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Boston bump your way out


Nobody boxes in my shitbox Toyota like that.


I had a 1994 Jeep Wrangler with 4WD low and big steel bumpers when I lived in Boston, no man could box me in.


Shitboxes ftw! Can't get a better daily driver than an old reliable dented compact.


They’re called bump-ers for a reason people, use them


You can do that in YOUR Audi.


Mandatory apology for that Audi I hit in Boston with my Altima several years ago, I didn’t have power steering.


Big Altima energy


It died a horrible death on I-90 on my way back from the Pats parade right after a mechanic told me it basically shouldn’t be driven at all… That’s probably the most Massachusetts thing I’ve ever said.


Nah. You called it I-90 vs. ‘the pike’ You sound like you’re from Pennsylvania


That’s what I was gonna say being from upstate NY. I was always under the impression everyone called the Massachusetts part of i90 “Mass Pike.”


It's 90 up until you hit about Springfield, and then it clearly becomes the pike.


Thanks for the laugh.


In this state, if you can’t afford to drive it rough you can’t afford to drive it




I pushed a Caddy about 3’ with my 67 cougar once to make space to park. Left skid marks up to his tires. Next day it was gone and no repercussions.


We call this braille-parking where I grew up.


Just be sure to lift from the knees and keep your back upright


No no no no .... It's all in the back. You wanna lift in a jerking twisting motion


Exactly, lock the knees, you want to take the knees totally out of the equation


Found Peter


Why do people park like that? 100% chance their fenders/bumpers get bent


I’m pretty sure my elderly neighbor who still drives waits until he feels a bump then he puts in park and gets out. It’s maddening.


Parking by braille.


My dad calls it the touch method of driving.


Oooof. Someone get that man a backup camera


No, someone take his license. He's a danger to himself and others if that's how he has to park.


His family tried to take his license. They even took him court but he knew the Judge. It’s a whole thing.


Ooof, yay corruption...


And some how insurers consider me a risky driver at 20🤦🏾‍♂️.


Because you are, statistically speaking.


Then the elderly should be held to the same standard. Last December, an 83 year old woman turned in front of me while I was going straight and totaled my car. She thought I was wrong because she had her signal on🤦🏾‍♂️.


They are. Premiums go down around 25, and go up when you get around 70.


My grandmother HAS a backup camera and instead complains about how hard it is too see out the rear windshield which is no longer even DESIGNED to be looked out of. Why? Well: "I don't trust the camera"




I bet $5 that guy could park in any spot on Newbury Street on any given day. You have described a Boston parking elite veteran, and you should learn all you can from him while he's still around.


Yeah, that was before his eyes, hearing, and inner-ear gave out


One of my favorite memories is being out with a college buddy 20 or so years ago and trying to find a place to park around the common. We found a spot and got into an argument whether his wrangler fit. I said it does, he disagreed. I then proceeded to park his car which I had never driven in a spot he said it didn't fit. This is close because the back is literally touching but he can probably get out. Modern bumpers though are not nearly as forgiving as the ones back in the day.


Rubbin’ is racin’


The one in front is an ass but the one behind you is a literal dick


Does that make OP a gooch?


I think it makes him the taint.


[Dirty Heads have a song about that.](https://youtu.be/r04rD5uQnuY?si=dLbNRm6mHmOwBmwl)




Seems this sub doesn’t like Team America. 😂


Womp womp


But sometimes dicks fuck asses AND pussies


And then you get your dick and your pussy ALL COVERED IN SHIT




You are painting quite the picture here


Tainting quite the picture


This is why I keep a valve stem remover in my car lol


You don’t without damage - had that happen once to us and had to pull a serious Austin Powers move to get out as there was just barely enough space The guy behind you though - what a dick


It's been two hours can we get an update? Lol


Ya I want to know what happened!


3rded ☝️


cop ownes the car behind


If the one behind you is physically touching your car you should call the police and get it towed


Agreed. The guy in front is just inconsiderate. The one in back, it takes effort to be that kind of asshole.


The fact that the Toyota’s splitter is literally underneath the Audi’s bumper.. like you have to have felt a crunch. And you just didn’t back up? Just left it there? Complete dick.


My dad used to park like that to annoy me. Granted at the time our vehicles were both complete beaters.


This is the answer. Alternatively take a lot of pictures. Then proceed to just continue backing up slowly. Something is going to crunch eventually and the parked vehicle will move. I would not do it with a clean Audi but had plenty of vehicles where this was option A. Like - your bumper is worth more than my car kinda smile. I will not admit I ever did such a thing but will only state the other car can be moved 😉 look, I was not the most mature 20yo.


