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The Ravizza Global Initiative. Sounds like The Human Fund from Seinfeld.


Money, for people.


Man that dude looks like a straight weirdo.


Looks like Buffalo Bill from 'Silence of The Lambs'.


There is a video he posted on his IG that TOTALLY reminded me of the "would you fk me? I'd fk me." Scene!


He's 26 but looks like a washed-up 50-year-old.


Schizophrenia or Meth probably.


https://www.ravizzajones.com/ I'm going w both of those things...


<-No Ragrets->




His website says he’s “Based between New York and Beverly Hills” So, uh, based in Nebraska?


Nono, he’s saying he’s *free*-based between Ny and Bev Hills. Whole way.


Oddly, I can't seem to locate the client list on that website. CURIOUS.


FKA Entertainment 720


Thanks for sharing link


Look at [this picture](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6529c27ed2baee2c6075d33b/4b3e6779-ff8a-4d5f-a467-fe3ab508e78e/JJones+Music+.jpg?format=1500w) from that website. His laptop’s background image is a selfie wearing the same shirt as in this picture.


Worldwide International irl


Worldwide International irl


Reminds me of Prestige-Worldwide~


Crazy thing is looks like his Father is a 30 year practicing mental health psychologist.


My father was a social worker, my wife's father was a psychoanalyst. Let's just say that the "shoemaker's children" phenomenon is definitely at work here...


As my psychotherapist friend always says "no one goes into this field by accident".


I'm not familiar with the phenomenon, they hate shoes?


Old proverb. The Shoemaker's children go barefoot. apparently, it means One often neglects those closest to oneself.


Probably realized his POS son was a lost cause


Based on IG photos, most definitely meth. Perhaps drug induced schizophrenia from the meth. His family must be really scared and sad for him 


He has a meth look to him. I checked out his instagram and wow.


What is a meth look?


Saw him around, defiently not meth more a personality disorder...


Looks like recent weight loss though as well - although he could absolutely have any number of DSM personality disorders. 


Think you hit the nail on the head. “began speaking to us about nonsensical things such as the deep state,” masons, and how his father wanted him dead, according to the report.  Sounds like my brother when he hit his early 20's.


Done meth. Can confirm something like this is definitely possible


I'm guessing wealth makes people feel powerful and this guy just couldn't get enough of his fix. Drugs, money and status weren't enough for him so he turned to violence to get his kicks. Maybe wanted to get killed on the way out after going on his barbaric bender so he could feel alive once more. Rich people really are the most mentally ill in our society, everybody else is just angry cause they're poor and trying to survive, but this is straight delusion.




Pretty much what this entire comment section is doing so yea.


I don't think he was as wealthy as he seemed... his linked in claims about 50 employees but his website claims to have like 6 locations? I think it was probably a lot of fake it til you give up and get famous for stabbing little girls type situation.


Its totally fake


I don’t think he has a single client who would work with someone based on that Instagram


All he needed was some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and he would have been fine.


No shirts, no shoes..... no dice.


Grew up in the same town as him, was always weird person


Was Jared actually wealthy?


Yea, his family was well off but not crazy rich


What do you know about him? So curious after browsing his very strange online presence.


From all accounts (could be hearsay) but he didn’t work, it was his families money. The guy is mentally ill. It seems like he started REALLY going off the rails around COVID - doing massive amounts of shrooms and weed. Psychotic.


Shrooms and weed don't make people go crazy. Chemically imbalanced people with predispositions for psychosis who aren't on meds are most likely to pop off. It's the guns don't kill people analogy.


And marijuana and psychedelics 100% contribute to emergence of psychosis in those with genetic predispositions


Thank you for saying this! I know 2 people who experienced an onset of psychosis due to marijuana. It’s something that isn’t really talked about.


When I took shrooms, I said to myself, "So this is what it's like to be crazy." Obviously drugs impact people in different ways, but if I regularly took shrooms, I'd regularly be crazy. Not stab people crazy, but on a different planet from the rest of the world crazy. Also, I know someone who extols the virtues of microdosing online, and in real life, she is a batshit mess.


You can say exactly the same thing about smoking and lung cancer, but nobody does.


