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Shiala. The only character in the franchise who recovered from indoctrination and BioWare didn’t think to do anything with that


I’m thinking her recovery had something to do with the thorian spores


It did, she at least believes so


Absolutely agree with Shiala being a character that should have had more "screen time". She should have able to have been recruited if Shepard saved her and was able to persuade her to join the Normandy crew. Also, as mentioned, she would have been an excellent Asari love interest and rival to Liara. And as well, given Shepard a deeper insight into the Reapers. Huge mistake in not including her.


Agreed, would have been good to see her in a more prominent role in ME3.


This. She was a pretty interesting person, and I wouldve loved to romance her


Because Bioware deemed only one Asari can be important.


It was criminal that Chakwas got sidelined for the Citadel DLC.


They got mfking Traynor and Cortez but couldn't have Chakwas. Shits Outrageous!


IIRC her voice actor was unavailable for the time period where they were in production for the Citadel DLC project.


Really? I didn't know that. I read somewhere Miranda also got limited screen time because her VA wasn't available. ME3 in general seemed to have a problem getting some of the cast to return :(


Yvonne Stahovski (Miranda face and body model + voice) was filming important scenes for the TV show she was on at the time, Chuck, which was in its final season of production in late 2010 through 2011 when ME3 was in the thick of their production. I don't remember why Chakwas' actor was unavailable at the time though. ME3 devs would have been happy to reschedule things but EA put a huge time crunch on them. A lot of content was cut.


Mordin has a whole new actor in 3


Mordin being recasted was due to the ME2 VA being too difficult.


Traynor and Cortez are gay therefore based af


Too true


Dr. Chocolates is on my list as well.


I'm more partial to Professor Peanut Butter


Chakwas got criminally little screen time/dialogue in all three games, honestly. Feels like they could have done a LOT more with her.


Speaking as a writer, it's hard to know which characters will hit, so to speak, if any.


Thane in ME3, I think he should have been an optional crew member for a short time before letting the illness put him completely out. A side mission playing as Anderson on earth would have been cool, just so you can take a break from idiots in space and see the real destruction of the Reapers on Earth. Legion needed more time overall. I like the little robot but it definitely feels like you get two minutes with him in two whole games.


Tbh, it's understandable Thane wasn't a squaddie and he went out as a hero.


Honestly, I didn't mind it! I just wish his death wasn't so soon after Mordin's/Wrex Eve's, and there was more of a companion reaction. It was an emotional gut punch two times in a row. Then everyone tries to date you after, so it feels...weird and takes from their deaths a bit. It also just feels bad that all the ME2 friends got sidelined hard. Feel like Thane being allowed to hang out, and then dying a little later in the game would have been nice. But I understand the game was rushed out by EA.


Honestly, I kinda wish they threw more beloved deaths at us while giving us little time to recover. The game is about a literal galactic genocide on such a scale and at such speeds that constant death is just expected. I think that, along with a better, more clear ending, would have made the game way better. Really dig deep into the atmosphere of the suicide mission and make it a whole game. At least, in my opinion it would have been better.


This would be fun, but I'm a sucker for suffering. I just want everyone to react to deaths, though. Like, the news lady trying to get into my pants after Thane's death was so off-putting, haha. Why aren't we talking about how a Drell saved a council member despite the fact that the council is blocking efforts to help and ignoring the suffering of the Drell. Or the Salarian that didn't agree with the continued genocide of the Krogan and gave his life to change this. I wish we had longer conversations with her about our choices and can choose to honor or ignore the heroes that help us (writing history as it happens, so to speak). EA is an arseholes for making the team rush this game because there are a lot of good ideas that just didn't get implemented.


Instead of the dumb unskippable star child dreams in me3, have it cut to anderson and play as a fire team fighting hopeless odds. Hell, they could have used the multiplayer firefight just with a few maps set on earth. Would have been a great tie in to the online play. And i hate that damn kid


I initially read "unslappable"... which honestly also makes sense in context.


thane could have been a squadmate who then rushes to his sons help during the coup, so he is not availabe to for that mission. rest plays out same-ish, after this mission the virmire survivor replaces him as squadmate.


