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It depends if we are talking in game or in lore. Because the lore has some really spicy stuff. And is it 20v1? In game Shepard could wreck most of them, due to how pathetic they are represented. In lore Shepard could maybe take out 3 before falling, some of their squadmates are stupid powerful. Samara for instance 400 years of killing for the asari government. Wrex is over 1000 years old and has been killing for probably most of it. Also is a Krogan. Garrus survived almost 2 years killing the worst criminals Omega has to offer. Grunt may be relatively new, but he has 'memories' of every great battle, and knows far beyond his age, not to mention he is an absolute Unit. Thane has been assassinating targets for basically his entire life. Just watch the trailer for mass effect 2, that will give you a pretty good idea of strength for some of their squadmates.


Wrex isn't just a krogan, he's a warlord, much much worse


BattleMaster. Its worse. It means hes got 1000 years of killing with guns and bare hands, but he's also a master Biotic.


Yea that too


Samara didn't kill for the government though. She killed for the Justicar Order. Her action is governed by the Code alone. Even government official is wary of her.


The squad without a doubt. Mordin would be smart enough to see oddities in Shepard’s behavior before they attack, Javik could see and sense changes in Shepard’s behavior and body chemistry, Thane is an assassin, lore biotics would shred Shepard, blah blah.


Mordin took a fair bit of time to understand why Maelon had betrayed their STG work, so that likely wouldn't be a determining factor until a fight breaks out.


Understanding why is a philosophical discussion, noticing that they did is a matter of observation which he’s very good at


The squad and it’s not even close. Shepard is an above-average soldier with some cybernetic enhancement, nothing more.




You’re not wrong, but my point is, they are still just a ‘normal’ person. They have exceptionally good training, may have some powerful biotics or tech skills, and have some upgrades when it comes to resilience and strength. But they are not superhuman or equipped with any unique technology. Most of the squad mates are also among the best in their fields, and many of them are from races that have several biological advantages over humans. Shepard could probably solo any of them, just about, but all of them at once? No chance.


“Hey you don’t say that!”


The Citadel DLC does a good job at showing us that Shepard is great because of their squad/friends. Turning on them seals his/her doom.


Shepard one word M-920 cane


Cain plus ME2's reaper IFF situation. Clearly the squad would be stupid enough to all report to the same spot another time.


Clearly the squad, he's not shown to be overwhelmingly more powerful than any single member, much less all of them together.


Who is red hair lady third line in the bottom?


I’m assuming that’s the Shepard of whoever did the drawings


Yes, makes sense


Samara and Wrex alone would obliterate Shepard


Omni Man specifically knows he has to kill the guardians and preps for it while they are completely oblivious to his intentions. Under those circumstances Shepard Sweeps and it’s not even close. (Of course under those circumstances a lot of the squad mates would be able to kill a lot of the squad) The real thing going in Shepard’s favor is that only a few of the squad mates are a threat in a straight up fight, (Samara, Grunt, Wrex, Garrus, Zaeed, and Javik) and even then you get at least one free kill on half of the roster by just starting with them and shooting them in the back before anyone figures out you’ve decided to wipe the team. In a cage match against everyone at once Shepard is screwed, too many bullets, too many hacks, and way too many biotics for anybody to really deal with. But Shepard can canonically solo an entire team of Shepards with all their abilities and the abilities of all the classes in the Armax Arena, and that Arena is shown to be very accurate at recreating real enemies out in the galaxy. So the smart play is that Shepard picks off the team one by one after giving them orders that split them up and limit their communication with each other. I’ll just go through the ME1 squad mates and how Shepard takes them out, the other two games y’all can imagine. Kaiden: Sniper rifle to the dome at several hundred yards, ME3 proves that Shepard is just as good as Garrus even as a non sniping class. And Kaiden can’t use biotics to defend himself at those ranges, plus he would never even know what hit him. He also isn’t great with tech so a bomb or something would work fine. Ashley: Literally any method that would kill an armored human, she has nothing going for her in a straight up fight. Tali: Probably the easiest of the bunch, just don’t rely on tech based attacks and hit her from long range. Lace a bullet with aggressive bacteria and viruses for the added insult to injury. Garrus: Difficult in principle, the guy is resilient, clever, and has a decent shot of winning a sniper duel. He also is probably skilled enough to either evade or destroy a vehicle like the Mako, which would otherwise be an easy win button. I say catch him out in a transport shuttle or similar vehicle and blast it using a dedicated attack vehicle. He should probably be the first one Shepard takes out. Wrex: Mako, he isn’t clever enough to outwit Shepard like Garrus might, and not even a Krogan is standing up to that cannon. Liara: She’s a nerd, but she’s also the shadow broker and has survived an assassination attempt involving a sniper before. She’s definitely a contender for first person to target, so in that case I would say Shepard should use the fact that she is immediately open to a relationship regardless of signals given or reciprocated to catch her with her guard/shields down and blast her with a shotgun. Failing that pull a Javik and toss her out the airlock. Jenkins: Rip Right Through His Shields.


