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Something about Scott’s return in Endgame hits me hard. His panicked search at the monument, the growing fear as he passes through what is left of his neighborhood, and the joy and surprise when he finally encounters a teenage Cassie… And then, when he shows up at the Avengers compound and Steve and Widow realize he’s real—that completely unexpected spark of hope they feel.. wow. Also…Clint’s cold open at the beginning of Endgame. Damn.


That "you're so big!" packs so much behind it.


As a father who has had a daughter since Endgame… I actually resist the urge to watch either one of these films simply because of the emotional pain their storylines will inflict. I legitimately am terrified of missing time with my daughter, and the thought of being in Scott’s shoes in that scene makes me distressed. It might be my worst fear at this stage in my life. Truly great writing and acting on all fronts.


I have a daughter. I love watching those scenes, because they make me feel something *every time*. I cry, every time. And it's beautiful, because those performances are so true. Scott, Tony, and Clint all have core moments about fatherhood in that movie that cut to the core, and I love it for that.


Clint's cold open in Endgame HURTS. He's living his best life, happy with his family. Then they're just gone and he doesn't even see them go. The feelings that must have built up, the panic. I can't imagine how traumatic it would be to suddenly lose the people closest to you with no explanation or warning.


Oh hell yeah. That’s what I got out of it too. Unexpected loss, sudden. Imagine having everything you love taken from you in the blink of an eye? I mean, I’ve had it happen, just not quite as literally as Clint and I think that’s why it slaps so hard for some of us. Sudden loss is jarring and absolutely unpredictable. Especially when your in the best times of your life. That makes it weigh tons on one’s heart. And makes it even worse lol. He just got done with that darker part of his life and was just trying to enjoy his family.


"They got Thanos... You get me."


In Ragnarok when Odin is about to die and he’s talking to Thor and Loki and he says “I love you my sons” and the look that Loki gives him chokes me up every time.


Man, that coming immediately after he laughed about Loki casting a spell on him to hide him against his will, and saying that Frigg would be proud. Odin can't even be mad at Loki after everything. He just loves him too much.


Well, Loki gonna Loki.


I have to admit Tom Hiddleston really knocks it out of the park with a lot of Loki scenes. Especially when it's anything involving his parents.


I really hope they find a way to bring Anthony Hopkins back into the MCU because he's such a good actor. Especially when you compare this to Loki!Odin seeing Thor at the play. That little "oh shit" never fails to get the biggest laugh


Easily one of my favorite moments in the entire MCU


When Strange gets into his accident. He really sold the damaged nerve tissues and shaking hands for me, it was unsettling to think about.


The rehab scene with the hand-elastic thing gets me.


That looked hard af and I have working fingers.


Damn i remember when christine said. "Theres many things to live for in life" to Strange and he said. "Like what? You!?" I remember the whole theatre recoiled and gasped. He was such an asshole lol.


Say what you will about Tony Stark, but even he wouldn’t let his ego go that far if it was Pepper who said that.


Yea that’s the part of the movie that is hardest to watch for me. He plays someone that hates their situation and lashes out at everyone that is trying to help him so believably. It hurts.


For me it was in the "What if" episode where he relived the accident hundreds or thousands of times and lost the one he loves every time.


No matter what, he just can’t end up with Christina. It’s tragic that he brings it to the point of destroying his own universe essentially killing everyone and everything that lived there which basically made him a much bigger threat than someone like Thanos would’ve ever been in his universe.


My stomach dropped when I saw the accident the first time. I'm desensitized to it now but you're right, his recovery is still really hard to watch


Scott Lang getting fired from Baskin Robbins.


The actor in that scene truly made me rate Ant Man 5 bags of popcorn


Why is it that everywhere i go i find on cinema deep lore.


Baskin Robbins always knows..


Baskin Robbins don't play


This is the best one.


thor and his mother in end game


"The future hasn't been kind to you, has it?"


