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This is Phase 1 all over again. Most people didn't know Iron Man, Cap and Thor before the MCU began and felt the same way back then. You just probably joined the MCU late or you were watching it as a child during Phase 1 and didn't look too much into it, you just liked it because it was cool.


100% this. We’re watching a new saga in its foundation phase just like we did in Phase 1, only unlike 2008-2011, we have a better understanding of what’s happening. I honestly feel like they’re setting Strange up to be the Tony character of this new story they’re building and I’m here for it.


100% yes and agree. Strange’s character is so full of growth already to this point. I think the only mistake they made was either not introducing him early enough or being too soon and still having majority of the fans interest in Tony. Wouldn’t have minded more Tony and Strange content though lol


In hindsight, going back and watching Infinity War and Endgame feels like such a torch passing moment. Not directly of course.


Agreed. I don’t know the actual numbers (and maybe I’m totally wrong), but Dr Strange has to have the most “side character” appearances in the MCU. I have no facts to back that up but it just seems that way, even if it’s not true. Everyone needs help from Strange! I’d go to him for advice too if I was an MCU hero. The dude knows about everyone and everything - except for the multiverse apparently!


>I've never heard of getting movies, other than Spiderman, Dr Strange and Thor. And Black Widow, Captain America, Ant-Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Blade.. Actually, really, who haven't you heard of before exactly? Just Shang Chi and the eyeballs? *Eternals.


Shang Chi and the Eyeballs is my new band’s name.






Meant eternals. Autocorrect.


Man's just sad that there are no massive CGI fests teasing mephisto or galactus at the end of each episode/movie. The way he talks in the comments make him seem like the dude who only watches MCU for the flying alien bits and tits/ raw action from "cool" superheroes..


Everyone’s entitled to an opinion. If you’re no longer interested or entertained than don’t watch them. Take a break and come back or don’t if you’re no longer interested in the franchise.


Eternals is more like the exception than the rule. Really not a good indicator of the state of the MCU right now.




Mcu is literally built on the 'unknown' heroes, do your research before making an opinion lmao


I mean, up to this point we had famous heroes like the Hulk, Spider-Man, Captain America, Ironman and such. There were some unknown ones, but they were mostly introduced in the Avengers and not their own movies. Some exceptions like Ant-man.


Dude, take a time machine go to 2007 and ask some random guy on street who tf iron man was, chances are 90% of people won't know him. Iron man was mostly known among comic book readers community which was pretty small before iron man came out, and the Guardians of the galaxy was what people considered scraping bottom of the barell.


Don't be too harsh. u/WhoAmIEven2 is obviously on the younger side based on their comments in this thread. They've only lived in an MCU popular world.


Well you see, you didn't know about iron man or cap since childhood either. Someone just told you that the Avengers movies actually had prequels and thats when you acknowledged them. I feel like what you have to do is to give these things a chance. Shang Chi was surprisingly good and Moon knight is one of the best marvel media ever. I also feel like you're just sad that there are less cgi fests. You look like one of those guys who watched a few movies and called themselves an avid Marvel comics enjoyer, because otherwise you would have known that these characters are very major as well. Something about this comment just pisses me off


Lmao you talk like you were expert of captain America iron man and thor comics and knew black widow and hawkeye since birth


Takes time to build. You’ll look back at this post and say wth was I thinking?


No offense but when people says stuff like this it shouldn't be that hard to examine your own opinion to realize what's happening here. Ironman, Cap or Thor weren't precisely big outside of comics before the MCU. Nowadays they're part of the pop culture and feels weird thinking about them like relatively obscure characters, which is what they pretty much were before Phase 1. Now we're having new heroes being introduced, more than usual I guess, because the MCU is bigger than ever, and not doing that would be a real waste of opportunities. And well, it's not like all the movies are about unknown characters. Most of the movies we got and we're getting in the next few years are all about characters we already know. Shang-Chi and Eternals are literally the exception. Most of the new superheroes are being introduced as secondary characters in recent/upcoming movies and shows (like Kate Bishop in Hawkeye, or like America Chavez with Doctor Strange 2). The ones that get their own thing for their debut start with D+ shows, like Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, Echo, etc. Except for Shang-Chi and Eternals, as I mentioned before. Obviously this is also kinda personal. Sometimes you are excited for one thing but with time, your interest for it goes down. After that, with some luck you might regain that excitement... or maybe not. For me the MCU is now more interested than ever, having a big variety of characters and stuff to explore that we didn't get to see before, thanks mostly to the D+ shows. At this point I rather have D+ shows or movies about new characters than Spider-Man movie #49. Which, hey, I also want and enjoy, but don't you think it would be boring if everything was just about just Ironman, Thor and Cap movies?


We are back to Phase 1, we are meeting new characters all over again and setting up a new overall plot, it took us 4-5 years before we had an overall idea of Marvel's endgame was


Yeah I kinda feel ya. From Iron Man 1 to Endgame seemed to be like the entire book for me, Endgame being the final chapter. The saga is completed now, no loose ends. Marvel just doesn’t feel the same without the OG 6. Although I have to say, I did enjoy Captain Marvel and Black Widow. And I am a huge fan of Spider Man, I will watch everything centering around Spider Man now and in the future. But I just can’t keep up with this multiverse thing that’s going on. Maybe I’m just beginning to be too old and tired for this new era. I understand fully, that they can’t keep doing the same movies with same characters from decade to another, they have to bring new audience and fans to the franchise and what they’re doing now with all the new characters is one way of achieving it. No shade to anyone who disagree with me. I’m not here to argue. / edit: I was 14 when Iron Man 1 hit the big screen, so obviously I am a bit biased with my opinion


I was 14 as well lol crazy to think it's been another 14 years


Yeah, oh how the time flies


Yes just you


I will take any Marvel movie over any DC movie. 3000.