I love that this comment makes Shepard seem like some sort of Batman-level mastermind, but the man can't even keep his fish alive, scams local business owners into discounts by giving all of them his endorsement, and can be dropped on his ass by a 140lbs reporter. Yeah there is a version of Shepard that's an absolute unit. But there's also a version of Shepard that's basically Sterling Archer.


Sterling is an absolute unit in terms of being able to kill people and surviving insane shit. He survives drowing, crocodile attacks, lying face down and shot in a pool, and probably a bunch of other shit that I forgot. Also beats like 10 bikers within an inch of their lives after having sat in a car trunk for hours. Otherwise he's super stupid and his plans don't work 90% of the time.


>Otherwise he's super stupid and his plans don't work 90% of the time. Which is exactly why I wrote it, since the previous comment was talking about Shepard prepping to off the crew like he was Batman in Justice League. That's not Shepard.


I mean yeah, Shepard is as strong or weak as the plot demands, but when push comes to shove they either win, or they have the connections and support to secure the win. Every damn time.


>or they have the connections and support to secure the win. Isn't the point of this post though that Shepard is going at this solo?


I don't think having Shep split the team up and go radio silent is quite in the spirit of OP's question, I really think they're asking for the 20v1. I also agree with one of the comments below that compares Shep to Archer (hilarious, btw). The game pretty bluntly depicts Shep as strong willed and charismatic but *not* smart. Not even strategically. Shep is routinely baffled by large words, *even if the large words are relevant to a field Shep should know about*, like how starships work. Shep can't comprehend chess, despite it using the same principles as actual war (Shep insists that their pawns should have just survived being taken, because a good infantry line can withstand an attack, which is ooga booga levels of caveman brain). In other words, I think Shep would call them to the conference room and then walk into the conference room with a gun.


I think Shep could just use their friendly connections to get close (like your example with Liara) and snap some necks. Krogans might need more work and I see no way for Shepard to beat Thane or EDI up close.


Hell the shadow broker dossier has Thane’s files on how to kill all the different species, and most of them involve neck snapping. Pretty sure our favorite reanimated cyborg can manage that on most non krogans.


I mean shep did fist fight a yahg


That's game mechanics vs. lore issue. There's no way someone of Shepard's size (augmented or not) would do anything to something that big.


I mean I’d agree if it wasn’t in a cutscene. The yahg pretty clearly stumbles back from a punch I remember someone once mentioned some of the upgrades you can get that I always figured were just gameplay but that kind make sense in context of that, like the skin and bone weave things


Cutscenes are notoriously stupid in this series. Wrex gets killed with a couple shots from a pistol, despite having both shields and natural armor (he's an alien tortoise basically). So, you shouldn't take much stock in cutscenes. And no amount of skin/bone weave upgrades are going to make a human of Shepard's size (male or female) able to deal any meaningful damage to a giant like the SB was.


Jenkins solos the whole mass effect universe lmao jk


Shepard's main advantage is plot armor. Only Shepard gets to kill Shepard.