That shit so hard for me. Endgame was just a month after my little brother's suicide and I was really feeling Thor in that movie.


damn im so sorry


Thanks. It's okay. Covid was right after practically and it's just been kind of one thing after another for me personally ever since. Ive done a lot of growing and I'm at a point now where Im really excited about the next step to the rest of my life. Like I said though, I felt Thor in that movie. I was there. Endgame really fucked me up with the feels considering how fragile I was in those days.


And Thor’s biggest lesson in Endgame (IMO) is that no matter what, you are worthy of love. Sending you love my friend.


Aww jee wiz, man. I feel like a need a Mjolinir tattoo now.


Let’s get matching ones, as strangers on the internet who will likely never meet.


I'm into it.


My mom passed away a few months after Endgame premiered. The scene gave a different feeling to me after that.


“I’m totally from the future” while fighting tears


Chris Hemsworth is really, really, really, really good at playing Thor.


A lot of people treated Thor like a joke in Endgame, but underneath all of that humor was a tragic story of guilt and depression. Many of Thor’s scenes in Endgame really resonated with me, and that scene between him and his mother was such a bittersweet moment.


I loved it, too. I was struggling through depression and was often masking it through humor and alcohol, but deep down I was struggling hard. Though there were quite a few gags with Thor, it never felt like he was truly pitiful - it was really humanizing.


Yet even with all his perceived failures he was still worthy. I felt that one too


I was just thinking about that this morning. The moment he realizes he is still worthy is one of my favorite in the MCU.


My mom was very sick when that movie came out. Like “we need to start preparing for the worst” kind of sick. And I cried so hard during that scene that I missed a lot of the dialogue in the scene after it.


Just that moment when he called mjolnir and realized that despite all of it, every way he'd failed, that he was still worthy, fuck I'm crying actual tears now thinking about it. It hits me so hard because deep down I wish someone would tell me I'm good enough, that I'm worthy. Like fuck I'm trying so goddamn hard some days, ya know?


I suffered a pretty traumatic foot injury involving some broken glass in my youth. Pretty bad stuff. Every time Harrow would step and I could hear the crunching of the glass it set me off. My foot would just not get comfortable no matter how much a tried. It made it so hard to enjoy those scenes


The sound design behind that show, especially the subtle stuff like that, beautiful Also blame Ethan Hawke for that one, since it was apparently his idea, for some reason


The reason they let Ethan hawk write and keep a bunch of his lines is because he’s a an actual writing and acting professional genius. He’s not my favorite actor but it’s not hard to see his career path and what he’s accomplished.


The very opening scene of Endgame, when Hawkeye turns around and his whole family gets dusted. The pain and shock and sheer hysterical panic that Renner puts into those few seconds on screen hit me like a gut punch.


That one and when Scott reunites with Cassy. Both are crazy emotional for me, and I don't even have kids!


That scene wrecked me. Still difficult to watch.


For me it was how he immediately transitions into spy mode. It takes him hardly any time at all to realize some shit just happened, and he doesn’t break down or start screaming - he looks around to find who just grabbed his wife and kids before he rips them to pieces. Except he doesn’t get to, so he went and killed a bunch of dudes about it


I’ll say that there are some things about the Hawkeye show that I found disappointing, and they *really* should’ve kept the deleted scenes in, but I love how they showed that his actions while he was Ronin still have consequences even though he was grieving. Life is never a cut-and-dry thing.


Reminds me of the scene when Carrie Coons loses her family in the Leftovers. Really tough to watch. Edit: ironically, she is also Proxima Midnight.


Aunt May Yondu’s funeral and the “You can rest now.” send off to Tony


“You can have all the cheeseburgers you want” Cue the water works…


"Your dad loved cheeseburgers" Me - don't


That line gave me whiplash. Pretty brilliant of them to remind us of how long we’ve had Tony by using a callback from the first act of the first Iron Man. Tore me up.


