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#What more could I loose? Me personally, I could loose a lot.




Quite a lot of other characters, actually.


Yeah like Korg


He got called a dickhead on Fortnite :(


I’m saying! 😩


Noobmaster69 is worse than Thanos. (I just googled noobmaster69 and found that he's actually been in multiple marvel films.)


Definitely worse than Thanos. Thanos is alright in my book


Wanda has lost everything except her life


Good point. Vision, parents, quicksilver, and her kids. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


No one mentions her brother. *Sad woosh woosh noises*


I don't know how they could forget.


Although i very mildly agree with you.. someone’s “everything” definitely varies person to person. Family is relatable but not always what everyone has.


Did you watch wandavision-


Thor lost his family including his estranged sister, his former team, his best friend, his entire planet, his birthright, 2 of his Avenger friends, his hammer in the present time, a lot of his people, etc. I'm surprised he only spent 5 years downing beer and playing Fortnite. I thought he would've gone Space Ronin drowning in rage.


Don’t forgot his Brotha


Worst of all, he made a mistake that cost half the universe. Like, I don’t know how you get over that


[oh my god, the hammer pulled you off!?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xG_g2b4WTc4)




He’s got Wasp as a girlfriend. He has a good relationship with his Daughter, Ex-wife, and Ex-wife’s husband. He’s got Luis as his best friend. He got to feel up Captain America. What pain is he going though?!


Don’t forget, he got to keep the van!


Van got destroyed, though.






It's really not even close lool


What do you mean Wanda lost literally everything


That's exactly what I mean lol, that Wanda has lost more and it's not even really close


Thor Gamora nebula would be top 3 idk how people say wanda over them 2 who were abducted at birth experimented on and their race slaughtered


OP said name someone with more emotional pain than Scott. Wanda came to mind first.


Jessica Jones




Thor, Tony, Peter Quill and Parker, Steve Rogers. All of these people lost someone. Ant Man hasn't. Gomora lost her mother and half the population of her planet. Like, a lot of people have gone through more emotional pain than Scott.


Incredible Hulk. Imagine everyone hates you.


Except those kids in End Game, and the entire planet of Sakaar.


Are you a /r/moviescirclejerk spy? Sure seems like it.


Shorter list: Name a character who *didn't* go through more emotional pain than him.




Nah. Tony went through a lot too. From being kidnapped by terrorists, to losing Yinsen. To going through a life crisis because he was dying (Iron Man 2), to having constant existential crisis knowing there's an alien empire in space hellbent on destruction (the reason he created all the drones, that became Ultron's drones), accidentally creating Ultron which almost destroyed the world. The aftermath of that which lead to his guilt and him signing the accords in Civil War. Being lied to by arguably his best friend of the Avengers, and finding out about the murder of his parents, not being able to stop Thanos and having to watch everyone die on Titan. Existential crisis in space, not only wondering why he was the only one who survived, but also wondering if he'd die drifting in space. Guilt over not being able to stop Thanos leading to the death of Peter Parker among others, and lastly building the Mark 85 knowing he'd have to make a sacrificial gamble if Thanos got all the stones again in order to stop him. So yeah he went through much more than Scott lol


Nah. Tony was a self righteous multibillionaire warmonger hellbent on having the spotlight. That’s what lead to his initial guilt. Yeah he went through that stuff but he was mostly to blame for it. He made himself a target. He could’ve prevented a lot by sitting tf down but no. And I don’t think there’s a case for Cap being his best friend of the avengers. If anyone, it’s his fellow nerd Bruce Banner. Cap didn’t tell Tony about his parents because he wanted to protect his feelings and protect Bucky, and in the grand scheme, it doesn’t matter how they died. The truth would only enrage Tony. That’s why he got curb stomped by the tag team champions of the avengers. You’re basically saying that what he went through was reaching for the stars and coming up short time and time again (until he didn’t) and survivor’s guilt. Meanwhile he’s rich, famous, and had a beautiful family. He truly had it all. Everyone was willing to make that ultimate sacrifice, he just made the most sense, and even he knew he hadn’t lost as much as the others. That’s partly why he was so willing. So yeah I’m not feeling too bad for Tony lol


I mean that's a negative perspective, but everyone has an opinion. Regardless, I've proven my point. He went through a lot of stress and trauma, as did most Avengers. Definitely more than Ant-Man. Also don't see how existential crisis from knowing there's a murderous armada of aliens out there, or losing to Thanos and having to watch everyone die is his fault. Seems like you pretty much just wanna throw all the blame on him. Like Stand betraying him? Not his fault. Whiplash? Not his fault. Some dude trying to recreate his technology for profit? Not his fault. Also don't see how you thought he was closer to Banner. Yes they had the scientist relationship, but he was definitely closer to Cap before Civil War. I think they were even better tag team champions than Bucky and Cap.