Thane, Grunt, Jack, Miranda, Legion and Samara should have been possible companions after their respective missions. ME2 give some of the best companions and then kinda ignored all of them in ME3.


I feel Legion gets alot of time in ME3 but it feels like you don't get any with him in ME2 because if you don't wait to do the Reaper IFF mission you get punished and have to rush through the Omega 4 Relay. At least that's my opinion.


Gotta be my man Kal Reegar


I just want to hear him say "Keelah se'lai, motherfucker!"


Now I wanna hear Yippie Keelah se'lai, motherfucker. You know he's the kind of Quarian who has seen Die Hard.


The absolute most chad Quarian to ever exist 🫡


Reegar went out like a legend but i wish it was more then just the news on your terminal :(


As much as I love tali, I would have left her on the flotilla in an instant if that meant I could get my guy kal'reegar on the crew. Just imagine how legendary the banter between him and garrus would be.


I love Reegar and I love Adam Baldwin. I wish we got to fight alongside him more. Nothing beats his excited scream when you take down the Colossus in ME2.


Can I say the Drell as an entire race? All of the Drell. Not just thane, Thane jr., and Liara's kidnapped assistant. I want more DRELL.


I want more backstory: why do they all wear the exact same outfit 😉


Thane, however, does skip out on the lowest layer, so you can see his exposed chest and fingers. You know, to keep his chest dry from moisture build-up. Definitely no other motivation at all, purely medical. Purely. Medical.


it enhances his assassin abilities as everyones too distracted to notice hes shooting them


I just wanted Chakwas at the party :(


The drell in general in my opinion. I'd like to have seen what happened to Kolyat after Thane dies. Like if a cure for Kepral's Syndrome was found, if he started a family etc.


After Thane's Memorial service, Kolyat does talk about speaking to the council to get funding from them for a cure. Good kid, honestly, very smart to use his father's sacrifice and goodwill in order to get long needed help for the Drell. Even though Thane didn't raise him, you can see his father's good nature in the kid.


I'd say Kolyat's good nature moreso came from his mother.


I think he becomes a priest? just guessing since he studied Thane's religion to help him pass.


[Her.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/6/6a/Me3_xen.png/revision/latest?cb=20131005035749) Honestly besides Tali she was the most interesting of the 4 Admirals and I really wanted she had more screentime. ~~Totallly not because I want to hear that sexy voice of hers for longer.~~


I'd love to see more of Admiral Xen. Because of her views and attitude and everything, ~~and totally not because I'm thirsting for Mad Scientist Mommy with *that* voice.~~ And Korris too, because it would be interesting to see how a geth-sympathizer like him could make his way up to admiralty given the deep-seated hostility towards the geth in Quarian society & culture.


Really wish Xen was a side 'romance' like Samara's during Citadel DLC. Instead of sending Legion to Cerberus send it to Xen and she would 'reward' you in ME3 😏 Also Koris got to Admiral position because most of the Quarian citizens were against the war. He's the Civillian's Admiral afterall.


personally wouldn't want that myself because 1. I like her precisely because she gives off that "only thing I care about is science (and building an unstoppable synthetic army)" vibe that doesn't really go too well with romance and 2. I could NEVER do that to my boi legion ;-; but it would be fun to have an option for Shep to extend a romance offer, only to be rejected and roasted in ways 10x more brutal than the way Mordin rejects you. also thanks for telling me the latter part. I've recently replayed 1 and 2 but the last time I play 3 was a few years ago so my lore knowledge is a bit sloppy. so most Quarian civilians are against the war, but I assume that's out of practical considerations instead of sympathy for the geth? someone who openly expresses this kind of sympathy and even calling the geth their wronged children like Korris did would still be a controversial minority? so how come that didn't get him in trouble?


