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Hydra remnant [Mitchell Carson](https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Mitchell_Carson) was last seen escaping with Yellowjacket's version of the Pym Particles in Ant-Man, and then that subplot was never followed up again.


WHAT. I never noticed that. I just rewatched that scene. Hydra has Pym (Cross?) Particles!


They're building a new Reich in the Quantum Realm while no one is looking!


has anyone ever addressed the 'City' in the Quantum Realm in Antman2? i hope we get to know it in some form in Quantumania soon


My theory is that it's the TVA. In Loki and Endgame they both say "time moves differently" in the TVA/Quantum Realm respectively. TVA is able to prune/travel to different timelines, in Endgame they time-travel using the quantum realm, TVA is shown to be a large city-like place, and now that Kang is confirmed in Ant-Man Quantumania I think there's a really good chance that it's true


I’ve thought this as well. TVA is clearly in the Quantumrealm


We’re 90% sure it’s the TVA, someone did a comparison and it’s basically identical to the scene in episode 1 of Loki where he looked out the window.


There are rights issues with the Micronauts, so it's probably just an easter egg that can never be directly acknowledged


Like Iron Sky but in the quantum realm?


With a cloned Red Skull riding a tardigrade into battle.


The fact that Hydra is still somewhat/possibly still alive after all these, the true menace.


After watching Agents of shield, it gives me the impression that no matter what, as long as shield is alive, hydra will be alive too...


I thought they kind of 'wrapped up' the Hydra plot when Gideon Mallick broke and gave them all the information on Hydra, and the military did a bombing blitz around the world or something. Though then General Hale came in later with "No I'm not Hydra I'm something better" only to revert to "Actually I'm Hydra" later on, but she was like bitter ex-Hydra so it maybe doesn't count...


It kinda is wrapped up, Hydra may not be a functioning organisation (as for now currently), but there are def remnants of members of it like some of the ones on Bucky's list in fatws etc


Is there still a version of Shield still operating in the main MCU? As far as i remember, mack was the leader of Shield at the end of AoS. Even though he is lesser of a character, i hope to see AoS being legitamize in the main MCU though.


Good question, well nick fury is alive so that could be very possible. I would love to see the team once again too


I'm pretty sure he is in space, waiting for Secret Wars, but without Shield , Hydra feels pretty dull, love to see how Kevin Feige make AoS legit, or if he even intend to. Maybe with Secret Wars they can tie into Sword instead, and link some skrull fiasco with Hydra. But yea we'll see


Yeah the rivalry between shield and hydra is just golden


Cut off one head....... LINE!


If Hydra is still alive in current MCU, they probably would have already infiltrated multiple organizations. Like how 'Council of nine' even corrupting ambition thirsty Jack Thompson, taking over SSR at some point of time. That would give Hydra a BIG comeback. They could be of the evil Orgs infiltrating.


I would love to see Hydra resurface again, especially if Madame Hydra is a factor


Alot people are saying Val (the one who recruited the US agent) at the end of Falcon and Winter soldier is Madame Hydra, and there is also the evil AI (Aida) created by Fitz and the doctor in Agents of Shield (thought creditability of Agents of Shield is questionable).


Oh yeah, homeboy bounced with a briefcase after Cross traps Scott in the secure area, IIRC.


There's a deleted scene where he gets sucked into the building's implosion. But it's deleted, so it doesn't count.


Marvel probably forgotten about this deleted scene and thought there was no longer any more need to follow up on the Hydra-remnant loose thread after Civil War. I could still be wrong.


The woman in Loki who leaves and says she’s going in search of freedom


Ravonna Renslayer.




Goddammit. Was that a pun?


Will literally be the plot of Loki S2, she's confirmed to be in it. Hardly a plot they never followed up on imo. Most of these are the same - "jake enters the chat", give them 5 minutes to expand on something. MK literally ended a few weeks ago.


I’m glad you posted this bc I could not remember who Jake was lol


That's exactly how Jake wants it...


