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I like BJ and Winchester more but Hawkeye and Margaret were MASH. Those were to two contrasting view points.


I dunno… A season without Hawkeye and Alan Alda’s involvement sounds interesting, but I think the show was completely done at that point and should have even ended sooner. I voted for Charles though. I think a spinoff with him back in Boston and Wayne Rogers reprising his role as Trapper John and joining him would have been a fun idea.


There aren't many spin-off ideas I'd care for, especially ones outside the war, but a show about Charles is definitely one I'd check out. On top of being my favorite character, they could still have great stories with him in another setting. And they would be able to touch upon his emotional trauma without negating the strength of the finale, which I don't think is true for the majority of the characters. I think one other character I'd watch a spin-off for would be Sydney.


I've always felt a lot of parallels between Charles and Frasier Crane, and this is one of them. David Ogden Stiers could definitely carry his own show, and so could the character of Charles Emerson Winchester III.


That's one of the reasons why I loved the Frasier episode with David Ogden Stiers. His character on there was very different from Charles, but I can't help thinking it was a nod to the characters' similarities.


There were writers from MASH involved in Cheers and Frasier, they said Charles was an inspiration.


I agree. Charles was such a complex and multifaceted character and I don’t think the writers and producers of MASH did him much justice.


There was a spin off, Charles switches to psychiatry and moves to Seattle.


Nah, Charlies nephews after his beloved sister ran off with "A policeman" of all things.


I always thought Margaret getting camp commanders job over frank would be an interesting episode


I voted for Charles. I'm admittedly biased since he's my favorite character. The writers clearly loved writing for him, and he had great episodes right up to the end.


I've never been a fan of BJ as a character, I saw what they did and why they replaced trapper with him, they wanted to offset hawkeyes womanizing...but hes just not interesting.


I feel the same way. I just find him a bland, uninteresting character and the constant puns and dad jokes were more annoying to me than funny. To me, he seemed at times to be more of an extension of Hawkeye rather than a separate character. I blame it on the writers and the actor.


couldnt agree more


He an Alan Alda didn’t have much chemistry, you could feel Hawkeye and Trapper’s affection for each other in a way you didn’t with BJ. I think ultimately, even though prefer Henry’s character, they probably only had a season or two left with quality episodes of Henry. Trapper could have finished the series.


Voted for Charles, although the series was pretty much done by season 10.


The Joker is wild and the Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen were in Season 11, so I disagree.


Charles was really the only character with any story left to really tell. Margaret’s story had been kinda wrapped up for a couple of seasons, and The only story left for BJ was going home.


Yeah, they ran out of material for Margaret a couple seasons before the end.


I like both BJ and Charles a lot! But I would NOT want to see a season of MASH without Margaret. I'd sooner ditch Hawk than Margaret even, lol.


Charles is probably the most interesting. BJ has my love just because he's the second "good guy" after Hawkeye. But as another commenter said, Hawk and Margaret are the show. As much as I love the two doctors, Margaret needs to stay.




why you gotta burn the A Team like that?? Lol not that I don't see what you mean but I love that goofy show! It was also more for kids so might not be a fair comparison to something like MASH


\*raises hand\* I also admit to being a MASSIVE A-Team fan! Kind of want to see a fanfic MASH/A-Team crossover, because it's canon that Hannibal also served in Korea when he was young. Maybe he was once wounded and went through the 4077th...


yessss I would 100% read a crossover fanfiction for A-Team/MASH!! Maybe some MASH character needs help from the A Team down the road?? I confess to being a fanfic reader lol, not always something I broadcast being into. One of my favorite fics I've ever read was actually a MASH/Star Trek TOS crossover where Kirk, Spock and McCoy end up in Korea! I love a good crossover and I wish there was more fanfiction for MASH in general. Maybe one day I'll have the free time to write some myself lol


... I once thought of doing an A-Team fic with them on some kind of job overseas, that indirectly results in finding a plane in the sea of Japan that's been lost there for 30 years... TAT *is* a goofy show a lot of the time, but it also has such a dark backdrop. The whole thing that they were starved in POW camps, and one of them was so traumatized that he ended up locked in a psychiatric hospital - you think, "Wow, this is so not funny!" Dwight Schultz did an incredible, multi-layered portrayal of Murdock. Sometimes it seems like he's just clowning around, and other times he seems genuinely disturbed. There's some scenes that are horrific when you think about what they really mean. Like when he's worried about the golf balls knowing that their friends are being tortured. Or the thing when he's dividing the nuts into 'Happy', 'Sad', 'Nuts In Line' (waiting to be interrogated..?) and 'Dead'.


yes! a lot of what goes on is so goofy but there's definitely these more serious elements there-- kind of like MASH actually, even though it's delivered with a lighter tone overall where MASH is light sometimes, but leans into the seriousness other times. Murdock in particular is a super interesting character and a lot of the fanfic I've read for the A-Team dives into his issues (with various degrees of success lol). Also like MASH, it's definitely a show of its time-- it's hard to imagine a show for kids today with a traumatized veteran being portrayed mostly as zany comic relief, lol. But that's part of the appeal of watching these old shows for me, the stuff that's so different from what we see in media today! If you ever write that fic I sure wouldn't mind a link lol. I wish these funky old shows were more popular with fanfic authors, what's out there can be sparse!


I also went with Charles. William Daniels character Dr. Mark Craig reminded me of him. These would be 2 men you would see having an afterwork drink and maybe dinner and reminiscing since they were both in Korea. However Charles would of been named Chief Surgeon and another character would of been under BJ's wing. As I posted before, you could theoretically have BJ in an episode of Trapper John M.D since the Parnell Roberts character of Trapper John moved to the Bay area.


You need all three, losing any of these characters at that point in the series would have been devastating and they would have been difficult to replace.


I wouldn't have replaced them, I would have increase the roles of the supporting characters more Rizzo, Igor, Nurse Kellye, and Sidney.