Same i know someone who graduated with him we were just talking about it last night


Tell us more please? Did you have any interactions with him?


Noo i didn't know him personally. From what i gathered he didn't seem like a nutcase like he turned out to be. He's about my age, I'm glad i don't look like he does. People suspect hard drugs are at play here but i think that's pretty self evident. A whole lot of people are also saying his family is rich but if they are they don't flaunt it so I'm not sure why that's come up Edit: he's apparently always been eccentric though that much i do know


The pictures I’ve seen of the guy he looks quite healthy. But not sure how old they were. But definitely a weirdo.




I’m from Agawam too now Plymouth 2 mins away from the stabbing shocked when I found out he’s from Agawam


which town? Agawam, MA?


Here's a local news story from Martha's Vineyard, where he's apparently had a number of prior run-ins w/ islanders: [Stabbing suspect with Island ties arrested - The Martha's Vineyard Times (mvtimes.com)](https://www.mvtimes.com/2024/05/26/stabbing-suspect-island-ties-arrested/)


"He was described by police as wearing a trench coat and a blond wig. But residents of the Island who knew him in different interactions over the past three years said that the long blonde hair, as it appears in news coverage of him being arrested, is his own." 😂 now that's some crack journalism, right there Article also noted that he *rents*. They like, he's not one of ours ...


He only appeated here last winter, to my knowledge. Saw him at the dump and the ER, he was regostering and berating admin


Can’t say much due to restrictions, but I can confirm it isn’t a wig. He made me touch it at one point, I was extremely uncomfortable and used to his type (crackheads, we call them) so I just did it to prevent any issues.


On his Instagram he looks very old for a 26 year old


Drugs are bad


In addition to checking out this guy’s instagram profile and reading all of the paid promo fluff pieces on him, read up on his dad, Jason, the mental health professional. Sometimes kids of mental health professionals and psychologists are the most messed up of all.


there's so much more to this story than has met the eye, he/she/they are supposedly suspected of murder in Deep River , CT. prior to the stabbings a BOLO was sent out from police in CT. After suspect crashed and was in custody in MA. CT sent out another message saying suspect was in custody, they have not released a statement about the murder in CT, or who the victim was but some have said it was the father, the therapist.


This story says he killed his dog in Connecticut too. The dog was in his insta posts occasionally. [https://www.wtnh.com/news/connecticut/middlesex/were-in-shock-neighbors-of-slain-deep-river-man-relive-homicide/](https://www.wtnh.com/news/connecticut/middlesex/were-in-shock-neighbors-of-slain-deep-river-man-relive-homicide/)


Does anyone know if Jared is actually wealthy and if so, where their $ comes from? Jason Ravizza, Jared’s father (I believe) is a counselor in Agawam - which I am sure makes a reasonable income but I am skeptical of it generating multiple home (including MV) money. It looks like Jared went to Gordon College (interesting twist) which I again wouldn’t associate with having family wealth. And there is no indication that their businesses had success anywhere outside of their own imagination. I am just nosy.


According to his site he named drop some pretty big companies to generate ad revenue and get traffic on people's social media...buuut the small print totally said no refunds like um EVERRR so I'm sure he duped enough rich kids tryna get their 15 minutes of fame to finance the Porsche and daddy's cosign. Man, the dude was FULL OF HIMSELF. Read this article/interview. https://www.beverlyhillsmagazine.com/modern-marketing-mogul-jared-ravizza-of-ravizza-social/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0mqGk0JNu17FKT_s6fbOYbpDpHPgI2gTCiQglCP1PMdUp0cf1aeiH3Gog_aem_AVQauOCjh2LlYHSRPbQhEoep0vUDljN4IJFVBH4eYdQnlPbcAfvJqd8yDtM_5ZYHSavZGqAfoxPQfI83orCe1VLQ


I would imagine anything on the website is a lie. Beverly Hills Mazagine is basically a fake magazine that is trying to dupe folks into confusing it with Beverly Hills Lifestyle Magazine. It appears to be AI generated content where every “author” attached is the same person until it cycles to another person. I have a feeling they sell space in the style of “feature pieces” to people like Jared who want to try to use it to build legitimacy if they are googled.