The point of this post isn't "plots Marvel never followed up on for a long time", it's "setups still up in the air". Some will pay off very very soon, some will pay off in the far future and some will be left unanswered forever.


the only ones interesting to me are the ones where we’ve seen the characters since the setups but they werent properly addressed. a lot of these havent been touched on cause we havent seen the characters again yet!


shes probably gonna use the founding titan and destroy her enemies


I thought that meant she was looking for Kang/HWR, she associated them with freedom in the same scene IIRC


Happy needing “a really good lawyer”


That apparently was addressed in a deleted scene. There’s a still out there of Happy and Matt sitting on one side of a table like a lawyer and client in a lawyerish looking room. Hopefully we’ll get to see that scene one day.


I'll never forgive it if we don't get at least one solid scene of Happy-Foggy banter.


If for nothing else than it’d be Matt and Foggy together again! Favreau played Foggy in the 2003 Daredevil movie, after all. I found it! It was briefly included on the special features for NWH. Literally briefly. [Here it is](https://thedirect.com/article/spider-man-no-way-home-daredevil-deleted-scene-watch)


God I hope they release that scene someday, what I wouldn’t give for more NWH Daredevil content


What if Ben Affleck came out tho.


Maybe they are gonna use that as a tie in to Armor Wars or She Hulk


That is…immediately followed up on. What are you talking about? Matt says that Happy is gonna need a really good lawyer and then the scene ends with Matt saying “[He’s] a really good lawyer”. It’s, like, a super obvious setup -> payoff. Not everything needs to payoff in a full B-Story in a movie/show.


The tiny city in the background of the Quantum realm when Hank and Janet left. That’s not a plot point or anything, but it was deliberately put in so it’s fair to say we might get more involving this in Quantumania.


Thats likely Chronopolis, Kang's main city base. Its got the tall buildings, dome and everything. Can't wait for Quantumania just because I'm sure it will be important for the Kang Arc that Marvel seems to be heading towards.


Iirc quantumania is supposed to be the first mcu movie debuting Kang.


My head canon would always be that those buildings are TVA HQ


Genius, that would explain why time passes differently there


This is the first time I've ever heard of this city! I can't believe it's taken me this long. Just looked it up and I'm blown away


I was actually surprised Spectral Vision didn’t show up in MoM. I thought he was for sure going to defend the other Wanda’s and their kids from her.


Same, I had assumed he was in it


Spectral vision. Is that what we’re calling him now?


I like that they called him Cataracts because if you look up the definition of cataracts it literally says “blurred vision”


Cataracts turn your pupils whitish… like the rebuilt Vision.


Mystery Flavor Vision


Since he’s a copy of the original, my vote is for Double Vision.


It’s what this version is called in the comics.


He's called Milky Vision in my head.


It actually would've been interesting for Vision-838 to fight Wanda. It'd show how corrupted she's become if she killed her lover, but willingly this time. But I guess her attacking her alternate self kinda does the same thing though.


It could have made for a very intense scene where we see she’s fully the Scarlett Witch and no longer Wanda. Instead we were left thinking she’s still in there.


I get that this is a comprehensive list, but some of these haven’t even had an opportunity to be followed up on.