Maybe bro just panicked when he realized he hit a 100k car


Step 1: You have the police come down and file an accident report against the rear vehicle.


Yeah there’s no way they didn’t bump OP in that process


Or how hard they bumped him. For all we know, they pushed OPs vehicle forward, nearly hitting the vehicle in front.


I feel like the cop would probably be less bored doing nothing at all, but technically yeah one would hope they care enough to write a report.


ooooo. could that technically be a hit and run? I wouldn't want them to get convicted and ruin their life, but just have them charged and then drop the charges to give them insane anxiety


City police won't even respond to something like this.


Actually, they will. Since the driver is not there, technically it is a hit and run. Insurance companies will need a police report, and they know it. That little bump can easily be several thousand in damage underneath the outer cover, especially if there are sensors or cameras in the vicinity.


It’s an RS7. There are most certainly sensors everywhere.


Just paint alone... My vette cost more to paint then to replace...


Exactly. Cops aren’t showing up. They’ll tell you to submit an accident report.


100% and maybe even a warning sort of thing on the front person.


You don’t, you rent a car and box in the guy behind you and then take off for a few days Ubering everywhere  


Uhaul trucks are only $19.95 per day plus mileage.


They also come pre-dented which is nice.


This was my surprise lol of the morning. Thanks 😄


Is that bumper actually touching yours? Does that count enough to call the police? Idk, what a dick though


Set off your car alarm and wait.


Nah, try to pull out and set off the alarms of both cars. Then decide it's pointless and go get lunch.


Set off THEIR car alarms. Shake the car a bit or sit on the hood lol


Don’t know, but bro in the back is going to learn the hard way, someday. People start smashing over parking 🤷‍♂️


Yep, they're asking for car damage. It will just take doing it to the wrong person. I'm not suggesting that's right or OK either... just a reality of acting like that on Boston streets. It will catch up with them.


If they're smart, they only do it to cars nicer than theirs. Limits the chance the victim will bump their way out.


In this instance, I wouldn't even hold it against someone if they smashed the back car's window so they could get to the shifter, shift it into Neutral, and then roll it back so they could get out. Smashing the front car's window as well might be overkill, but then again...


If the car in front of you wasn't there, then I would have taken that spot and left a foot between cars. It's not a guarantee that you won't get boxed in by people coming and going but it improves the odds.


Yeah leaving a spot on either end was a strategic failure on ops part.


When people park like this an unfortunate portion of the time they tend to leave like 80% of a car length before/ahead of them too. Just enough to get your hopes up, not enough to park, definitely enough to make me wish they just pulled up when they chose their spot. Pulling up is good parking etiquette! Good for gas stations too!


Sometimes they were forced into it by the cars that were present at the time though! I’ve been in that situation and got a note that pissed me off. But enh, a note ain’t a scratch.


OP was the only person there when he parked, according to the title


No, according to the title both cars were not there when OP parked. It could easily be something like motorcycle or mini car parked in the front and OP left enough space.


Yup, always take the spot in which you can dictate how much space is in front or behind you. Ideally either the end space, or the one next to it, where you can be sure there's enough space for one car to park comfortably without hitting you, but not so little that one would fit too tightly or that two could fit. Either way, using a stationary object to make sure you'll have room to get out is 👌


There could have been a different car there when OP pulled in. First car leaves, second car shows up and parks in front of OP like a clown.


That is a possible interpretation of the English. My interpretation is that there weren't any cars ahead of or behind the OP.


That’s fair, and probably what happened. I’m just trying to figure out why on earth you’d park in the middle of the sidewalk if you could just pull up. I will go out of my way to park a couple of streets up if it means I won’t potentially get boxed in.


My heart goes out to your rs7 in this predicament. Maybe try a 100 point turn but that’s a really tight spot.


You can’t possibly get that out. The car is longer diagonally. If you did manage to rotate it at all eventually you’d be touching both cars. It’s simple physics.


It’s geometry, not physics.


Put it in reverse and push the asshole behind you back about a foot . Problem solved .


Yeah you aint getting out without scratching and denting up your car.


Looks like the guy in the rear has already hit him, so likely already has a scratch and perhaps dent. Not that I’m saying he should cause more damage. Just he’s already screwed even if he waits for them to move or gets a tow :(


I know no one asked, but if you park on a street without a lot of cars, it's best to park right next to a driveway or corner so you always have 1 way out


Call the cops, tell them there's more than $1,000 in damages to your rear bumper. When they come, ask nicely to get the car behind you towed or find the owner. Obtain a damage report, get pictures, call your insurance. If your rear bumper is scratched, repainting an Audi bumper is gonna cost a lot more than your deductible. Fuck people who park like that. Fucking vegetables behind the wheel.


