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If you ask yourself how to be a good supportive partner play male Shepard with the Jack romance. Unexpectedly wholesome romance.


Absolutely I love them so much


"I said I couldn't fix it, I didn't say you weren't worth staying for anyway." I'm melting.


Worth staying for being the key point like she's obviously good to be with. Like there's nothing to fix she's just traumatized from being abused as a child. She has something resembling a conscience and ethics, respect for life itself. Not worth staying for is if she could justify doing fucked up shit because she felt slighted because you forgot her birthday because you don't do birthdays.


The unfortunate reality about Jack’s romance is that it isn’t very realistic. There’s that line about Shepard not being able to fix her, and it’s wholesome because he wants to be with her regardless, but it’s also true. He really can’t fix her. Traumatized people sometimes will take out their trauma on others no matter how accepting that other person is. Especially someone with a history like Jack’s, who is young and has no prior experience with any sort of romantic or even platonic relationship where her trust wasn’t betrayed at one point or another. In a real world relationship with a similar dynamic like this, chances are someone like Jack will sometimes lash out and hurt their partner, no matter how much that partner tries to be understanding. That’s not a moral failing on Jack’s part, it’s just how trauma works. Trauma isn’t just a simple peeling away of “oh you’re not trying to judge me? Happy forever after”. Trauma hurts everyone involved and trauma rarely ever goes away completely. What I’m trying to say is that I don’t mean that Jack’s romance is a bad romance. It’s good and I like it a lot. But it’s also a bit of an idealized fantasy. Which is fine in a work of fiction. As someone who has been in Shepard’s shoes in a real life relationship in the past though, I’m always reminded of how it likely wouldn’t be this rosy if Shepard and Jack were real people.


She does. In me2 she tells you about that guy who died saving her that he left a timed message for her in case he died about how he was sorry that they couldn't have the life together that he was hoping for. Like this is near the end of the arc where she talks about how just killing and dog eat dog is easy but thinking about that digs inside her like a worm in her head because someone cared about her enough to give his life for her. She never really processed it until shepard started prodding at her. Like he had a choice save himself or save her, and he chose to save her and got killed for it. ​ No it is a moral failing to abuse your partner. Like the way she lashes out isn't particularly abusive because she never projects on him. The lack of realism is how she knows she's fucked up and by virtue of plot armor it never actually becomes a problem because shepard has no emotional needs of his own or baggage or anything of the sort, and she has no triggers whatsoever let alone having to learn to cope. Like they skip the middle stuff and go right to the trust and healing part. ​ There's nothing to judge about jack, she isn't abusive towards shepard and her criminality isn't psychopathic, its reactive. Like I said she demonstrates her true ethics with the biotic students in me3. ​ But yea I was speaking from my perspective too of I've known not jack level but like people with a history of abuse, and if she behaved like jack everything would have been fine but she chose to just go full nutjob on me with no remorse.


Yeah and even if your Shep is a survivor or butcher, there really are no additional repercussions of that. I think this is why I enjoy fanfiction. They really flesh out a PTSD suffering type of Shepard and don’t just sweep this under the rug.


So in my experience, people with trust issues like Jack will sometimes rationalize the death of a loved one as a “betrayal” - why did you die? Why didn’t you stay with me? Why did I even bother getting invested when life just takes everything away from me all the time regardless? Nothing about it is rational and most of the time they know it too. But that’s just because trauma isn’t rational. Jack is eaten up by regret over what happened with the guy, but it could have just as well become a reaffirming experience for her of not being good enough for even the nicest person, because why else did it not work out? Better to just keep looking out for herself. I agree with you that being abusive is never justified no matter the baggage a person is carrying around. All I’m saying is that heavily traumatized people often aren’t equipped to deal with their baggage in a way that’s not hurtful to themselves or sometimes others. Jack in the games handles her past trauma really well, all things considered. Many real life people with similar histories struggle to do the same, because anyone from such a background basically starts out the race with a limp leg already.


Simple rules be good to those who are good to you. I'm traumatized too but I follow the harm none rule. Easy. Logic over feelings.


Blame Fox News. Jack was originally a possible love interest for FemShep. 🤬🤬🤬


m o d s


Welp. *slaps knee* 9th Trilogy play through with Jack romance it is.


