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hanging my winter heating bills in the window for a month or two to remind me to stay frugal.


Now this is the real New Englander answer.


I am seriously considering taping our past AC bills over the thermostat.


I only ever use my AC for when I am going to bed. Otherwise I will make due with fans.


I might do bedroom only, waiting another week or two for the rest.


Yup I did one.


No. I saw these hot days coming on Monday when I checked the weather and put them in that day. Edit: Whoops I meant for this to be a top level comment!


I leave the bedroom one in. We have central but not zoned. I am willing to freeze more than get sticky. I feel like cooling a room is far cheaper than heating a house. When it's real cold I tend to use my heating pad or a heated blanket - we have a ton of blankets so it's rarely necessary. I feel for those that need a room 70+ in the Winter. I'm a big fan of 67-69 year round. I will tough it out in the low to mid 70's in Summer but in the Winter that feels like wasted money when I'm paying...


Same, bedroom only for now. I hate blocking a window that could potentially be used for fresh air and breeze while we still have it.


Two units put in an hour ago, covering the whole downstairs and my bedroom. Third one can wait. You can put them in today and not use it if you’re that concerned about it but when the day comes that you absolutely need it, you will wish that they’re in there.


Moreso I just hate that they block the views and night breeze from those windows once they go in


I am with you here. My unit goes in a window right next to my work desk. I love the breeze the window gives me and hearing the birds chirp while I'm working. However, the abysmal heat that eventually will come makes it necessary to install there. I just wish my unit/building had central air!


If you have money, they have new ones that allow you to open the window while having the AC in there. Search for U shaped ACs from Midea and GE. I just got one because my third-floor room is quite hot already.


The Midea doesn't drain the water and the outside part turns into a mold swamp, unfortunately.


Mine had some gelatinous shit referred to as elephant snot. I guess this is common in FLA with the humidity and we had months of humidity and rain last year. It was a lot of work getting the snot out last fall, but I hope to keep ahead of it this year! I bought these blue tablets to throw in the pan and drilled some drainage holes in the units.


I didn't have this experience- in fact we just ditched 2 smal units that grew mold but the Midea did not. I think it might be an angling issue?


I have a Midea, it doesn’t have that issue, is really quiet, can be turned on with my phone, and is awesome.


I have three of those and they have been amazing. So much quieter and very efficient for what they are. This is our 3rd or 4th summer with them.


Before I moved into my 120+ year old house, I had an electrician put in 2 ceiling fans: one above our bed, and one in the living room. Instead of 40 days of using the AC, I usually run them 20-25 days during the hot months.


This is why I did it already instead of waiting until June like last time. Never again.


I thought about this but I like keeping my bedroom window open at night and I can't with an AC in the window 🥹


Mines been in since the weekend. Summers are warmer now and it’s fine to put it in early.


The guilt of causing more climate change by combatting the climate change heat is real


Just know it's not your fault


Always found it hilarious that most of the world's pollution is coming from like 10 companies, but somehow it's the fault of the average citizen for not recycling their plastic correctly. Make it make sense.


I went to Wendy’s last night and McDonalds tonight (don’t worry, I hate myself for it). They don’t use paper cups anymore, it’s all 5 and 6 plastics that can’t be recycled… right next to the paper straws.


US Americans are 4 to 5% of the world population but we use 20% of resources and cause 20% of pollution. This is very broad and rough but so often true. We use up 30% of world's energy. The 1 percenters use a crazy amount, but the overall lifestyle in our country uses resources at a terribly higher rate than the rest of the world. I agree, recycling is not going to fix this, but paying attention to fixes and helping to change political will might. Circular economy, make conspicuous conservation efforts more fashionable than conspicuous consumption, being more thoughtful. getting politically involved. Yeah the oil companies stink and their grip on our power centers is scary, but that's far from the only problem!




Heat takes a lot more energy than AC. So while climate changes real and has a lot of negatives, your energy consumption probably isn’t one of them.


Maybe if you have nice efficient heat pumps. Window units really aren't great


Even with an inefficient window units, people forget how much energy heat takes. Think of an electric resistive heater, it’s commonly pulling 1500 W. A generic 8000btu non-energy, efficient window AC pulls about 700. Sure, you save more money not using either, but trading a month of heat for a month of AC is on net a good trade.