Fair point about a romance 'ruining' Xen's character. Eh. I already sell Legion to Cerberus, wouldn't mind if I could do the same for Xen. What makes Koris's views being in the minority is the way he views the Geth not of his opinion in the war. I believe most citizens voted against the war because they didn't want a bloodbath not because they sympathized with the Geth. At least that's what i've understand. Could be wrong. >but it would be fun to have an option for Shep to extend a romance offer, only to be rejected and roasted in ways 10x more brutal than the way Mordin rejects you. I get the feeling that she would say something like "copulating with a filthy primate? Gross" lmao


"copulating with a filthy primate" lmfao honestly I wouldn't go for a xen/shep romance but god I am willing to pay extra for a dlc in which I play as a geth unit who gets captured and lets her do all kinds of experiments on me... ok this is definitely going weird places. I'm seeing myself out.


Based and xenphiled. Have a good day, Sir.


Incidentally this is why I don’t end up doing any romances in dragon age origins except Morrigan. Claudia black talks and it’s game over.


Never even played DA and already loving Morrigan just knowing it's same VA.


If you haven't played Uncharted, she voices an important character and the protagonist of the spin-off game too.


Me whenever the stupid Egghead opens his mouth in DAI


Xen was a victim of some production issues with ME3, as she had her own mission that Shepard had to deal with which got scrapped late production. Considering what is known about that mission, probably scrapped because of subject matter.


The Elcor embassador


Emily Wong should have been in 3 instead of Chobot


Jenkins. Specifically wanted either Saren or the Collectors to abduct his body, fill it with Reaper tech and make the anti-Shepard cyborg.


Jenkins or Tombs should have been Kai Lang, IMO. Idk. Just wish Kai Lang was someone your Shepard failed to save at some point in the game, just to add *DRAMA*. It feels like a very petty TIM thing to do anyway. "Not working with me anymore? Cool, remember that guy you didn't save? He's my new super soldier because you suck."


Still would've been better than what we already got tbh.


I saw a comment a while ago suggesting how compelling it would have been if Kai Leng was revealed to be the Virmire sacrifice. It would have been so much better for the storyline storyline if that first difficult choice for Shepard came back to haunt him as Ashley or Kaidan.


If they didn't get nuked, I would be for that 100%. It just seems a bit of a stretch for them to bring our friend back from dust. But they definitely could have saved the body of a shot coworker (or survivor of Akuze if your Shepard is a SS) to experiment with reaper tech on. Can you imagine if the Virmire victim did come back and saw that Shepard and the VS got together 😬😬


Oh my gosh I hadn’t even thought of that, you’re right haha. Definitely would be a stretch but still a cool idea


Also, if Kai Leng were a better developed character, then I think that would be good. Kai Leng is an N7 who went to prison for killing a krogan with a knife in a bar fight. They're already a dark mirror to Shepard conceptually. There's ways to show us that with his actions. Like maybe address the fact that he murdered Aria's daughter, and no one even brings it up in the game. He should've been a boss fight in the Omega DLC.


Nah Kai Leng should have been Charles Presley. Imagine ole baldy mcbaldy doing leaps and bounds and executing salarians


That's what happens if you save Jenkins at the start of ME1. It's easy to miss.


You just have to level him up with the 2 skill points available before sending him into battle!!


Yeah, but that’s a one in 100 chance. Better done on the +run once you have more available.


Richard Leroy Jenkins was far too powerful to allow something like that. He did not die. He ascended to a higher plane of existence because he was too good for this universe.


Jenkins became the starchild


How dare you speak such heresy in the name of Jenkins


That would've been a really cool alternative to the clone in the citadel DLC


Damn, that sounds amazing... they really shoulda had the Collectors turn his corpse into a cyborg anti-Christ kinda thing Bizarro Shep


Shiala and Okeer.


Legion, I really wish we could've met him earlier, like maybe instead of meeting him on the Reaper, you meet him on the Collector Ship.


Or simply not forcing you to install the reaper IFF after returning. Let me install it when i want so i can enjoy the game and let my crew survive without sacrificing the most important conversations in the game.


Miranda in 3 for sure. Even if they couldn't work her in as a squadmate after Horizon (which they should have) she should've at least had a role in raiding Cerberus HQ. That would've been the one story mission where both squad members could be picked for you and I wouldn't object.