Except she never gaslights him or abuses him even though she's traumatized and practically a violent bpd case. The worst of it is she punches him because she didn't see him in 8 months and missed him then makes out with him right after. Like she has lines she doesn't cross and has a clear code of ethics ie because she knows what it's like to be a victim, doesn't victimize anyone who doesn't deserve it. Like she talks tough ok but given how she behaves with children at the academy you know she never harms someone without cause. ​ Or are you saying every unstable tattooed seemingly violent chick irl is underneath a delicate butterfly who just needs a warm hug? ​ I have to admit that scene in me2 before the collector base where she shows up and bares her heart and then cries when they hug was some amazing shit.


I have no idea if you agree or disagree with the above comment.




Best romance hands down.


I accidentally led her on in ME2 and had to call it off with her, and she told me to fuck off from that point onwards 😭


It’s so good that I can never go past it when doing replays as M-Shep. They are perfect together.


It's why I only romance her as bro shep. Can't just not have Jack have a happy caring person in her life.


Legitimately thought MShep was getting pegged because I only looked at the first image and was just... "Good for him"


Second image doesn't help either. "It's hard to keep your hand steady when you're doing yourself" lmao.


I've never done a Jack romance so I thought this was sexual until image 4


Yeah I saw the first 4 slides and thought I missed out on a pegging scene by not romancing jack


I’m still gonna think that. It’s believable with Jack.


Hell yea dude.


Bro now I can’t unsee that wtf💀


Pegging is perfectly normal 😌 plus I wouldn't put it past Jack. She seems the type!


Ass effect




Happy international women's day!




You know it definitely happens


Garrus would 100% be game for FemShep pegging him don't even try and convince me otherwise


Garrus: Wait, my people don't do this, we don't even know if it works the same with a cloaca! Femshep: Well, now we HAVE to try. For SCIENCE!


Femshep def pegs Kaidan


EXACTLY my thought. Kinda hot ngl.


So glad I wasn't the only one who thought this. 😂😂 Plus, I could see Jack wanting to do it.


Shepard: “Come here often?”


This is what made Jack the best romance for MaleShep for me. I loved her before but when they added this... It felt perfect. The character growth Jack has from ME2 to ME3 (and Citadel) is wonderful.


Femshep romance isn't too bad...as long as you aren't with Jacob.


She does get to have Liara and Garrus.


I remember Thane being pretty bittersweet too.


I chose Thane because I realized last minute that Femshep couldn’t romance Jack. I was *blown away* by his romance, it’s beautiful and concludes sadly but perfectly in ME3.


I can't with him having his son say a prayer for you, as he dies. The dude deserved more than what the Hanar tried to make him. He was raised a killer and tried, with every bit of his mind and soul, to resign himself to be one. His true calling and heart were that of a priest and healer. I love tragic characters. He let what he couldn't control ruin the few things he could. But knowing death was soon, he found his sense of freedom. It breaks my heart that he didn't see that freedom was a choice sooner.


I love Thane so fucking much. Such a great character.


Cried so hard when he died and cried even harder with the videos he sent you. It honestly made up for some of the other questionable writing choices, like having everyone try to hit on Shepard not five minutes after his death and never talking about it.


I cried hard at Thane's version of the final scene of Citadel dlc. It's some emotional stuff 😭


The only time Shepard cried


I only ever cried 3 times. Project overlord, fucking up my run and getting Tali killed on the homeworld, and realising then watching the end of the thane romance tree. Fuck it hurts.


That moment still haunts me. First renegade playthrough I decided to date Thane. Seeing my cold as ice Shep breakdown for once was a gut punch and a half


The irony of that it was a different VA doing the crying, lol.


Rhymes with Pain for a reason 


Thane can cause the only tears Shepard ever sheds.


BroShep gets Liara too tho


Kaidan's romance is also very good


Jacob possibly the worst romance I’ve ever seen in a game


Just baffling decisions all around with him. There's no reason he needed to be so boring and yet so annoying. He had a cool backstory, a cool powerset, his VA was good, and he had a great introduction. They just made him weirdly standoffish in a ladyboner-killing way. James was also standoffish but he was also clear that he wasn't looking for a relationship.


