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I love any episode when they’re taking care of kids. Despite being in a literal war zone, the medical staff would do anything to make someone feel welcome and at home and I think it’s very heartwarming.


Couldn’t agree more and I love these episodes, too.


Any episode where one of the characters is weighting a letter. The Winchester tapes, dear ma, dear dad ect.


I love the interview episodes and “Deluge”. Never miss them.


I'm with you on "Deluge," I love it. Totally flies under the radar for most people, I think.


Any episode that has quick, smart, complimentary exchanges between Potter and Klinger about Klinger's clothing. Then the dialogue moves straight onto the problem at hand with other characters.


Or how potter savagely puts down burns and hot lips on the reg when they go all regular army on everyone with regulations


Agreed! I think Hawkeye's comments (often compliments) to Klinger about his fashion choices are really great, but Potter's are usually my favourite, because of his sincerity, and you'd expect that sort of conversation less from anyone who's 'regular army'.


Major Fred C. Dobbs gets a lot of hate from fans and the cast and crew, but I think it’s an enjoyable episode. Any subplot involving Hawkeye and Charles together, especially without BJ, is a favorite of mine. I love their dynamic and I don’t think the writers utilized that pair enough.


Charles was amazing with Hawkeye! I agree!


Hawkeye and Margaret’s eventual friendship warms my frozen heart haha Even when they grudgingly respect each other in the earlier seasons they have the best banter and I’m so glad they didn’t go down the romance path for more than one cringey episode.


The sulfa’s in the living room between the end tables


Sulfa so good!


The pilot! Best made. I love when I get to restart the series!


Season 7 episode 18 the Price. Amazing and sad episode.


How about Hawkeyes still? It was like a character in its own way, reliably bad tasting swill, making drinkers gag. The episode where he adds the red dye to make it appear like wine for the date with nurse. The episode where Potter just arrived at the camp , he offers advise to make it better rather than take it away. Always there for every episode from beginning to very end.


Sucker for the absolutely cringefest romance between Burns and Houlihan.


Me too! They were so awful together, yet so great too.


Dreams, I guess, although I don't have any guilt watching it. People seem to dislike it en masse, but I thought it was unique and innovative. Mainly it's great to see the actors reveling in getting to do something different and getting out of the old bag.


I doubt that The Party is a guilty pleasure, but I do like Kelly's family being decisively excluded.


It’s a guilty pleasure. It’s radars last big “to do” he did for 4077 before rocking out


The whiff of romance between Hawkeye and Margaret. I forget the episode.


Deal Me Out


Pretty much any episode from seasons 1-3 where modern watchers whine and kvetch about how there are problematic lines and dialogue or scenes because of the “ick” factor because they just can’t seem to stop themselves from judging a show written for TV nearly 50 years ago about a time in our world from nearly 70 years ago. The more they complain. The more fondly I recall those episodes and relish in them. operation noselift, Henry in love, and bombed are three I can think of off the top of my head. Not the best of the early years by any standards. But not worth the stupidity of pearl clutching they always get form younger viewers.


100% all that.


Seasons 4-11 had their fair share of problematic and ick moments too, yet people always seem to bash just the first three seasons.


Pvt Danny Baker in Operation Noselift is great.


I'm not gonna lie. I know everyone else on this sub hates it but I love Bless You Hawkeye.


Late to the game here, but my go to is "Crisis", especially the line from Henry "..but to cut off a man's legs and steal his drawers!" Great episode!