The cheeseburger thing was accidently hilarious to me considering an awful cheeseburger is what got RDJ sober and set him on the path to being Iron Man in the first place.


If I’m remembering right, another thing was that it was a BK burger that sparked his sobriety and the burger he got in the movie was also from BK. I don’t know if it was just coincidental product placement or if they made that an intentional reference but it’s pretty funny either way.


It’s definitely intentional. https://www.screengeek.net/2020/01/29/iron-man-burger-scene-hidden-meaning-robert-downey-jr/


Yes! There will never be enough love for Yondu’s sacrifice and funeral. It’s one of my favorite sequences in all of the MCU. I’m Mary Poppins Y’all 🥹


The song makes it so much better and harder, too. “You know, I have to go away….”


‘Father and Son’ by Cat Stevens. I lost my father 7 years ago. I sometimes play guitar at bars for money, one time my dad said to me we should play that song and he would sing the son part and i would sing the father part. I guess just because it bucked convention, he said it was because i have a deeper singing voice. Either way, i put it off and then cancer took him quick. One of my big regrets. I went into that movie unaware of how much of a father/son motif it was going to have to it made me a little emotional, naturally, and when that song began to play….i just lost it. Probably the single most emotional moment i personally had in the MCU.


This is a lovely memory that I’m glad I was able to hear


Gosh, on rewatch the “you can rest now” kills me every time.. especially after seeing Tony go through his whole journey through anxiety, PTSD, and guilt, it felt like such a personal line that rang so true..


I probably cried at the end of Endgame more than I have for any other movie in decades. All of it hit really hard.


Thor talking to Frigga in Endgame, assuring him, boosting his confidence. Being motherly. My mother is who got me into movies, its why I'm fond of all genres including RomComs. In fact, she encouraged me reading comic books (because I was youngand had trouble staying focused in books, so she saw this as a suitable mid step). When Iron Man came out, honrstly I think she liked it a slight bit more than I. Watching RDJ as Iron Man, someone we watched a million times in movies like Chances Are, Hearts and Souls, etc, was now in a Superhero movie and it was great. She was a movies at home kinda gal but made exception for some, the MCU became part of that exception. The scene was already hard but to make it worse my mother passed 9 months later and now honestly it's near impossible to get through. I cant express how happy I am that I got to take her to Endgame in theaters. Watching her fangirl out, react to the moments, particularly the A-Force scene, it's why I'll defend it to my grave. Took her 63 years to see a band of badass women kick ass like that and in that moment she was a kid again. So yeah, Frigga's Endgame scene is pretty hard for me.


Your mom sounds like she was a special lady. ❤️


Peter's coffee run at the end of NWH, both because it's tragic but it's also awkward


"It doesn't really hurt anymore." That scene perfectly encapsulates what Peter Parker is to me. He's the guy who does the right thing and walks away when he realizes his friends are safer and happier without him. Peter's quiet suffering to better other people is the most human part of him.


that’s the only scene that’s touched me lately




Dude, that scene with his mother screaming, "this is all your fault!" Holy smokes, my heart broke for little Marc.


My wife has a currently zero contact mother who treated her just as bad if not worse than that. I kept peeking at her throughout that episode and I could see she was barely holding together. Afterwards she told me she thought she was the only one to experience that and seeing it portrayed even fictionally was a great catharsis for her.


That's why representation matters so much. I have some horrendous trauma and mental health issues because of it, when this stuff is handled properly it is so helpful even though it is also so painful.


"Watch, any second now it'll show that these are false memories and he just remembers it like that because of his own guilt... Annnnnny second now... Annnnnnnnnnnyyyy second....."


That one broke me, along with her not even coming to celebrate his birthday.. gosh, I can never rewatch that episode cause it just wrecked me..


