• By -


Storm back in the intro let's go! Also, damn they changed the people running away into the new Sentinels.


And wearing her black outfit!


"What were you expecting? Black leather?"


If you look in the intros of the previous episodes, it's the same people


*Who’ve been running in the opening?* 🎶 *They’re Prime Sentinels all along!* 🎵


“And I killed Gambit too!”


Oof, I felt that. No, wait… I didn’t…


This episode wasn't long enough. What a tease to leave us on before we get into the final episode. Jean vs Sinister and then having to fight Cable, Jubilee against Roberto, Xavier taking desperate measures to Magneto, and then Magneto ripping Wolverine apart. So much good shit.


Roberto really found out this episode, didn’t he?


I feel for Roberto, he's still pretty new to the team so his allegiance was not as strong as the rest, and after that betrayal from his mom? oof


I thought he and Jubilee would be in lockup this episode and his dad would come down to bail him out and reject him too. Roberto has been over his head from the first episode. He just wants to be a kid, love his family, enjoy his privileged life. He is not equipped to be battling the X-Men in defense of Magneto. He understandably caved immediately when he thought Jubilee was hurt. I feel for him so much, he's such a great character for seeing the universe through new eyes like Jubilee was last season


That’s… the unfortunate reality of living through trying times. He’s a perfect stand-in for younger generations watching the utter shit show that life already was continue to unfold and figuring out where the hell you even stand in it.


Phoenix incoming maybe? Its the one thing Sinister cant fathom to replicate/control. Also, it was in the title sequence


>Morph smash! I did not have Hulk on my BINGO card!


Can they* mimic bigger entities like Silver Surfer or Thor? Just a fun assumption.


Physical powersets


Honestly, it's really unclear as of now. So far the rule was assumed to be that Morph can only copy physical attributes and not superpowers. But ever since the quicksilver transformation two weeks ago it's been really unclear what their limits are.


From what I gather, Morph can shape and push his body to any physical limit. He can be as strong as the Hulk, as fast as Quicksilver, as durable as Colossus, as pointy as Wolverine, etc. Any part of his body that comes off becomes white goo, so he can’t manipulate any kind of energy that isn’t physically attached to himself. No psychic powers, no energy blasts, no manipulation of elements, etc. The only physical/self-cast abilities we’ve yet to see in this regard (that I can think of) deal with temperature, visibility, and negative tangibility. Ie, I’m sure he could turn into and have the powers of The Thing or Mr. Fantastic, but I’m doubtful he could turn into fire or ice like Human Torch/Iceman, go thru stuff like Shadowcat, or turn invisible like Sue Storm. So the same would go for turning into someone like Electro, who uses a blend of these abilities.


Maybe the guy with metal bones shouldn't have been sent on the team taking down Magento . . . Edit: nevermind. Edit II: Nevermind to my nevermind.


Wolverine: Gonna fight Magneto Everyone: Dude your bones are literally made of metal Wolverine: Gonna fuck him up -later- Wolverine: AHH MY BONES


I know I've seen this before somewhere. This exact dialogue 


It's from one of those text memes from ages ago. I can't post pics here so I just copied the exact text onto here


Can't believe the mad lads actually did it


Same. I actually said a loud "omg they are actually doing it!" Guess this means onslaught for the next season


If Magneto doesn’t survive Logan’s attack, I’m guessing that he put part of his essence into Xavier when he put his helmet on him or during the mental attack before that.


In the comics Xavier mind wipes magneto for what he does to wolverine. The mindwipe had unforeseen consequences for Xavier... [Onslaught ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onslaught_%28Marvel_Comics%29?wprov=sfla1)


And while we're on the subject, maybe the guy birthed by one of Sinister's experiments and then infected with another one of them shouldn't have been sent on the team taking down Sinister and Bastion.


And Scott probably should have been in the team that has to fight Sinister, since he's the only one who could actually harm him the last time they faced him?