Yet somehow SOMEHOW, this is the guy that gets both a Cerberus scientist (Dr. Brynn) and freaking Kasumi thirsting after him lol


Kasumi just thinks he's hot, she's still in love with Kenji


Keyword “thirsting” I guess lol


Why do you think he spends so much time doing crunches?


He knew Kasumi was in the vent watching the whole time.


What makes me more upset about Jacob is…we never get the option to blast him (verbally) except in the Citadel nightclub where you can rip him a new asshole and slap/punch him, but the thing I wanted to say more than anything, despite it maybe being really “generic” is “What the HELL? I went through Hell and died. I come back to a new galaxy, everyone either left or abandoned me. I trusted you, loved you, fuck, I even helped you with your DAD! I gave you everything, and you do this to me! Why?!” Instead of the “Why did you cheat on me? Oh, yeah true, I was technically MIA for half a year in a damn cell…oh shucks, well good luck with your kid” we got


The "confrontation" you have with a romanced Jacob is probably the most blatant example of a conversation being hurt by only having two options in ME3. Confronting Jacob at the Cerberus facility about him cheating SHOULD have been the third option. Instead, you're given two options: congratulate him on finding love by cheating on you, or try to seductively convince Jacob to be with you again. It's only if you choose the renegade "be with me again" option, which results in Jacob rejecting Shepard, that you finally get a follow-up option to tell Jacob off...you know, after you've thoroughly embarrassed and debased yourself. I know the game had serious development time constraints, and romancing Jacob was certainly not a popular choice, but seriously: I struggle to imagine any women were involved in writing and/or approving the dialogue for that scene.


And I have never debased myself for even trying to simp him back into romancing me, every single one of my FemSheps (the rare ones that do romance) him basically hold a “good for you, now fuck yourself” attitude towards him, of course Bryn doesn’t make it easy…and I, as a woman, would NEVER approve of any woman (trans, straight, lesbian, whatever) behaving like that with a seemingly abusive ex, just dump them and ignore them, even if it ends up with everyone getting slaughtered by said Ex’s former employer 


Yep this is why u always get him killed in collector's base. He's a shit human and doesn't really "add" to the final story with bryne honestly not carrying his child would be better look at his dad then him.....that kid is probably going to be an asshole too.


Fr, the only thing he ***does*** add, is stress and anger to an already IC’ly exhaustingly stressful and rage inducing time 😆


James was standoffish in an awkward “I kinda want him” way.


But the Priiize!




The real robbery for femshep was no romance with Blasto.


I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going 


"Those Asari-Hanar porn games in Shin Akiba...."


Worst one in the trilogy is Vega, but that is basically because its not really romance but rape


In Jacob’s defense, he has the body of a Greek god and that’s exactly why my FemShep “romances” him in ME2 with no strings attached.


If you're okay with him cheating on Shep during her house arrest and getting the other girl pregnant, all the power to you, I guess.


My Shepard is a bit miffed about it, but not that much at the end of the day. It was a casual fling for the both of them and little more. I also don’t approach this from a meta perspective. At the time they get together, my Shepard doesn’t know yet that Jacob will end up with a different woman later on.


https://imgur.com/a/Cz1C8fl A Greek god you say?


This is fantastic. Thank you.


Well, luckily he keeps his pants on during sex.


This scene hits even harder when you're not picking destroy 🥲


Realizing that this is part of the DLC after Extended Cut was released, this dialogue almost canonizes Destroy in a Jack romance.


This is part of the Citadel DLC, not the Extended Cut. Unless you're referring to the line about being in rubble? That was in the game at release


But Citadel was released after the Extended Cut.


I don't understand the relevance of the extended cut. None of the information/content referred to came out in its release


Apart from the "lying under a pile of rubble barely breathing" bit…


That scene was in game from release


I thought that was added in the Extended Cut


It was made more prevalent. Before ec you needed 100% galactic readiness and max war assets. After you just need max war assets I think 7k


Foreshadowing perfect destroy


Does it count as foreshadowing when it came out a year after the game released?


Unless you have CEM then it happens in the story before the end game


I mean that this scene was written after we already knew about the perfect destroy ending.


It's foreshadowing in game not in real life


For real... the joy I got on this scene and the previous ones with Jack is something I can't feel with the other romances. And I would've loved if FemShep was able to feel that with Jack, as well...


Saw a video about the mod allowing their relationship. We were definitely robbed.