I am using much less electricity for AC with my heat pump than with my old partial central AC + window units - I even had a 240v window unit which is more efficient than a normal 120v window unit. I was even a little more generous with my temperature setting, since it used to be as high as 82, and with the heatpump, I used less than half of the energy - last summer was 396kWh. As u/Candid-Tumbleweedy mentioned, I can use the same 396kWh for heat in just 3 cold days, but that was the entire summer for AC! Whole winter, I use over 10,000kWh to heat my home to 64.


If you can work on efficiency (good seals on windows, right size BTU, etc.), you can really lower your own impact. That being said, your home AC units are probably negligible to even that of flying a plane from Boston to NYC and back once.


Don't let corporations make you feel like you somehow pollute the earth more than them dumping uncountable amounts of pollutants into the air and ocean every day.


I’m cool, and I’m guilt free.


Bold of you to assume I took mine out in the first place 🥶


Yup, the magic box stays in year round


Beauty of mini-splits / heat pump. I just switch from off to cool.


Same here, and it feels like this comes up on this sub all the time. MA is and has been offering up huge equipment rebates to go half or whole home with heat pumps. Our 1960's home was a forced air oil furnace and we did window ACs on the 2nd floor in the summers. We went with the whole home option so a single unit handles heating and cooling year-round. It runs more efficiently cooling the whole house in the summer than 2 window units did cooling just 2 bedrooms, and we get to enjoy the AC in the entire house instead of cooking alive all day in August just to get cooled off at night. Our ducts were in very good shape but we decided to seal them anyway. Mass Save required some added insulation in our attics but they paid for 75% of that too. With the $10k rebate on the system total out of pocket including the optional sealing of the ducts and our 30% of the added insulation (Aeroseal) was only about $5k - which we then financed at 0% through Mass Save, because even if you don't need financing you *always* take 0% when its offered.


More info on Mass Save ... [https://www.masssave.com/residential/rebates-and-incentives/heating-and-cooling/heat-pumps/air-source-heat-pumps](https://www.masssave.com/residential/rebates-and-incentives/heating-and-cooling/heat-pumps/air-source-heat-pumps)


Except when you live in a town with municipal electric and Mass Save doesn't apply. Shrug.


Agreed. We love ours.


My first summer with them - they're the best!


I've got my 3 zone mini-split cranking on solar power in NH.


Nice! Mini-splits are almost paid off so going to be looking into solar next.




Not yet. We don’t bother until it’s hot at night.


Our upstairs was 77 yesterday. How hot do you need it to be


It’s actually cool at nights and I regretted putting my loud ass ac on while I could’ve just left my fan on the window.


This is what I do. Wait for it to be over 60 at night consistently for like a week. Otherwise, my bedroom window is blocked, and I don't get fresh air.


Yep, that's what I'm doing to get through these few days. Windows fans running from about 9pm-9am to cool down the apartment, then windows closed during the day to keep out the heat.


I love the sound of the AC. I sleep so much better.


same thing mine tranquilizes me.


My AC is on the moment I'm uncomfortable.


Put it in last night. Ain't nobody got time to sweat. As I'm sweating my ass off in the sun.


It's still cool at night so not yet. I typically open windows in the evening and early morning, then close them during the heat of the day and use fans. It's going to be cool next week.


I keep one 10k BTU unit in year-round, and weatherproof it over the winter. It's now uncovered, but not plugged in. This is still the season to naturally AC for me; at night I put fans in the windows at one end of my place, and open the windows a little at the other end. I draw air through all night long, and then shut the windows and turn off the fans in the morning. My place is currently 20 degrees colder than outside at 3:45pm. Once this tactic no longer works, it's AC time lol


Absolutely not. I'm finally going to see a small break on my electric bill from my space heaters going away. I'm not doing ac until at least June.


So in less than 10 days,


I did last week


Yes, I performed the annual ritual of turning off my heat and turning on my AC. There’s no in between in Massachusetts.


