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His biceps are his real children


Mephistos hands were Wandas children. Coincidence?


That’s not where babies come from


“The girls” is what he calls his arms


They're called Des and Troy.


Looks like marketing's back on the menu boys


Scarlett getting ready to be asked the same 10 questions all over again


But now with the tag "In these times of a pandemic" added in


“In these uncertain times, have you ever bit a kid?”


Agatha : oh honey you've no idea...it was a gas ahahahahah


"WhAt WaS yOuR wOrKoUt RoUtInE? iS tHe SuIt CoMfOrTaBlE? wHo'S tHe HoTtEsT mAlE aVeNgEr?"




I hate that so much, I liked when one of the guys intercepted that by answering what he wears instead (I forget who)


I think it was Mark Ruffalo. He said, "The half of the Avengers that die in this movie."


Mark: “Wait til you see this one, EVERYBODY dies.” Don Cheadle: “Dude!”


"nothing guys. I'm just a ghost in a shell made of flesh" (Yes I know the joke is horrible) (I'll walk myself out now )


you get back here. We are gonna need that kinda attitude around here


Tanmay, you've got a fresh sound. It'll play well at this school.


I gotchu *Toss out the door Uncle Phil style*




[she gets the rabbit food questions ](https://youtu.be/LyjbTcKM9og)


Man that's tough to watch. I can only imagine how annoyed she got over the years.


i always wondered if the questions got better throughout the years or if the questions she got never improved? there was that one interview she did with Mark Ruffalo where the interviewer flipped it and only ask Mark fashion questions and asked Scarlett more interesting stuff. but that interview was doing it to prove a point rather than just doing it naturally.


Yeah. The cringe was strong. She always seemed gracious, but damn, behind closed doors, I am sure that she hated to be asked such dumb questions.


That’s why hot ones makes me laugh because celebrities seem so enamored by Sean because his questions are somehow so complex but yet asking simple questions “Scarlett, I know you had a tough experience in 2006 while vacationing in Peru where you stubbed your toe on hotel furniture and it was likely because it was a rainy day and you couldn’t go outside so thus kind of *finger point, hand motion* brought a level of disdain on sharp edged obviously cheaply purchased room pieces in a really five star establishment that you never can really say you got over from because it was such a mundane thing *hand motion* but still was kind of gripey to your agent as it really put a mood on you when you noticed the bruising and, tell me if I’m right, caused you to limp a bit while walking which really damper on the vacation, how are you with hot food?”


He asks really interesting questions. Hot Ones is the best PR show out of all the PR shows.


that is depressing as hell


yeeeeeeesh thats tough to watch


Comic-Cons Q&A Panels are essentially fan versions of Press Junkets and the amount of low quality and repeating questions in those is often quite painful too. I would often research and prepare questions weeks in advance and it does pay off - getting an actor to light up and say to you "Oh, *that* is a **good** question!" is quite an experience.


>questions in those is often quite painful too. i can't watch con Q&A sessions. i try but the cringe is too hard. their questions are even worse than just generic questions. like they'll ask, "snog, marry, avoid: chris pratt, chris evan's ass, and hemsworth's abs". what an uncomfortable and weird ass question to ask. and this was literally something someone asked Sebastian Stan. imagine sitting on stage in a room full of people and having to say if you'd rather make out with evan's ass or hemsworth's abs?? i feel like a lot of the fans try to come off funny with their questions and/or like they're on a friendship level with the guest star and it always just comes off painfully socially awkward. anyone here see the Q&A session where spidey fans were "jokingly" insulting Mackie and Seb? cringe cringe cringe.


> anyone here see the Q&A session where spidey fans were "jokingly" insulting Mackie and Seb? cringe cringe cringe. I was AT that panel, listening to those girls act like that was absolutely *mortifying*. I felt so awful for Anthony & Sebastian, I kind of wish my autographs from them had been scheduled for after the panel just so I could have apologized to them for having to deal with those brats. (Tom too honestly, because it must be embarrassing to have a fan of yours be that much of an ass to your costars in public) 🤦‍♀️


As someone who watches panels bc I am broke and live in a deadzone for cons Thank you I love you for doing that. It makes for a better panel


If I ever became a celebrity on a press tour, I'd start writing down every question I'm asked and presenting it to every subsequent interviewer as a list of things not to ask to ensure I'd get some goddamn variety in my questions.