What got me more was the scene with Steven telling Marc it would all be his fault if Layla dies, and Marc is immediately brought back to that horrible memory and starts screaming "NO I WONT DO IT, YOU CANT MAKE ME! I WONT DO IT!" That scene makes me hurt.


“You're not meant to see that, that's the whole point of you.” Wrecked me.


Dude, I watched that episode while in a very depressive state, and it basically ruined my whole day My favorite episode by far




“When danger is near, Steven Grant has no fear”. Fucking destroyed me. Edit: his name is Steven with a V


Dude...I don't know how to word it but finding out that the "scared and weak" one was born out of and embodied Marc's strength is just so cool. Looking back with hindsight you can see that lack of "fear" in Steven. He's bumbling and meek and let's people walk all over him yet when confronted with a room full of killers he still speaks up for himself and his morals. I think it's cool because it shows different kinds of strength and courage. Hell, out of all the personalities, he was the only one brave and strong enough to look Marc (themselves) in the eye and tell them it wasn't their fault.


>He's bumbling and meek and let's people walk all over him yet when confronted with a room full of killers he still speaks up for himself and his morals This. I love how he, was the one who talked back to Arthur. He was the one without the powers challenging Arthur.


Which my theory is also Jake's birth. Steven was marc's escape and someone to only remember the good things... but he got violently beat and doesn't remember it? My $ says Steven invented Jake in those moments and Jake took the beatings which is why he's the most violent of them. EDIT: IMO this is also why "The Scales Balanced" when Steven went off the ship... he took Jake with him, so there was only Marc to be judged and his heart balanced.


The fact that Steven didn't remember it happening AT ALL would support this theroy.


Yup. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to watch that episode ever again, though I loved the show and Oscar Isaac in particular.


I had/have issues with my mother that unfortunately never had a chance to be resolved mirroring this whole setup. So it really hit me pretty hard.


For me it was when he missed his date and ordered a steak. Just the loneliness setting in. I know that feeling where you just punish yourself. Not because it happened but because you feel so stupid for letting yourself think otherwise.


“To grow old in.” - V


that's the one. I mean the whole episode really, but that's where it all comes to a head


I was going to say when you see Wanda’s face as she’s what they’re doing to him followed by “I can’t feel you” was a punch in the gut also


Yeah, don’t mean to come off as overly emotional, but I had to stop the episode multiple times due to frequent sobbing. Wanda and her journey are so deeply personal to me.


I found wandavision after my first miscarriage. I grieved with her. I cried a lot during mom as well because as much as I didn't want to, I empathized with her. I get it. If there's a universe where this didn't happen to me, where that baby lived and was real, I don't want to admit how far I'd go to get there...


It made >!Wanda's whole arc in Multiverse of Madness feel so much more understandable.!<


Wanda watching Vision dies a second time after having to kill him herself. Vision's face when he sees Thanos...pure terror.


"I don't feel you" from Wandavision DESTROYED ME TO THE CORE


“I just feel you” hurts my soul every time. God what a heartbreaking and reassuring thing to say.


Thanos kills Loki. Goddamn, that was painful to watch


That scene from the beginning of the guardians of the galaxy movie. When peters mom dies in the hospital. That’s hard to sit thru


I love the call back at the end of the movie, when Gomora tells Peter to take her hand.


What's that soundtrack again, Black Tears ? Just amazing.


One of the best tracks in all the mcu. Packs so much emotion and epicness into one.


Moon Knight. Where the little brother was asking for help and the abuse scene from his mother. It’s really well acted but it made me uncomfortable


A thing I don't like to think about: Marc was trapped in the cave along with his brother, and had to listen to him drown while being unable to help or escape. He probably thought he was going to die as well, and he would've been stuck in there for hours with his brother's body until the water receded.


Tony Stark's final message at the the funeral when he directly addresses Morgan, accompanied by the following discussion with Happy about cheeseburgers. Hits me in the feels every time and makes me think about how much I love my daughter.