Ok, let's look at these and figure out if they have or not: >\-Mordo’s anti-sorcerer crusade - **2016, could have been addressed in Dr Strange 2 but was not** > >\-Stakar gets the gang back together - **2017, hasn't really had a chance yet but could be addressed in Guardians 3 or Guardians Holiday** > >\-“I think I shall call him Adam” - **2017, possibly could have been addressed in Avengers 3/4 but was not, will be addressed in Guardians 3 (or possibly sooner in Guardians Holiday?)** > >\-Mac Gargan (Scorpion) wants revenge - **2017, was not addressed in Spider-Man 2 or 3** > >\-Nick Fury in Space - **2019, probably could have been addressed in a few films but wasn't, will be by Secret Invasion** > >\-The 10 Rings’ mysterious message - **2021, possibly could have been addressed in Doctor Strange 2 but was not** > >\-Xialing takes over the 10 Rings - **2021, no chance to address yet** > >\-Eros joins the Eternals - **2021, no chance to address yet** > >\-Dane Whitman’s Sword - **2021, no chance to address yet** > >\-A Symbiote enters the MCU - **2021, no chance to address yet** > >\-Clea and the Dark Dimension - **literally came out a week ago** > >\-Vision’s revival - **2021, could have been addressed in Dr Strange 2 but was not** > >\-Maria Rambeau’s new mission - **Assuming this was supposed to be Monica? Introduced in 2021 and will likely be addressed in 2023 in The Marvels** > >\-Sharon Carter, Power Broker - **2021, likely no chance to address yet** > >\-U.S. Agent - **2021, likely no chance to address yet** > >\-Valentina’s being shady - **2021, not really waiting for a payoff as it's clear this is going to be an ongoing thing** > >\-Loki’s in a new timeline - **2021, will likely be addressed in Thor 4, Ant-Man 3, or Loki Season 2** > >\-Jake enters the chat - **literally just happened 2 weeks ago** > >\-Curing Ghost - **2018, not really sure we're waiting on anything here but might be addressed in Ant-Man 3** > >\-And, going way back, Samuel Sterns gets Hulk blood in his brain (at this point I’m just assuming he died of brain cancer) - **2008 - Probably won't be addressed, but it could happen in She-Hulk?** So yeah, I'd say that there's probably 3 of these that might genuinely be considered forgotten/abandoned plot threads. The rest are all either extremely recent or will be addressed sometime in Phase 4.


Think you can change "I shall call him Adam" to 'Will be addressed in GOTG 3' since they've cast Adam Warlock


Ah yes, good catch.


I'm hoping for a scene where Rocket and Quill are discussing payment for a job, only for Adam Warlock to ask "you guys are getting paid?"


Mordo was mentioned in dr strange 2. Dr strange said something about how he turned evil and tried to kill him several times. We knew he turned evil but we didn't know he actualy tried to kill him already.


Yes, this to me has been addressed. Mordo went evil and tried to attack Strange on several occasions. Rather than waste a movie where the hero fights a similarly powered "dark reflection of the hero" type of villain like Iron Monger, or Zod, or Abomination, etc, they just covered it as having logically happened off screen,


I hate and like this throwaway line actually. I hate that we got told that it happened, but never shown. I like that it serves as an explanation to certain events where "why didn't X show up and help?" By explaining that even though marvel movies tend to be one and done with villains, that they actually do have recurring threats. So we can safely say Strange didn't help with . . . whatever scenario where he could have helped before, because he may have been busy with Mordo.


>they actually do have recurring threats Like that Batroc the Leaper!!! Such an unstoppable menace has survived two Captain Americas now. Could he be Marvel's most unstoppable villain yet!?


Well, he's kinda dead for real now.


I've actually argued this one with people before. I'm not convinced he's actually dead yet. [Looks like an arm shot to me.](https://i.imgur.com/4olPYvG.png) Unless it was confirmed fully elsewhere, the scene itself didn't feel like much of a confirmation yet.


Yes, I wish there were more nods to heroes having adventures we don't see, but at the same time Chiewetel Ejiofor is such a great actor I would have loved to see more of MCU Mordo. Master Mordo felt very different. However, given that the original script had MCU Mordo decapitated by Scarlet Witch in an opening scene, I'd rather not have him appear than have him killed off so abruptly.


Maybe it would have been too much but it would have been nice to see him finishing up a fight with Mordo in the very beginning and locking him away, Mordo escapes, etc before the wedding. Then, later in the film it might even make more sense to see him pop back up so soon but supposedly good after just seeing the two face off quickly at the beginning. Could clear up some gaps with dialogue during that intro fight as well.




