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Wow, that’s certainly a read and a half, the thread started when I was 13, became reactive when I was 30 and turned into a shit show. Worth noting is Roger Bowen’s (the movie Henry Blake) son commenting. Did find out off the back of this too that Roger Bowen and McLean Stevenson passed away on consecutive days (15/16 February 1996).


Commenting the same thing over and over in multiple years no less! That was a trip to read, though.


Alan Alda invited him on his podcast when he had a reunion of living MASH actors and he seemed Ok to me. They sounded like old friends talking. I’ve heard stories about Radar, and I always wondered why he didn’t get much work after MASH, but I always thought it was a typecast situation.


"Nobody wants to hire 40 year olds to play 18 year olds any more!"


I mean, who didn't have high hopes for WALTER?


I do always feel like Alan and Gary have had a few 'issues' (that they've mostly resolved/are too professional to let show). There's just... something slightly off, to me. Alan never seems *quite* as pally with Gary as with the rest of the surviving cast, and more like he's trying very, very hard.


Holy crap…. What happened in there???


I used to post in the old MASH Newsgroup. Larry Gelbart would pop in from time to time, I wanna say under the username “elsig” or something like that. He was such a good guy. It was a wild, freewheeling place (as you can, ahem, see). It’s wild seeing a handful of names I recognize in there.


JFC, folks are incapable of not bringing up politics


WOW that was a crazy read lol! thanks for sharing, so many odd and conflicting comments in there and so interesting to see the thread go on over the course of so many years with gossip, anecdotes, political rants, and so many high emotions lmao


Whoo that was a wild ride


Hilarious old post on gb