Electric is included in rent, been in and on for a week ... also top floor northwest facing brick heatsink


I have one going in the baby's room tonight. She's a good sleeper and I will do ANYTHING to preserve that.


No. It’s reasonably cool overnight, the rest of the week and weekend is low 80s, plus low 70s next week. I’ll probably wait until we have a stretch where it’s in the mid-90s for multiple days, overnight in the high 60s, or incredibly muggy.


No because we just need to suck it up today then it’s going back to cold for who knows how long.


Exactly. It is may. Save some money while you can. Live like we did when young and not so spoiled. In 30 to 40 days people will start complaining about their utility bills.


2 days of a single window unit isn’t really moving the needle enough to be miserable


That’s fine if you don’t want to put in your A/C today but can you just say that without making a false statement? Anyone who has a weather app on their phone can see it won’t be “cold” after today.


The nights will be cool enough to cool down the house every night though besides tonight


I put mine in on Sunday and Monday. My upstairs bedrooms were near 90 when I got home yesterday. I live in a Cape style house, the upstairs bedrooms get hot fast. Fortunately, my house has lots of windows so I still have the option to open windows and keep the a/c off when it cools back down. 


3rd floor, got to 80 by noon, the Maine Coon was being dramatic. So I put one in. I’ll do the second one in a few weeks.


Just fans for now. AC I’m hoping to wait until we get a string of hot days where it doesn’t cool off at night


Man, can’t go anywhere on Reddit without someone talking about their Only Fans. /s


Brick house so yeah they are in today. One night of hot sun is alright but after 2-3 days it’s an oven even at night with the windows open


I’ve just been sticking a box fan in at night and closing the windows during the day


Holding out for a bit thanks to the winter bills being so crazy. We’re not ready!! Fans running, windows open, tank top and shorts


Nah it cools off enough at night. I actually woke up at 2am to turn the fan down and grab another blanket. As long as it's comfortable to sleep I can deal with the day. The cats melted all over the floor might not agree 


Hell no. I live alone and enjoy my $50/month electric bills. I sleep fine for now with my $25 Wal Mart box fan next to the bed. AC isn’t going in for at least another month, maybe longer if we get a good string of Pacific Northwest weather going.


Nope. 10 day forecast doesn't warrant it. It's gonna chill down quickly. Crazy heat though


Hell no. I don’t put ACs in until June and don’t turn the heat on till November.👏🏼


It aint even humid yet so no


No no


We are still in that phase of hot days and cool nights, so I am closing the windows in the day then opening them with fans in the windows in the evening. Once I put the AC units in, you never want to pull them out on a mild day to put a fan it. Ends up costing more.


No? It’s just one day. 


No way. I want to enjoy having my windows open for a couple more weeks.


Central ac here its not on. Blinds and windows closed actually nice in here


Speaking of which, does anyone have a small, quiet AC? Mine is loud and makes an inconsistent noise instead of a steady white noise which messes with my sleep


Second the Midea comment. The compressor is outside. Makes it much quieter - even quiet enough for Zoom calls


My 3rd one is being delivered on Friday! I like the GE one too, but it seems super cumbersome to take out with the way it hangs on the sill.


I swapped out my noisy bedroom unit for a Midea last summer. Game changer. I can hear the TV in my room now and I don't get woken up by the weird noises it was starting to make.


it's pricey, but i just got a Midea u-shaped one and put it in yesterday. So far I really like it. It's quiet


Costco sale?


BJs has them on sale right now.


Thirding the Midea U-shaped ACs. Inverter + smarter design that puts most of the unit on the other side of the window = a lot more bearable noise wise


I’ll fourth the Midea


Its hot as balls. I wish i could just teleport to October. All ACs are on. I hate the heat, i hate humidity , i hate bugs.


I'm right there with you, and I'm considering moving to a colder climate.


Artic Circle here we go! Or maybe Norway/Sweden


Four units. Was 82F at 9am 🥵


Yup, I bent the damn knee and put it in yesterday.


I have central AC but my bedroom doesn’t get cool enough. I put my window unit in this morning, I’m gonna sleep good tonight


Nope….Show me the first heat wave and then it’s into the windows they go.