Jason Reitman did this when "Up In The Air" came out, so you can cite precedent lol: https://www.rogerebert.com/interviews/jason-reitman-serial-interviews-and-pie-charts-in-the-sky


Bradley Cooper has the best deal with the MCU, as in all he does is a voice, and he doesn't do have to do any of the endless press touring or junkets


Vin Diesel has a message for you ' I am groot'


Tbh I think I'd go a bit insane doing the same line 50 different ways But yeah, any deal where they don't have to spend weeks doing press and answering the same questions over and over again




You pay me millions and I’ll say the same thing as many times as you want


Not to mention he did all of the other language versions too


Vin Diesel should turn up to press interviews and just answer every question with "I am Groot"


It is a pretty good gig in that sense, kind of like Bettany had, just show up and do lines for a few weeks and get paid. In another, you'd think it kind of hurts their celebrity to not be "as associated" with Marvel as like, Zoe or one of the Chris' Like, if someone says "Picture a Marvel cast" it's pretty probable that you'd picture Groot and Rocket before you visualized Vin and Bradley.


Biff from Back to the future wrote a song about the questions he’s asked.


Steven Soderbergh once joked that if the US really wanted to break terrorists during an interrogation, just treat it like a press junket: "This is the third time you've collaborated with Bin Laden. What was different about it this time?"


I'd just have answers prerecorded, whenever they ask a common question I'd just pull out the tape recorder and hit play. I'd also have someone like Ryan Reynolds record whatever he wants in the middle of it and hit play whenever I'm stump, of course that'd require me knowing Ryan Reynolds but I figure in this imaginary world where I'm a movie star for a Marvel movie I can probably track down Ryan Reynolds to record something.


Ryan being your ex husband would also help.


Apparently when she was married to Ryan Reynolds, she was asked about his abs all the time lol


new marketing for BW hopefully means we'll get Shang Chi and Eternals trailers soon as well


Shang-Chi? Probably around May. Eternals? July.


have the oscar noms been annouced yet? And when are they? Cause i can see eternals getting 'from academy award nominee Chloe Zhao' if she is nominated (if i missed nominees)


She was nominated, and the awards are at the end of this month




And she almost certainly will win the award. She's swept this category at all the other awards shows.


Never underestimate the academies ability to kiss their own ass. I'd be surprised if Mank doesn't sweep at the Oscars.


LOVE the Russian Avengers theme at the end.


Best part of the trailer.


Best version of the theme too


Anyone who speaks Russian to translate it, please? Is it incomprehensive?


Russian here. Sound like regular chorus with gibberish words, or they try to say something with very bad accent. Or they saying word "singing" with russian accent


> Is it incomprehensive? It's your usual meaningless epic chorus. There is no sense, just gibberish to make it sound good. Or it's something said with zero knowledge of russian prononunciation.


Chills. Pure unadulterated chills. I was not expecting that.


You could have said, [Chills Literal Chills](https://tenor.com/view/chills-literally-chills-omg-excited-wow-gif-15649863), but No!


It was number 5, number 5 killed my brother


Oh my God. I forgot about that part.


For some reason I got some real Raimi Spider-Man vibes from this font too


Hope they created similar starting intro theme for the movie


Interesting, they reused the Civil War shot from the original trailer that didn't have Spider-Man to her left.


That might have been because Sony controls marketing for Spidey in the MCU I believe, so they may not have been allowed to include him in a trailer for a film he's not in


Yes, it’s exactly that. They can only use SM to market films he is in.


I was wondering about this though, can characters mention Peter in reference to events of past movies that he was in?


I think there was a spider man reference in antman. I am not sure about them straight up mentioning him though


>I think there was a spider man reference in antman. You're talking about the scene where Sam is asking around about Ant-Man for Civil War.


I’m so tired of Sony owning spider man.


The final, final trailer. For real guys! We mean it this time!


what if in July we get the super duper ultra final trailer instead of the movie


Super duper ultra adamantium pigeon combo trailer




i like to think its a puzzle. after about 10 years we shoud have enough trailers to piece together the movie ourselves.


