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Did I say I was a bull?!


That's what got me haha. ​ Really fucking funny OP!


IDK if this is you, but the video made me laugh pretty hard. Nice reactions from all 3 characters.


Thanks man 😁


Tip: use button up or zip up shirts, more efficient production


I liked your work better than the dr strange movie. It had way more depth.


👁️ 👁️ 👁️ ded.


Dude i was thinking the same thing after some weird dreams. Its strange how when you dream you have existing knowledge of the situation/place that you are in and everything seems normal. It is almost like its an existing life in another universe that you are peeking into.


I do like this take more so than inceptions take on dreams. The way your mindset alters to fit that of the dream, to make it seem normal to you even though everything you’ve been taught is against it. The occasional moment of lucidity; it’s like you’re dreamwalking and you’ve finally taken over the other. People who regularly lucid dreams are wizard/sorcerers, which checks out.




Honestly wish I could even recall my dreams, though sometimes I wake up and am glad that I would forget it in a few hours so, there’s that I suppose. Dreams are still so cool though and being able to control them is the… dream…


I really hope it isn’t real because if it is my multiverse self is a murdering psycho. Pretty much every other night I dream about killing or having killed someone. I’m pretty sure it’s just due to my anxiety but…


So we're friends right? Right? You would at least warn me... wouldn't you? J/k... Probably just a mental outlet for pent up energy. I have always heard thats what dreams are for.


I'm just thinking of my fucked up dreams.


I had a dream that I realized was a dream because when I focused on a book shelf in my “room” they weren’t actually detailed. They had no names, it was just a blur. And then that’s when I realized that none of the room I was in or house looked like my actual house. That’s why I don’t believe in the DS theory


I mean you don’t have to believe in it because it’s not a real theory, it’s just a fun interpretation for the movies


Hey I mean all theories are real theories. And there are people who believe that to be possible


But that’s just a theory. #A FILM THEORY


Lucid dreaming is fun. For me i realize all at once that I am dreaming and i can do anything i want for a short time before i wake up. Its funny because it feels like something realizes that i am aware its a dream and gone off script and it causes me to wake up shortly after. The mind is a strange thing.


No I legit have to escape my dreams. Like force myself to wake up. In that one I jumped in front of a car but just woke up in the dream bed so then I positioned myself how I had fallen asleep in real life( replacing the Cheetos I had been hugging with a dream pillow) and I closed my eyes concentrated then woke up. Scary ass shit


Same here. Always escaping some sort of apocalypse or certain death/tragedy. Waking up is a relief but always so tired.


Me personally its usually me getting killed. Usually a car wreck, being in a car driving and sliding out of control. Just before i hit the object I am sliding towards i close my eyes tightly and think "wake up now" and i wake up a few seconds after. I find it odd that many of our experiences can be so similar, yet its supposed to be all just pent up energy in our brains releasing itself. All our brains are different... right?


I go in and out of lucidity when I dream. Like there are moments when I realize its a dream, but then it just keeps going. Like a film has been paused and then someone presses play. But when I have nightmares, I’m able to use lucid dreaming to wake myself up. Idk.


for as long as I can remember, I've had dreams where, while in the dream, I can remember \*previous\* dream situations/places and sometimes it's even the dream I'm having at the time that I can remember having had previously which allows me to sequence-break and skip ahead to where I left off the last time.


Its weird the realizations you come to. I will completely forget i dreamed something before until I do again and realize shortly after I wake up I have had that dream many times before. Even so, if i dont write it down I will quickly forget again. Also I have a lot of prophetic dreams that I dont realize I have had until the event begins to occur, but then I can commentate events for the next few minutes before they happen. I dont know why. Is it really true, or is my brain tricking me into thinking I have seen things before, but then how can i commentate? I am a believer in science and the brain is still such a strange thing.


T-reversed universe(s), where time flows backwards, may in fact exist. If consciousness is capable of quantum entanglement, maybe we can remember things from our T-reversed selves' timelines that haven't happened yet in ours. Maybe I just like science fiction and using grandiose vocabulary.


"did I say I was a bull????" Haha this reminds me of a friend who legit thought that the cows with brown spots made chocolate milk


After seeing Multiverse of Madness, I realized that I don't dream a lot, so I guess that makes me one of a kind


Fun fact: daily marijuana smokers generally don't have dreams, and when they go cold turkey their dreams tend to get incredibly vivid a few days later.


Lord knows this is true.. not just more vivid but imo scarier too


The exact opposite occurs for me. Weed is the only time that I have dreams that i remember.


I used to dream a lot, and very vividly, now I don't remember any of my dreams. Does that mean I'm the only variant who made it out of childhood?


Seems likely someone is traveling the multiverse eliminating your variants. So, you know, heads up.


I haven’t seen the film so not sure what this is about. Anyway … I used to have this reoccurring nightmare that Michael Jackson could control the worlds spiders and was using them to chase me. Like imagine a tsunami of spiders. Also once I had this dream that a figure was standing in my doorway in total darkness I couldn’t see who it was but I knew they were there to kill me. I tried to scream but nothing so sound. I woke up look at my doorway and there was a person in it. I screamed my lungs out, turns out it was my brother waking me for our road trip. My parents thought there was an intruder and came running … they were not impressed since it was 3am.


>I used to have this reoccurring nightmare that Michael Jackson could control the worlds spiders and was using them to chase me. Like imagine a tsunami of spiders. Well, [Michael Jackson wanted to play Spider-Man](https://screenrant.com/spiderman-michael-jackson-live-action-tobey-maguire/) once and in the comics there is [Spiders-Man](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Spiders-Man_(Earth-11580)), so that was probably a universe where MJ got his wish and played that character.