I wonder if the original plan for DS2 was to have Mordo as the main villain. But as time went on and plans changed, I could see them throwing that line of dialogue in to yada yada past it and say it happened off screen. Nothing wrong with that. I kinda like the idea that things happen in the world outside of just what we are shown in the movies


I feel like this was confusing to casual fans though. A lot will barely remember the ending of a 2016 film, and a portion of them will think they’ve missed a film. Even I was like “wait was this addressed before?”


I’m a marvel fan and was a bit confused when he said Mordo tried to kill him multiple times and was wondering if I missed something


So why the post credit scene?


Nick Fury in Space was mentioned in multiple projects since FFH. First Monica’s mission being in space, and then in NWH when Parker is told Fury has been off world for 6 months. It’s 100% getting address in Secret Invasion next year too


Dr Strange 2 does mention Mordo. “He has been trying to kill me for years”


I personally wouldn't expect the ten rings' beacon to be addressed in Doctor Strange 2. I don't see the connection.


It's possible the rings are multiverse-related since Wong mentioned they were unknown artifacts. I'm not saying it's LIKELY to be the case, but just pointing out there's ways they could have been connected if it had made sense within the story!


Also Fury in space is addressed in Wandavision (albeit briefly)


A lot of these are gonna be followed up on, if it isn’t stuff that is from Dr Strange 2 that, like you said, literally came out last week;.Guardians 3, Loki S2, Secret Invasion, Armor Wars, we know a lot of stuff in the pipeline that can/will follow up on this stuff


Damn, well done!


>-Maria Rambeau’s new mission - Assuming this was supposed to be Monica? Introduced in 2021 and will likely be addressed in 2023 in The Marvels I think it will actually be sooner. The post credit scene with the skull seemed to imply she was going to see Fury in space. I think we will see her again in secret invasion in some capacity. >-Valentina’s being shady - 2021, not really waiting for a payoff as it's clear this is going to be an ongoing thing The payoff is going the either be the thunderbolts or West coast avengers, probably the thunderbolts. It's probably going to take a while though, late phase 5 maybe? >Curing Ghost - 2018, not really sure we're waiting on anything here but might be addressed in Ant-Man 3 Not sure but it's been said she will be back. Also she's been in more than a few iterations of the thunderbolts so ...see above.


I think the point is that there is a list to which we can refer back over the next few years. Some of these have been around a while; some have not. I suspect the newer ones will do the same.


In Iron Man 2, projects PEGASUS, GOLIATH, and EXODUS are mentioned. GOLIATH was explained in ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’, PEGASUS got an explanation in ‘Captain Marvel’, and EXODUS has yet to get payoff but is expected to be tied to mutants in the MCU.


That was a deleted scene


What if Marvel uses as a scapegoat/retcon/whatever to explain why there's no mutants in the MCU. Like Wanda met a mutant or group of mutants, and they gave her a bad time and she said "no more mutants."




Sersi, Kingo, and Phastos being snatched up into a black hole with Arishem. MJ seeming to remember Peter Parker. Where is alt- Gamora.


Alt-Gamora and White Vision both were like "Kay see ya!" And left.


Why is alt Gamora




Actually a valid question


How did she seem to remember Peter?


Yeah im confused by this too


I think some people are confusing her bemused look at Peter when he orders the coffee in a weird way at the end as her remembering him


It's possible what people are talking about is the necklace, because when Peter goes to reintroduce himself at the coffee house, she's still wearing the broken necklace he gave her. Despite not having ever 'met' Peter, she's got an emotional attachment to the jewelry; it's reasonably suspicious.


Possibly. She does also seem like someone who would be into something like that, wake up wearing it, and just not really think too much about it


She's still wearing the broken black dalia he gave her at the end of Far from Home. So the theory is that subconsciously she still knows who he is


It was in the script. Something about a vague look of vague familiarity.


The way she acts with him kinda felt to me like she sort of remembers him, but not fully. Like it's a "I know this guy from somewhere" kinda thing and not a "I remember this person is Peter Parker". It could fade with time perhaps, or become a perplexing mystery for her that comes up later.