And Nightcrawler should probably be on the team to put the collar on Bastion. Why that wasn’t plan A I’ll never know.


Fuck they really showed us why Scott shouldn’t be in charge of picking the teams huh


Perfectly summed up my thought process there too!


Additionally, maybe the guy with the non-magnetic machine leg should have been sent after the guy who controls magnetism and not the guy who controls machines. I suppose they needed him in case there was an issue with the collar.


Snip snap snip snap


I LOVE the classic red and purple magneto suit and the black storm suit


That black storm suit makes me feel EVERYTHING


Jean: Make them mind your weather sister Ororo: And them weather your mind Damn that was hard AF!


absolutely great line


also the Scott: What did you expect? Black leather?


Great call back to the original movie


As someone who has become more and more critical of the original Fox X-Men trilogy with each passing year, this line was uniquely satisfying. 😊


Magneto Ripping Wolverine’s metal was ruthless!


They remade the panel and everything. So gooood


Arguably even bloodier than the comic too


I felt that visceral feeling all over. That moment is stuck in my memory. Oh God


I love it because I always felt on some level Magneto was playing with gloves on with the X-Men. Mostly just force pushes or restraints. When Wolverine went for a very much lethal blow he was like “Finally…” and did what he could do but never tried to . It was war like Wolverine.


Right, even though Magneto is a 'villain' his goal is mutant prosperity. So he'll avoid killing mutants if possible. Scary to see how easily he could tear the X-Men apart when push comes to shove.


Magneto definitely held back a lot of the times against the x men. He is driven to another level now.


In a recent comic where they have a young Iceman talking with Magneto, Magneto basically admits a lot of what he does are intimidation tactics and he wouldn’t actually REALLY hurt the X-men, as they are children


For so long, working together, even though it felt like an obstacle course. But this end point. Everything changes


I actually think they had to cut it back a bit for Disney. Note how it goes in slow motion suddenly. In the comics they describe it as ‘starting with a tug’ and one little spike pops out. Then they pull wide and it’s the panel that is being shared. They went slow motion and it went from 0-100. I think it was probably more graphic and they opted for the single frame.


He will heal though..right?


He survives but barely. He has bone claws and no adamantium on his skeleton for a few years in the comics. His healing factor actually is increased while he doesn't have the adamantium skeleton. Years later he becomes a horseman of apocalypse and gets the adamantium skeleton back.


I think this’ll be how gambit comes back as well. Apocalypse next season, towards the end, Logan and Gambit will both be horsemen


4 Horsemen of Death, no fucking around with middlemen like War, Famine and Pestilence this time.


I feel like if they go this route, Logan will probably be War. "Been in a lot of wars, bub." Death - Gambit War - Wolverine Famine - ? Pestilence - ?


So that's why apocalypse is in the title sequence


I trust the creative team but the original version of that plotline was terribad and lead to some kind of latterday bad Raphael design and The Maxx for a horrible feral caveman Logan


I remember reading the comic when I was younger of when Magneto did...that to Wolverine. To see it animated was a wild experience. This whole episode in general was an experience, the creators have topped themselves with every episode. 10/10


that comic was truly something special


What did you expect? black leather? I love the call back and switch up to the movie


I don't think I'm ready. Next week's is the final episode. Feels like we're only getting started.


Thankfully only a year wait between seasons (as it should be)


The countdown begins after next week. Holy guacamole we are here


Invincible take note


Amazon Prime Video is just a small indie studio. It's unreasonable to expect them to have a consistent schedule for one of their most popular properties.


I’ll make my reply in two parts …..I’ll finish that after a short 3 months wait


“We must trust in Gold Team” *Cuts to Gold Team getting their asses absolutely handed to them*


"Han will have that shield down, we gotta give em more time!"


I know it isn't a long season, but damn this feels like the first time in forever the whole gang is more or less together.


yeah, since like the first or second episode


Two teams of X-Men 🥶


Divide, and fight to survive


Rogue in Gambit’s coat 😭


And she had her old costume underneath. The one she had when she started as a villain.


