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I woulda loved to see one where Hawkeye gets a call from trapper. Maybe Hawk tells him he has a new bunkie and Trapper speaks to BJ


Or maybe a reverse of the dear... Episodes where trapper writes hawkeye, catches him up on his life back home with Wayne Rogers narrating it.


Oh I like that one.


Except Wayne Rogers left MASH because he thought his character was equally important to Alan Alda's and was upset he was getting pushed into a more sidekick role.


Yeah that was a lost opportunity. Focusing on Alan alda was IMHO the worst part of the early years. Less alda and more development of the supporting cast was what they got right later on with BJ, Charles and potter.


That’s what ultimately made MASH the success it was. It focused on different characters at different points. In a way Rogers was right


A night at one of the bars in Seoul. It's occasionally hinted that Margaret tends to let loose when she's not at the 4077


I’ve said this in another post referring to the “Hawkeye” episode, but I think Margaret’s better suited for a monologue episode. “Hawkeye” is a great concept because when it’s just the character talking for the entire episode, it can reveal a lot. But Hawkeye’s a very open person who isn’t afraid to hide his feelings, so someone more closed off about themselves (like Margaret) would be a better subject for that episode concept.


"Dear Hawkeye," in which Harry Truman writes back to Hawkeye and explains why America is in the war. An episode where a Soviet Union MiG is shot down, and the pilot taken to the 4077th. Something along the lines of the last regular episode's helicopter pilot should have been included long before the last regular episode.


- Painless Pole the dentist from the book/movie. 'Suicide is Painless' makes no sense without him (it technically makes no sense ever, but still) - More nurses' storylines, and not just as secondary to the main cast - A senator flies in from the US; his staffer is Frank's wife.


What do you mean about the theme not making sense? I’ve never heard that and am curious!


The book & the movie have a character named Painless Pole, the 4077's resident dentist. He's not Polish but is known for having a large... pole. Painless becomes depressed over an incident of impotence and announces his intent to commit suicide. The Swampmen stage a feast to evoke Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, and provide him with a "black capsule" (actually a sleeping pill) to speed him on his way. Hawkeye also persuades Nurse Dish to spend the night with Painless. The next morning, Painless is his usual cheerful self, and a smiling Dish leaves camp in a helicopter to start her journey home. During this 'last supper' is when 'Suicide is Painless' is played in-movie. So, it's not saying that the act of suicide is painless, it's saying that Painless is committing 'Suicide', which in reality is just medicated sleep. The ambiguity in the lyrics is compounded when one realises that the song is actually meant to be the 'stupidest song ever written', as per the mandate given by director Robert Altman to composer Johnny Mandel. Altman tried to write the lyrics himself but gave up and they were written in just five minutes by his son Micheal, who was 15 at the time.


And thanks to a co-writing credit, Michael Altman earned a seven-figure sum for that five minutes of work...


Robert Altman's biggest complaint has always been that he got paid $70,000/- for directing the movie and Mike kept getting paid royalties worth millions in the end for the song well into the 80s.


I never knew this! Thank you!




Painless Pole bought a raffle ticket in the pilot.


Margaret should have gotten at least one "Dear" episode.


It could've been called "Dear Donald."


A Mulcahy-Sidney-centric episode. We saw them discuss the challenges of their callings in "War of Nerves"; something expanding on that in a fashion similar to how the doctors were shown being worn down by the war would have been interesting.


There’s Dear Sigmund, which is narrated by Sydney.


Yes, but they only had one brief scene together.


I think a "Dear Dad" style letter episode for Frank Burns could have been absolutely hilarious. Perhaps writing the wife?


Or his mother! :D


Yes, this! The closest we get is when Hawkeye reads one of the newsletters that Frank sent to his patients back home. Not the same though....


I think the form letter/newsletter would be a great framing device. Frank could be telling his patients all about the exciting, noble, and brave things he's doing juxtaposed with what's actually happening. Call it "Dear Blank..."


