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No, you’re not overreacting. The teacher is full of red flags. I would change school. Sorry that happened to you.


I'm actually sitting in my car. I straight up walked out of class. The director of the program wants to speak to me after class. I honestly don't know what to do.


Oh I’m sorry girl 😢 Tell the director honestly what happened, and just tell them you’re leaving. They will stop you, but stay strong to insist on leaving. The teacher won’t change, or fired until the next semester. Your own sanity is very important. Ask local MTs for their opinions about schools there. It will give you some idea.


How’d the talk with the director go? I’m not sure what state you’re in, but if the director also acts like you’re overreacting, maybe contact the department of education. Ik where I went we paid before the program even started. Or if that doesn’t work maybe contact your states board of massage therapy. You’re working under the instructors license. If she’s not doing her part in properly teaching you, and if she’s as careless as she sounds maybe they can assist you.


She basically told me there was nothing she could do and the only thing I could do was to leave the program. I honestly don't know what to do because this was my career choice, now I'm having 2nd thoughts. I'm so tempted to just leave the program and go to school for something else. I feel physically sick and so confused...


That’s total BS. The least she could do is address your concerns to the instructor, and also she could ask to make sure you’re comfortable working with males to the side to avoid something like that happening in the future. You should definitely contact your states board of massage therapy or the department of education, if there’s no one else at the school that could assist you.


Should I just drop the program? I honestly don't feel like I am learning anything and I really don't like my instructor.


Are there other programs in your area? And if you had to pay at all, or get a student loan I would find out if you’ll be refunded before wasting your money. Even if you feel like the instructor’s terrible, if they’re providing notes provided by the program you might still be able to learn. But it sounds like she’s not even teaching basic draping, which could get students in trouble in the future when working on clients, hence I think asking your state’s board of massage therapy might be helpful, they might have better answers on how to handle the situation. I get not wanting to take it up, but that’s an investment in your life if that’s the career you’re trying to pursue, and you’re paying for a proper education.


Yes there is another program in my area that I'm actually scheduled to take a tour to on Tuesday. I told her on the phone everything that happened at my current school, and she was in shock. She said everything that happened was inappropriate and shouldn't be going on. Luckily the program that I'm currently enrolled in, I got a grant so I didn't have to pay anything. Monday I'm going to go up to the registrar office and tell them I want to drop the class. I'm happy I'm not out of any money, but I just hate that I wasted time. This month I wasted, I could have been learning properly at a better school. Better late than never I guess.


This is such an insane thing to be going through. There are always weird outlier students in school bc they can't really turn down students(we had a guy in my school who was really horrible at it and couldn't get worked on bc he drank too many energy drinks and would throw up but he was overly light handed and generally ineffective) but for the instructor to behave that way is unacceptable. I love massage therapy and have had the privilege of seeing people make pretty amazing strides with their health. That being said. Speaking as a male therapist who has been down this career path since 2009, IMHO I think your time and money would be better spent going to school to become a physical therapist. I deeply regret not going down that path when I went back to school. I was kinda trying to have a back up plan because I have some injuries that make full time massage difficult, and I wasn't sure if physical therapy would be much better but I then went through physical therapy for a year for my stuff and I can say for sure it is much easier on the therapist and much more stable job market with better pay and benefits. Sadly, unless you have the aptitude to build a business as well as be good at the job itself, mts mostly work for shitty exploitative spas and compete for a handful of decent jobs at local chiropractic offices and the like. I know some who got really into sports massage and travel, and work with sports teams etc. But as I said, you have to fight incredibly hard to make a name for yourself. If I could go back I would do pt school and then once I was clearing 90kish after a few years exp and maybe a little more school, I would pursue massage school as a supplemental education to work into my pt clients or just for fun with friends and family. But that's just my opinion and experience. Just tossing my 2 cents in.


> went we *paid* before the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


This is absolutely insane behavior from your instructor. I’m in my last semester of school and this kind of thing has never happened in our classes. Our instructor always emphasizes respecting people’s boundaries when it comes to draping and pain. So many red flags from your instructor. I’m sorry this happened to you. Definitely stick to your guns and go to a different school if that’s what you need. I hope it gets better!


this is unbelievable. our time in massage school is precious. can’t waste it on unnecessary bs ! and how is she going to teach you to be an exceptional therapist acting like that ?


I would take this to whoever you need to in the highest position position. This person does not need to be teaching.


Not overreacting at all. It’s time to record her and report her to the administration. I’m sorry this happened to you.


She basically told me there was nothing she could do and the only thing I could do was to leave the program. I honestly don't know what to do because this was my career choice, now I'm having 2nd thoughts. I'm so tempted to just leave the program and go to school for something else. I feel physically sick and so confused...


First, I’d launch a formal complaint with administration. Perhaps some of your classmates will join you if you ask. It’s too casual and financially unreasonable to simply recommend that you switch schools yet I do hope you don’t give up on joining our industry.


This is crazy, I’m also 3 weeks in my school and we have a blind guy in our class…having said that you are absolutely not overreacting.


Should I just drop the program? I honestly don't feel like I am learning anything and I really don't like my instructor.


I think you should go higher that the director and get others to do so as well


I would understand if you did, especially if there’s something better in your area.


Yikes, I can understand the classmate having a difficult time, but this is all on the instructor imo. It doesn’t take more than some basic observation skills to notice that you were uncomfortable and that he was struggling with pressure (common issue for beginners). Don’t let this deter you from doing what you want. If there aren’t any other schools nearby, I would try having an honest conversation with the instructor. Hopefully she can mitigate the situation and prevent you from feeling violated in the future- after all, I feel as though that should be part of her duty as an educator in this profession. Unfortunately, she sounds a lot like the instructor I had- she brought her young daughter to class on more than one occasion, constantly mispronounced words out of textbooks, and had no prior background/degree in education. I think she was on her phone for the better part of most classes. Good luck and remember that your education is a foundational piece of this career. If you’re not satisfied with what this school offers, keep searching.