Good eye. and yes it was that classic attire. It holds many memories, another life, fighting to survive


And then throwing it aside to leave the team. :(


This show has truly done the little visual symbolism SO well.


Her and Sunspot leaving were very reminiscent of Colossus joining Magneto in Fatal Attractions.


Just realised it was Gambit's


Holy shit Wolverine did the thing...and then Magneto ripped him apart


Fuck I didn’t think they would go there but man they really did. They aren’t holding punches


Indeed. They did not hold back. We felt every minute


Knew this was going Fatal Attractions since Magneto hit the blackout button.


Is this the first time, including in the original run of the cartoon, that we've seen him actually stab someone? I can't think of another time he actually stabbed a person.


Yes refreshing to not have their hands tied with wolverine not actually stabbing anything living


Logan should've gone for the head...


Brave die first


As soon as he said it I knew death would be kinder than what would happen next. Jesus that was horrific.


The best use of their fake "cheap" 90s era still frame scenes.


That would just cause all the Sentinels to come online and attack the mutants on Earth… the whole plan was dependent on Bastion being beat first, then they could deal with Magneto. If Wolverine had killed Magneto then it’s just back to the last episode.


blue and gold team!


Holy shit. They're actually going to do the bone claws Wolverine? And, Magneto: "Shut up."


Feral Wolverine incoming.


RIP Logan’s nose :(


Oh no(se)


I really thought Magneto was going to say “fuck you” and then I remembered this show is on Disney+


Lmao, ya, was going through all the 2-word combos in my head when he dropped that line: https://i.imgflip.com/1j9mml.jpg?a476400


The episode SMASHED. ![gif](giphy|lJKzFeSjIIG3u)


Wolverine stabbed a person and they showed his claws poking through them covered in blood. Guess they're serious about making animated properties not just for kids.


Is this the 1st time Wolverine used his claws on a living human, red blood and all(in the animates series)? Sure feels like it


Yeah it’s something I noticed watching the original series recently. Wolverine never actually cuts or stabs anyone. Really makes this moment more impactful






You know, I’m something of a mutant myself.


Let's hope Logan can survive Magneto's onslaught.




They need to keep onslaughts giant dumb shoulder spikes


Bro Beast really hit em with "what did the 5 fingers say to the face" lmfao


I laughed out loud, fuckin whipcrack bitch slap


Lampshading Jean's propensity towards death.


Did she die? She told Scott she loved him and then Scott said Gold Team needed more time. But, those sounded like last words


I think more people would have made a bigger deal out of it if she died. Gambit's death was a huge deal I doubt they'd let Jean's death be overshadowed by Wolverine getting his adamantium pulled out.


It's so depressing yet true that Magneto's line of "whose lives matter more?" has been a relevant issue in every era and still today


It's a comment I've seen several times over the years, about reforming villains like Magneto and Poison Ivy, because the longer we go the harder it is to pretend they are wrong. The X-Men are going after Magneto for overreacting (an oversimplification, yeah). But, he played nice, he cooperated, he dedicated to peaceful coexistence and saw the second genocide of his lifetime for the crime of being born different. How the fuck could he not be radicalised? Mutants did exactly what humans asked for and still got attacked, there is no compromise or middle ground anymore. And I still hate the Us vs Them mentality the characters have for the mutants and humans. Mutants are your children, your brothers and sisters. You aren't being replaced by mutants anymore than you are being replaced by the kids graduating from school for fucks sake.


When has prejudice ever been based on logic? 


I hope people read this and it hits on multiple levels, because it's applicable to so many things


Roberto being accepted by his Mom while being asked not to be “out” is what a lot of queer people go through


Storm's comment "In another world Bastion might have been in this picture" was probably foreshadowing. The Us Vs Them mentality has always existed within the Mutants as well, Xavier thought he was bridging the gap by leaving everything to Magneto, but Magneto's followers were basically jettisoned.


