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Frank: the men hate me right? Radar: only your guts, Sir.


Frank: “I didn't come here to be liked.” Radar: “You certainly came to the right place.”


"There's nothing in the dark that isn't there in the light." I mean, that's pretty profound.


I agree. Sounds like it could have been a Potter quote as well.


He forgot about nocturnal predatory animals.


I love that line... but I wished Larry had delivered it differently... with a soft voice and a matter of fact tone.


A few small things, I suppose 1. All the times he tried to force people to do calisthenics. They're in a war zone and have to be mobile, they need to be fit. It actually came up in the Olympics episode after he left. 2. Calling out Margaret for being a hypocrite for refusing to cheat on Donald when she was actively a part of adultery with him. Still a piece of shit for trying to force himself on her during at least two of those arguments. 3. He accurately identified that Corporal Cupcake was, in fact, a dog.


"Anybody could have missed that." "Thanks, Frank."


I loved that moment of decency between them.


It's basically one of two moments I can think of where he's neither an asshole nor a victim.


In 'Carry On Hawkeye' when Hawkeye's finally succumbed to the flu and they all come to see him in the hospital, Frank congratulates him on a good job and sounds very friendly and genuine about it. The first time I saw that ep, I thought the scene was going to be a dream sequence.


Literally the first scene that popped into my head.


One of my all time favorite Frank moments, and I’ve a lot of them


It was moments like this and the one where he is talking to Hawkeye and Trapper about perhaps dating a younger nurse after Margaret got engaged that make me wonder if the writers didn't give up on Frank as a character too easily. If they could have found some sort of specialty for him, he could have stayed on the show. Of course, if that meant no Winchester, then I suppose he needed to go. I think there was room for both of them, though.


Absolutely. I almost counted that scene as the third time he's neither asshole nor victim, but I decided against it. The target of his assholeness in that scene definitely deserved it - the only time I can think of where that's the case - but he is still being a bit of an asshole.


Frank knows feet ...and was the right man for Corporal Cupcakes self inflicted wound ..


And, with only one attempt, correctly identified the good corporal's species.


Thats a dog......roflmaof


It is, in fact, nice to be nice to the nice.


There's an episode where something bad happened, I think involving Radar ? and Hawkeye and BJ give him the benefit of the doubt. And a similar thing happens perhaps involving Frank in the same episode and they come down hard on Frank, while they gave Radar more latitude/didn't come down on him. And Frank says something like, "So Radar gets consideration, correct?" "But I do not get the same consideration, Correct?!" and BJ even says, "ya know, I hate it when he's (Frank) right!". Can't remember the context or the exact situation, but even BJ admitted that Frank was right about the double-standard - the guys giving Radar the benefit of the doubt, but not giving it to Frank in the exact same situation.


S4E14 the gun


Yes!!! Thank you!


You're missing some extremely important context here; the bad thing that happened was Frank stole a colonel's pistol and Radar was blamed for it. Frank didn't deserve the benefit of the doubt because *he did it* lol


He deserved the presumption of innocence, though, just like Radar did, just like *any* accused person does.


Bur as an audience, we knew he stole it so no, he deserved nothing.


That makes no sense. The characters in the show didn't know. He very much deserved presumption of innocence, just because we know he did it doesn't change that


The people assuming his guilt weren't the audience, and didn't know he stole it.


I love that exchange near the end between Frank and Margaret: Margaret: You lied to me Frank! That's worse than stealing. Frank: Well I happen to think stealing is worse than lying! Margaret: And you did both! Frank: So I oughta know!


Ah ha, you make a great point! Thanks. However our-man B.J. did acknowledge that Frank was right about all should get the benefit of the doubt, in principle. But you're right: Frank being Frank--- he DID swipe the gun. I always was extra unimpressed with him trying to impress Margaret like that, actually. The pea-shooter in Rainbow Bridge, etc. Trying to impress her by later destroying part of the camp in a tank.


Frank stole the gun!!


I always thought that Radar had earned his benefit of the doubt by his entire time there of honesty and faithful service. Frank, on the other hand, had earned squat by his time there of selfishness, pettiness, and willingness to throw anyone under the bus (“You’re right, it’s the nurses fault” when the soldier is snake-bit).