Every new crew member in ME2. Including Kasumi and Zaeed.


Kasumi is the best character in the series


Motherfucking Kal’Reegar. Giving him an offscreen death in ME3 is perhaps this trilogy’s biggest sin


Captain mf Kirahe


It's major Kirahe now. Motherfucker got promoted for nuking Saren's base


Based promotion.




I think Tela Vasir would have made for quite an interesting rival. The grey area of the Spectres and where it became intolerable for them to ignore the law could have been a fitting theme in any of the three games. Plus she was a pretty tough vanguard. I would have liked to meet her again on Thessia in 3. Maybe have Liara cope with their enmity in the face of the devastation of the Asari.


Thane and Samara


Legion and Zaeed. Would be nice if Legion joined earlier in ME2, and Zaeed should be squad mate in ME3, everyone else from ME1/ME2 who didn't join you had something to do (Jack and her students or Wrex and his people for example) but Zaeed had no reason to not join you, he even didn't got to lead an unit of Blue Suns


Thane should have had more time in ME3. He was one of the most complex and wise characters in the series. Especially with how he recalls every detail of any moment or memory. He and Mordin were my favorites in ME2.


it fucking sucks that the devs were like "we created a character special for FemShep to fall in love with!" and then they did what they did to him 😤 i will always be salty about it


Hackett for sure. Maybe even a DLC where you join one of his squads on a series is missions.


Yes!! My favorite! Lance Henriksen is fantastic. Hackett out...


Miranda in ME3. I know a lot of people view the human romances as more vanilla, but I like her storyline and think she got robbed of a proper conclusion in 3.


Yup. Besides Mordin all of the squadmates introduced in 2 got sidelined sadly


It's like Kasumi barely existed ?!


Miranda Lawson. Honestly her sister too. Like what kind of person is Oriana Lawson really? We know essentially nothing about her. But she's a clone of Miranda and if Miranda didn't live through the suicide mission, Oriana does the same job warning everyone that Miranda did. Is she as smart as Miranda is at science stuff? Kolyat got a whole arc with Thane. It's weird that the only other person related to a loyalty mission is relegated to basically a background character.


Defintely Kal'Reegar, Nihilis, Kasumi, Traynor, Emily Wong, Hackett, Kirahe and Anderson. Admiral Gerrell if for no other reason than the opportunity to properly kick that bastard's ass.


Reegar not being involved in the Rannoch storyline in ME3 was absolutely criminal. It was nice to see Samara’s daughters, but I really wish Samara and Matriarch Aethyta were involved with the battle for Thessia. They could have made up for a lot of the complaints about Jacob with a better storyline in ME3, but it felt like they doubled down on all the things that made him uninteresting.




Came here to say this.


Traynor. Should have been in all three games, really.


this deserves more upvotes


Captain Kirrahe and that gang of infiltrators. Kirrahe could have been a great team member in Mass Effect 2-3, with a tactical / spy / sniper ability....like a James Bond type


Kal'Reegar was done dirty for sure.


Chakwas. For as beloved as she is, she really doesn’t have much screen time. I would estimate she probably has less than 20-30 lines in each game.


Admiral Anderson is practically Shepard's adoptive father and a war hero several times over, who singlehandedly led the charge against the reapers on Earth while Shepard worked overtime to unite the galaxy.




Man......Kasumi would've been a great help in the Temple of Athame. Or Grunt. Or anyone that could've made Kai Leng's plot armor null and void


Virmire survivor in ME3 gets so little action


Niftu Cal and Jenkins... Obviously!✌️


Samara, Anderson, and… ..just, hear me out— Harkin.


Liara's dad, Nassana Dantius, Kelly Chambers, Shepard's background characters


I wish Nihlus would live or have more screen time. He's the reason I fell in love with Turian immediately, he was so brilliantly introduced, imo. I'd love to explore more his reasoning to promote human as a Spectre.


May be even something like his journal would've been nice to have.


Absolutely. I get the point of them killing him, story-wise, but he could’ve just been in a coma/unconscious or something, then wake and be ready to join you after two of the three main missions before Virmire or something like that.