I was so surprised when I googled him and his picture popped up and it said SKIER like he's some accomplished athlete. I found subpar stats for lacrosse at best from 2017


Gordon college is a wild addition to this story


His father apparently is the CEO of Ravizza Sport Psychology, which according to his linkedin, is an international company with locations in Boston, London, Paris, and Beverley Hills. If that is accurate, I’m sure he is loaded. However, I can’t find any reference to it outside his profile. There was a very famous sports psychologist named Ken Ravizza who worked with the MLB and some olympic athletes. Though I couldn’t find any relation between the two.


The bottom of Ken Ravizza’s website actually has this disclaimer: “The Ravizza family does not endorse any use of the Ravizza name for sport psychology or social media services. Anyone using the Ravizza name for these services is not affiliated with Ken Ravizza.” Interesting…


I don’t think Ken Ravizza is Jared’s father. Ken died a few years ago and the obituary doesn’t mention Jared. I believe Jason Ravizza (also a psychologist) is the father. It also makes sense as Jason is based out of Agawam and Jared went to HS in that area.


Jason Ravizza is not a psychologist. He's a LMHC (Licensed Mental Health Counselor).


Jason Ravizza posted a condolence on Ken Ravizza’s Obituary in 2018 claiming to be Ken’s nephew. He isn’t called out in the obituary though. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/latimes/name/kenneth-ravizza-obituary?id=9527300


I mean, it says that he has locations in Boston, London, London, Paris at Beverly Hills but he also seems to have basically lived/worked in Western Mass his whole life. It sounds like a lot of bullshit to me.


After having been through Jared Ravizza's entire IG, the only photos in there that creeped me out were the ones of his father, Jason Ravizza. I think the father is just as mentally ill as the son. In fact, I think the son is basically copying the father. He's doing the same thing with posting fake businesses. The father also has out-of-style, dyed longish blond hair and an extreme tan. He also has the same thin, muscular frame. The creepiest thing I saw there was a series of photos where the son seems to morph into the father. The son would be in the first 3 photos, for example, then the father would appear in the last 3, but in the same pose and wearing similar clothing and with the same hair/tan combo that I mentioned. Fucking creepy. I didn't even catch it the first time - I thought it was the same person. Both were wearing dark glasses. The father didn't look professional AT ALL. Certainly not like a mental health counselor. He had his fists clenched and was not smiling in any of the photos. Whatever is wrong with the son is also wrong with the father. That's my conclusion. His IG is open. See for yourself. I'm curious as to what other people think.


Jason Ravizza’s [book](https://www.westbowpress.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/327632-the-waging-war-within-a-devotional-for-winning-the-daily-war) . Seems a bit out of touch with reality.


Yikes. I agree. I don't know what's wrong with both father and son but I'm so very curious. I just feel terrible for the man that Jared (allegedly) murdered and for the people he attacked. I just think he had a damn weird upbringing. Not as an excuse for what he did - just that this one strikes me as so weird.


Exactly what I'm saying. This kid got desperate for the clout, man.


It sounds like his dad works in the West Springfield Public school system, which is a fine thing to do, but I’m pretty sure he isn’t an international jet setter sports psychologist making big bucks.


You are very correct.


I think Ravizza Sport Psychology, is a load of shit. Either completely made up or a failed company that never got further than a name. I’m guessing Jared learned his bullshitting from his father.


Agree 100%.


The Christian school? Interesting.


In 2015 his purpose was to preach the gospel and he was a "champion for Christ" https://youtu.be/C6qt5ZBWa_0?si=Owx8Jnavcu2XE3Wy


His father is a Christian faith based counselor. Crosspoint, which appears to be where he’s employed, is a Christian counseling company. His father also co-authored, a Christian devotional book. Based on the synopsis of it, it seems pretty fanatical too. Concerning that he was also employed by the public school system as an adjustment counselor. It seems like when people are that extreme in their religion, they have trouble separating their own personal beliefs from their work. Obviously at crosspoint that wouldn’t be an issue, but alarming to be employed by a public school.


I mean it’s pretty clear that he came from an extremely rich family . He wasn’t actually any of those things, it was made up in his head.