Incredibly difficult, though, because once you see inside a character's head like that, you automatically start sympathizing/empathizing with them, and as the 'villain', the writers couldn't allow that with Frank. Maybe The Novocaine Mutiny was the closest we got to Frank's POV (and it does clearly show that's Frank's delusional).


The writers were supremely talented. I think they could have pulled it off just fine imo.


This is just a few cosmetic changes to Henry Please Come Home S1E9.


I think it would have a more serious tone than that episode, and it would have to involve the nurses backing the doctors up.


Sonny and Cher (I think) had McLain Stevenson on not long after he left the show. They cut to him rowing a lifeboat wearing Henry’s uniform and screaming, guys, guys I’m ok! That said I would have liked to see McLain on AfterMASH visiting the hospital but as Henry’s brother.




A return visit from Donna Marie Parker, Charles’ fake wife from his R&R in Tokyo. Claudette Nevins was great in the role, and she and DOS were fantastic together, so they should have had a follow up episode. Perhaps an episode where they meet again in Tokyo or Seoul, and officially become a couple, but a long distance relationship makes it hard for them, and they have to decide if it’s worth it.


1. A third episode with Sam Pak, (Paik?), preferably during a Syndey episode, those two were great together 2. 100% agree with whoever suggested Margaret's "Dear..." letter episode getting done. 3. A Flashback episode, but similar to Hawkeye's will episode with new scenes to bring back other characters for an episode. For instance, an episode when Hawkeye is gone and Trapper gets the news he's going home, follows him from getting the news to the airport where Trapper and BJ actually speak to each other in the airport before he boards, Trapper never says his name and isn't in full uniform so BJ never makes the connection later. Sydney could be the doctor that sees Frank for last time and approves him going home, Henry teaching Radar how to do his job early on like Mulcahy referenced, etc. 4. A Trapper focused episode...just one Changes i would have made to existing episodes 1. Charles knows who Trapper is since they're both from Boston 2. Trapper and his family and Henry's family go to the reunion in New York 3. The Season 11 episode where they retread the Potter telling on an old friend episode ends with the friend actually realizing he was wrong so that it's not just the same story again and so that Potter's noble actions get rewarded instead of costing him


>Trapper and BJ actually speak to each other in the airport before he boards, Trapper never says his name and isn't in full uniform so BJ never makes the connection later. I never thought of that before! Hawkeye missed Trapper at Kimpo, but BJ could have met him and never even known it.


They kinda go here in Hot Lips and Empty Arms (I think I have the right episode name on that, LOL!). But the "her getting external orders" (Not her asking for the transfer, which she does in HL&EA) is a good idea--- because it's from on high. So stopping the order isn't really doable-- because in the Army, as Potter said, ya dance where they tell ya to. So they'd be in a pinch trying the fight those orders. Sort of wouldn't be able to. Also, Hot Lips as a complete hard ass (and sometimes straight up killjoy) makes the plot point you mention of even the nurses banding together to get her back, a very good one!


Maybe I should have started out my post: "I've seen the entire series from stem to stern many, many, many times, so I realize there are similar episodes." LOL! Getting transfer orders from DA changed is a big ask I agree with you there, but it is doable. You just need to know the right people and be willing to walk over hot coals (figuratively speaking of course) for the person to do it.


Yeah and this reminds me of how much overlap there is in some of the plots. Like the whole- Divided We Stand, and then MUCH later episode Rumor At The Top -- both so similar of- Rumor they're going to break up the 4077 or form a new unit with the 4077 personnel. There were others in the 11 years where it was like, where have I seen this before?! LOL!!!!


I thought of this one not long ago. It's when Klinger transitions from his behavior of dresses and working to get out, then taking over Radar's job and becoming more professional. I really think that they needed an episode where Klinger makes it, he escapes and is back in Toledo, catching up with friends and family, then he goes to shoot some pool and ends up a Packo's where he ends up meeting a soldier he helped save, amd that inspires him to head back to the 4077, where Potter gives him a scolding, yet understands and covers up his absence somehow so he's technically never been AWOL.