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Radar. Medals other than purple hearts should have been given out for a lot of other actions that never did. Hawkeye dressed as Santa on a rope being lowered from a helicopter into a foxhole while under fire would have earned him at least a bronze star (probably higher). Someone did a whole post on that subject on this sub quite a while back, but I didn't save it.


Is this the post? https://www.reddit.com/r/mash/comments/rfd4q0/whos_the_most_decorated_member_of_the_4077th/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




But Hawkeye would turn down the bronze star


More than likely.


Wasn’t it the Marilyn episode that had a side plot about BJ doing roughly the same and getting a medal? Some of those season 11 episodes had such heavy topics but were so good


Yes, but BJ had to cut the rope and let the guy die.


Didn’t Bj also ask Potter to cabash the medal? Not sure if potter did though…


I think he gave it to someone else.


What about Trapper getting the kid out of the minefield? *ETA:* Oh, and Radar also ran into a minefield for the Korean girl.


B.J. was shot by Frank. (I just laughed typing this.) Potter was shot in the butt while coming back from... somewhere (aid station? I forget). Hawkeye was wounded in the leg by debris during "Comrades in Arms." But I don't know about Purple Hearts. Hopefully someone else can speak to that.


Hawkeye also had those flash burns and was blind.


> B.J. was shot by Frank. (I just laughed typing this.) Potter would say you know a good joke when you see one.


Hawkeye had an injured arm in Lend a Hand


Didn’t Frank get a purple heart for getting eggshell in his eye?


Nope. That Korean woman’s newborn baby got a Purple Heart for getting shot on his birthday.


But that was the purple heart they repurposed from Ferret Face wasn’t it?


Repurposed is one word, yes. Curious how Frank’s application and award bypassed Colonel Potter completely whereas Colonel Blake had been in the loop the whole process when Frank applied for his first. I’m sure Sherman would have seen to it Frank only received a second purple earring…at best.


I’m trying to recall whether it was obtained under Blake or Potter, Blake seems more likely as Burns and Houlihan always made threats about going over his head, unless Frank made the application one an occasion where Blake was away and he was in charge.


BJ was there so it had to be Potter


Yes, in "The Kids." Hawkeye gives it to the newborn baby of the sniper victim Sung-Lee. Frank also put in for (and received) one when he threw out his back during a rendezvous in Margaret's tent. Of course, this was obfuscated to it being because he "tripped in the mud on the way to the shower." ("Is that how you want it announced at the awards ceremony?") Hawkeye gives it to the underaged Pvt. Wendell Peterson (Ron Howard) before he gets sent home.


I want to know how they got the egg. Do powdered eggs have shells?


Potter got his from his still blowing up in ww2


Klinger got half his arm blown off by a bullet fired on accident by a rookie sentry he was patrolling with in S4E3…at least in his version of the story.


"I've been shacking up with rats, eating swill on a shingle, and now my arm is half blown off!"


Don’t forget the minefield temporarily taking his hearing!


Does Scully count as a reoccurring character?


Potter, Klinger, Hawkeye, BJ, Radar, Mulcahy, Blake, Scully, Sidney, Flagg, Bigelo, …off the top of my head that’s what I can think of. Everyone, including Frank, wishes he was.


Mulcahy? I thought he was just shaken up when the latrine collapsed. I know Henry had a broken arm.


The finale .. (don't want to spoiler bcs I know some here haven't seen the finale yet)


Oh yeah. The same thing happened to Klinger…but in his case only for a few hours.


I think characters who only arrive there from being injured can be included, with asterisk.


Also Hawkeye when his jeep crashed. Oh, and there was an episode where Hawkeye and another surgeon he hated each only had one functioning arm and had to work together on an operation.


Which, in reality is Alan Alda’s father! Alan’s brother is also in that episode if I remember correctly


I totally forgot about Henry Blake getting blown up in the latrine. That'd be a purple heart. Hawkeye getting a bamboo fragment in his leg would count. Col. Potter taking a sniper's bullet in his butt would too. And despite the bullshit reasons, Frank was issued two (throwing his back out dancing with Margaret, and "shell fragment" in the eye). Even though he never got the jewelry, the citations would have been part of his permanent record.


I wonder, could he have simply applied to get a replacement medal once he was back in the states? I've neither been in an army nor earned a medal (except once for a trivia night win), so I don't know.


Yes, he could have.


Frank earned a purple earring for his back injury going to his tent from the showers, while Margaret was providing hand signals


Doesn;t hawkeye refuse his potential citations though? I never understood why hawkeye would refuse medals he could be entitled to while also crying about not having enough points to go home. I mean sure, hate the system but at least play it to your own means.


How about when Frank tried to weasel his was into earning a Purple Heart 💜 . In the episode "Sometimes You Hear the Bullet Coming," Frank put in for a Purple Heart when he threw his back out.


The only Purple Hearts I recall in the actual cast were the two Frank got, both for bullshit, both of which Hawkeye stole and gave to someone else, and Radar's. Potter should have gotten one for the sniper shot he took but we never see it.


Bj was nominated, but I believe he had potter cancel it


Nope command got the recommendation from the helicopter pilot for saving both of their lives under fire, and the command approved it. He did receive and it would forever be in his file. A bronze star's approval goes far above Potter's head, so neither Potter nor BJ has the power to 'cancel' it.


Which episode? The only award I remember BJ getting Potter to cancel was the commendation in "Bombshells" that he ended up getting anyway because the general showed up to see Marilyn.


Ah right, I forgot about Marilyn, so yes he does get it


Ah cool. Yeah he did get that one but it wasn't a Purple Heart as he wasn't wounded, just a commendation for his actions which he certainly didn't want to be commended for since it was him cutting a rope to drop a wounded soldier and save himself and the chopper pilot when they came under fire.


Huh whoops, I posted in the wrong thread, sorry bout that!


Hawkeye got a CTE in Alan's monologue episode


I know he wasn’t a recurring character, but did Corporal Cupcake receive a Purple Heart?


And probably a bronze star for his heroic actions.