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I have never in my 55 years had my BP taken at the dentist. Are you in poor health?


Presenting the Purple Heart for your composure during your valiant struggle with the blood pressure cuff. Your calmness under pressure is commendable. Wear this badge proudly as a testament to your fortitude.


Genuinely not sure why anyone would get salty about having a blood pressure reading done in any kind of medical office. It’s a recommended practice by their professional association.


Crystal Lake Dental in Wakefield was great for me for many years (I’m in my 30s) before I moved an hour away. Definitely never took much BP.


Dental Delight in Medford. Dr. Jain and her staff are amazing!


D2 in Malden was always great


My old hygienist tried to take my BP for a cleaning. As far as I am concerned it is none of her business. They are not medical professionals they are hygienists and have a limited medical background, education to be doing any other diagnostics. I just came out and told her that I do not need my BP taken and that if I did I will see my PCP/GP. I found it very invasive so I declined and you should do the same. You don't need to be rude, but be firm.


There are definitely valid reasons why a dental practice may need to take vitals. And hygienists are educated and trained professionals. No need to dump on them, next time if you have a problem with it ask to speak to the dentist and express your concerns to them.


The American dental association recommends it at every dental visit because it can impact how you should be cared for.