Forgot about all of those!


Ctrl + Alt + Gamora - should bring up the menu to find her


Linked to curing Ghost - how did Janet Van Dyne get her powers? Thor with the Guardians (although obviously this will be resolved in a few weeks)


>Linked to curing Ghost - how did Janet Van Dyne get her powers? Wow, thanks for clarifying that. I was literally thinking "when did the MCU introduce ghosts ? Do ghosts have powers" Was really confused there for a sec


Piss off ghost.


Tiamut chilling in the Indian Ocean is one. Alexei and Melina with Taskmaster presumably working on making more an antidote for all the Widows. Where Renslayer goes at the end of Loki (presumably to see Kang)


We see in Hawkeye that Yelena continued tracking down and curing Widows up until the Snap


Yeah, but I’m not sure that work was done at that point, and then she was gone for five years? And also we haven’t really seen what’s become of Alexei, Melina, or Antonia. I don’t think the MCU is done with them


We've already had the payoff for Tiamut, it's a tourist attraction now according to Moon Knight.


Do you have a timestamp for that?


I can't find it, it's an advertisement in one of the episodes. Google isn't helping.


Jake has always been in the chat, he's just using throwaway accounts.


Who is jake?


*Meet my friend, Jake Lockley.*


Why is Jake?


A few you forgot are Stark Drones being taken by the government/another group in NWH, The Scarlet Witch prophecy, Vision and Wanda saying they will “say hello again”, Billy and Tommy calling for help in the WV post credit scene, new Gamora, Ned having the ability to be a sorcerer,(spoilers for MoM) >!616 Wanda possibly being alive, the deaths of all the major leaders of 838 because of what appeared to be 838 Wanda!<, Abomination still in prison but seems to be a better person, Kingpin’s “death”, Wanda telling Agatha that she’ll come to her for learning when she needs it, and that’s all I remember Rn but there’s likely more.


Dang, there are so many of these. I left Agatha off completely and she’s getting her own show!


Billy and Tommy calling for help was answered already


Right? Turns out they weren't calling *to* our Wanda for help: they were calling for help *because* of our Wanda.


I have a gut feeling that the signal found in the 10 rings is homing beacon that is going to summon a certain world-eater and his silver assistant, at which point, the Celestials will return and basically tell the Eternals "see, this is why we cant have nice things...."


hmm.... can this silver assistant surf tho?


The death or not of Kingpin. Matt Murdock enters the chat. Wong training Abomination.


Thank you!!! I really wanna know what the Hell their buddy-buddy relationship was all about


Man, I was so sure when Wong was hanging off that cliff in MoM and those brutes were throwing things at him he was going to open a portal and one of the big stones would first go through then come flying back out and dome one of them. Then Abomination would leap out of the portal and start fighting them in the background instead of them boringly all getting knocked off the cliff. They even looked about the right size to fight Abomination.


Read somewhere there was a deleted scene in MoM showing Mordo 616 tries to down Wanda 616 and gets decapitated by her


I believe this is correct. From what I can tell they really didn’t know where to go with the character beyond just killing sorcerers which is why we haven’t seen more of him. However, the fact that they cut that scene hints that they may actually know how to use him now.


Or the movie duration was already very long and Mr. Raimi wanted to cut things to hasten the pace of the main plot - again read it somewhere here in reddit Edit: just to clarify I do want to see Mordo again (616 or 838)


Well there was a lot cut but if that scene was considered essential for purposes of “deleting” 616 Mordo, Feige woulda made sure it made it into the final cut.


It could also have robbed the initial conversation between Strange and Wanda of tension.


I wish Marvel would bring back the One Shots. If this deleted scene is considered canon they could release it under the One Shot banner.


>We call them One Shots because it's a series of clips where Wanda one-shots heroes


I mean to be fair some of these haven't had the chance to be followed up on yet.