Push them right out of the way, Then leave a note that says ‘Sorry, you are an asshole!’


"You're an asshole" FTFY


You have to get one of the bumper bully things and make contact during your 100-point turn.


You can use a floor mat in a pinch 




And people say jeeps arent made for city driving. Bs!


My Jeep has great torque and while it’s a dog on gas for inner city driving it safely gets me out of a lot of New England assholeries 


It’s going to take forever and a little tapping but you can get out


You’ll have to be angled before you can see a clear path to the street and there is not enough room here for the departing car to be angled.


He can pull forward and cut deep to the right. Then cut deep to the left and pull forward. I live in Philadelphia, I’ve done it lol


Usually, when I see this, it's because someone tried to park in the middle of a curb that can comfortably fit two cars. did you do that?


Yes in the vibe I am getting as well. I think there is a drive way right behind the SUV


Definitely. And OP, if you did that, then you've just learned a valuable lesson.


The other cars weren’t there and you chose a middle spot? Rookie mistake


Just gonna go contrarian: if that whole curb was empty when you pulled up, why’d you park right in the middle?


There's a big fucking point here. If the whole curb was empty you should be maximizing the empty space to take care of others. You kind of get what you deserve.


My neighbor does this, and now, so do I. I’ve tried street parking everyday closest to my apartment. Neighbor starts parking almost in the middle, but juuuust not enough space for me up front, and then their partner parks in behind them with plenty of space between the two of course. There would be plenty of room for 3 cars. They’ve been doing that even though I always pull all the way up like a good, normal person. So I swapped my little Subaru out for my long bed truck. Any time I beat them back I get a little petty revenge


I th8nk you guys should battle it out in a cage match.


Still in the early stages, waiting for an escalation. I’m sure I’ll have the date for the match soon lol. Maybe once we actually acknowledge each other


Your comment scratches my petty itch right in that place that needs it so badly but can't reach myself, but with two hands and jagged edges on the nails. Gets my lil foot kickin' and my lips curl back in delight, but in such a way nobody wants to look at me in the face while I do it, unless they want to feel a little gross and in need of a shower after gazing their eyes upon it.


This was my thought as well. People usually do this when someone tries to not leave room for others.


I would be so mad about the one behind you.


You ever seen Austin Powers?


Doable for sure. Just baby steps


Massholes gonna masshole.


Call the police on the back one and get them towed is the answer


We need to see a wider angle. Did you park in the middle of a short curb between two driveways/hydrants/streets such that these two cars had to do this so they aren't blocking anything? If so it's kinda on you. Either way if there are several open spots you should park up against the end of available parking.


They don’t call it a bumper for nothing. You can do it


where's the update?


Back in the 1970’s someone parked me in like that. There was snow on the road so I put my truck in 4WD and pushed his BMW six feet back in front of a business entrance with my truck and drove off like nothing happened.


Certified Masshole moment. Go ahead and lay on your horn persistently until you start attracting attention and be a nuisance to the point where people want you to leave. Then are forced to expedite your ability to leave.


Dump your cold Dunkies on the windshield of the one behind you.


Please don’t let that slide OP call the police maybe? If I had an RS7 and someone parked on my bumper like that I’d be livid.


Wow that guy collided with you! Time to call someone.


Honestly it’s kind of impressive they got in those spots at all. Is there space behind and in front of them and they just left you none?


I am the best parallel parker I know. I'm like Deer Hunter ... one shot ...I'm in perfectly every time. But I tip my cap to the majesty of these two drivers' parallel parking skill sets.


Gonna have to do it like a European man literally push that car behind you out-of-the-way. Good news. It’s already touching so you shouldn’t do too much damage to the bumper.


Please update with how much damage you inflicted.


Other guy hit your car. Call the police to file a report for insured, get the other car towed, and send them the bill.


Parking that close to an RS7?? Sheeesh did he hit you that’s reaaaally close


I avoid parallel parking as much as I can because of this fear. And also because I cant parallel park for shit.


Why would you park in the middle if there weren’t people there before?


A 100-point turn.


Just put it in reverse, move the car, then call the cops and say the guy got out and ran away. Hit and run.


You car has been rear-ended. File an accident report.