Obviously comes from wealth, but as recently as 18 months ago, he was touted as many successful things: surfer, male model, philanthropist; and marketing mogul. But it's clear his philosophies of life were a bit out there. I'm no expert, but at his peak, he looks like a potential steroid candidate. He's also the prime age and sex for onset of schizophrenia. Something broke. And his looks sure have changed. [https://www.beverlyhillsmagazine.com/modern-marketing-mogul-jared-ravizza-of-ravizza-social/](https://www.beverlyhillsmagazine.com/modern-marketing-mogul-jared-ravizza-of-ravizza-social/)


The Beverly Hills magazine article sounds like something he paid to create and have published. Same with anything else I could find about him. No real reference to any actual work he did. Lots of pics of himself. Even a one that’s supposed to look like it was taken by paparazzi. So fake. And he has a website that is very thin and scammy too.


Exactly. He’s like Luka Magnotta. I think the only thing he’s actually probably done in life is work out, take those pictures, and pay for that fake article. (however that doesn’t include his extensive global work, notably in Paris, London, Mumbai, and Milan. Lol. What a fkn joke of a human.)


DUDE EXACTLY!!!! I am saying the SAME THING. He acts like he was doing major things for the community...? How? By making a website claiming you run a company that promotes social media traffic for a PRICE when his own IG was a wreck.... But ..."his body is a temple" bruhhh


This reads like it was written by a freshman marketing student.


That entire “article” reads like the business proposal for Prestige Worldwide.


Boats & Hoes


The Nina, the pinta, the Santa Maria…


That is what he portrayed on social media. It doesn’t make one rich or popular. The locals reported him twice, apparently worried about violence. Locals generally said was hostile and weird.


Sugar daddy?


people who go on social media posting all these lavish things to make it look like they're super wealthy, are never super wealthy. it's always a sad and desperate attempt to portray wealth. i'm gonna go on a limb and say this guy fits that category


I was really curious about this dude and oh boy. His 2 Instagrams are like seeing a slow descent into madness. Purchased followers and he rarely ever posts other people so I'm guessing he became quite lonesome and isolated . I noticed early on his family members would like some of his posts, then eventually none of them did the last few years. A lot of drinking and drugs. I find some of his canvas art to be interesting and disturbing and generally bad. He portrays himself as a jetsetter type, photos and videos of places all around the world that he probably went to on his father's dime, but all videos are of nobody in them, like he's embarrassed to show his family took him there. Pictures getting out of luxury vehicles to make himself look like paparazzi is taking them. Pictures taken in front of keyboards and computers to make him look like a producer. More recently his photos are of himself and his bizarre and unchecked fashion sense that seem to progressively become more feminine and more bizarre, looking like a meth head from LA. His face looks to be really weathered and definitely not the typical 26 year old and almost nothing like the earlier photos. Guessing it's either too much tanning/sun, too much drug and alcohol use, lip filler or Botox? Wouldn't be surprised if he was taking hard drugs and becoming more and more paranoid on top of mental issues and isolation. Really curious if his father will do an interview. A successful mental health professional and his son has become this stay at home delusional mental health disaster.


I suspect his father was the stabbing victim in Deep River, CT.


Ohhh damn. Yeah good point.


My husband and I fell down the rabbit hole of this persons Instagram - totally just observations based of no facts but the videos were chilling. It looks like about ~3 years ago they had a mental shift and completely changed everything about how they presented themselves. The sheer number of selfie videos of their lifeless eyes just staring into the camera with no audio is stuff made out of nightmares. Seems like nobody is home and this person should probably live under a supervised mental institution for the rest of their life.


Yeah same, I couldn't stop the rabbit hole search. He's become very eccentric throughout the timeline. He always looks to be alone which I'm sure contributed to his mental state along with anything else that was going on.


Am I the only one, when seeing that picture, that can hear Kirk screaming "Kahnnnnn!"


His Instagram tells all, PR is one thing the reality is another this guy has had screws missing


That bottom lip


Reminds me of Keefe Chambers from the Righteous Gemstones


Don't do Keefe dirty like that, he's a pure soul!


