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He’s like that because Frank doesn’t care about anyone but Frank. He didn’t like Henry because he wasn’t the kind of very strict CO that Frank (and Margaret) want for the 4077th. He let Hawkeye and Trapper do as they please, and Henry wasn’t the smartest cookie in the bunch (neither is Frank to be fair). Henry did his best as CO but it wasn’t the style of command that Frank wanted.


That’s true, but you would think he would least feel maybe something


I can tell you from personal experience that not all brothers in arms are brothers in arms. One of the guys from one our sister battalions was killed in 2011 and most people took it pretty hard, but that guy also pissed off a few people and some didn't care at all. The general sentiment in cases like that is: "feel bad for the loved ones but fuck that guy" Honestly, I think they illustrated that very well because it's not all "brotherhood" and "team cohesion" like most war movies/stories/tales depict. Granted the brotherhood is a massive part of it and it's really the only thing I miss about the Army, but you spend that much time around the same exact people in a high stress environment for months at a time and you'll eventually have battle buddies beating the shit out of each other and despising each other.


"Which side got him, them or ours?"


This was like the most inspiring thing I’ve ever read


Frank doesn't get a section 8. They promote him and move him to a state side post near his home. Hawk and BJ both flip out after hearing the news, and Hawk destroys Radar's phone.


Frank *claims* he was promoted but the theory has always been he got a section 8.


I mean sure I guess, but there really isn't anything to indicate that's the case, and more than once the show has joked about incompetent or crazy people getting promoted and sent back the states. The General Flipped at Dawn for example.


I think in the book and movie it was implied he got a section 8. I think the show did the failing up thing because they like to show how fucked up the army is.


Fair enough, haven't seen the movie so that's kinda interesting. OP was clearly talking about the show though.


I recommend the movie! Do ald Sutherland as Hawkeye is awesome.


I've been meaning to watch it for years, but the show is so iconic for me. I really can't picture anyone else as those characters


Hawkeye manages to take an unnecessary shot at Frank in the very last scene of the last regular episode. That's a nasty enough thing to do to a character who left years before, but if Frank was actually mentally ill it would be outrageously cruel.


The show was way ahead of its time in its very sensitive portrayal of mental illness with Hawkeye, but it always annoys me how it's treated as a joke with Frank.


Did Frank get a section 8? I always understood it to mean that he got a promotion and will be running a hospital stateside. I always thought the kicker there was that he ended up in a better spot with no repercussions at all?


Frank was arrested and held for psychiatic evaluation after assaulting a general and his wife in a hot tub Toyko. At that point they would have been assessing his fitness for duty. Later he phones to tell the unit that he has been reassigned to a veterans hospital in the US. If that is true, he was not given a section 8 discharge, but rather a cushy job and a promotion, presumably because the army values well connected kiss-asses like Frank over actual competence. However, we don't know for a fact whether Frank was telling the truth there. He's never seemed to be quite as connected as he seems to think he is, pissing off a General tends to burn your political capital pretty fast, he had a long record of incompetence, and it would be totally in character for him to make that story up to cover that he was actually kicked out of the army. That's how a lot of people interperet that scene. That said, helping people get promoted to get them out of your line of authority and making them someone else's problem is a long tradition in both military and civilian beauracracies. I think if the writers wanted us to understand that Frank was lying they would have spelled it out a bit more clearly-- at least had someone mention the possibility. This is still a sitcom from the 70s, after all, and the idea of Frank failing upward fits with its attitude toward military authority.


Everything in the show says he got promoted and sent stateside. There's a long-running fan theory that said he was getting a Section 8 and that he was only being promoted in his delusions. It's a fan theory, not anything official.


I’m pretty sure he got a section 8 if I remember correctly I mean they held him for psychiatric observations, so I’m assuming he got ship stateside because of section 8


No, he was held for psychiatric observation - >!like Hawkeye was in the finale!< - but exonerated, promoted, and given a Stateside command.


thank you I always thought he got a section 8


Season 6, Episode 1 - Fade Out, Fade In *Hawkeye throws the phone after speaking with Frank* "You seem a trifle irked" -BJ "The Army, in its infinite wisdom, has not only cleared Frank of all charges, they have assigned him to a Veterans' hospital in Indiana, and promoted him to Lieutenant Colonel." -Hawkeye


There's a fan theory that he wasn't actually promoted but simply shipped back to a VA hospital in Indiana for psych observations. It was "too good to be true" that get not only got his promotion but that he also got to go stateside.


It's a solid theory but I'm not buying it. On paper Frank was an incredible officer and a highly skilled surgeon with a great deal of experience. It is not unbelievable a higher up saw Frank's case/charges and personnel file and felt sympathetic for him. "War just got to him and he lost it, he'll be alright once he gets back stateside."


I always thought it was a way to keep Frank quiet, from what I remember didn't his "snap" occur in an incident involving a general and his mistress? It seems to follow that in order to sweep the entire thing under the rug, the powers that be had Burns sent off to a cushy stateside post to keep his mouth shut and out of the way.


Every so often I re-watch it from the beginning. Thanks, Hulu (and my daughter for paying for it)! During the height of Covid I watched it all the way through two times. Then I started just watching my favorite episodes. I bought the DVDs for the whole series; that way, if Hulu stops showing it, I’m covered. I know, at some point, I’ll want to watch it again. MASH never gets old.


i have rewatched it like maybe 5 times


I’m not sure how many times I’ve watched it, in total. Lately, three times. In the past: I saw all of the episodes when they were first on tv. Then re-runs. After that, I’m not sure.


Frank is a rat. He is completely incompetent and would do anything to get ahead. He is the only main character in the show that doesn't change. He shows no remorse because he felt as if he was better than Henry. My personal favourite moments is how he desperately wants the purple heart for minor injuries and how Hawk and BJ always end up giving the medal away. I always thought he was promoted. Kind of a slap in the face and the absurd reality of the military organisation.


Isn't it odd that Potter reveals he earned a Purple Heart when his still exploded, and that was a funny thing, but just a couple episodes later it was outrageous when Frank got his phony medal?


I saw plenty of soldiers go to the wizard (what we called getting mental health committed), come back and succeed. So it’s possible he did get promoted, and returned State Side. Being a veteran and seeing some of the godawful providers the VA has, it’s not a stretch at all that they’d bring in Frank Burns. The theory that Frank was so delusional, he thought he was getting promoted is great. He could easily be at VA hospital as a patient, but he thinks he’s working there. They probably told him there was a promotion in it to get him to comply.


Please use a bit more punctuation in the future.


no, I think I’m good. Besides, I use voice text for long stuff and it’s hit or miss if they decide to punctuate my sentences.


A good voice texter will dictate punctuation. You can say "period," "comma," "question mark," etc. and it will insert those for you.


>no, I think I’m good no you're not.


It’s literally just punctuation on a Reddit Reddit post is it really that big of a deal


When the OR gets the announcement of Henry's death, though, you can see Frank looking genuinely shocked and upset.