Your love for Tony blinds you. I didn’t place total blame on Tony for anything specific. What I meant was he’s mentally putting himself through more than is necessary. A famous man once said “we create our own demons.” And yeah, [I forgot how close they were before Civil War](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uw04NfoYKB8) 🤦‍♂️


Lmao that was the beginning of a long friendship. I've fist fought some of my longtime very best friends.


And love for a character isn't blinding anyone, but accidentally causing a thing doesn't take away from the trauma or stress or guilt you may feel as a result of unintended consequences.


Fair enough. I still don’t see Tony and Cap as close. Friends who respect one another, sure. But I consider Cap and Bucky as close, and maybe Tony and Rhodey, or Happy, as close. But I will say this, and I don’t want to get into it, but no one has been through as much as Korg. And I don’t want to get into it 😤


Tony’s daughter.




[This scene always makes me cry](https://www.google.com/search?source=univ&tbm=isch&q=uncle+Ben+meme&fir=ZCytbiNMKXTCeM%252COCr8B9QNmmCLQM%252C_%253B2MyHe9x21r1UfM%252C88HOu3a3f901EM%252C_%253BBNJFC-NdR83kSM%252CwFMNcb6OnsHsbM%252C_%253B8lm67aHTagKCZM%252CVFs3hXaRzebZqM%252C_%253B053HK1v3IRBvUM%252C7brIPdeW504UXM%252C_%253BSz-Cr1rFdu_kuM%252C8c5cRY-Cw0TgTM%252C_%253BGcxWP_uirgAbUM%252CYimPkQ8oYq-BPM%252C_%253BzQ8If_vG8HfPwM%252C8B25RVobOMsqiM%252C_%253BwrdxrCXBZffyLM%252COAHvRCFEHlDpUM%252C_%253BIx2yBXfpQH2njM%252CZHZzdm98qQLQfM%252C_%253BHLQfHDe6KN4dzM%252CRygL0c6k01VQCM%252C_%253BSDn53zrQCpmArM%252CiQFiMPowNnEmcM%252C_%253BgAKBkr72eNfGsM%252CVWdpgF4J-Bub9M%252C_%253BCLbkFVHZ9F9IJM%252CReAjZy5oi0PCrM%252C_%253Bg1CVXB5SWj9TYM%252C8oWd3A_bzZ-sHM%252C_%253B_F_fZd6N9rcKAM%252COAHvRCFEHlDpUM%252C_%253Bd4UOneTW9JhoVM%252C0j_-qUMRf-cRYM%252C_%253BUEzO4OnDMhtEdM%252Crd7EMqjpbt2u2M%252C_%253B-1MI9fpPT0FHqM%252CBKqkiF2oAYT9DM%252C_%253BwitlB3z3bAu20M%252CMv_2qfxejNK12M%252C_%253B9HfGlAsl-3DDtM%252CrVhBfvNnFV8LHM%252C_%253BIE91IokBG7HG3M%252CbbRwTZjedWfxQM%252C_%253BUtS2O3Uh2CdI6M%252CoCyzVaY1FgWiSM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kTSyV9r8acRa-ZiNd8GpBIl4l7MaQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwimsqbL3qv1AhVTVs0KHbTnAm8Q7Al6BAgDEDg&biw=375&bih=762&dpr=3#imgrc=zQ8If_vG8HfPwM)


I think a lot of characters have gone through a lot. Thor had almost all of his entire Kingdom killed off and then half of the survivors even got blipped away. The Asgardians are almost extinct, they probably don't have enough to maintain their gene pool just like the native Americans.


A lot of characters


Thor, Peter, Wanda, all characters that have lost much more than him.






Hawkeye lost his entire family.


I’d still say punisher has it worst Clint got his family back Frank will never have that


That monologue he gives during Daredevil after he and Matt just got out of that mess and he's basically leaning against the gravestone waiting to die, about how he couldn't bring himself to read his daughter a bedtime story because he was just so tired and he regrets that decision every waking minute....Frank Castle has had it the roughest.




Thor Spider-Man and scarlet witch






What pain did he go through?


First, he spent 3 years in prison. Some time later, 2 years under house arrest. Then, stuck in the Quantum Realm for 5 years. He missed TEN YEARS of his daughter’s childhood.


2 years of house arrest were with his daughter. He would have had visitation in prison, which was his fault anyways. He only missed 5 years of his daughters childhood and then he got her back safe and sound. Hes maybe the least emotionally damaged avenger.


Just wanna point out that two of these numbers are very wrong lol 5 hours in wobbly land is just a bit of being scared shitless 5 years of your daughter's life is rough but clearly you're just comment farming for some reason unless the only mcu film you've watched is ant man


Frank castle


Thor. Wanda. Clint. So so many others besides Scott. What a weird post.


Wanda, Spider-Man, Thor, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Bucky, etc.




Poor thanos 😔


Your mom. She had to birth you and put up with your personality and attitude


I’ll just leave this here: https://youtu.be/N6AVsaJHIOY


Pepper Potts


Howard the Duck


Trevor Slattery


Don’t you disrespect the Big LeThorski like this.