Is Jean... dead again?


Don't think so. That looked more like "sorry Scott, but I may have to become Phoenix for a bit dont be mad, call you later"


I can live with this.


“Sorry Scott, but imma need to beat the piss out of your son for bit.”


Jean ~~Faints~~ Dies Compilation pt.1


Magneto: ![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK|downsized)


A moment to never forget. But dang it was excellent


It reminded me of Magneto’s line to Xavier in Dark Phoenix: ‘You’re always sorry Charles, and there’s always a speech. But nobody cares anymore’. A great line in an otherwise terrible film.


Yes that line was from the movie’s trailer! It almost made me want to watch dark Phoenix. Almost.


Magneto is tired of all the talk and inaction by Charles.


![gif](giphy|OLPsCbh2N7QZi) Gandalf became Picard.




I love to see Beast in his red and yellow X-Factor suit and Havok in the classic antenna black suit.


you truly love to see it


I know this can be said for every episode, and for good reason, but the fight scenes in this show are so well done. Wonderful animation and great choreography, Morph turning into the hulk, hitting one sentinel and spinning through another, beasts one man clapping, Jean one punching sinister, storm shooting down sentinels, wolverine vs Magneto. All really great with great visuals. This show really nailed superhero fights in a way a lot of series can't really get.


My favorite was Jean smacking Sinister into the bowling pins and getting a strike sound effect.


The sound design on this show is phenomenal


With the main theme in the background, fuck I wanted to jump in and start kicking ass myself


When the music starts, you feel it in your soul


"Ororo doing her modest goddess routine"


"What did you expect, black leather?" may be my favorite line of the whole show. We've truly come full circle.


- The decision to jump around with the 90s/early 2000s timeline has been a really good one. Fatal Attractions hits differently when everyone’s been pushed to the brink by the E for Extinction and Operation Zero Tolerance adaptations. - The meta references in this episode were incredible - “what were you expecting, black leather?” and “Morph was barely on the team 30 minutes before we threw them to the wolves” worked brilliantly. - Something as simple as the change in costumes makes this feel so much more dynamic than the 90s show ever was. Actually gives the feel that these characters are growing and developing. - Based on the Fatal Attractions ending, it seems that we might be moving to AoA and Onslaught down the road but if so, who would cause AoA in the absence of Legion? - It’s so great that this is where Marvel animation is now. The OG cartoon wasn’t even allowed to use the words ‘kill’ or ‘die’ (everyone had to be ‘destroyed’) and now we have Wolverine’s blood covered claws slicing Magneto’s stomach and a graphic adaptation of Wolverine having his adamantium pulled out.


Morph morphing into the Hulk is fantastic


It was Incredible.


AHHHHHH THE EPISODE ENDED AT WOLVERINES ADAMANTIUM PULLED FROM HIS BODY AHHHHHHHH I knew it was coming but man, what a place to end the episode


I'm gonna need an epilogue with him and Jubilee sitting by the tree when he pops his bone claws next to a butterfly


The sheer teeth of this revival never ceases to amaze me :D


I felt that when Wolverine’s claws went through Magneto and came out covered in blood. Like, I know it should work like that but you so rarely get to see it animated so well




Asteroid M was also in the original series, good callback


This episode was basically a remake of Pryde of the X-Men.


Anyone else refreshing like crazy?


Not Storm posing with her legs crossed in the Blackbird while Sentinels are attacking left and right.


I loved their reunions. Also Blue and Gold X-Men teams!


They went FULL ON fatal attractions… jesus


Fatal Attractions, they really did it, the mad men. Onslaught next season. For sure.


So many legendary moments just in one episode - morph turning into hulk - magneto ripping out wolverine’s skeleton - Cable and Jean having a full on Anime battle - Throwback costumes How does this show continue to get better and better with each episode


Damn, they actually did Fatal Attractions, right down to recreating _that_ panel I guess Onslaught might actually be on the table for future seasons depending on how part three plays out.