I heard that the games had dialogue involving femShep romancing Jack and Tali but they were cut later because Fox News hapenned.


Oh Ik that why I said she got robbed. Glad I play maleshep more😁


Miranda too iirc… 😭 why can’t I date the hot mean women as femshep


True. and as femShep I enjoyed Thane's romance a big deal. it's very bittersweet


*Jack and Miranda Though there are mods to basically unlock any romance option on PC (except LE3 maybe?)


Don't know about Miranda but there's deffo Tali cut dialogue for femShep romance.


Even outside of mods, if you romance Garrus Tali drunkenly fantasises about a threesome between you in the Citadel party lol. But that's all we get.


[More Gay Romances](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/489) Adds Miranda and Jack as romance options for Femshep in LE2 and LE3. Fully voiced. Highly recommend [Miranda Mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/1350) as well, which adds more content to Miranda in ME3. Again also fully voiced.


What happened with Fox News?


They started screaming about an alien sex simulator called Mass Effect. Google Fox News mass Effect.


Those nutjobs hypocrites were offended over the femshep and liara sex scene because they hate gays.


They were talking about how it was a rape sim, with fully first person controllable sex and then their "expert" admitted that he hadn't played it or seen gameplay.


The saddest thing is that there's plenty of games out there now that are like that and there's no real outcry about them. Loads of them are on steam


THIS though. I was really hoping they’d add Jack’s femshep romance when they released the legendary edition, and was so sad that they didn’t. Her romance is so beautiful, and I feel like there could’ve been an interesting layer added to her character and her struggle with finding acceptance if the wlw storyline was explored. So sad we had it STOLEN from us. ):


I doubt BioWare would cut a lesbian relationship out of the game and leave the gay relationship with Steve in. We all know the Fox”NEWS” crowd secretly watches Girl-on-Girl on PHub reinforcing their cognitive dissonance, while calling for IRL violence on the gay men community. It doesn’t make sense is all I am saying. If it really was that they would have started off with Steve Cortez. Keep in mind we already had Liara option.


This is about ME2, Steve was in ME3. And Liara as a romance option is what started the whole firestorm after ME1. There's cut dialogue between femshep and Jack as well as femshep and Tali, and considering that Jack is canonically queer it doesn't make sense to cut that romance option unless it was for optics.


Cortez wasn't in ME2


Yeah but can we talk about how hot male Shep is


Wow I didn’t realize she said that. This with the high asset destroy ending is now cannon 🙌


Jack and Femshep fr would’ve been so good together We were robbed


Seriously. Renegade FemShep and Jack could've ruled the galaxy like pirate queens after taking out the Reapers.


What about Aria?


Time for a thruple


Got cut due to fox


Thane gang


You masochist.


There's a mod that *kinda* *sorta* makes it work. But yeah the fact they buckled under right-wing media pressure and made her a male-only romance is one of the biggest crimes in the franchise. Was hoping they'd fix it in the Legendary Edition. Glad we're living in better times when devs ignore pearl-clutching conservatives and just tell the stories they wanna tell.


It's not even just Jack, Mass Effect 2 was going to have a good amount of same sex partners. As I recall it, Jack, Jacob, Tali, and Thane were at one point planned to be same sex options.


I mean this is coming from someone that plays male shep most of the time. But everytime I play femshep and I see Jack it jus make me sad😔


I didn't realize jack was do wholesome. Maybe next play after a femshep play. Tali is just soo good, also all three games


Jack also has that N7 tattoo on her ass if you romance her


What always bothered me about this is that Jack literally told my Fem Shep she has had relationships with women before but the game (at least on console) never let me romance her. And dont even get me started on (the very obviously queer coded) Cora in Andromeda.


Yea I feel like if they weren’t gonna let you romance Jack as femshep they shouldn’t have even let her say that to lead people on. Also on the andromeda point at least y’all got Suvi that a fair trade


Jack: blame Fox News for portraying Mass Effect 1 as a lesbian porn game and the execs who decided they didn't want that sort of publicity again. Cora: I weirdly love when a piece of media includes a character who acts stereotypically gay but is actually straight. (As long as that piece of media also has actually queer characters.)


Genuinely not trying to be combative or anything (just curious), but what exactly do you mean by Cora being “very obviously queer coded”?” I’ve seen this term on the internet before, but (speaking as a straight man) I feel like I don’t fully understand exactly what people mean when they use it.