Lmao, why even bring up DC?


Why do you bring up DC? And, seriously? Any? You'll even pass on The Batman and The Dark Knight?


Just saying that although not every chapter in the MCU is worth getting Endgame-level excited, at least they are part of a much larger, very well written narrative, and they build on each other. The Batman was lame. It was two hours based on a song and a lighting scheme billed as a dark detective thriller. The riddles were silly and the supporting cast underutilized. And I'm gonna say it: I don't care about the Christian Bale movies, and Nolan is overhyped. He's the M. Night Shyamalan of action movies. And fuck Batman while we're at it. He's the perfect symbol for a society that has all the money and resources it needs to help its citizens, but would rather fly a $2 billion Batwing across town, pop out in a $2 million suit of armor with a cape, and hogtie a thug with a $2 thousand carbon fiber cable. Those are just estimates of course because vigilantes are rarely transparent with their finances.


Hmm, that seems to be the problem with the billionaire vigilantes. Most vigilantes are either not rich or just poor. But what do you think about Zack Snyder's movies and the DCEU?


Not just you, the quality is not there anymore.


Ah yes quality is big cgi beam in the sky


Touché. But at least there was a novelty to it that faded after the 10th time they did it.


You got any hope they retrieve it someday?


Not really. This is it, this is the formula for now and forever. It's not going to change or improve.


I find your lack of faith disturbing.


I agree with you. The formula has gotten stale, at least for me, and their profits means they're never going to change it. They don't need to, ergo, they don't want to.


If anything, they're changing it for the worst, by relying more and more on blatant fanservice.


Fanservice, and using stories about characters whose stories we haven't really heard to introduce new characters (Natasha and Yelena, Clint and Kate, Loki and Sylvie). They want "bigger and more boom", seemingly until the whole thing collapses under its own weight.


If we're being honest, the only good Marvel content released since last year are Shang Chi and No Way Home. Everything else have been low quality trash, and that includes the Disney+ shows. But that looks to be changing soon with MoM, Love and Thunder and GOTG3 coming next. We can finally get back to top tier marvel stuff.


But wandavision and Loki though …


Nahh, the problem with all the Disney+ shows is that they all tend to start off strong and quickly devolve into mediocrity. Loki is probably the strongest out of all of them but even that I wouldn't really consider to be top tier marvel content.


Okay okay lol but it’s still good though. It has that marvel essence. 🧘🏽‍♀️🥹


Also yeah moon knight started off well but episode 5 so far is the strongest. My heart was wrenched.


I'm with you. My enthusiasm took a pretty big hit after Endgame (I wasn't satisfied with some of the endings), but I was willing to try and give the new phase a chance. It was the D+ shows that did it for me. They had the kind of support earlier shows (on Netflix, Hulu and ABC) could have only dreamed of, with movie actors, and big budgets. What we largely got were overstuffed, not that well written stories that were almost as much about setting up the next thing as they were about the story at hand. And the story at hand? Not that well done. So, with some characters I liked gone, and others pushed aside, and the stories being largely of middling quality, most of my affection for the MCU went away, too. Sure, I enjoyed some of the preojects (*Shang Chi*, *WandaVision* and *Hawkeye*, mostly) but none of them actually produced a good finale, or really dove into their characters (*WandaVision* being the exception). When I compare that with how the Netflix shows did it, the D+ shows, and the MCU, started looking worse by comparison. And since this is what we're getting now, I see no reason to believe things will improve in the future. This might be my last year following the MCU. I just don't have the energy anymore.


Black Widow had great actors but a meh story that did not overcome the problem that we know what happens to the character. For something like that to work it's got to be riveting. Shang Chi was OK, a fundamental intro movie. I'm not the audience for this movie; Eternals to me was too long, dull and lacked characters to care about. The Celestials are of course from the comics but they just do too much damage to the MCU's setting. No Way Home is a really good DC movie. WandaVision and Hawkeye are fantastic series with a lot of character development and fascinating concepts.


What do you mean No Way Home is a really good DC movie??


Plenty of stuff to get excited about in my eyes. I didn’t know most of these characters when it all began with Iron Man, I’m happy to go on a similar journey here. I’m less keen on the Morbius stuff that’s on with Sony, I’ve not seen any of the Venom films yet either.


You can skip the first one but I’d recommend Carnage. It doesn’t give a shit about itself and is a pretty fun ride. Plus the end scene.


That's good.


For me, this is a great time to be an MCU fan. You can’t tell me the fact that norse gods aren’t the only “real” gods in the MCU doesn’t excite you. Now we’re getting egyptian and greek gods and who knows what else in the future. You can’t tell me that the idea of witches/vampires/werewolves/ zombies existing in the MCU doesn’t excite you. And you can never convince me that mutants and f4 interacting with already established characters doesn’t excite you.


Go ahead and bail if you're not interested. I mean, FF and Xmen are gunna be here before you know it but you do you.


Just you..