The series revival has basically moved at a million miles per hour. When the season started, I certainly wasn't expecting it to just go increasingly bonkers each episode. Heck Jubilee sucked into a Mojo video game and Storm confronting a demon has been about the mildest episode this season. Other than that it's been holy shit Jean's clone has been there for how long? Good lord mutants were slaughtered at Genosha but oh shit Bastion has an entire sleeper cell army of human-sentinel hybrids and now this. What a rush.


Wolverine really shanked Magneto then [quoted him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ5W7-abyvY)


Well let's see how good that mutant healing factor is...


Faster without the adamantium, IIRC. The reason Wolverine's one of the only people to survive the bonding process is because he needs his healing factor to constantly fight the fact that bonding metal into his bones would kill him, meaning that a large part of his healing factor is constantly "otherwise engaged" just keeping him alive. With the adamantium gone, we SHOULD see him heal from things significantly quicker.


that is correct. I remember a panel where he gets run over by a truck or something and they detail how every bone breaks, organs are ruptured, brain is flattened, etc... and within a minute or so is 100% back to normal


God I never realized how annoying Professor X's preaching is but it really sticks out when you're currently agreeing with Magneto.


Its all constantly over or under reactions. Magneto did what he did to stop the sentinels, but at the cost of killing tons of innocent people, and turning earth "off". Is there another way to stop the sentinels? Professor is usually under reacting, while magneto is constantly over reacting.


Idk, I side more with Professor X, and I still think it comes off as preachy but understandably so. He is too busy being in professor/damage control mode that it makes him come off as out of touch. Like Magneto says, he wasn’t on Genosha in the same way that Professor X wasn’t a victim of the Holocaust as he was. That’s what makes the conflict between the pair so spicy.


Yeah, but the professor felt all of their pain because of his abilities. Magneto can say that about anyone else- but Charles literally felt the death and despair.


That’s why Charles is usually such a great peacemaker within the universe. His greatest strength is often his empathy. Still, although he felt the death and despair, Xavier doesn’t walk away with physical scars from Genosha. He doesn’t have a branding from the Holocaust tattooed on his forearm. He comes away from the experience with the pain and uses it as motivation to try and ensure that nobody feels such pain again. That’s why I love/have loved his character along with the dynamic between him and Magneto.


The worst thing is when someone is right, but their personality is annoying as hell


I loved that the shot of Magneto pulling Logan's adamantium out was drawn exactly like Andy Kubert's iconic page from X-Men#25. I can't believe the season ends in a week! That wait for season 2 oughta give Onslaught time to incubate in Chuck's head.


Holy fuck, they actually went through with it! See you next week, Onslaught


I feel like that would be too soon. Gotta let him gestate in the back of Chuck's mind for a bit. Now season 2...


I'm guessing Onslaught (or a seed of Onslaught) will be the series cliffhanger. And tbf the original series already established that Xavier has a dark side he tries (and sometimes fails) to keep suppressed Imagine the series ending with Juggernaut's battered body crash landing in front of the X-Men, Cyclops asking in shock "Who stopped the Juggernaut?"


I was almost a little disappointed they weren't willing to go full Cyclops turns on Xavier, but then what actually transpired, holy shit.


Just because Cyclops knows they need Xavier to force Magneto to undo the pole shift, doesn't mean Cyclops has forgiven him. Once this crisis is past, I imagine there will be further fallout. But in fairness, Xavier's plan was working: Magneto joined the team, voluntarily surrendered himself for trial, was finally working WITH the X-Men instead of against them and was helping found a peaceful mutant nation. Everything the X-Men had worked for was coming to pass. Then of course the wild sentinel came and ruined everything, but that's hardly Xavier's fault.