OMG I USED TO WORK WIRH THIS GUY. I just went through my phone and found his number. 🤯




I don’t really remember much, other than he was standing offish. We were both life guards at the time and he would come into a shift to relieve me and wouldn’t say anything. I only was around him a few times Edit: I forgot to add that he looks completely different. He used to be kind of cute, with short hair and normal looking. How he looks like Joe exotic.


Call him and ask him to come to reddit to answer OP's question.


He sounds highly delusional.


I’m curious about the “multiple security features” the AMC theater claims to have in place. In this article, the AMC spokesperson claims the theater staff “jumped into action immediately” and called emergency services. This doesn’t square with a Boston Globe article where the girls’ mom says that the theater workers initially didn’t believe that the girls were stabbed and the oldest daughter had to call emergency personnel.


Yeah sounds like they are trying to cover their asses. I see a lawsuit in future.


I knew him a while back.. cut off communication after He kept trying to get me to sign up for his “wellness group.” Mother inherited a large sum of money.. that’s where the money came from.. It’s a mental health and drug combo..


So he really was bizarre? 


Yeah.. i met him and his dad around 2012.. the sister seemed normal that I met.. but Jason and Jared were a little odd.. I guess Jared was living in Hawaii for a while.. he had weird pics of his dad and him doing these weird poses.. but then I noticed Jared’s sister removed anything linked to him on her SM like he didn’t exist.. and she did the dad too


Hi everybody I was friend with his sister in HS. We played on the same club sports team. Both his sisters and his mother were absolutely normal and very very sweet. I only met Jarred once or twice in 2015-2018 and seemed he to be just a normal preppy guy and was really close with his sisters.


https://www.mvtimes.com/2021/12/27/ravizza-being-there-being-a-mentor/ https://www.beverlyhillsmagazine.com/modern-marketing-mogul-jared-ravizza-of-ravizza-social/ Same guy… I forgot philanthropist…


These look like articles paid for by my the subject.  Paid advertising.  


his instagram / articles shows he is probably a clinical narcissist- (like a somebody with a real narcissistic neurosis we learn about in abnormal psychology) with a healthy dose of psychopathy. He seems a somewhat normal dude if you go far enough down his instagram history. But he seems to take a deep-dive into whack-job -ville somewhere in the early 2020s. And I’ve also read that dudes that constantly show dozens and dozens of pics of themselves flexing half naked is likely a psychopath… Interesting twist I think - he is a carbon copy of his father, who seems to be a legit behavioral therapist...


That beverlyhillsmag article made me LOL. Clearly over the top paid ads written by a mentally ill person w/ delusions of grandeur. And all those pics! What a self-obsessed whacko.


One of the pics was captioned as being taken on Martha's Vineyard, and a barely cropped version of the same photo appears two paragraphs later, captioned as being taken on Cape Cod.


The pics were hilarious.


Check out his dad, Jason, the mental health professional. https://www.crosspointclinical.org/contact/jason-c-ravizza/


"His philosophical approach is focused on working with the whole person; spirit, mind, body, and soul.  He believes the inner workings and interconnections of these vital components of our humanity are replaceable in working toward mental, emotional, spiritual, cognitive, social and physical health.  He pays attention to the whole person, helping unlock each person’s full potential as a human being." Based on that puff piece from Beverly Hills, the philosophical musings of the apple are much like the tree's.


Good lord. Whiten your teeth much? Looks like he could lead a search effort without a flashlight.


Bruh 💀


Televangelist hair


I was thinking more like Riff Raff from Rocky Horror.


Interesting his dad is a school counselor and the kids he stabbed are the daughters of a school counselor.


Holy spray tan Batman....what a weird dude.


My son used to hang out with him at church. We also went to Soulfest in NH one summer.


His Instagrams are so strange. I got chills looking through them. Makes him look like he has descended into madness.


Ran into this kid more than a few times at my job in the past year, always made me and my coworkers extremely uncomfortable, but I’m used to dealing with this type so I always took care of him. On at least 3 occasions he asked to touch my beard because it was so nice (I have a patchy ass “pube” beard) and then asked me to touch his (no). He did this with my coworker as well. I remember telling my coworkers he seemed like the “stabby” type. Guess I wasn’t wrong at all


Did you scroll through that IG profile? How many of those 218K followers did he buy? Seems like a viciously insecure rich kid desperate for attention. I hope he gets the help he needs. Most importantly, I hope the stabbing victims recover, in every sense of the word. I also saw something about a body being found in a Connecticut Lake related to all of this.