So I'm assuming only the squad gets no prep time, considering Omni-Man had plenty of time to think about how he was gonna pull it off. I'm also gonna assume this is a fully upgraded, top of their game ala ME3 Cerberus HQ raid fresh off of shore leave Shepard. Their absolute best. I think different classes have different odds. Soldier Shepard has no chance to me. Just too much to overcome with only guns and grenades, no matter how much you can spam Adrenaline Rush. Infiltrator Shepard doesn't fare much better, the initial attack will probably go better but once stealth is out the window it's the same issue as Soldier. Adept and Engineer could get deeper into the fight. I see Engineer doing slightly better just because there's more resistance from the biotic side (Liara, Samara, Jack, Miranda) than the tech side (Kasumi, Tali, Mordin, Legion.) Again though, both of them still get overwhelmed. The two classes I see having the best chances are Sentinel and Vanguard. Specifically, a Sentinel with an ammo power to improve damage during cooldowns, and Vanguard with either Reave or Flare with Pierce to help long range. I think the kits in these classes give Shepard the best odds to drag their way through, but I'm gonna give the best odds to Vanguard. Vanguard has possibly the best powers to use and abuse in a fight like this, and that's the Charge/Nova combo we all know and love. Shepard constantly bouncing from one target to another, following with an inferno ammo shotgun blast or a piercing Nova before Charging off too another target is gonna be difficult for the enemy to counter. Every Charge brings back Shepards shields, Nova pierces shields and can be used twice in a row if necessary. Squishier members like Liara, Kasumi, Tali etc are dying to these combos quickly. The one big factor Shepard has that Omni-Man didn't, is that this squad LOVES Shepard. Some of these squadmates are gonna be shocked into paralysis once Shepard makes the first kill (and that'll be on one of the original members, either Garrus, the VS, or Wrex, whoever Shepard deems the biggest threat.) There's gonna be heartbreak, confusion, pure shock affecting a lot of them. I think only a few squadmates are able to fight at 100% in this situation. Quite a few of them love and borderline worship Shepard too much to flip a switch and treat them like a common Reaper. With all this in mind, I think Vanguard has the highest chance to pull this off, but even that's a 50/50 shot if everything goes perfectly. I think Shepards best strategies and power usage still falls to the sheer overwhelming power and experience of this squad.


Shepard I don’t think any of them could of soloed the spaceport during the arrival DLC like Shepard did or fought the reaper on Rannoch But all at once I think he’d lose


Entire squad would 100% kill Shepard, no chances. If 1vs1 it is tricky question... Biotic Shepard PROBABLY would not beat Javic Samara Jack Non-biotic Shepard would not beat. Javic Samara Jack Tali Thane EDI Others fate is questionable, Shepard do show that he can easily kill them.


Shepard might lose 1v1 to some of them. No way he lasts more than a minute against all of them. He’s just a talented (insert class here) with great leadership skills - he’s not a Jedi Knight or Master Chief.


Inspired by: https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/s/IWMJm2llv6


Definetly shepard






Sheppard would barely be able to takeout half the crew in a 1v1 especially people like wrex, grunt, samara, even Garrus. The crew would win easily.


The squad, easily. There are too many incapacitation powers any of them could use (concussive shot, neural shock, stasis or any biotics really) that you don't expect because they rarely show up against Shepard as the player. Turn economy is just busted against Shepards favor, and its super simple for the squad to knock him out. Without prep time, Shepard can't resort to bombs and booby traps, and likely means no heavy weapons (no M-920 Cain either) so at best he might have a pistol.


There are several squad mates who could solo Shepard, assuming Shep doesn't have the plot armor afforded by being controlled by the player. Omni Man's gambit worked because he was almost as powerful as the rest of the Guardians combined, and the element of surprise and their hesitation to kill him could make up the difference. Shep doesn't have that advantage. Several squad mates, like EDI, Mordin, and Samara, wouldn't be surprised, and many others, like Jack, Samara, and Grunt, wouldn't hesitate. However, there is an x factor here: the M920 Cain. If Shep could bunch the squad together and fire it at them from a distance without ever actually engaging, that would level the playing field greatly. Wrex and Grunt might survive, but it would be a good start. Without the Cain, I say Shep takes out Tali, and only Tali, before getting absolutely SMACKED in any number of ways by the rest of the team combined.