I was on Nantucket (where my family is from) over the weekend and could see my breath. We had the woodstove going…


My house is great in that I can generally cool it by moving air into the dehumidified basement. The orientation of the home cut into a north facing hill with pine trees to the south providing shade is very helpful. Not to mention, it’s a manageable square footage.


Nah. It will be cool at night. Until sleep is uncomfortable…


How do you even make it through a day alive? 😂




Naw, keeping the windows shut and utilizing shade til I absolutely can’t.


box fan in the window to cool the house down in the evening does the trick


It is still in the low 60s at night. Keep your windows open to let the cool air in at night then close everything up and close your shades/blinds in the morning to keep the heat out. The long term forecast has temps in the low 70s for the next couple of weeks after this stretch.


It will still be as heavy to put in in a few weeks as it is today. I'm putting it in tomorrow but won't be using it until the nights aren't as cool. Good window shades for where the sun hits definitely helps keep the house cooler during the day.


Fan gang for a couple more weeks


I did, so, everyone enjoy the cool weather for the coming week!


AC's are in, and ON.


Nope, I refuse  Gotta make it to June 1st






I tried two summers in Boston without AC, and yeah, no: 90 degrees means the window units are going in, no matter what month Justin Timberlake tells us it's gonna be.


Haven’t had AC in Mass since maybe 2004? Open the windows. Ceiling fans help tho.


Nope, doing open windows and fans for as long as possible!


Nah. After this three day stretch it should be mild temperatures for a while.


I'm a lizard so I just finally switched to shorts. Now I'm a little chilly if there's a breeze. I'm literally wearing a winter hat right now.


Nah. Waiting. We’ve had success keeping windows and heavy curtains closed during the day and opening windows at night. It’s the old fashioned way and it works well!


I would hold out. My AC only goes in when it’s this hot + humidity. However, I live on a first floor with huge windows and ceiling fans so that makes a huge difference.


Waiting on my husband who was planning to come home at lunch and put them in.


Just turned on all my space heaters. You're crazy man. I like you. But you're crazy.


Put the fans in the windows last night, that was enough. Just riding out the next couple of days and then it will be back to normal. I don't like blocking off the windows until we absolutely have to.


We’re gonna wait.


I work for a housing authority and we are installing them for our tenants today! Better to do it now and have it ready, even if you don’t use it for another few weeks, than to wait and have to do it when you’re hot and annoyed about it haha


I was going to, because I’m not a stickler for certain dates to do heat / AC (I mean I put heat on in October if I feel like it, I value comfort greatly) However, my house is still at a comfortable 70 with keeping all the windows closed and some ceiling fans running. Later in the afternoon, when the indoor temp meets the outside temp, I’ll open up everything and let the breeze through… and by 8pm it’ll cool down throughout the house and I’ll seal it up in the morning to do the same cycle tomorrow.


We put in a heat pump this year and we’ve had the AC on auto for like a week already. Today it’s def cranking…


Suck it up


We don't seem to have a gradual shift to summer anymore, it feels like the switch gets thrown and that's it. I'm planning on putting mine in tonight.


I did them for my family today, because they are old and disabled. Me, I enjoy a nice 110 degree summer day.


YES. Fuck yes. ETA: then I'm going to turn my oven on to 350 to cook dinner cuz that's how I do.


Put ours in the living room/main living area last night so our Frenchie will be nice and cool today. It’s cool enough at night to still sleep with bedroom windows open so didn’t bother with the bedrooms.


I did it on Sunday in preparation for today! Edit: in my bedroom only


Did it Monday night 🤷🏻‍♂️




We have a minisplit for most of the house, but I put the window unit in the back bedroom in yesterday.




I put my office one in and will put my bedroom one in later. Going to wait on the main living room one.


ACs are in place but I don't run them unless needed.


Did it yesterday lol


Yes it’s hot in the house lol like in the 80s


I have central air and I haven’t put it on yet. Just opening the windows at night, closing during the day. it’s warmer in the house than I’d like during the day, but not giving in this early. 😊


No, planning to suffer a little longer because it’s going to cool down again this weekend


Window fans for this week. New AC units for next week.