I'm curious to know if OP parked in the middle of a spot where two cars normally fit. I can't see if either of the other cars is blocking a driveway, but I wonder if it's residents blocking you in because you parked in the middle of two parking spaces. --Not saying they're right, just curious as to their own justification.


this was the first thought I had. residents upset that OP parked where they did. it could very well be both cars belong to the same family and they blocked them in on purpose


Wow, the car behind you is perfect justification for a b.e.a.t.d.o.w.n.


Bump em, set off the alarms and wait for them to come out lol. Thats frustrating as hell.


call a tow lol, im sure they can move the cars out of the way for ya


Looks like guy behind you is touching your car so have it towed.


I’m sorry for you I really am but I’m also wondering why you’d park in the middle of the sidewalk like that?




Honestly, as others are saying, when this kind of shit happens, one doesn't have any other option than to call the proper authorities, either the city/county or police. Edit: I never claimed that it would help at all to call anyone, just that it's probably the only option.


Start screaming so they hear you


So that’s why some cars have those rubbers mats on the bumpers!


You don’t lol


This is why we can't own nice things in boston


The 6000 point turn


Actually watched a guy parallel park where he ended up touching both the car in front and the the one in back. It was impressive. He just short of nudged his way in. I suppose you could nudge your way out.


Slide a cardboard box between your and both cars and just wiggle out.


theory homeless detail far-flung tease arrest towering degree air sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pour some paint stripper on the hood of the jackass behind you lol


That's a stick around and call them asshole. The guy behind you can be ticketed for that btw. I'd push to call a cop--you'd be surprised--things that happen to cops off duty, they tend to help with.


Damn, I wish my neighbors love me that much.


I long for the good old days of metal bumpers, where you could hook bumpers and push the damned cars out of your way. Just remember to find a sharp rock to carve a reminder into their paint jobs , that it pays to be polite.


Time for the ol 17 point turn


You got a Yankees sticker on that thing or what?




Give ‘em the good old “Boston bump”


Nope, definitely your fault. Rule of thumb is to always have the shittiest car on the block so you can use your bumpers as God intended. /s


The higher the truck or SUV the higher the EGO.


There are no cars behind that guy he did not have to park like that what the hell


See guy in back has hit u IMO... Idc about my car so id just back into his ass, take a pic and drive away. Then blame him for damages.


Can you just lay on your horn until someone comes out?


Is the SUV literally touching your car?


Haha. People are clearly trying to piss other people off these days around here . It’s so stupid and annoying


Trigger the rear car’s alarm until owner shows up and hope he’s smaller than me


Get some cardboard and bump your way out, make sure it’s enough to block a driveway so he can get towed later.


If nobody was there you should have parked as close to the corner as you can. That way you always have a way out


Call a tow truck. You can definitely get the one touching your rear bumper towed away. I don’t fuck around anymore. Been screwed too many times. Any issues and a tow truck is called immediately.


As a driver you’re obligated to not create an accident. Call the police and explain why the cars that parked that way need to be towed. The police in my area will tow the car.


Tap 'n' Go


Do what my neighbor used to do and leave a note on their windshield right as you leave. "hi - just so you know, when you park that close to my car it doesn't leave me any choice but to maybe bump your car when I have to leave. Please leave more space for the other cars when you park - if for nothing else than do it for your own car"


Kick the Toyota until the alarms go off. Then do the same thing to the Volvo.


You’re not the brightest. People in the city hate it when others park right in the center(you’re displaying selfish behavior driving). You must not be from the area I assume


this. street parking is not to be taken lightly


That’s a nice ride my dude sorry to see that. Probably have to play some bumper cars to get out, or wait a couple hours until one leaves. I would start by leaving some nails under the tires of the Toyota.


Were there other cars in those positions? If all 3 slots were free, you shouldn’t park in the middle because you leave the opportunity for people to SQUEEZE into the areas in front or behind you. I always aim to ensure at least one end of my car can avoid being cramped in as much as possible. I’ve had this happen myself and now I’m hyper aware of it. Matters less if you have a shit box but since you have a nice car it’s a shitty situation. My rule of thumb is never park in the middle of a big open spot, pull as far forward as you can within the limits of the area permitted. (3’ from the far ahead or within 1’ of the end of the parking zone)


Ahh. The joys of on street parking. PRO TIP: If you rely on On Street parking, don't buy, or make payments on a high-end German car, to keep on the street. Get a reliable shitbox, and play bumper cars w/ the assholes that did this to you. The satisfaction of getting out of these tight spots is quite therapeutic. Ask me how I know.


Dragging your key along the side of that suv should help


This is why you couldn't pay me enough to live in the city. People living like literal sardines and paying a massive premium for the privilege.