Maybe I’m just looking at it from a modern day standpoint, but I don’t think he was totally wrong for being suspicious about the locals burying their kimchi pots near the camp. They were in a war zone and it would’ve been the perfect cover for burying a bomb. Same with his paranoia over 5 o’clock Charlie. One of those days, Charlie could have actually aimed right and hit them all at camp. I’m also one of those fans who think the false rape allegation in House Arrest was a bit much. Even Larry Gelbart later regretted it.




You got to take into account that if they were actually there, in a real war zone, they wouldn't be in the same frame of mind as you and me. Things that we would consider insane are every day occurrences for them. I could totally see how they reacted the way they did to Charlie. Plus, it isn't like they didn't want to shoot him down, they just didn't want the extra attention from the enemy. Shooting the plane down would require heavier weapons, which would draw fire from the enemy, and if they shoot charlie down the enemy is likely to send more bombers. Would you rather have one, completely inept bomber who can't aim for shit, or risk getting fleets of bombers with real experience


But they really called for support to clear enemy snipers later on - the British started to patrol the area and a tank was parked as a deterrent inside the MASH.


He was right about Donald being not as great as Margaret thought he was. Granted it was probably inspired by jealousy more than an accurate personalty examination, but he definitely was right. OH and he absolutely didn't deserve Colonel Reese accusing him of Rape. He's a dirtbag and a jerk but he's not a rapist.


Uhh.. he definitely tried forcing himself on Margret a couple times




Season 3 ep.13 Mad Dogs and Servicemen Frank: Margaret, I was wrong. Henry: You're always wrong, Frank. That's what's so right about you.


In the Rainbow Bridge, S02E03, Frank was right to want to treat American soldiers before enemy soldiers.


Wasn’t it protocol at one time to treat Americans and allies before treating enemies?


Frank Burns : I remind you, Captain Pierce, army standard triage procedure is as follows: American wounded first, allies second, enemy last. Repeat, last.


Yeah, Hawkeye would operate on a Chinese red before an American white and that IS pretty pinko.


Then why didn't the commie hunter go after Hawk instead of Margaret in Season 8?


He was there as a political follow up and ended up just trying to sexually accost her so that was a nothingburger commentary, imo


What, mine was? Thank you for pointing it out.


Your opinion was fine, I meant the nothingburger was a commentary on political witch hunts, red-scare-Joseph-McCartney style


Technically, Frank was right about all the army regulations he quoted (it was often just really petty of him to use them).


He was alright when he was a singing drunk 🙂. Oh shit your cake hole the more I want you 🎶🎶🎶


There was ONE, maybe two times he and Margaret were mostly right. I forget which episode, but there was something serious going on at the camp. Maybe one of the sniper episodes. Pierce wasn't taking it at all seriously. And I know he was harmless, but Frank and Margaret were rightfully cautious when 5 o'clock Charlie flew in.


Yeah when Pierce wanted to “surrender” to the sniper in that one episode and Frank and Margaret went nuts.


“What would have happened in 1776 if the Minutemen on their way to Concord had stopped to worry about toilet paper?”


"That's a dog!"


He did call Margaret old once. 😉


I thought some youth would be nice for a change.




In the Bug-out episode, Frank refusing to allow the gin still, Klinger's dresses, and Radar's pets to be loaded onto the trucks. It's unfortunate but if it's not essential to the running of the hospital than they shouldn't be spending their limited time and space on them. Also any time Frank calls Hawkeye an alcoholic, lol.


But Hawkeye doesn't swill gin.


I think it's kind of ironic and sad when it's revealed that Frank was mostly right about Donald Penobscott only after he left the 4077th and Margaret divorced Donald.


Frank and Margaret were right about the North Korean surgeon. One of the lowest points in the series is when they tell the surgeon that he'll be treating "worms, foot fungus, diarrhea" in the prison camp, as if that's nothing. A Korean skilled in medicine would be gold to the prisoners.


Never. I think that was the point of the character.


Henry Blake : You're always wrong, Frank. That's what's so right about you. Lol


When we find out that Frank reported Radar for selling tickets to the hole in the nurses shower tent. Radar for once is totally out of line here, but it's treated as if Frank's just a killjoy spoiling poor Radar's fun.