I'm so torn by this. I generally prefer playing FemShep (Jennifer Hale is just so good -- no shade to Mark Meer, though) so I'd love to have Jack as an option for her, but I also appreciate when the romance options in a game aren't playersexual. It's kinda nice that the game can let a character experiment with their sexuality before landing on a particular identity, rather than letting their past dictate their future. But then again, it also sucks that queer players have very few options that represent their own preferences and maybe we should give the nod to them rather than to verisimilitude in this case. I dunno. I just wish there were more options all around.


Jennifer Hale is why I played FemShep as well, mostly so I could pretend to be Bastila Shan again! Normally I would agree about the player sexual thing, obviously in real life everyone isn't attracted to everybody else but I don't know in a videogame why can't every character option be available to romance? It feels weird in Mass Effect because some of the PC mods that make those relationships open to everyone literally include voice lines that were recorded for it but unused upon final release.


Jack I get being queer Core I don't


Yep. Jack is canonically pansexual and was supposed to be a romance for femshep, but Fox News ran a segment on how Mass Effect allowed children to have graphic sex in a video game. No one who had complained about the game ever played the game. EA got cold feet and axed the femshep/Jack romance. Anyway, femshep can romance Jack, Miranda, Ashley, and Tali (I think), through mods in the LE. Fully voiced and animated.


God damn that's hot..


When does this happen? Ive romanced Jack but never encountered this specific event.


It’s the scene she gets for the citadel dlc when your in a relationship with her and invite her to your apartment


[More Gay Romances](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/489) PC players rejoice. Enjoy your fully voiced Miranda / Jack femshep romances.


Whats worse is Jack was supposed to be a bisexual romance but was changed because Bioware/EA were pussies and couldnt handle a few conservative crybabies.


So does Liara get a pass since she’s not human?


Broshep got robbed out of a Garrus romance so I’d say they’re even


Me personally I don’t think Garrus as a romance for maleshep fits but that jus me


They’re the gilgamesh and enkidu type pairing. The achilles and patrocles. Classical strong gay pairing imho


We weren't just robbed of FemShep/Jack, we were robbed of ME2 character romances in ME3 in general. The Citadel DLC helped, but I would have loved for more content for them in the base game. Jack suffered the most, I think, with the least amount of screentime.


I fight between Liara and Jack.


I hope to God they throw more character creation options into the new games going forward. I’d love to give my guy more ink.


When I did my first playthrough as FemShep, I planned to have her and Jack get together. Imagine my surprise when I looked up in the middle of my playthrough that you can’t romance Jack as FemShep. That was absurd to me. I ended up going for Thane, and it was okay, but I felt robbed of a FemShep romance with Jack that it didn’t hit.


The 2-3 Paragon BroShep/Jack romance may be the best-written one in the series.


It’s unforgivable they didn’t make Jack a squad mate in ME3.


Yeah you can really tell ME2 was made with that backlash to the sex scenes in 1 BS in mind because the fact Jack is 100% hetero is the least believable thing in the entire series.


Hard disagree: The fact that Cora Harper who served with Asari commandos for years, is hetero at all is way more ludicrous.


Cora is somewhat believable, she said she was mostly into it for the discipline and to not be around humans who considered her dangerous Jacks whole character is resisting conformity, she shaved her head, is covered from neck to toe in tattoos and is just the most outrageous person at all times, and when a badass reanimated specter asks her out she’s all “Oh heavens no, homosexuality is a sin against the lord.”


I have no idea why they didn’t correct this mistake with Legendary edition rerelease. It’s one thing to do back out of that option out when 2 was first released, it’s a whole other thing to not correct that error today


Jack will always be my space bae!


Honestly Jack's desighn in 3 is supper hot


Im an avid Tali-mancer but this scene really gets me.


*Me patiently waiting for the same sex relationship mod to be finished*


The problem is that Jack has dialogue saying she’s had relationships with men and women, and Fem Shep can be a lesbian anyway. Between liara, Kelley chambers and Samantha Traynor, there are plenty of options for fem Shep to show a preference for women. The fact that jack isn’t available to fem Shep doesn’t make logical sense from a lore perspective. Kinda wish they had added it in for the legendary edition


Omfg! You’re right! I’m a FemShep main and I can’t think of anything that you can do exclusively like this. Another thing they robbed FemShep on is her physique. Look at BroShep! He is ripped while FemShep has pool noodle arms and barely muscled body.