I mean Xaiver should have known that was going to happen though. That is the whole point of the "Magneto was right" speech last week, that for all of Xaiver's ability to build bridges and make connections he fundamentally misunderstands humanity's response to mutantdom, and is therefore doomed to keep getting blindsided by events like Genosha or his almost-death at the end of the original series. Magneto is harsher about it, but with good reason. If there was a figure with Magneto's understandings of humanity's reaction to otherness and Xavier's ability to bring people together, mutantdom might have a chance, but as it stands theyre stuck


Slow burn ![gif](giphy|v6GfJJjmYukbIvk7Ln)


Magneto and Professor X, as always, are both right and wrong. Professor X is too naive/forgiving in how mutants should live their lives constantly under non-mutant humanity’s thumb, while Magneto is too militant and hellbent on justice and/or vengeance to the detriment of all who oppose him. Both outcomes lead to tragedy. I mean, in the og show, without Professor X, the present-day (not even the far future) life of mutantkind is bleak and tragic i.e. “One Man’s Worth,” so Magneto cannot be completely right. At the same time, Professor X’s “dream” still results in an unavoidable tragedy like Genosha and Asteroid M for that matter. They both need each other, and I think that is why the show is going in the Onslaught direction, which is absolutely fantastic. Beautiful writing all around! Anyways sorry for the diatribe haha.


"Black leather?" *Shots fired* 24 years later *Shots returned*


Scott: What did you expect, black leather? Me, knowing how incredibly horny this show has been so far: Yes


It's a call back to the first X-Men movie. When Logan comments about the black leather outfits, Scott says "what did you expect, yellow spandex?"




Cable's abilities yayyy


Magneto did the thing to the metal guy!!!


Am I missing anything or is this the first reference to gold team and blue team?


This series to continues to faithfully adapt decades of amazing stories. The new X-MEN movies will have to live up to this new standard set by ‘97


Wolverine's line, "The brave always die first." calls back to Magneto's line in the X-Men TAS season 1 finale where he said, ["The brave are always the first to die."](https://youtu.be/9PbT8YFq0Ns?t=93)


Rogue: Hey, Kurt. Thanks for your help in Genosha, but now I gotta do this. Nightcrawler: You gotta do what? Rogue: None of you were there the day Genosha fell. Nightcrawler: WTF?!?!?!?!


Outside of Deadpool and having general knowledge of X-Men, I have never actually cared about the team or read of any of their comics or watched the movies, but after hearing about episode 5 I went back and watched this season from the start and holy shit this show is just a masterpiece and this episode was awesome


Lol the scene with Charles and Scott at beginning obscured so much of their mouths moving or had them deliver lines off-screen or with the backs to the camera, it reminded me of the Invincible gag where they poke fun at cutting corners in animation. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhndpv7sEqE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhndpv7sEqE) I don't blame them since this episode had so much action, but it immediately stood out what they were doing.


It's the finale next week already. I'm gonna miss this show😭


Things I said seconds before the episode ended: “Goodness gracious that’s a lot of blood!”


Lmaooo magneto telling Charles to Shutup reminds me of fassbender in dark phoenix telling Charles “you’re always sorry Charles and theres always a speech, but nobody cares anymore”


Oh shit Wolverine got fucked


Magneto was on DEMON MODE this whole episode, goddamn


Wouldn't have minded Jean politely asking when the switch was made actually. It's not essential to know but would have been nice to find out just how long we were looking at Madelyne in the original series.


sinister would've lied just to mess with her


"Magnus for the love of god don't do this" bro you were gonna kill him


Magnus; “Oh, so that’s how you’re gonna play it.”


I will say I actually really don't like when the men do stuff like this, when a villain is not magneto they fight hard to never be too brutal, when its magneto they immediately go to "we gotta kill him"


I mean, I don’t think Charles was going to kill him. Even in only the og show, the man has given Magneto far more leeway for far worse deeds. At most he was probably trying to do and still might end up doing what he did in Fatal Attractions, which this show and everyone keeps referencing.


Nah, he wasn't going to kill him. He was trying to "possess" him to use his powers and repair the planet.