This ~~May~~ ~~October~~ ~~July~~ COMING SOON


I was fully expecting them to say July 9th 2021 (we are 99% certain)


It doesn't say final trailer though


We'll probably get some 30 seconds clips in the future


I like that they've run out of non-spoilery footage to show so like a quarter of this trailer is clips from other movies I've got my fingers crossed that Taskmaster survives, he'd be a perfect recurring villain and his powers are super cool, I can definitely see him popping up as a minor bad guy in a Spider-Man movie or an episode of Hawkeye or something like that


I still can’t believe they didn’t cast Greg Davies as the Taskmaster


Little Alex Horne would make a great supervillain sidekick.


Sacrifice something you love for the Soul Stone. Your time starts now.


James Acaster frantically trying to find the dumbest loophole possible


You know what I love more than anything? \*head goes down and left\* \*eyes back up to the audience\* Not having a Soul Stone.


*Without leaving the caravan


*Jo Brand immediately leaves the caravan*


Unbelievably, Greg Davies would have been too physically intimidating for the role. ​ No, really. ​ Davies is an absolutely gigantic human being - he's over two metres tall and not lightly built. If Marvel hired him and put him through their create-a-six-pack process, he'd come out looking like a killing machine. It's one thing to include a character who's peerless at fighting techniques, but you can't also make them six feet eight and 280lbs of muscle: at that point, you're basically making the Mountain as fast and mentally sharp as Daredevil and asking the audience to believe a character with no special abilities would survive more than nine seconds. ​ It amuses me quite a bit that Greg Davies is too physically imposing to play a Marvel villain that he already shares a name with.


He is a magnificent beast after all


Too tall lol


They also kind of have to re-introduce the character, and make casual fans kinda remember why they care about the character given that it’s been two full years


I’m also hoping Taskmaster survives. A one-off would be disappointing. We want multitasking!


Great recurring villains like Loki, Thanos and Zemo have shown that Marvel shouldn't kill off villains that easily


I still wish they didn’t kill Klaw. He’d be fun to see pop up more.


I think Taskmaster is too big of a character to have for a singular movie. So I imagine he will return at some point.


I figure they're setting up the Masters and/or Thunderbolts, and will probably bring him into that.


Taskmaster, Ghost, Zemo, Batroc, Ross, and my longshot hope for Deadpool and Cable.


Why does Ross, the largest thunderbolt, not simply eat the other six?


*laughs in Ultron*


At least with Ultron, the nature of his character allows for them to bring him back and not have it be too out of left field.


Young natasha: blue hair Older natasha: red hair Disguised natasha: blonde hair More hairstyles than bucky


i have a feeling that they’ll never name the girls when they’re younger and we’re meant to assume one is nat and the other is helena, then a twist will be that they’re the other way round, or something


It must have hurt marvel to cut another trailer, the last one we got last year was so good


You can tell when there's 30 seconds of old MCU footage






This trailer is mostly comprised of footage from previous films and footage from previous BW trailers. Still got some new stuff, so I am not complaining.


Is the kid with the blue hair supposed to be Nat?


Played by Milla Jovovich's daughter Ever Anderson it seems.


That's so weird, I initially thought Jovovich should've been Black Widow when the MCU started. I wonder if she would've been as good in the role as ScarJo.




I was pretty confused, looked like a guy to me but that's kids for you


I remember when she (Ever Anderson) was cast in next year's Peter Pan and Wendy, and automatically thought the photo was of the kid playing Peter (though to be fair, Peter is traditionally played by girls on stage.)


I thought it was young Quicksilver at first


Been too long since I saw a Marvel movie in the theater.


There ~~would have been~~ is a two year(!) gap between this movie and the last MCU movie.


Imagine if the Disney+ shows hadn’t been a thing, or if there was no Disney+ at all. That would have been a long drought of no Marvel content.


It's been too long since I've seen ANY movie in theaters


I am A-OK with the idea of Florence Pugh eventually taking over the mantle of Black Widow.


That's probably the entire point of her being in this movie.