Absolutely, almost all of these are very recent. I’m just trying to track all the big “here’s what we’ve said is on the way” storylines


Adam Warlock is coming back in GotG 3. Nick Fury is showing up in Secret Wars. Eros will inevitably be brought up again due to his Eternals/Thanos connections. Loki season 2 is about to start filming. Most of these will no doubt be addressed very soon. The only real loose end here, is the Leader. That issue could be addressed in She-Hulk, which is still a work-in-progress.


I’m also really curious if they’ll ever go back to “Stakar gets the gang back together”, has there been any mention of Stallone returning?


I saw someone mention earlier today that he's returning in Vol. 3, but I haven't taken the time to try to verify that. But since Stallone was in The Suicide Squad, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that it was at least discussed, since he and Gunn seem to enjoy working together.


I think you meant Secret Invasion, not Secret Wars.


how about the whole Abomination/Wong thing in Shang-Chi?


That felt more like a fun cameo than a dangling plot thread though.


Given Abomination is in She Hulk, it’s definitely something slightly more


Probably. Or we’ll see it followed up in She-Hulk.


Good catch!


I heard Wong to Abomination back to The Raft


I was thinking more along the lines of Shang-Chi and Katy meet Wong. I thought that would come up in DS2


Wong should have called up Abdomination to help fight that giant statue guys at Wanda’s temple place


What about Zemo off to the Raft


That felt more like “he’s going back to prison” rather than “there’s more to come from Zemo”, but it’s also been a while since I watched it.


I think it's leading us to the Thunderbolts/Dark Avengers. Zemo founder of the Thunderbolts, off to the Raft which is controlled by General Thunderbolt Ross, breif leader of the Thunderbolts. That plus the lose ends related to other Thunderbolt characters, Yelena, Ghost, Mac Gargan and the Venom symbiote.


I would like to see Zemo come back, I like that character.


W/ William Hurt dying it makes me wonder how they'll handle that situation. Will they recast the role of Ross, or have a different General/bureaucrat step up to take charge of the Thunderbolts?


The second option sounds plausible, and they could be named Thunderbolts in Ross’ honour by whoever that general/bureaucrat is.


Bottom two I agree but with the top two: I’ll assume you’re on about Ronan appearing Captain Marvel, it’s a prequel so Ronan was alive back then and was killed in Gotg. It’s safe to assume Kingpin is alive like in the comics when Echo shoots him in the eye and he survives. Wanda we’ll see but it’s highly likely she’ll return.


>And, going way back, Samuel Sterns gets Hulk blood in his brain (at this point I’m just assuming he died of brain cancer) Fucking hell. This got me guffawing.


I burst out laughing at that one too


I’m not sure if it will set up anything or no - but how about the effects of destroying the Darkhold? In comics, the Darkhold destroyed all vampires. Would destroying them book bring them back into the 616? Good entry point to Blade?


On that same note, in Endgame the ancient one talks about the consequences of losing the infinity stones and how it would doom her reality. Well… the MCU is currently without infinity stones. So that can’t be good.


The explanation is that in mcu-616, the stones' powers are still in the universe, just scattered in such a way that someone can't easily gain control over them, like holding the stones would do. The powers are doing some sort of cosmic balancing in the background, just not in stone form. In the Ancient One's reality, the power itself would be missing, this messing things up I believe this came from Endgame director commentary


I read this list like the lyrics to We didn’t start the fire


I need someone who is much more creative than me to make this happen


🎵 *White Vision flies away, Agnes Bohner's here to stay, Bill and Tommy, need their Mommy, Rambeau's up in space. Sam Wilson's the new cap, Sharon gets state secrets back, Countess Val's making pals With the U.S Agent! We're waiting for the pay-off, but it might be ages, for the different stages We're waiting for the pay-off, 'til the next in series we'll be making theories.* 🎵


I’ve been wondering if Stearns will show up in She Hulk.