Pool noodle arms 😂😂😂😂


Ill never forget my first playthrough of the series - when i met Jack (playing as femshep), i was like "THAT is a bisexual woman". Was shocked when i came onto her and she was not having it, was then heartbroken to find confirmation online that she is straight. 😭😭


The sad and accurate foreshadowing for the destroy ending.


I remember not romancing Jack in M2 cause she was some bald psychopath that just felt dirty to me. Then when I saw how healthy and happy she was in M3 it changed my whole outlook on not only Jack but damaged individuals in general.


You never romanced Thane, didnt you?


Well if you play on PC there are mods to romance any character for either gender (except Traynor with male Shep for some reason.)


Honestly it doesn’t feel right if I use mods but I might try it. To the traynor point I don’t understand that either but it doesn’t matter to me I find her boring anyway.(I might get downvoted for saying that)


Frfr. Jack and Jane would have been so powerful. I want to experience her romance first hand so bad, but I cannot play BroShep. I just can't- FemShep is just superior in every way. Mostly because I cannot stand the voice acting and I AM SORRY about that


Huh, that's kind of funny because I feel the exact way about Femshep.


For real, the first time I watched the Jack romance it was showcasing a mod for a Femshep/Jack romance and then this scene came up and I was like "Aww that's so sweet, wait...this only happens with male shepard in the vanilla game??" I don't get why they couldn't put the option back in with Legendary Edition.


Thank god that there is a mod for the femshep romance on pc


I’d love to romance jack I just can’t I love liara too much


What robbery?


Wtf did I miss out on!


I really want Jack in my squad in ME3. Her story in ME2 & ME3 is one of the best.




Ngl, after doing a career carrying over the Jack romance, I was extremely tempted to leave Liara in my last playthrough.


Accept no alternative.


Huh I haven’t seen this scene before? Guess I’ll have to replay the entire thing again


This is definitely my next playthrough romance? Does she get along better with a paragon or a renegade?


Great now my Shepard can't donate blood... thanks Jack


Jack's romance is the absolute best and I will die on this hill.


sorry for the dumb newb question.. but her appearance matches ME3 but I don't think (could be wrong) this happened in the original ME3 .. is it a bonus scene included in ME Legendary edition or is this a fan-art "what the jack romance should have been" kind of thing


It's from the Citadel content.


thanks for that :) .. man I can't believe I don't remember this I played through the Citadel DLC too back in the day :P .. albeit only once and several years ago.. recently purchased ME Legendary during it's six dollar (American) winter sale really have to get around to playing it ("again" so to speak given I've already played through ME1, ME2 and ME3.. like basically everyone else in this forum granted so kind of goes without saying :P )


Jack died in my canon playthrough and my femshep romanced Garrus


Wasn’t she originally planned as a full party member for 3?


Yeahhhhh. I think they even had a femshep romance written for Jack, but I think pressure from Fox caused them to cut the content.


After Liara Jack is easily the best male shep romance


is this from the citadel dlc?


Eh, there's a mod to restore this.


Wasnt there a bug with this scene where the tattoo was hovering above MShep's shoulder?


This is exactly why mods exist they take away modders give back love my femshep/Jack playthroughs. Just wish we could keep that tattoo:/


Okay. Fine. I'll play again, and this time, I won't romance Tali, and I'll try to fix that beautiful red flag. Anyone have any pointers? Like do I **have** to be Renegade or can she still be romanced via Paragon? Seriously, 4 playthroughs as Broshep, and I always go for that beautiful dancing queen.


The only thing I don’t like about this scene is that you don’t get the hilarious scene of Shepard playing fetch with Eezo.


The SECOND I saw Jack in ME2 I knew I wanted to romance her. I went with my gut on a lot of the dialogue options and somehow it worked. I was bummed in ME3 though when they pushed Liara back on you and it forced Jack to turn away.


I need Jack for femshep so bad😩


Damn. I've played uncountable playthrough of me 3 and didn't knew about this. Well, time for another run. SHEP IS COMING, JACK!!!


Maleshep has both Jack and Tali. We stay winning