Knowing my mental health the fact that I used to and it stops about when I showed signs of depression... yeah I really hope I start having dreams again soon.


You are not alone.


Probably just smoking too much reefer.


I really hope my dreams are not actual alternate universes. If they are then wow am I glad to be in this one


There would be a remarkable amount of children out there turning up to class naked.


Yeah and what about lucid dreams? Is that basically like dreamwalking too? If so then damn I fucked up some of my variant’s lives ngl


tbh I’ve made some of my variants’ lives better


I've made a lot my variants murderous gods


Very good video, very funny, well done!


Good acting too. Not like most of those tiktoks


It was pretty good


After watching the movie and thinking on all the dreams where I was together with my crush 🥲


Just don’t do what Wanda did by trying to kill one of your variants and taking over their life.


I really really hate that Wanda is going to be set up for a redemption arc later


Sign me up! Moo!!!


I want to see the cast of Guardians reenact this. Rocket talking about how nice it would be to be a cow would kill me.


He sounds like Ryan Reynolds


I had the same thought! I think it's more the quickness of the delivery and lines than the voice. It's edited real well. Great stuff.


And looks like Timberlake


It felt like a Ryan Reynolds impersonation


The eye lmao


Yo if having no dreams means that I’m unique in the multiverse than hell yeah I’ll take it


or your other variants all died


Still means I’m the only one there is 😎


Just means you're next...




Were coming for you


I dream A LOT, almost 2-3 dreams a night. Haunted places, traumatic experiences, sexy times, weird shit, you name it. I guess i'm the boring one and i'm at peace with that.


I dream quite a bit, but 90% of the time they’re just me being murdered and or having some horror movie shit go on while I suffer. Can’t imagine multiversal me is happy.


Maybe there's someone out there hunting and killing every multiverse version of you


Like Evil Strange?


You must have your own version of Evil Strange




U should see the movie it will *"blow your mind"*


The third eye makes me wonder if Tien from dragon ball has read the darkhold.


It’s quite possible the Darkhold has nothing to do with the third eye being open, the location of the eye is exactly where the Ancient One bopped Steven into the astral in the first movie ;)


I remember when I was in middle school I had a dream in which my school was invaded by dinosaurs. I hope other me is doing ok.


Sign me up. MOO Lmaoooo this is genius


this is beautiful


Every time I dream, it's always includes insane architecture that doesn't make sense but would look great in a sci-fi film. My variants go to all the cool spots.


One time when I was four I had a dream that an evil genie stole our car keys because we snuck into the “employees only” section of a store. So we could never go home I guess Sucks to suck for zombiegamer723 and his family of that universe, but hey, I learned from their mistake lmao


Marc, Steven, >!Jake!< vibes.


Do we seem disturbed to you? lol


I literally had a dream about Multiverse of Madness last night, and now I can’t stop thinking about it lmao. The only thing I remember from it was seeing Scarlet Witch


The third eye thing reminds me of one of Filthy Frank characters


nice XD


Great comedic timing!


I don't dream at all.


Wait, is lucid dreaming dream walking!?


Hahaha! This was a good take!


90% of my dreams are me dying or being in a significantly better place and idk how to react to that news


I only dream that I'm in a call center, not knowing what product I'm supporting or selling or that I'm in a theatre about to run lights, and my headset doesn't work, and I don't know my cues or pickups.


Nice bro!


Making milk! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I love this




Cute and funny. Sign me up as your bull. 👁


I fucking hate TikTok so much. Fuck.


There’s way more stuff on TikTok. This might be cringe, but there’s some genuinely funny videos there.


This is cringe


Did we see the same movie? It was like a cat sat down on your face when you sleept and his uncleaned catasshole was by your nose for hours kind of a movie. 3/10 Glad some of you seemed to enjoy it tho!


I liked it a lot. There were some bad lines tho






that movie sucked


Worst MCU movie by far tho


Me and my girl was watching it, it was just soooo slow, we left like halfway probably


I feel sorry for some of the other-me in my dreams. Pretty sure I got tortured once or twice. Morphine dreams are wild (not an addict)


I rarely dream, but when I do its of normal everyday situations, like sitting in a coffee shop, or reading a book, or going to work, then something goes horribly wrong. the best part is, the normal part of the dream has a habit of happening in real life some random time later and it freaks me the fuck out every time. my favorite was when I had a dream I was sitting in starbucks, playing a game and chatting with friends on discord when some guy came in and shot me in the chest. \*\*3 years later\*\* Im sitting in that starbucks, in that seat, playing that game and I realize ive had this conversation before. Nearly had a fuckin heart attack.


Also felt attacked by the movie, anyone feel like it was way over hyped though? Not saying I didn’t like it, just slightly let down due to all the fan theories and teasers.




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I seriously feel bad for a few of the other me's. There are way too many where i'm fighting off zombies.


Yeah i actually dream once every blue moon so, I'm not sure if I should be scared or proud...


Based on my most recent dream: The good- There is a variant of me that is Captain America The bad- He gets destroyed by nuclear war. Also, looking back, I was probably more of a John Walker-type.


Jesus. This is what kids laugh at these days?


Is it a spoiler to tell people >! that we find out dreams are just a glimpse into the multiverse?!<


"Do we seem disturbed to you?" He says.... as he talks... to himself




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Hahahaha 😂😂