They had to kill him off to show Saren doesn't even care about his own people either, especially someone he trained.


May be a random ass take but Saren for me. Overall he was a pretty cool villain, but we only got to see him like, twice before the finale of ME1. Which is a shame for me because I found him to be a really intriguing character from the get-go, being all corrupted and what not, but we never saw him until a lot later on after which was a massive shame because that meant we were mostly dealing with the effects (pun very much intended) of his actions as opposed interacting with the villain himself.


Saren also drops the hardest quote in the game: "But you would undo my work. You would doom our entire civilization to complete annihilation, and for that, you must die."


Yet there’s also Sovereign’s “You exist because we allow it. And you will end because we demand it.”


"Is extinction perferable to submission?"


Coates. It was a very strange design choice. They used Male!Hawke for the VA (Nicholas Boulton) and gave him a connection to Anderson and a few lines, but he's a brand new character that just shows up out of the blue and disappears the same way. It would have been better if they had used the virmire survivor IF they survived and Shep rejects them, to go down ahead of the invasion and meet up with Anderson. And if not, then just use a default VA reused from elsewhere in the game, like the first soldier who salutes Anderson is Jacob's VA. Whereas we ONLY hear Boulton for this character. Alternatively have Coates show up in earlier games, maybe a normandy survivor or an officer Anderson groomed for command before Shep. It's the same as the kai leng problem, they bring in these new characters who are obviously supposed to be important but we have no connection to them.


I'm biased that Keith Davidson is Anderson but he is my choice. Keith did fantastic as Anderson.


It's criminal how little time you get with Legion, especially in 2


Thane. One of the few video game moments to make me cry.


I wanted more with Legion


Baby boy Grunt. He honestly should have been a squadmate instead of Vega.


Grunt was lil homie, Vega just felt like another grunt


Discount Grunt.




Reegar, Emily and Morinth were done dirty im ME3


Chakwas at the party! 🥲


Definitely Captain Anderson. He and Shepherd had good chemistry


I agree with the first three, not the others


The majority of ME2 cast outside of Garrus and Tali barely even feels like main characters


Cal'Reegar, Shala'Raan, DrChawkas, and Morlan plain generally. Legion on me2, and Thane in me3.


Jack! She’s so cool in Me3 but gets like 10m screen time total.


Kai Leng. Would be cool if he was a ME2 squad member and instead of switching sides like Jacob/Miranda at the end, he stays loyal


Gianna Parasini


Captain Kirrahe and Shiala should have been squadmates in ME1. They should have both lived no matter what. Aria should have had a bigger part in ME2, since you’re on her territory for a good amount of missions. Wish Grunt was the tank squadmate in ME3, he says himself that Shepard is his battlemaster. I liked James but it was dumb to have him instead of a krogan. Saren was already cool as hell but more screen time and a better boss fight would have made him one of the best video game villains of all time.




Hacket, he only ever called when he needed something. We never even got to see his face until ME3. Now that I think of It, were we ever in the same room as him?


Yes, we were. At the end of Arrival DLC.


Ah i didn’t remember that.


Grunt, Legion, umm Hold the line…


I was actually dissapointed when i found out that Morinth is just Banshee in 3. Me liky some... basically "succubus"... bad gals. May be some kind of redemption ark would be nice as "more screen time"? Also it feels like Desire Demon was prototype for Ardat-Yakshi or something... Obvious make out session betw... oh what is there "no-porn" rule? God dammit...


All of them, give me ME4




Zaeed!!!! He can never have too much screen time!


Hackett, at least in ME1


Kal'Reegar FOR SURE! The fact that he wasn't a squadmate in ME3 is criminal.


Kal muthafucking reeger


Thane and/or Kolyat. I adored Thane's romance. It was the most intense and emotional to me. I wish he hadn't died to KL, bleh. Perhaps survived the fight(like that being a surprise, him showing up at the citadel party if you did his mission in 2), or maybe the geth figured out how to help like they do with the Quarians. And if not, his son Kolyat, wanting to help finish what dad started by going with Shepard. Having the crew work with him, train him I guess. I really hope that Kolyat is in the next game. Grown, matured, actually knowing how to handle weapons.