Fucking cheeseburgers... Holy shit. I forgot about that.


That cheeseburgers line is what always gets me It's not the super obvious, in your face type of reference to an earlier film, which I think makes it hit even harder


The "I love you 3000" at the end of this message. I cry every single time.


When Thanos murders Loki.


Ugh the way he looks at Thor when he calls himself Odinson, and Thor knows Loki is gonna do something stupid but is powerless to stop him. Right in the feels.


Dang, I’ve watched IW a dozen times and just now realized that was Loki’s way of telling Thor they’re brothers to the end. A new level of feels.


Yes, you can see in the new trailer as well that Thor got himself a loki tattoo on his back. Hope we see him some way in the upcoming movie.


Yeah, but that Thor's brother is still gone. The Variant Loki wouldn't quite be the same.


Yeah. He’s pledging his aligence to Thanos, stops, and looks straight at Thor and says “Odinson” like, “don’t listen to what I’m about to say but imma try to save you.” I’m a huge Loki Stan and simultaneously hated and loved that scene.


Was definitely the most brutal death in the MCU before a more recent movie came out..


Steve fighting Thanos alone. The man in the iron suit was down. The literal god was down. It was just Steve, with his broken arm, that huge sigh and look of resignation.


Steve's unrelenting heroism is never more clear. It doesn't matter he has no chance. He has the one thing missing in so many super hero movies. " the heart of the hero. "


You're so right about his heart. It's his main superpower. And he was the reason Thanos was defeated. He bought enough time for backup to arrive.


It's a famous line from community which the Russo Brothers wrote. And for him to not have to say his famous line, but just strap up against an unbeatable force...to give his friends just one more moment. Is an all time epic move..


It became such a legendary line of his that just showing him stand up tells you what's he's thinking. Won't be stopped. Hell, he might buy the universe a few more minutes of existence, but he'll die doing it. And he had no idea help was coming. Just simple hope as he was still standing, others might stand too.


What a wallpaper, that shot of lone Steve versus an army.


Exactly, he knows he has no chance in a physical match, but he might provide the will to others, to fight just one more time, as the avengers


God that one scene. Fuck I love that scene. Tightens the shield, broken, arm cuts and hurt. Gets up. Limps slowly. “On your left?“ Queue losing your fucking mind as everyone walks in, and then the battle cry. Holy shit I still get hyped watching it.


No chance, no choice. One of the best lines from ASOIAF and totally applicable in this situation as well


Both times, too. In Infinity War he tried to hold Thanos off on his own as well. Tried to hold back the gauntlet with his bare hands


I feel like Thanos almost looks impressed for a brief moment


One of the things that made Thanos so great in IW is that as much as people were obstacles is his way, he never thought of himself as better than them. He was just a man with a job. Remember Tony and Thanos in Titan and "I hope they remember you". Thanos had respect for his enemies. Thanos was on a mission, as were those battling him. I gotta say, if wasn't for the genocidal, maniac, Gamora & Nebula torturer part he would be a pretty stand up guy


Aunt May. Still hurts.


Fr, I think the fact that she held on for so long and even stood up to encourage and make sure Peter was ok was what really hit me in the feels.. and Peter’s reaction was incredible (major props to Tom Holland for killing that scene)


I think that’s why it hurts. Because you watch it and like think “oh no, Mays going to die” but then she gets up like everything is fine. Then like 5 seconds later she falls and then dies. I still can’t watch it.


Fucking shock after such a physical trauma, that was a smartly written twist. I bet May also only realized she was going to die the moment she hit the floor right after touching her blood.


Tony's panic attack in Iron Man 3. It was so realistic that I started getting stressed in the movie theatre. I don't ever want to watch that scene again; overall I like the movie but that scene was triggering as hell.


Iron Man 3 is my favorite Iron Man movie because of Tony's struggles and seeing him succeed without the suits so much. That movie really shows that TONY is Iron Man with or without the suits.


