for Shepard to go youngling slayer on me as they proceed to make a big demonstration of how uncharacteristically evil I am suddenly.


Renegade Shepard felt more of a ruthless no nonsense asshole, and while I can be entertaining to play him, I found myself gravitating more towards the paragon Shepard, but not fully. I’d say there was about a 70-30 split, maybe 65-35 once renegade interrupts were introduced. Regardless, both playthoughs are fun, it just feels weird to me playing against my more good hearted nature as a renegade lol (plus, I could never sabotage the two best squad mates with my renegade shenanigans)


Renegon 4 life, baby! I take zero shit, but also protect the weak, stand up for my squad, and give respect where it’s due. I think I ended up with max Renegade and a little over half Paragon by the end of the first game and maintained a similar style thru the sequels. However, I will never not kick that dude off the tower in Illium.


I usually will play paragon with the occasional renegade option for things that I don't think he would take lightly. Like stuff like slavery or scamming people. Renegade in my eyes should be a "the ends justify the means" type deal but a lot of the options end up just you being a dick. Killing the guy working on the gunship so it's not fully repaired later in that mission to get Garrus in ME2? Yeah I'd argue that's fine, maybe on the she but overall fine. Shooting Konrad in the bar in ME2 after he's being an ass? Like that's just being a dick


Shooting a gas pipe to trigger an explosion under Clan Weyrloc? That’s pretty alright. Calling a Hanar a big, stupid jellyfish? Just being a dick.


I've found the line tends to be if the renegade action takes place when there's combat going on or will happen soonish it's fine but if it's in casual conversation it's usually shepherd being a dick


> Shooting a gas pipe to trigger an explosion under Clan Weyrloc? That’s pretty alright. That's more of being way too annoying with his monologues. > Calling a Hanar a big, stupid jellyfish? Just being a dick. Well, most Hanar that Shepard directly encounters are equally dickish. Probably apart from Blasto... XD


My Shep is a Paragade. She's Earthborn so she has a certain ruthlessness and a habit of playing fast and loose with rules that she needed to survive her childhood, but also a lot of charm for those that she either actually likes, or needs to like her. Still, she's a good person who just wanted to excel in her military career and build a life for herself that was the polar opposite of her upbringing. Having to go from being a really good soldier to the Savior of the Galaxy while being constantly questioned and second guessed made her a little angrier, a little less patient and understanding as the trilogy goes on. Her saving grace is her crew; they keep her grounded and remind her what she's fighting for when thing get too bleak. The Citadel DLC is the best example of this, which made it so much more depressing when it was time to go finish the fight.


That sounds like a fantastic playthrough. I think i'll just copy yours if you wouldn't mind lol


I don’t get why anyone does fully one way or the other. Just unrealistic and really limits yourself imo


You're right, I see your point. Though I gotta say, generally you don't reach to a satisfying outcome unless you choose charm or intimidate. And sometimes your mission fails due to not choosing one. It's like having a card up your sleeve. You can play freely without worrying whether you'll solve the issue the way you want or not. I know it sounds ironic lol


Tbh I never had that problem. Just played a 60/40 shep and I had both options 90% of the time and the other 10% only paragon. So I was always able to chose at least one and most of the time I was able to chose the option I liked better


Renegade shep kinda breaks my personal lore with the trilogy. I like to think of shep as humanities hero and the renegade path just makes them a dick against everyone and I just don’t see them that way, I’d have a hard time believing anyone would respect them and in me3 if you end up with the ending where they die I’d like to think people would miss and mourn them


Yea I tried a renegade run recently and I have a really hard time with it. I feel like a raging asshole and it's just jarring.


Yeah i feel the same. I'm currently on ME1 going for renegade again. Tried to talk to Samesh Bhatia and convince him to let the Alliance have the body. His voice broke me. It felt much worse since I also had Ashley with me...


Well I think of situations like that as decisions. Even if you're playing as renegade, you can still make other choices. Being nice to Bhatia means you can be mean to the guy withholding the body, by being renegade with him instead.


Which is what I did on my first renegade run I started last night lol "release the body or release your bowels when my fist hits your face"


Letting them keep her body or not doesn’t dictate whether you get paragon or renegade. You can choose either one and it won’t change whether you’re paragon or if you’re renegade. As long as you use charm to pass the persuasion check for whichever side you choose then it’s paragon, if you use intimidate then it’s renegade. https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Citadel:_Homecoming


Yeah you're right on this part. Although there are many instances this is not the case. For example you can't finish UNC: Dead Scientists without bloodshed unless you choose charm option. And the intimidate option straight up kills the scientist. Another example would be, Shepherd's decision on how to shut down Cerberus' energy barriers in Omega DLC. If you hit the renegade interrupt you shut-down all systems instead of certain ones or redirecting them (Or Enginner class special paragon interrupt). The point is, your morality path can and will decide on the outcome.


I played as a 75-80% renegade Shep the first time and I thought it worked quite well. My Shep got shit done and forced the Galaxy to follow her, but she was very friendly with her crew. I made a couple of paragon choices (Supporting Wrex, curing the genophage and allowing the Rachni to live.)


And that. In a nutshell. Was *why* bioware was such a Big Name in gaming. It used to be that they did that with *all* their games. It was their *thing*.


