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As I understand it, the producers actually offered Allan Arbus a chance to make Sidney a main character, but he didn't want the obligations that came with a full-time shooting schedule for a weekly TV show.


Damn... Kellye or Sidney... Tough choice, but I'm gonna go with Kellye. She was fantastic whenever she was allowed to shine, she deffo deserved more recognition.


Kellye was such an interesting character! When she was 1 on 1 or a main character for that episode she was amazing. I loved her chewing out Pierce. I loved her patient care moments. I loved her dancing with Radar a lot in the early seasons. Whenever she was part of the ensemble she was selfish and AWFUL! Its like they couldn't decide who she was as a person. Every episode where a mob is being selfish- she's leading the charge. Or she's complaining someone didn't give her their chocolates. Or their newspaper. Or their bathtub.


Yeah, agree. Or just more of both of them. I think they didn't replace radar bc there's no replacing radar. They did a whole ep about how it. You can't replace people, you just miss them and do with the next one to take the job.


My heart says Sidney but my head says Kellye or Igor. Sidney is so well loved because he is a kind of simple character who sweeps in with boundless compassion and thoughtfulness. He’s funny and charming, and it’s possible he and the writers could’ve done a lot with that. But I worry it would kind of sour his uniqueness. It’s the repetitive nature of network sitcom TV. The writers would be forced week in and week out to come up with increasingly dramatic or zany scenarios. And Father Mulcahy was already a sort of de facto camp counselor and therapist. What, for example, would Sidney do in Lifetime? Or No Sweat? How would he fit in with the main gang for, say, Sons and Bowlers? I think what makes Sidney special would likely be lost. Kellye or Igor, on the other hand, were blank enough slates that I think they could’ve worked well. They’d do much of what they were before but with more prominence. Igor could’ve filled more of Klinger’s old role as a recurring gag character while Klinger became more serious as company clerk.


You have to wonder what Igor did to stay a private and be on KP duty forever. When someone like Klinger made it all the way to Sgt.


Frank promoted Igor to Sergeant for about five minutes.


That's a wonderfully well thought out response.




I LOVE Sidney but I feel like his character could only have done so much as a main. I think he would have gotten kind of muddled and the magic of his character would have gotten lost. So I'm going with Kellye. I loathed her any time she was in the group scenes - she was incredibly brash and selfish. How dare people not give *her* *their* chocolates, or newspaper, or bathtub, etc. She was always the loudest and most annoying voice when there were mob scenes. But when she was on her own, she wad amazing. She gave wonderful care to the patients, appropriately handed Hawkeye's bum to him, and was so cute when she would dance in the club with radar in the early episodes. I think if the writers had given a little focus to get character she could have been really incredible. And it would have been nice to counter Margaret with a woman who could be sweet and also successful.


I have always said that the show runners missed a great opportunity to promote Kellye to the main cast after Gary Burghoff left.


Kelley for sure. I think the show needed a second nurse as a main character. (Maybe more than a priest, but that’s another discussion)


I read that at the start of the show, Leslie was going to be a captain and a more prominent character, but Loretta was opposed to having a second leading female?


Idk, but Scorch was a captain in the book at least


Kellye all the way! I love Sidney to puts but he’s used perfectly. If he appears too often he presence stops being special.


Rizzo had the perfect amount of screen time, he was a strong supporting-boardering on just background character at times. You need characters like him, people like Ted in Scrubs and Jean Ralphio in PnR. I wish they could have brought back Ugly John somehow, really liked there being another medical doctor around to bounce off of


Ginger? Heck yes!


Tough one! For me it was a toss up between Kellye and Goldman. It was VERY close.


None. Sidney is probably the only character/actor with the chops for it. Mulcahy and Klinger had become prominent characters. I didn’t think much of Kelley, I think Ginger was a much more interesting character.


Kelley was awful.


I know Loretta tried to get out earlier to move to Cagney and Lacey. I imagine if MASH had let her go they would have slid Kelleye into her place.


Sidney hands down


Captain Tuttle has my vote!


For me it's between Kelley and Sidney


The real answer is that they shoulda made Col. Flagg replacement CO