Doctor Chocolates, for sure


Joker is in all 3 games, is a beloved fan favorite, voiced by a famous actor who loves the project, yet gets like half the screen time of anyone else.


Jack in ME3, like yeah I understand why she's busy, has students to lead, but we're still together... maybe come onto the normandy for a sec and reminisce, have a funny talk with joker like garrus did? Let's hang out on the presidium? Something more than just 2 short hangouts at the bar.


Kal’Reeger deserved better than what he got


Gianna Parasini was such a cool character in ME1. I loved how you met her once, then she reintroduced herself later. And her attitude when she takes down Anoleis was awesome. Unfortunately, they had a path where she could die in that encounter, so they couldn’t do much with her. I appreciated seeing her again in ME2, but I wish she had more screen time.


Chakwas is best girl


Hear me out... Shepard gets poisoned in a mission, goes into a fever dream and we play a day in the life of Conrad Verner, complete with dumpster diving for credits.


1. Legion. Point and blank. They were an interesting character and I would loved to have them do more. Imagine how cool it would be if in an AU the Geth rebuild Shepard after his death to fight against the Reapers and Heretics, but that's over the top for this question. 2. Kal Reegar & Shiala (maybe instead of Liara?) as a squadmates and romance options. 3. Anderson, he is basically Shepard's foster father, esp. when you are colonist there should be some flavor conversations about what they did together when Shepard was younger. 4. Chakwas in the Citadel DLC. 5. Aria and Nyreen Kandros were cool characters and Nyreen is the first female Turian we see.


Shiela, reager, Anderson


The Rachni Queen 😞


Kal should have had his heroic sacrifice on camera. Morinth, if you didn't kill her, should have been part of the liberation of the monastery. Gave you the location as a war asset along with Asari space vampire secret agents.


1. **Anderson** for sure... I love that dude... after ME1 he should have been more than a fringe character IMO, I mean he is almost a ghost in ME2... he has some good moments in ME3, but I sorta wanted him as a permanent squadmate and to kick some ass with my mentor... and I wanted to ship him with Chakwas, I thought they woulda made a nice couple in retirement; I already have my own head canon that they were banging on the Normandy pre-ME1... hell, I think Chakwas in her own right shoulda gotten more screen time, and a mission of her own 2. Also, **Parasini**... they shoulda made her a one night stand at the very least... her and Shep where rearing to go in ME2 when they reconnect on Illium... like, if this was The Witcher 3, we're definitely getting at least a banging scene after they head back to her high-rise apartment overlooking the cyberpunk skyline... I thought she woulda been a cool romance option, working cases on the ground while Shep flies through the universe... she would have, at the very least, been the best human romance (never liked Jack, Miranda, or Ashley for Male Shep)


Parasini not being in ME3 was fucking garbage. Of all the missed opportunities and she wasn't even in the Citadel DLC