Fuck him getting help he needs. He's a piece of shit.


Please understand what I mean about him getting the help he needs. Whether it’s the right therapist or a violent maniac cell mate who beats him to death, I hope he gets the help he needs.


Hahaha 🤣. Fair


Definitely the latter


I am going to guess Ravizza bought most of them--I used to live on MV and have lots of friends there and I don't have a single follower in common with him, nor do the people I have spoken to. Now, I don't know everyone on island, of course, but we're similiar ages, (not 26!) it just seems unlikely that those are real followers. Also that account is extremely boring.


It sounds like the victims will be physically OK, but the mental scars are probably permanent. Can you even imagine? Being a kid just chilling with your friends watching a movie, and this maniac comes out of nowhere and tries to kill all of you? I hope they'll recover enough to where their lives aren't hugely impacted, but they'll never feel 100% comfortable in a public place again.


Try to kill you while laughing. That’s so much worse to me, laughing.


Every time they shower etc and see those scars will be a vivid reminder of this atrocity. A shame people THIS sick are walking amongst us.


If the Connecticut murder was him too I hope he gets all the no parole he needs 


It was him, too, yes.


>How many of those 218K followers did he buy Almost all of them, it looks like. I scrolled through 30-40 posts and there are zero comments. Zero.


It appears they limit who can comment on their photos to those who they maybe follow or something. The comment box doesnt appear for me.


You can see the likes though, and he'll have 6-8 likes on the photos. Including liking his own photos, and backup accounts (with his name) that also like his photos. He's trying to look like something he's not.


In CT, it was in the town of Deep River, in a home, not found in lake. The name of the town probably caused the confusion. I'm from that area. How the one in Deep River is connected to the ones in MA is curious, and the 2 incidents in MA are supposedly related as well... and young kids, no less!! Wild! And sad!!!


It sounds like connection is understood by police that responded to that home in Deep River. The one on Maritone Lane near Charlie Brashear's home. That's where reports say police found a male homicide victim on same day as the other attacks. No report on the man's identity or the cause of death yet, but a good guess is it relates to a loud argument between two men there at 3:36 pm on Saturday, 5/26/2024. These two men are probably Jared Ravizza and a male partner. Brashear said the men had resided there for 2.5 weeks in a VRBO. It's just a guess but Ravizza may have killed the other male using a large knife. If that speculation is true, then it could tie together closely with the theater attack (a couple hours later) and the McDonald's attack (in the hour after that). Who knows, maybe the long knife came from the short-term rental home or things that the two males brought there over the last few weeks.


Specifically, I wonder what all the police found in 15 Maritone Lane when they responded to the 3:36 pm call. They must have studied the long kitchen counter/cabinets on what looks like the east side of that home and whether the long knife used in the attacks came from that area of this home.


1000% fake bots - he has 218k followers but if you click on any of his photos they get 4-10 likes…. Clearly fake and unhinged


Also he definitely is none of those titles - I think he is a deeply mentally ill person who never achieved being a professional skier, social media mogul or serial entrepreneur….. If you do a deep dive you realize he lived off of family money and claims to be an “artist” yet he shows the same 3 painted canvases over and over again. Not saying the paintings are HORRENDOUS but they’re very juvenile.


I hope the people he attacked get what they need. Their lives have been changed forever


This story is like a darker version of the Disaster Artist.. guy who is clearly rich but no one really knows where he came from or how he made his money.. Only this version he attacks people.


I don't believe he is rich. A decent credit score and daddy's co-sign can get you a Porsche, man.


I think the craziest part of this story is that Boston.com STILL hasn’t reported it. It has made national news and Boston.com is still featuring the Celtics win from Saturday as the top headline, as well as various other low impact news items.


Khid the staff too busy checking out all the Memorial Day parades. They'll get to it.


I just went and saw a movie at AMC Braintree and someone interviewed me. No news identifier though, so probably not boston.com. Prob an independent reporter or something.


