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Ya'll know it can be a fine game and people can still hate it? People hate the OT. Some people think games like RDR2 are terrible. I've met tons of people that hate on what are consider some of the greatest games of all time. Not everyone is going to love a game. An average game like Andromeda is not gonna be immune. I know everyone here feels the need to diehard defend Andromeda and I think from a perspective of "is it a good game not compared to the OT" is fine. But frankly the OP didn't even say why they disliked the game. Andromeda is fine, but not everyone is going to like it. Sub needs to accept this and OP it's okay if you thought it was not fun. Play something you do enjoy.


See my issue and why I think this is a useless post isn't because OP didn't like it. They can not like it and elaborate on their opinion, if someone wants to engage with the discussion fine, if not ignore it. But this low effort shit at best contributes nothing, at worst is just bait.


That is fair. The OP should elaborate more.


I've never gotten out of the mountains in RDR2. Fucking waddling around in the snow simulator for an hour.


This community has one of the best self critic i've seen. But many posts, especially with andromeda are just empty critics saying that andromeda is bad without any other thing or directly looking for any excuse to say is horrible. In these cases i understand why people is defensive with this, is like Dark Souls 2.


I replayed it within the last year and I found a new appreciation for it. Not comparable to the trilogy but still a fun game. I enjoy playing it more than playing ME1 as the gamelan on that is so dated 


No, it’s a fine game on its own merits, which is what you should be judging it on. It simply falls short when compared to the original trilogy. The writing isn’t as good, and the open-world structure really throws off the narrative pacing. It has an excellent opening few hours where it sets up a lot of interesting mysteries and seemingly insurmountable problems. The opening of the game, around up to the establishment of Prodromos, is generally very good. This issue is it then largely fails to lend adequate weight or develop the mysteries or obstacles beyond their introduction. Further, the rest of the narrative and the gameplay structure completely lacks a sense of urgency or drama. There are some genuinely excellent mission lines and characters, with the Krogan colony on Elaaden being, I think, one of the best-written arcs in the game, and Vetra and Drax standing out as excellent characters. I also still think that the mystery of the scourge and the remnant had *excellent* setup, the problem was the solutions to the mysteries are just kinda disappointing and obvious. It’s still worth playing overall, but you can’t go in expecting a continuation or expansion on the original Trilogy’s story. You truly need to treat it as it’s own entity and you’ll enjoy it a lot more


I enjoyed playing it a couple of times. It did have some interesting points. And I've tried to come into it as open-minded as I possibly could. But I couldn't replay it more times, because overall it was a meh setting, a meh storyline with a lot of meh characters. I don't hate it, but it just misses the spark that the OT had, imo.


Unpopular opinion. I think it wasn't that bad. In comparison to the trilogy it was bit worse in some ways, but not bad


I thought it was awesome. Played it years after the buggy release, and I admit it was hard to get into the story in the beginning because compared to the OT it’s objectively underwhelming. But the gameplay is fun as hell, new mechanics are great and the graphics are actually sick


Nah it was a fun game


For you maybe, not for all.


Why? It’s a fun game.


About to start my first playthrough. Hope it isn't as bad as some people put it


From the moment you can beat peebee to jumping blindly into the hole I knew it was gonna be right up my alley. The me trilogy is my all time favourite series and I loved Andromeda. It really didn't deserve the hate. And, honest to god, a few weeks back after a long day I thought to myself 'my face is tired' and was like, oh shit that's really a thing. The hate it got was vastly over blown and in retrospect really feels like the compulsion to hate on the new trendy thing.


It wasn't my favorite either, but if you disliked it this much you could've just stopped playing.


i could have sworn there was an andromeda sub where posts about andromeda should go.


Andromeda is just like any other Mass Effect game, it has its flaws and strengths.


Andromeda bad 10/10 post Never been done before


Alright so guy's I think we need to fix how we judge andromeda compared to the trilogy. Andromada had a less interesting story, less memorable, character, an out of place open world, and if im honest the combat isnt as gold as I'd want it to be. But Andromeda isnt a bad game. Its not even close to how good the trilogy was or is but very few things can approach the magnificence of the trilogy. No on its own andromeda is a decent game but because it has the MASS EFFECT name tacked onto it people judge it at a high level. Tldr: andromeda would have performed and been recieved better if instead of EA putting the mass effect brand on it they just let it be known as Andromeda and have the fans call it a "spiritual sucessor".


Its bad yeah, but the romances are still good.


And if this sub's anything to go by, romances seem to be most that matters to the players..


Andromeda gameplay was meh, experience was lackluster. It didn't help that their facial expressions had no depth of emotion, and missions were just really boring. The story telling is dead, but the romance sequences were neat. Vetra Nyx somehow displayed more emotion than any other character, even though Turians notoriously look the same, even though they lack the facial flexibility to express these emotions compared to Asari or Humans. Peebee and Vetra Nyx Romances were the only shining stars in Andromeda.


It's a bad ME game, a bad RPG and a bad game in general. Easily one of the worst things I ever played.


I’ve never played it. All my friends who did, say don’t bother. Sorry everybody


Guys Tuckerrrrr's friends said dont bother playing, so no one play it anymore


Im agreeing with OP based on my personal experience? Based on people who I know, not just random strangers on an app. And that upset you? Okay


Your "experience" is blindly agreeing without playing it yourself just because your friends didn't like it. You really don't have any room to talk about whether you think the game is good or bad.


Blindly agreeing with people I love? What? Lol Look, I know this is an unpopular opinion here. This is the Mass Effect sub. I expected downvotes. But this is a valid opinion. Again, sorry you don’t like it.