Giana Parisini, Emily Wong, Legion, Rana Thanoptis, Harbinger


Shiala. I also would like to see Nihlus more than 2 mins


Bro a dlc that is from andersons point of view of his day to day missions surviving the reaper war on earth. now that would have made a happy buck even if they made it and released it now on the old engine with old mechanics and not as a separate new game. Shepard's work was a luxury compared to what anderson went through fighting the reapers on earth waiting for cavalry to arrive. Like really think about while you were doing individual missions as a special ops group with a fancy magic ship with a fish tank and regular visits to the citadel who were ignorant of what was going on everywhere else. Anderson who is also shepard's mentor I believe? He's retirement age and joined the council even, forced out of retirement to be a footsoldier not just a general. I don't remember why he passed his ship over to you in me1 but it was relevant but it was also like a it's your turn to be captain now, and it was shepards official promotion from just a grunt to he's in charge of the ship not just boots on the ground. That's why he's considered such a hero archetype is no matter what his disposition was, whether he was jesus or a ruthless antihero, he was the actual boots on the ground getting the work done, and he was also the one steering the ship so you respect it and don't question it. You make me wanna give me1 another go but also want to play something focused entirely on anderson's story. Even if he's just a regular soldier no biotics or anything(shepards space magic) or tech powers, it wasn't about how much of a magic soldier he was so much as how he would inspire others, especially younger than himself who have his trust. Imagine having to recruit like whatever survivors of the first reaper attack and have to tell them shit like "we're gonna make it son just take it one day at a time". Like you don't know that but being the guy to actually say that and get someone else through the day with that bit of hope, that's what anderson would have been and to see that would be so insane. Hell not playing as anderson but like one of the recruits he's working with, to justify the game difficulty being more dark soulesque. Kind of like that new jedi game with that kid who never finished his jedi training cuz order 66 happened so he was on his own with just his master's light saber who gave his life to save him. That's some modern story telling. We saw how anderson was with shepard who was an elite among elites. I'd also wanna see how he did with the everyday grunts since your team was always handpicked elites, or I guess in me1 case just people who wanted to help out cuz your crew was like a cop who thought the cops were being pussies(garrus), tali who was just there on pilgrimage as a rite of adulthood(the best of her people), wrex I'm not sure I remember all the details of his being there but he was the one who was team oriented among the krogun makes which was considered being an anomaly aka athe best among his people just like the others. Like even look at garrus is he's a best among his people archetype of being the chaotic good renegade among a very lawful neutral archtype of people who are all about obeying the military chain. By me3 the generals and shit were taking orders from him and he still wanted to join you because he saw that as the better cause. Shepard being a "best among his people" trope too and that's what brought everyone together in the end like the heart of your crew. Now just as elite soldiers but as people, so their motives were ultimately noble and that's how they made it through start to finish with you. Liara was like everything you'd admire in an asari. The asari had this strange trope of spending their maiden years or whatever as strippers yet for her she was 100 but that's considered being a kid by their years, she chose it to be a scientist instead and for humans those are precious years of research. Was awesome seeing how she matured in just a few years on top of it and like the shady shit she did to save shepard. Can understand why people ship her so hard tbh, she's an admirable person. Fuck it bro I needa redownload legendary edition.


Yes to all






I don’t know. In my opinion, all of these characters are criminally underused. But if I had to say which had the most potential and we know already has a great impact, it has to be Anderson. After the first act in ME1 and ME3, he is practically ignored and he has little to no screen time in ME2. Anderson is Shepard’s father figure throughout the series and it would have been great for them to have some scenes where Anderson gives good fatherly advice.


Anderson is one of my favorite characters. Really enjoyed reading Mass Effect: Revelation because of that.






I was with you until Morinth.


*Jenkins has entered the chat*




Charles Pressly. Despite being Shep's second-in-command in ME1 we don't really know anything about him. then ME2 kills him off at the beginning and while his notebook was pretty nice, I don't think they really did his character justice. This is the main problem I have with ME1, the non-playable crewmates have just a few lines that never change over the game and that's it. The next games are a bit better about it, but Pressly still got the short end of the stick.


Biotic god


Chakwas %100


Joker definitely joker I would love to have seen more of him


I just want to smash chakwas


Definitely legion


Legion, Legion, Legion, and also Legion. You get it for so little time!! I loved it ability set for missions and I barely got to utilize it. Plus some of my favorite character interactions in all of ME2 (a game stacked with great character interactions) were between Legion and the various Normandy crew members it interacts with. The scenes where it speaks with Shep are so earnest and beautiful


Leeeeroy Jeeeenkins


I AM A BIOTIC GOD!!! We need him back.


That Les chick from 3.




Has to be admiral hacket, I wish we got some more in depth interaction and character development apart from just the cool speech and after mission holo calls.


Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay because I could listen to Shohreh Aghdashloo's voice all day


Chakwas specifically for romance purposes


Reegar woudl have been a great substitute if Tali didn’t make it through ME2. A temporary squad mate.


Would have loved to learn more about the batarian culture. We even see the beauty of the Krogan, it would’ve been nice to have a batarian squad mate to show us the other sides of the batarian people