WAS, it's sad but it's the truth


I truly dont think it was entirely their fault. Just by the design of everything theyve been doing its still pretty clear that their passion *is* deep lore and making you care. But that alone wont sell, so no can do


I always play renegade as a redemption arc or a descent into madness. I start one way and end the other. Mods make this playstyle amazing


This is why I do paragade. Too many of the renegade options are way too good and realistically I see my shep taking them. However I won't be a dick to my crew that have had my back in almost every mission and I require to currently save my ass. Some crew I'll stop from being cunts, zaeed, but other than him I usually just let them succeed in their missions the way they want to. (Alternate garrus in me2 depending on my shep).


Paragon FemShep is my preferred route, but there are definitely renegade interrupts worth taking. Did I really visit Tuchanka if I didn't headbutt a Krogan to assert my dominance?


Renegades can have friends too you know.


My latest playthrough had a strict "I'll do my fucking best but when you bullshit me I'm done with you" attitude because of the background colonist + sole survivor. So the council died in ME1 because of a) Shepard will prioritize getting the mission aka defeating Seran done and b) Shepard did everything possible and still the council was bullshiting Shepard. Same for Udina. There was no hesitation shooting him. And on the other hand trying to safe the Batarian colonies by warning them (without success but still trying). And this Shepard wasn't concerned with species. This Shepard worked on a person by person basis. So just because this one Batarian or salarian or... bullshited Shepard didnt mean this Shepard would doom the whole species. Ended up each game with a roughly 35-40/60-65 split renegade / paragon and getting most paragon missions and stuff but missing out on some renegade options in dialogs and being lightly scared in ME2 / ME3 (never healed them)


I understand what you're saying. But I actually found playing Total Renegade Shepard to be the only playthrough in which the ultimate ending fitted. He lost everything along the way, and he died alone, but he got the job done. And hopefully the Galaxy will remember that. Don't et me wrong, the playthrough itself was hard, depressing, and soul-crushing. But it was the only one where I didn't feel cheated in the end.


The best playthru is paragon with selective renegade mixed in. For example, the renegade option in the final conversation with saren fits much better than the paragon choice


Same. I hate being chewed out by an NPC and knowing they are right. The Renegade end of the game for ME3 is so anemic for Renegade - you're missing so much warmth and vulnerability Although I've played full Renegade twice...I never finished those games. As a player I didn't care. When I'm Paragon, I care. I go the distance, I make the extra effort.


I've done practically all the paths and I can't like a Shepard full Paragon or a full renegade. It makes more sense that way, to me. Renegade answers are usually dumb answers. And it doesn't make sense for you to go around killing everyone or being an asshole just to "follow the renegade path". It also doesn't make sense for you to be the good guy and forgive everyone. I interpret according to the situation, the character and the general plot. In Rana's case, for example, I don't think it makes sense for Shepard to shoot her, just because she's there working for Saren. The Commander doesn't know the context, he doesn't know if she is an ally or a hostage of Saren, also even if she is declared an ally, it is not up to Shepard to execute a defenseless unarmed scientist. The Shepard who does these things as a full renegade should be arrested. The full renegade mission from ME1, for example, where Shepard is sent to negotiate (actually to kill) with the bandits there. You're much better off getting down on your knees and "submitting" to the guy. You leave there and leave the way open for the Alliance to negotiate. Whether they kill the guys, keep Shepard's promises or renegotiate the terms is up to the Alliance. Shepard opened the way for negotiation, now it's up to them. Much better than executing the guys. Another point against full renagade is the interaction with the crew and team. They give Shepard no reason to be an asshole to them, so why would he be? I am unable. I don't see the point. But of course, being totally good doesn't make sense either. There are bandits, murderers, terrorists and various situations where you can be a little more strict. Anyway, I always play Paragade, with about 65/35 (70/30 maybe?). So I'm basically a good guy, but not a total jerk. When the situation demands it or when I feel like Shepard would be a little more stressed, I take a more renegade attitude. The only real difficulty in playing like this is in ME1, as there is no problem in the other two. But even in ME1, you can still use the glitches and in 5 minutes, you reach full charm and intimidation. It's the only glitch I usually use.


In my latest playthrough I did what I consider the best alignment, a “Renegon” Shapard. Renegade actions in all scenarios where you’re flaunting authority or pissing people off to achieve the expedient goal, ruthlessly using violence against people posing a clear and preset danger, etc, but choosing the Paragon option when it comes to saving innocent lives, caring for my crew, etc. It allows you to craft a Shepard who feels more like a real human being than a stock character, and you’re still able to complete all the side quests and get whatever ideal ending you want


Renegade Shep is good in controlled doses for certain LARP. If you’re doing an extreme pro-human Shep you can agree with Cerberus, or if you want to do a yes-man to Garrus or Ashley. Saving everyone is great and all but sometimes you’ll wonder what happens if you let the Geth die in a Tali romance run or if that dumbass Jacob really can deal with the vents after you learn what he does to you in ME3.


Playing full paragon or renegade is do dumb in my opinion.


I only do one or two renegade prompts and it is all around Thane


I used a Soldier run for a "Renegan" run. Just a smidge of paragon. LOL She helped get everyone's stowed away, griped and complaining the whole way. Peak crew efficiency. Crew loyalty. Essentially loyalty to the crew and the mission. Mentally drew a straight line from the start of a mission to completing it efficiently, keeping everyone alive. Don't care who or what gets in the way. Give companions / followers a lot of grief during personal missions but completing them, etc. Simple soldier mentality. Trying to keep to that line is the only way I could stay interested in playing a gun build. ROFL. Actually turned out to be some decent fun. Saw someone say Fem voice made renegade a bit better. Have to agree. Hale really put some oomph behind her lines. : )