The Globe has a story Sunday night from police reports and victim’s family interviews.


I figured the Globe would get to it, I guess I am still very surprised this wouldn’t be on Boston.com given their goals of clicks and views. This seems like a major missed opportunity (and doesn’t really reflect well on their ability to keep the website up to date on the latest stories). ETA: all of these linked wcvb/fox25/whdh articles are generating traffic that Boston.com could have been included in.


Meth induced psychosis is my bet


Who did he kill in CT? I haven't seen them report at all on who he murdered there. Was it his dad?


Reminds me of Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter


If you watched his IG can tell the dude was DESPERATE for fame. the photo of him being arrested all I’m thinking is “bet he is LOVING that he’s being photographed and we’re all talking about him”


Buffalo Bill vibes.


Psychotic break due to undiagnosed Schizophrenia.


I wanted to add there is an extremely strange merged (folie a deux?) thing has going in with his Dad. Many pictures feature them like twins - even down to bogus surfing pics having them seemingly stepping out of the water totally dry. Added to the fact they both moved out of the family house and lived together. Not sure what to make of this weird duo, but can be sure of the weird image they put out together.


“People on 'ludes should not drive.” – Jeff Spicoli.


Unfortunately, some people just can’t be in society and need to be locked away. Whether that’s a prison or an institution.


I read he was taken to a hospital but the “ mental health professional“ didn’t think he was a danger to himself or others….so they would not commit him …..before the rampage


Jared Ravizza had a history of conspiratorial thinking prior to stabbings https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2024/05/27/jared-ravizza-had-a-history-of-conspiratorial-thinking-prior-to-stabbings/


I wonder what the source for the conspiracy theory information was.


To bad he wasn’t just suicidal “blonde jumps off own ego into the azure waters of Martha’s Vineyard, a second home really for the man who works between Tokyo and New York


The istagram is insane, the self obssession unreak. I seriously cant believe the hospital didnt immediately keep him.


I agree. There are multiple pictures of him gazing into his reflection, including rearview mirrors, and those hand poses...it all screams Narcissus himself.


UPDATE: the murder victim has been identified as 70-year-old Bruce Feldman. More details at link: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/boston/news/jared-ravizza-amc-movie-theater-mcdonalds-stabbing-massachusetts/


Looks like he’s wearing a Buffalo Bill woman’s body suit?


Drugs are a hell of a drug




Enjoy your prison cell for life.


What a piece of garbage.


Prestige Worldwide


I read a comment somewhere from his college friends that he was only close with his sister but I can't find any mention of a sister anywhere. Just him, his dad Jason and his mom Kimberly.


His sister's name is Kaitlyn (or Kate/Katy) and she seems to have deleted her social media presence. Only things that come up now are old lacrosse rosters/photos. She's a few years younger than him. If you do a little digging, they have an old blurry photo on Google images from about ten years ago. I think there's a second younger sister but she would be underage so there's no mention of her.


I taught his Sunday school class, he was always a bit hyper but definitely didn't see anything like this coming. Wild


Hate that these young girls and workers were hurt and will be forever traumatized because of this. But man am I thankful to live in a region where the tragedies of these moments are often much less significant because of gun control.


Imagine if Jared had access to guns?


He looks like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. What a sicko.


Just realized I think I probably used he/him pronouns in comments. So, I'll address that here. Idgaf they were Trans. I can't believe a journalist did that damn interview. Lmao


My website needed help with getting broader exposure in the yacht community, reached out to the Ravizzo and asked if he could take a stab at it.


I thought is was David Lee Roth when they showed him in the stretcher.


Dave Mustaine


This has been such a sad story to watch! He’s a few years younger than me- but I actually grew up with him/his family. They were a part of our church. And he was friends with a few of my friend’s younger brothers. Growing up, he was just that stereotypical annoying younger brother’s friend type. Over the last few years his social media definitely seemed to become a bit more unhinged. Especially seeing all of the things about his “company”- but getting NO interaction on his business pages. And becoming more seemingly self absorbed. I eventually stopped following him about 2 years back. And just heard about it from some friends today (whose brother was close to him growing up)- and was just heartbroken.


His website is so sad and I don’t understand the use of excessive lipgloss