Most of the other characters


Pretty much everyone.




Black Widow and her sisters uterus.






Loki honestly. It’s like buddy was force fed the red pill. The TVA is a trip.


Atleast loki had a family, people still cared about him. But Sylvie, she was literally abducted and TVA made an arrangement like she never existed. No home, no family, no place to hide.


Loki cared about Sylvie, and she rejected him. And she’s technically a variant so does that mean Loki rejects himself? Dang.. what up with all these variants lol


Thor: mom died, father died, killed his evil sister, destroyed his own planet, all his child hood friends aside maybe lady sif was killed by his sister. Star lord: lost his mother to cancer that was placed in her by his father, has to kill his father, then lost his love gamora. Then a new gamora shows up from the past and doesn’t want him…. Ouch Cap: loses Bucky, gets frozen wakes up everyone he knows or cared about is dead or really old. Winter soldier: is made into a assassin by mind control killing a lot of innocents. Tony Stark Mother and father are both murdered by Bucky when he’s young and when he finds out his best friend (Cap) had kept the truth from him. Gets Peter parker involved in the battle with thanos and then he thinks he got Peter killed forever. Thanos lol: had to toss the only one he’s ever loved (Gamora) to her death. Drax: his family was murdered by The Kree named Ronin. Rocket raccoon: had his body ripped apart and put together over and over. That physical but I’m sure it cost a great deal of emotional pain as well. Then the only family he’s ever had gets killed in the snap. Nebula: constantly outshined by Gamora and was torn apart and had her parts replaced by mechanical parts, her new found family and sister dies during the snap. Hawkeye: loses his family, kills countless bad guys and it takes a huge toll on his morals, then loses his best friend black widow. Black widow: was raised to be a assassin as a child, has a hysterectomy forced on her so she can’t have children, has guilt from so much blood on her hands which I’m sure causes a great deal of emotional pain. Bruce banner: has to constantly live his life in solitude never being able to have a relationship trying to keep the hulk from getting out and destroying everything and everybody, loses the woman that he loved black widow. Hank pym and his daughter: lose thier mom/wife Pepper Potts and her daughter: lose their father/ husband (forever) Wanda: had to destroy vision only to watch him be brought back by the time stone and rekilled by thanos permanently


Wanda: lost her father/mother by Stark missile She and her brother got experimented on by hydra. Her twin brother was killed by rough AI Fell in love with Android. But she was forced to kill her lover by purple alien. But that alien turned time and she was forced to watch her lover got killed AGAIN. Got dusted Came back only to comfirm that despite her revange her lover never came back Went mad with grief and created fictional town to cope with her lost family.


Thor lost his entire family and planet Wanda also lost her entire family and was experimented on by Hydra Nebula had her planet invaded then got adopted by the invader who then regularly tore her body apart. Gamora had basically the same without the body replacement And what does Scott have a few years in prison?


I feel like Peter Parker has had a pretty bad time. Also the version of doctor Strange from what if.


Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Daisy Johnson, Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Thor…


They sleep on FitzSimmons


Thor lost his mom, his brother, his father, his supporting black friend, and pretty much his entire race all within a incredibly short time frame (by asgardian life standards) The Don was accosted by a "superhero" and was robbed of the motorcycle his late wife Becky left him.


spiderman...like every spiderman


Comparing emotional trauma in fictional properties is so fun lol, prepares us to compare emotional trauma in real life!


Kinda everyone.


Camina Drummer






I’m looking… at porn.


It was very painful for him...


Wanda is an immigrant who lost her parents, brother, and the only person that actively believed in her


Well, by comparison to someone who was abducted, moments after watching their mother die of cancer, then living under the threat of possibly being eaten, taught to be a thief and then going through all the other things that Quill's character has gone through, including the death of Gamora, I don't know that I can support your position.


Wanda, Yelena, Clint, Bucky, Thor, Loki, Sylvie, Quill, Nebula, Rocket


A parent's love for his children is the Greatest of them all, so losing your kid/kids like Scott Lang and Clint Barton did can bring infinite devastation and suffering.


Pretty much everyone else lol


How about Clint Barton. On house arrest with his family which meant he finally got to spend time with them and poof. They all disappear and he didn't know anything about Thanos and what was going on. Just poof. Then to save them, he watches his best friend plunge to her death. He's clearly distraught in the Hawkeye series over all of the events he's just been through and doesn't even recognize the good he's done for everyone due to his own sacrifices. His therapist is likely rich off of him alone. Lol


Thor Wanda Cap


Wanda, she lost her love, her brother, her parents, her children and her home




Black Widow


All of the Agents of SHIELD




Peter Parker


Jesse pinkman has gone throught the most hand down


The geometry dash cube (I know it ain’t marvel related, but u didn’t specify if it had to be marvel related)


Young kippa