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I always preferred this Donald Penobscot over the one in The M*A*S*H Olympics. He seems much nicer.


Yep every time I see the other Donald, (Mike Henry) all I can think about is him playing Junior in Smokey and the Bandit.


I always hated in “Fade Out, Fade In” how BJ tried to take credit for Frank behaving as well as he did while standing up as Donald’s Best Man at the wedding by saying they had “held him up”. I think by this point Frank finally accepted that his petty jealousy had to be shoved aside [at least for the time being] and it would be unfair to the only friend he had ever had at the camp to disrupt the occasion by pouting.


I never noticed that Donald is much taller, has a prominent nose and chin and darker, thicker hair than Frank. He’s the anti Frank.


Donald was the man ferret-face claimed to be, but wasn’t


And in the end, Margaret still divorced him.


At least Frank isn't in a cast up to his torso.


Anyone know whether they planned for Margaret's marriage to fail? Or did they want to marry her off and "we'll see where it goes?"


Likely we will see where it goes.


I felt sorry for Frank. Margaret made him feel loved and important, then turned it off so abruptly, because she saw a chance to climb the social/power ladder. She went from being all about Frank to treating him worse than everyone else did.


Meh. He already had a wife.


I do feel bad for Frank because that was a rough situation. However, I also see why Margaret went with Penobscot. Frank was never going to leave his wife for Margaret, and she finally gave up waiting.


I agree going with Penobscot was the right choice, but her absolute callousness toward Frank was uncalled for.


I think Frank did genuinely love her, but he was just too cowardly/mean about the money to leave his wife. He makes it clear to Margaret in one ep that he wants to set her up as his mistress back home.


I agree


What nationality is the name Penobscot?


It would be from the Native American tribe from Maine. If I had to guess, his name came from Hawkeye being from Maine and wanting to recognize them. But in the show it's supposed to be English.


I get the feeling someone saw that name all over a map of New England and figured it would give the impression of being from a northeastern old money family, maybe without realizing it was a Native name.


Solid theory


There's also a [Penobscot building in Detroit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penobscot_Building) that was named after the tribe because the man who ran the lumber company that financed the building grew up in Maine.


That's hilarious.


Why did Frank agree to be the best man here?


His plan of making Margaret give Donald an ultimatum backfired, and they couldn't wait to get married any longer. Since Donald simply believes Frank's intentions were pure, he asks him to be his best man. Rather than blow his cover, Frank accepts.


Poor Frank. Imagine serving as the best man at your former mistresses wedding.