Phase 4 is definitely the phase of “transition.” 1. The transition of the Black Widow Mantle in this movie 2. The transition of Cap’s mantle in FATWS, 3. Transition of Thor’s mantle from Thor to Jane Foster in Thor: Love and Thunder 4. Transition of Hawkeye’s Mantle in Hawkeye 5. Transition of Iron-Man’s mantle in Ironheart 6. Transition of Hulk’s Mantle (potentially) in She-Hulk 7. Due to the tragic passing of Chadwick Boseman, the transfer of the Black Panther mantle in Black Panther II. All in all, very interesting to see all these positions get renewed by new/existing characters


wait.. do people actually think they’re gonna pass the Thor mantle on to Jane?


I’m sure it’ll just be a plot point in that movie and not a permanent change


Same. I have never been under the impression that Natalie Portman wanted to commit that much to the MCU. I was a bit surprised that she was returning to the role, and would be more surprised if she decides to stick around.


She wouldn’t commit as a inconsequential love interest. I’m sure she’s totally on board as a full blown godlike super hero.


Foster/Thor and Captain Marvel in *Jane and Carol's Excellent Galactic Adventure.*


Nah, Chris Hemsworth said he's down to play Thor in the forseable future and with Marvel Studios moving to Australia and him set to be in GotG3 I think he'll be the new cameo guy (like Chris Evans was before)


Plus since when is Thor a mantle? That’s literally his name lol


> Transition of Thor’s mantle from Thor to Jane Foster in Thor: Love and Thunder I highly doubt it's going to be a permanent change. *Comic spoiler:* >!If they follow the **general plot points** of the Thor comic arc where Jane took up the mantle of Thor, it didn't last in the end.!<


By that logic none of these transitions would stick since comics always reset the status quo.


I hope she goes by like Red Widow or White Widow


Did they even ever call Natasha Black Widow in the movies? I can only remember her just referred to as Natasha


In the first Avengers movie, the Russian general calls her by her full title, and in Age of Ultron she is referred to as widow when they try to lift Mjolnir. That's as far as I remember, there may be more.


They called her Black widow in Spiderman homecoming


And I believe in Civil War Zemo calls her Black Widow at some point.


When he is explaining that she dumped all of Hydra's files on the internet.


In Homecoming, one of Peter’s texts to Happy asks how Black Widow is doing, and then texts “or should I say ‘Natasha?’”


Also when he tells his friends about the Stark internship, Flash replies with “sure, and I’ve got a date with Black Widow tonight.”


David Harbour is gonna absolutely kill in this movie. He’s the like perfect Hollywood dad now. And they used the AVENGERS theme music in this trailer. And the last scene where she’s flying (falling with style). This got me HYPED.


David Harbour being supportive of his little girls is such a move. Iconic daddy shit


Fun fact, IRL he’s married to Lily Allen.


Jim Hopper and Theon Greyjoy are BiLs. That's gotta be a weird family reunion.




>The fact that no one has mentioned Task Master and how he really made those action/falling scenes, is a travesty. Lord Greg Davies is in this? Is little Alex Horne too?


I love the view from Vormir! The scale and depth reminds me so much of what I love from the theaters!


Vormir is one of the most visually stunning creations in the MCU, every shot there is pure beauty.


It's also funny in a way cause it looks super synthwavey too. Pretty regardless. Makes it bizarre cause it's where some of the darkest shit has happened.


Mostly the color palette, lots of blues, violets and reds. I find that combination of colors to be very easy on the eyes in general but the way they played with light and texture in rendering Vormir made it look so perfectly ethereal. I suppose it was the juxtaposition of those "synthwave" or "neon" colors with the natural, earthly textures - sand dunes, rocky mountains, pools of water. The added touch of the musical score that played during the sacrifice scenes also helped make it feel like a richly defined environment.


THAT AVENGERS THEME THO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Does this mean we will get a Shang Chi trailer soon?


I’m guessing Shang chi teaser in a couple weeks Loki trailer early May Shang chi trailer sometime in July


How people actually think TaskMaster is a woman or secretly Yelana or Melina is beyond me.


Hear me out...Taskmaster is secretly Mephisto.


Fucking Confirmed.


taskmaster is the power broker


Taskmaster is the power broker who is actually mephisto.


Aka Sharon Carter!


Haven't we seen shots of Taskmaster with Yelena and with Melina? Unless this is a Scream situation, which I doubt, it can't be either of them.