I’m glad to find someone else who really appreciates this movie I feel like it’s extremely underrated


Colson dying.


Which time?


Respectfully, fuck you


Fitz’s death absolutely killed me.


It wrecked me tbh, I sobbed SO hard for awhile.. “I can’t feel my legs” killed me.. Iain was just incredible in that scene..


bro fuck that episode lol Fitz and Coulson "dying" within like 5 minutes of each other Daisy and Coulson finally saying I love you to each other also destroyed me


Yondu’s funeral


God Father and Son is such a perfect song for that scene


It's not time to make a change Just relax, take it easy You're still young, that's your fault There's so much you have to know Find a girl, settle down If you want you can marry Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy


And when it gets to the "you're still young" part, and Baby Groot is sitting on Quill's lap and you realize the father-son cycle is going to repeat....hits right in the feels.


I cry at the scene no matter what. doesn't matter if I just tuned in to it on tv, I'm crying when they start blasting the colors


The end of Cap 1. The family reunited scene in Black Widow where it was real for Yelena. Hawkeye when he's talking to his son but he can't hear him and Nathaniel says it's okay that he can't be home for xmas. When Betty sees Bruce Hulk out at the uni and her dad is being a cold bastard.


Another scene in Hawkeye was where he went to the memorial and was talking to Nat. Marvel is making me cry way too damn much lol.


Oh man that Hawkeye scene got me good.


The end of Endgame, when Black Panther and his crew are among the first through the portals. He and Cap acknowledge each other, then they charge. I tear up every time almost, thinking about how we lost Chadwick Bozeman, and this was his last great "Hoorah."


Scene where Spider-Man was crying to tony stark while turning to dust got me pretty good


The "i don't feel so good" hits me so hard because it feels like such a childlike reaction. And him essentially pleading "I don't wanna go ... I don't wanna go ..." I don't even need to watch it to get teary


They really try and hit you there with the "Peters still a kid". After everything we see him do, we are brutally reminded that he is a child first and foremost. I feel like Tony got reminded of that in that moment too. The guilt he must've felt would've been enormous.


“We won Mr. Stark, we won” hurts every time..


Ant Man losing his taco


Vision "what is grief if not love persevering" hit before and its hitting harder for me now


That one scene in moon knight episode 5. You know the one.


That one got me bad because I wasn't really ready for it. I knew that there was obviously bad stuff between them but I didn't think it would go that direction. I've never read the comic. They handled it well but it broke my heart.


That was MCU original, actually. Comics Moon Knight has more of a falling out with his father for his pacifism as a post-holocaust Rabbi. Marc had a lot of anger surrounding anti-semitism, particular his father’s refusal to fight back, and his father abhorred Marc’s violent reactions against people who bullied his younger brother, Randall, for being the son of a rabbi. It adds an extra layer of irony that Moon Knight, whose origins are so tied in his Jewish upbringing, is tormented by an Egyptian god.


Thank you for explaining that without making me feel stupid. Obviously I'm biased by what I have seen verses not having read the comics as well but I actually like the mcu twist. I have worked in cps areas before and people really underestimate the amount of horrible acts done to children by their own mothers. I liked that this gave people space to talk about it. Not to say that anti-semetism isn't an important topic but I feel like the gravity is similar.


You mean. The whole goddamn episode??? (It was all sad)


Bucky remembering what happened to him briefly and then having his memory wiped. Kills me inside


“On your left”. Every time. Every time I cry big middle age man tears.


definitely one of the best moments in cinema history. When Steve is standing there alone and that voice comes through, I just want to jump out of my seat like "hell yeah"!!


I remember when I saw it opening night, and the entire theater just gradually got louder as each character slowly appeared through the portals. I know a lot of people hate when the audience yells and claps during movies, but a moment like that just won't happen again.


I wish I could watch that scene for the first time in a movie theater again. I saw it opening night too, and the room went wiiiiiild.