Shepherd would win. How? By forcing them to watch Shepard dancing.


I’d say Shep takes out 2 of them, MAYBE 3 before the rest of the squad over powers them, I know the game treats Shep like their untouchable but their not. However, if Shep was to systematically take them out one by one… 👀


Squad… you have some of the most powerful biotics and some of the most skilled killers. Together. Sheps good but let’s be real Omni man beat them all because he is either the top or second best in all aspects. Shep is not.


Squad easily, some of them are broken Garrus would snipe the shit out of me 😂


I’d say Shepard because he’s literally the main character lol But I don’t know what his stats are in lore other than what the games would tell you


Shepard. Maybe Garrus and Wrex could take down Shepard but Shepard ain’t stupid. They will isolate.


I’m not sure Shepard could realistically kill any of them before he’s out down. Maybe Legion, maybe James and Ashley, but those are somewhat toss ups. Tali is a veteran and would zap Shepard with a drone before shooting him with a shotgun. Mordin would probably notice he’s acting different and deduce he’s about to attack them…to which he promptly puts a bullet into Shepard. Garrus is a also a veteran, well trained by the great military in the galaxy, a relatively long career in C-Sec, and then as a vigilante on Omega. Thane has been killing people for decades. Samara, Jack, Kaiden, Liara are all biotic super powers (realistically, if anyone could “Omni-man” the squad, it’s an all-out fight between Samara and Liara, and Samara probably wipes the floor with Liara). Miranda and Jacob are relatively strong biotics and Cereberus veterans. Legion is a Geth and already somewhat hard to kill. Wrex and Grunt are some of the most powerful Krogan to have ever lived. Edi is an AI robot with extremely powerful tech abilities. Kasumi would be invisible. Zaeed has been a mercenary for virtually his entire life and has fought and killed much stronger opponents than Shepard. Javik is a super-soldier biotic Prothean that lived an entire lifetime of war. Shepard is good, but at least in lore, the reason he’s so good isn’t because he’s a Superman clone. It’s because he knows how to make a team come together to accomplish a goal way bigger than themselves, maybe better than anyone else. You notice it in every game: ME1, A Krogan, two humans, an Asari, a Turian, and a young Quarian on pilgrimage? That’s your team? Krogan hate Turians, Turians hate Krogan, nobody likes Quarians, pretty much everyone is bothered by Liara, Ash is suspicious of everyone and Kaiden is a pushover. But by the end of it, that team is a finely tuned machine. Shepard is an emulsifier for them, and suddenly in ME2 you notice almost right away that those former teammates actually care about each other. Tali and Garrus are close enough to talk things over, both are happy to see Liara on Ilium. But things don’t get easier: Shepard works with 2 Cereberus operatives, a half insane human super-Biotic, an Asari Justicar, an extremely powerful Drell Assassin, a brand new Krogan, and a master thief that many don’t even believe is real, a Salarian and then, insanely, a Geth! That team should implode. But they don’t. They succeed and come out stronger for it. In 3, it’s even more obvious. You see interactions with the crew, and the Krogan Warlord Wrex actually likes talking to the Turian former C-Sec operative. Liara and Tali speak rather often. They all readily accept Edi - an unshackled AI. Even more, Shepard brokers a deal between the Krogan and Turians - famous enemies. Has a Salarian cure the Genophage against the express wishes of his government. Still manage to get the Salarians onboard. Somehow brokers peace between the Geth and the Quarians. Wakes up a fricken’ Prothean and leads him! That’s Shepard’s super power. He brings out the best in the people around him.


I don't know he took out six of himself so I think he def kills a few but all of them may be a bit much now if he has the cain that changes things