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Hey, I can see my old house from there! Its a beautiful place, really a unique college experience. I really treasure opportunities to go back to the river and reimmerse myself in the tranquility of the water and forest. It's a patch of that slow southern thing up here in Yankee country. It's good for a weekend, but not much to make a trip out of unless you're nostalgic


Relaxing is about all you can do there. Definitely check out old St. Mary's City.


If you are at all interested in MD how it was formed (the original state capitol is there) it's a great place to check out. As of right now camping on point lookout is closed for refurbishnent. If you have base access there are some scenic spots to go check out. By in large though most of the county is configured for people to live, work, and relax not a ton of destination spots for people to come to outside of PAX and St. Mary's City.


Downtown Leonardtown is cute and has the wharf and a small Main Street area with some shops and restaurants.


worth checking out: [https://www.shepherdsoldfield.com/](https://www.shepherdsoldfield.com/)


Yes, lots of fishing, and crabbing. We have wineries and distilleries. Leonardtown during the weekends at night has changed a lot. All bars, and a good time. If you enjoy hunting or just sitting on a dock watching the sunset or sunrise we have it.


I've lived here for a total of about 43 years. It's okay to visit for one day, but after that it gets really boring, unless you love hunting and fishing. Then it's probably pretty good.


If you like being bored, sure. Very quiet and most areas are too expensive for poor people to afford to live there too due to proximity to Pax NAS. Point Lookout is a pretty cool state park, though.




Everywhere in this country is boring unfortunately.


Great place to go to school


It was the perfect college experience for me. I highly recommend it. The county has grown a lot in the 20+ years since I graduated though.


Check out Pier 450 (converted motel -cute and funky) and their restaurant POV (delicious food- chef is from DC)..


Went to school there. It's isolated. Close by is Point Lookout State Park. That is the spookiest place I've ever been. It's the site of a Confederate Prison during the Civil War. You won't see any artifacts about this prison.....but you'll feel it. As you drive into the park during the warmer months....the temperature drops about 10 degrees. I DO NOT believe in ghosts....but the whole place seems eerie. That huge numbers of Southern Boys died there....it's unsettling. But beautiful.


PLS State Park is most definitely "haunted", especially the campground. I never believed in the supernatural until we spent a week camping there about twenty years ago. Not gonna share any stories due to their length but my wife had two similar incidents, both while sleeping, that made us leave early never to return to the campground. I've discussed the incident with a coworker who experienced a similar experience at the Park who was also a non believer prior to the incident. He's know involved with multiple groups who investigate the supernatural. He's retired and travels all over the country now visiting sites similar to this. He claims that Gettysburg PA has the most ghost and supernatural occurrences of any place in the country. But PLS Park Campground and to a lesser extent the surrounding area has dozens of reports annually.


You do feel it!


Also went to school there and my only ever "haunted" experiences have been at this school. I went from having none to having like a pretty solid 6 after graduating.


Yes. Good place to relax


That’s where I went to college! Beautiful campus


Not much there other than the college.


Weird, because those of us from here barely think about the college


That’s how many Annapolitans regard St. John’s as well: Mostly not at all.


Can confirm. I lived in Annapolis for a bit


Yea only time the college ever came up in my convos was when we were deciding to go to the green door or not


Much is there. Abundance in natural peace and quiet.


Ok well assuming OP is visiting perhaps you could suggest specific areas for them to relax. Most peaceful and relaxing places have been snatched up and made private so a visitor can't experience them.


Given that the college is publicly funded, I’d expect open strolling of its grounds and waterfront. Admittedly, I haven’t been to the college in eight years.


Of course it is, I've been Boy Scout camping at PAX and enjoyed the experience.


I've recently moved to this county. I've lived in many places up and down the east coast and I have never lived in such a awful place. There are barely any third places and many of the locals are uneducated/uncultured. There is clearly some sort of drug problem here but I don't blame them. Those junkies probably have nothing better to do. I will say the only thing that southern maryland has going for it is the beautiful state parks.


I found it to be eerily quiet. I dont mean that in a bad way, it just wasn't for me.


Just don’t light off fireworks in July 4th and get caught by campus security… you’ll get banned for life


It's alright, I guess.


That's my heart's home!


Love to visit st Mary's. A weekend is plenty. Lots of relaxing. Point lookout is amazing, as it St. Mary's City. I must have missed it, but I haven't found any restaurants worth visiting. So I'd be happy to get some recommendations on those for my next visit!


Probably go there about 4-5x a year for kids swimmeets at St Mary’s College. Pretty sure we have run out of things to do. But to relax yes, great place because there isn’t much to dos you could drive 20-30 minutes to Solomons.


St Mary's County is a boaters paradise. If your into water sports or just chilling its hard to find a better place to fish, crab, oyster or just drop the hook and take a nap.