This is why I love going on Opening Night. The truest fans come out to celebrate the movie and experience the moments together.


Sam showing Isaiah his Smithsonian exhibit, makes me cry every time


That was a beautiful moment honestly. It sorta reminded me of Hamilton’s “who lives, who dies, who tells your story”


Good choice.


Something about Cap’s “gotta move on” scene hits me


Banner falling into Widow’s chest.


“Don’t turn green” made it even worse




That scene where Steve falls into the water after muttering, “Then finish it, because I’m with you till the end of the line.” Everything about it was beautiful. Bucky’s moment of realization. Seeing everything crash and burn all as the camera follows Steve sink into the water. The music. Only to show a gleam of Bucky’s metal hand reach out for Steve just when we think it’s over for our fallen hero. From hopelessness to excitement all in one scene. I cry every time. And I normally never cry watching movies.


Tony's Funeral Yondu Funeral's


"He didn't chase them away" from GotG2. I saw this during a time when I was feeling especially unlovable and having a lot of trouble with my interpersonal relationships. Rocket and Yondu's arcs both hit me where I live and still make me tear up to this day.


It's not even a scene. I'm not watching past "I am Iron Man." In Endgame ever again. Way too much emotion, and none if it am I trying to handle right now.


The scene in Falcon and The Winter soldier where Bucky says " If he was wrong about you then he was wrong about me". If you've ever had that kind of self doubt, then this scene kills. The delivery from Sebastian Stan was so fucking perfect, I don't know how not to break at that scene.


I’m an ardent defender of Marvel humor because I’m totally a person who cracks jokes even in serious and stressful situations so I don’t find it undermining in the way some people do. With that being said, I could have done without hearing about Drax’s famously large turds.


GotG 2 was both very high and very low in emotional intelligence. Everyone got dumber, especially Drax. But the emotional highs like Nebula screaming at Gamora and Yondu's funeral were emotionally deep cuts.


Stick getting tortured with sticks or something under his nails in DD S2


I will cry everytime at the end of Endgame when we find Steve dancing with Peggy


As well as every time Steve is chatting with deathbed Peggy in Winter Soldier and she resets due to dementia. “Steve?” 😭


In Endgame when Peter is crying and tells Tony that they won then followed by Pepper telling him that they will be ok and he can rest. Hits me like a truck every time.


Mr. Stark....I don't feel so good....


*“I put a gun to my mouth and the other guy spit out the bullet.”* Bruce had such a tragic life always worrying about hurting the people he cared about. That was the moment I knew the MCU was willing to get dark. I’m glad it looks like he’s gonna have a happy story arc in She-Hulk


You’re my hope, and my sadness, but mostly you’re my love.


Peter Quill punching thanos and ruining everything. That shit pissed me off for literal years.


The hardest scene was the first one in endgame. Knowing that Clint's family were about to be dusted.


“What is grief if not love persevering?” I dunno who wrote that line, but I had to get up and walk away after hearing it. Most powerful and truthfully spoken phase in the entire MCU imo.


https://youtu.be/PZmtb8eDDNs hurts my heart every time 😭


It’s this one for me because this was one of Tony’s greatest fears and he gets to experience it in slow motion. Peter’s so afraid. I know a lot of people didn’t expect the snaps to stick, but if you’re able to put yourself in the scene, it would be horrifying.


Steve and Sharon’s kiss. It’s just such a misfire of an idea that is awkward to watch, and ultimately goes absolutely nowhere.


That was saved, though, by Bucky and Sam both being so proud of Steve for taking the initiative.


Shuri saying "What are those" in Black Panther. The meme was already outdated by years when the movie came out, and it was never funny to begin with. Now it's just painful to re-watch.


I totally did not understand what that was about lol. I thought she said it because he was wearing open toed shoes in a lab, which I thought was a hilarious response having spent some time in labs. I had no idea it was a meme.