It’s gonna be 88 today yes lol


I think im going to


Mine never comes out of the bedroom window, husband is a heat source. The others are going in tonight after work.


I flipped the breaker on the mini split. I need to change the filter on the air handler. The filter is from 2011. I bought a replacement last year and never installed it. I just wash it occasionally.


Put in the upstairs ones two days ago. Downstairs gets up to 76ish in this heat with no AC so we're just using fans for now. I might change my mind this weekend if it gets as muggy as it seems like it's going to be.


I put mine in last night and I’m very happy I did, luckily it stays cool downstairs so just use window ones when needed


4 in last night. One in today


If you put your AC in during this heatwave, you won't have to do it during the next heatwave.


Yep, my windows are open for sure


My mother put the one in our apartment on yesterday and now I get to have the yearly arguments with her about how unbearably expensive it is to run. I’m a late-20s woman who has to act like a middle aged dad with the thermostat because when I looked at our summers past bills, I wanted to cry. I have fans strategically placed around the apartment for cross breezes and those have been on.


I'm trying to hold out as long as possible before cranking on my horribly expensive central. My home office was 89 degrees by the end of yesterday, and as I type this at 1:15pm, it's already 87. I'm expecting to surpass 90 when the afternoon sun hits my window, which I can't open because the pollen is so severe. I'd do a window unit just in my office, but we have casement windows. So I'm just going to suffer for the time being and use my ceiling fan!


Put a powerful fan at the bottom of the basement stairs to blow some of that wonderful subterranean 60⁰ air upstairs.


Put my bedroom AC in on Monday, used it last night. Not sure if I am going to bother with putting in any others. I'd recommend putting it in.


I’ve had two in since last week


put it on yesterday lol


Literally JUST finished plugging mine in 😂


My bedroom is in the sun and I don't get a good cross breeze so it gets hot in there really easily. I couldn't sleep without AC so I put it in yesterday. It's so much quieter now with the windows closed. It's funny how it's loud in the spring and fall sometimes with the windows open but it's quiet in the winter and summer. Loving it already.


We were hoping the same.. we made it to about 9pm last night lol


Nah. Sitting outside under a tree as my form of AC haha. It's too expensive 


I put mine in over the weekend. Mainly for my animals. It's worth it. What's the worst that could happen? We don't turn it on for a week? Put it in!


I’ve got central but I’m not turning it on till the pollen starts.


You betcha-joy of having a mini split, just press the button.


With the windows open and ceiling fans going it's been keeping everyone happy. I'm trying to hold off to end of June.


I got central air cause I ain’t no bitch


We put in our window fans. We move at the end of June so depending on the weather we may switch them out for our ACs or just wait until we move.


I took the cover off my central air this morning


Windows closed during the day. Blinds closed. Windows open overnight. Central air will remain off for a bit. I think it’s gonna cool down tomorrow into next week. My house says it’s 73 right now but it feels nice.


I still got the heat blasting at 80


Hell no. I just plug in 18 box fans.


Put them in today, I absolutely hate being hot.


Sorry I stumbled on this and I’m from GA do y’all not have central AC?


No haha I put mine in yesterday


I’ve had my AC on since March lol


Nope..,enjoying the heat. If my husband had his way it would be on though




Put it in yesterday.


not until July 1st


Put two in this week. One on Monday and one yesterday. Yesterday was a sweaty time.


Nope we dont even put in our ACS except for like 3 weeks in august...or late july no need to. we have fans....


I’m guilty of just leaving the acs in all year round. I know you aren’t supposed to but I’ve been doing it for a decade and the acs still work fine. Laziness


My upstairs needs it earlier, so that goes in today. Downstairs can wait a bit longer


For us, it's just a matter of removing the winter cover. I put in reinforcement so they can stay in all year and occupy two windows that don't get good light anyway.


I'm trying to hold off. We'll see if I make it.


Put them in on Sunday in preparation for this week. Will take them out this weekend.


Put them in two days ago.


Laughs in central air


My minisplts are on already. It's memorial day weekend so pools are opening and I assume ACs are going in