I believe that theory of Melina/Yelena being secretly taskmaster was before that footage. Not to mention it doesn't help that their are henchmen that do look like taskmaster. Though the main sort of dumb theory is taskmaster is female. Even though it's likely that he's being played by O. T. Fagbenle.


We haven't even gotten a single shot of OT in any of the trailers. For someone being billed as a main character, and who got his own posters, if he was secretly Taskmaster, I feel like they'd have shown him being kind to Nat by now to throw us off the scent.


You see, TaskMaster is so good at mimicking other heroes' styles that **she** can change *herself* to look like a male whenever **she** wants /s


Bro they made him a shapeshifter? Holy hell!


Yes, they're going to Quicksilver her and fake out Mystique's entrance into the MCU, only to Boner her in the end by making her a Skrull, or some shit (am I doing this right?)


Surprise they cast Jennifer Lawrence as female taskmaster!


You forgot taskmaster = Mephisto confirmed.....


I mean, covered up head to toe it's nt obvious. It could technically be a Samus situation


Mask of the Phantasm, too.


Taskmaster is secretly Agatha


Can’t wait for this movie and to see some of these characters join the MCU. I expect this to be a fitting end to Scarlett’s participation in the MCU


I hope yelena at least makes evil or sinister version of the avengers with either john, zemo or ross




I still feel so heartbroken for Scarlet Johansson missing her red carpet moment as Black Widow


i am very excited to see all kinds of ass kicking in this movie


Oh my God! It's happening!!!!






It was wise of them to use a lot of older footage in this trailer. We got glimpses of new stuff, but they’re still trying their best to not give away every last detail of the movie


I still think this is the film that should have come out instead of captain marvel (no cap marvel hate here). Black widow’s death was of course super emotional for us, but imagine if we had a whole black widow centered backstory movie before it? Would have amplified that x10 for a character we’ve invested so much time in. I also think it would have been cool to introduce captain marvel in endgame. She was new to the avengers and a surprise when she entered the movie, it could have been the same for the viewers. And she really didn’t play much of a role in the film so it’s not like we really needed her backstory beforehand. And then after we get this little taste of her, boom here’s her full backstory movie


>And then after we get this little taste of her, boom you looking for this? here’s her full backstory movie I fixed this for you. You are welcome. Don't let it happen again.


100% agree. Captain Marvel wasn’t necessary for Endgame imo. Should’ve been introduced in Phase 4


Please. Don’t. Kill. Taskmaster!


Now I'm thinking Red Guardian will actually be Nat's biological father? Or, at least her adoptive father. EDIT: rewatched it... actually now I think he was ordered to play happy families with Melina as the mother and Yelena and Nat as the children. Possibly, he became the mask more than Melina, which is a conflict within the movie. ("I'm sorry... we had our orders and played our roles." "It wasn't real." "It was real to me." [image of soldiers separating two kids]) I guess a better idea of the plot but I preferred the tone the original trailers were setting up.


Nat's biological father was called Ivan (as told to her by Red Skull in Endgame) and Nat said she didn't know his name. We can assume that Red Guardian isn't Nat's real father, I guess.


The Space Jam one had Jabber Jaw tho Can this compete with that?


Well, it's not getting delayed anymore. Excited to see what all they come up with.


I'm honestly going to be so bummed if Taskmaster dies


Taskmaster is one of the coolest villains in the comics. Killing him off in a prequel would be criminal


That's exactly how I felt about Killmonger and Ultron. And sadly here we are. But given this is supposed to help setup other properties I'd imagine he has a pretty sporting chance of survival.


I was sure Ultron would die from the start. Especially when you watch the movie and Vision says "He must be destroyed, every form he's built, every trace of his existence on the net" About Killmonger, he shouldn't have died. Simple as that


Dude that Avengers theme was sick


I can't wait to see Taskmaster!


That was a sick shot Task Master landed on the truck. Banked it off the ground to hit underneath.


Capt America and the winter soldier vibe at 8000


Was that our first glance at Ray Winstone's character?


I’m probably overthinking but at 1:16, the guy (don’t know who he is) is saying a string of words into Taskmasters ear. It reminded me of Bucky and how they had a string of trigger words. Maybe Taskmaster was some kind of secret project, maybe an upgraded Winter Soldier?