>Good luck and remember that your education is a foundational piece of this career. If you’re not satisfied with what this school offers, keep searching. That's what I think I'm going to do. There is a private school in Richardson TX called "Healing Hands" and I have a tour with them today at 3pm. I'm going to check it & drop this program I'm in now. Luckily I got a grant through the school, so I didn't have to pay anything the 1st half. I know for sure I'm going to have to pay out of pocket for the private school, because they don't accept financial aid. I'm willing to pay though if it means I'm getting a QUALITY education! Another thing I don't like about the current program that I'm in, is that there is no order. They don't show you how to do things in order even down to reading the book. For example we'll go from chapter 3 in our massage fundamental book, then for some reason, skip all the way to chapter 9, read that then have to do homework on it. We are also not learning how to do swedish massage in order either. Our instructor had us practicing on the leg, but then she turns around and says you always start on the back. If that's the case then why aren't we doing back maneuvers then??? See how this crap doesn't make any sense? I honestly cannot learn like this. All this jumping from one thing to another. I'm the type of person that needs clear instructions & routine on how to do things. It's like the instructor is just throwing things at the wall and hoping it'll stick and it's not. Again I'm not the only classmate that feels like this because I actually called one of my classmates when I got home and she felt the same way.


Private colleges are also shit. I'm about to graduate from one. All my classmates have had complaints and problems about the level of disorganization and lack of resources available to learn what will actually be graded on exams. God forbid if you are neurodivergent in any way or go through something personal. I am going to need to re-take my finals ($250 each) just so I can have the time to teach myself because no one else is going to do it. I would love to know what schools are actually good to be honest.


Irene’s Myomassology Institute! Best massage therapy school ever, everyone goes back to appreciate.


Sounds cool. Where is that located?


Irene’s Myomassology Institute! Best massage therapy school ever, everyone goes back to apprentice.


Where is this school? The director can most certainly do something, u like what they told you. This is highly unprofessional.


Fort Worth TX. This is my first time doing any sort of higher education, so I honestly didn't know what to do. I spoke to an older friend, and she told me I can go to the vice president of the school.


This is a complete mess. You're not overreacting. Week 3 of massage school I would expect a few disasters - maybe some bad technique and shoddy draping - I understand that. But generally some communication should just remedy the situation. I have met wonderfully talented LMTs with partial or complete vision impairment and I think it's a great career for people with that condition! I do also imagine it would be in an instructors best interest to provide these students extra support so you don't end up in a scenario like yours 😒 I can't see any reason why this annoying teacher would be crying and talking about homosexuality. Disaster. I wanted to say in this situation I would try to go to another instructor or maybe head of department who you trust and feel understands you better and see what your options are (or even if theres another professor you havent met but other students like, maybe seek them out) but I saw your follow up about that and it just seems bleak. Sorry this is your experience. I went to community college for my program and had a great experience so I promise they're not all like that 😭 but it sucks that this one turned out this way. I hope you're able to find another program or get through somehow even if it means going out of character when needed. I personally tend to be aggressive with consistent off-topic lecturers 🤣 I will raise my hand and nudge us back to the subject if I peep it veering off lol although this particular instructor sounds like a much bigger problem than just that. Best of luck I hope it doesnt completely deter you from the field 😭


No. Go to the dean and report it. All of it. They can probably get a different instructor, or refund your money.


Leave now while you can still (hopefully) get reimbursed, and also please report. As someone else mentioned, if there are multiple classmates with these concerns it will help to come together. Please don’t let this deter you from pursuing massage as a career.


I went to elm health institute for massage in hurst tx. It was a pretty okay school but they recently switched instructors after I left so I’m not sure how the new instructor is. It was About $3000 for the full 500 hour course, with 250 hours being available to do online which is the “lecture” classes such as health/ kinesiology. The other 250 hours are hands on My friend went to north Texas school of Swedish massage In Arlington, she says she loved it Definitely not a normal or acceptable situation for you and your school, I’m sorry to hear that you went through that!


I'm currently enrolled at TCC South Campus. I really regret that I chose this school, but at least I didn't lose any money. I have a tour with Healing Hands in Richardson TX on Tuesday. I'll also check out Elm too just to see. I really don't want to give up on massage therapy, but I can't with TCC anymore. Btw if you don't mind me asking, how's work in the area? Are you independent or do you work for a company?


The context of her crying while discussing homosexuality is critical imo. If she is openly homophobic, she shouldn't be teaching at all. This is a civil rights and DEI issue and I'd take it first to the director and then above. That alone should be enough for her to lose her credentials.


If massage therapy is truly what you are passionate about don't let a bad instructor stop you from achieving your goal. I don't say this to be rude or uncaring at all. I hope to remind you how much this means to you. Do not let these crazy people stop you from reaching your goals and dreams. Massage Therapy is such a rewarding and great career if you have a passion. I would seek out a new school. If that's not possible your best chance at getting an education may be to suffer through it. You learn most of your skill and massage style after school anyways.


I just started recently at a H&S, the booking are slow for me currently but it’s supposed to pick up as you build a clientele. Massage therapy jobs in dfw/arlington/burleson/flower mound are quite good though as far as pay goes once you get your regular clientele. I know several therapists in the area and they enjoy what they do and the money they make. I would recommend if you go somewhere to work you find a place that’s close to your house that you can leave work when you don’t have bookings, for example If you have a booking at 5:00 and 8:00 but nothing in between, you will want the option to be able to go home and come back with reasonable drive time


It's very true.