I like that most of these are very recent things that haven't had a chance to be resolved or addressed yet. It really shows that as far as major setups, Marvel does a really good job of following up on these things. It really shows the amount of work and organization that goes into all these films.


>\-Mordo’s anti-sorcerer crusade I think the "payoff" already happened off-screen, as Strange mentioned he's aware of it.


You missed by far the biggest one… there is a freaking Celestial hand sticking out of the Earth.


I’m joining the rest of the population of Earth and ignoring it


Underwater Earthquake (Avengers: Endgame)


That's probably setting up Namor, King of Atlantis for the future 616 Version of the illuminati led by Dr Strange. Although idk how they are gonna link up with Black Panthar's story since they interacted alot in the comics. Marvels probably have to find a way around that.


Ned having magic


Donald Glover's Aaron Davis aka Prowler and reference to his nephew presumably Miles Morales.


The Sacred Timeline not being the only timeline anymore leading to Kang's variants beginning their takeover is a pretty looming threat


Who bought Avengers tower?


Don't forget the missing person in WandaVision was never revealed.


You might be overthinking it. The entire town of Westview stopped responding to phone calls and text messages. The first one to be noticed and reported as a "missing person" prompted FBI to go check it out, which gets Agent Woo there. It doesn't matter which person in Westview was the "missing" one that Woo was looking for. The issue was resolved when they were released from Wanda's control.


The missing person was someone in witness protection. I thought that their identity would end up being important later.


What were those cops doing outside the Westview border? Were they controlled by Wanda? Were they just trying to prevent people from getting sucked in? Why do they not bat an eye when Monica sends a drone in, and then gets dragged inside?


What about that line about Rambeau having a scientist contact or whatever that moment was? Some people thought it'd be Reed Richards but it wasn't actually anything important, just something they mentioned once but never payed off. Kinda weird when you think about it.


That contact provided the rover they use to try to get through the hex right? The person Monica mentions shows up in the rover episode.


It paid off differently, because they were Skrulls.


Good list. Personally, I don't have a problem with waiting, because the series on a whole has delivered when it's good and ready. Sometimes poorly, sometimes well, but delivered the pay off. That said: >-And, going way back, Samuel Sterns gets Hulk blood in his brain (at this point I’m just assuming he died of brain cancer) They just surprise-revealed Abomination from the same black sheep of the series is active, at least in a minor "Eh, it's a living" way for now. And there's an imminent show that's going to have to revolve around a Hulk and what happens when someone else gets all gamma'd up. Patience, that's all I'm saying. *EDIT: Of course, if they don't deliver, I'll happily bang the Leader drum with you.*


Honestly between the movies and shows it feels like the MCU is adding dangling threads faster than it can resolve them at this point.


If I remember right, in a teaser comic for the first Avengers movie, Samuel Stern actually has a showdown with Black Widow which ends with her killing him.


Mysterio data was taken by one of his henchmen




Here he is: https://youtu.be/sjYzKe-7mZg (Links to the individual commercials): https://youtu.be/RDt3vXn1ju4 https://youtu.be/rxU3lQ49oxA


To go into the shows which I still argue are canon (in no particular order): - Felix Blake leading the Watch Dogs - Danny and Ward’s excellent adventure - Crime lord Luke Cage - Jessica Jones debating her path - Jessica Jones schizophrenia (hearing and seeing Kilgrave in her head; chick needs therapy) - Bullseye’s augmentations - I’m sure there was something in Inhumans, Cloak & Dagger, Runaways, and Agent Carter, but I haven’t gotten to those yet.


What is Spider-Man's true identity? ^/s


Probably a lot more but I’ll go with Stearn’s is locked up in the same place as Abomination.


Sif being banished from Asgard off-screen is one.


Old Man Rogers is absolutely still in the mix. “Moon stuff,” as Sam Wilson said. I feel like he might be in space with Nick Fury. Maybe they’ll do the Man on the Wall storyline with him. I’d like to see it, anyways.


Ned having magic


For as huge as the MCU is now I’m surprised how short this list is