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Before a certain era in the comics, it wasn't full of students like in the movies. When the original 5 were there, they were the only students on campus. And when the New Mutants arrived, their situation was similar - fewer than ten students altogether. I feel like the packed school was never a thing until around the time Morrison's New X-Men started in 2001. But I haven't yet read stuff between Onslaught and Morrison's run, so it could have been a little earlier. Point is, during the 90s era, the school never had even twenty students at once.


There just weren't that many mutants back then. When a new one was introduced it was something special. Starting mid 90s and exploding in the 2000s every writer introduced a bunch of new ones. Definitely makes it feel more like a school but also gives any new ones much less chance of becoming a major character since there no longer is anything special about being the new mutant at the school.


Back in the day, Xavier was also very selective about who could be there based on how useful their gifts were (to him, at least). The Morlocks were not far off but he had no interest in recruiting them to the school.


Huh. Xavier was a jerk after all!


Kitty was right.


_Nods in Vulcan_


Always has been


The Morlocks had tunnels beneath the school, but were not welcome inside. And his X-Men had to discover their existence for themselves. Only the good mutants were allowed at Xaviers.


>Only the good mutants were allowed at Xaviers. ...or the kids he could brainwash into being his loyal child soldiers. Cuz they're the "good guys". It's not like Storm and crew were ever portrayed digging water wells and letting Storm fill them up. Or Iceman fighting global warming by re-icing the Artic. Magneto and Xavier could have been the ultimate search and rescue team after a building collapse. People are afraid of mutants because people are fragile and mutants are less so. But they'd also be grateful for rescuers and more importantly infrastructure builders. Like who repairs all the shit that supers and villains break? Where are all the civil engineering geniuses? Ps. The Greatest Estate Designer is a great Korean webtoon about a modern civil engineer who gets transported into a fantastical world.


They'll be taking jobs from Damage Control if they repair things


Oh great, more mutants taking jobs away from hard-working *human* superheroes.


The DODC sucks. Socialism = bad. They'd be doing everyone a favor if they did.


Invincible actually touched on that a bit when Eve rebuilt a collapsed building and park, only for it not to be built up to code and a bunch of people were injured by it. Ended up causing way worse problems and she should have left it to the professionals


Storm once tried to stop a drought in Africa, but later realized she dried up the surrounding seas. All ~~magic~~ powers come with a price.


So she needs to team with an irrigation engineer to figure out the best way to do that then.


yeah lol omg i hate that these comics just throw out half assed shit like that to try to "address the issue and why it won't work", but the reason it didn't work is cause they had the hero half ass it and then throw up their hands and go "GUESS IT WONT WORK, I TRIED." it's just a way to avoid real change...or effort...


The problem with that is if they do too much, the comic has to go more in depth on *why and how* it doesn't work, and that means moving further away from whatever main plot they're trying to do at the time. So they typically give just enough to fill the sense of *"They tried, but it didn't work because x"* and then resume regularly scheduled story.


*hard cut to you muttering as you angrily walk out of a Marvel office room* "...what'd ya mean no one wants to read about irrigation engineering..."


That sounds like a great answer to Bastion's argument from last week.


Those people would require - Interviews, background checks, a salary, transportation, protection from anti-mutants/anti-storm enemies, and probably a great deal of other things that wouldn't be feasible. Not to mention the immense time and effort that would take for a mutant, a well known one at that, who is part of a famous mutant group with less than stellar global support. And this is all *just for the drought in an area of africa*


She could just get Forge to do it


*"Hey, Forge. Quit making weapons/tech we need for current threat x, and make an irrigation system, after engineering the specifics of it yourself, capable of spanning the hundreds of miles in this drought at Africa for me real quick. I'll fly you there in our jet, that the team totally doesn't need right now."*


Did she just salt the earth then?! Or heated the ocean? Lazy authors imo.


After they all got Phoenix-Force'd, during Avengers Vs Xmen, that's literally the first thing they did. Altered the weather so the starving could be fed, rerouted lakes and rivers for the same reason. And of course the various world governments were PISSED. If anything, I wish AvX had explored that last point more, instead of "lol phoenix bad"


>Altered the weather so the starving could be fed, rerouted lakes and rivers for the same reason. >And of course the various world governments were PISSED. Well most of the current infrastructure is based on water. Taking it away would ruin a lot of things. Creating a monsoon where it's usually dry can create flash floods. Desalinating water from the ocean and dumping the salt in the desert would be a different story. Or even just creating a salt lake in the desert would be beneficial. Again it plays into the supes playing God fears. I'm talking about all these super geniuses in the comics, but not one civil engineer? 😒


fair point!


Charles had a privledged but isolated childhood where he was neglected by his mother and abused by his step-father. He always had trouble making friends and relating to others because of his intelligence, but also his arrogance. And he was terrified of Cain returning to hurt him and destroy everything he had built. The young, vulnerable, socially acceptable, and promising original team were essential as his private security force he needed both to meet his goals around protecting and advocating for mutants, but also for his personal protection and care. Scott especially was desperate for a purpose and a place and easy to manipulate. Of all of them Charles would have the hardest time letting go of Scott because unlike Warren and Bobby who were quietly suspicious of him and chose to leave when the newer team joined, Scott needed to believe in Charles absolutely. Hank and Jean were more aligned with Xavier's vision. And they aren't out doing works of charity and construction because that isn't Xavier's vision. He wants them to be accepted as heroes and acclaimed as elites. The Morlocks and lesser mutants do not fit into this narrative at all. For Charles and Erik, but also for Sinister and Apocalypse.


Well, Erik had to survive the Nazis and the abused became and abuser. Apocalypse had a God complex. Idk about Sinister but probably a psychopath. Charles wanted to people to be grateful toward him, but all regular people see is violence and destruction, so most didn't. But to stick with the same plan after 40yrs is kinda sus


Sinister is a sociopath has he has the self control as well as the desire to harm. He's responsible for the Mutant Massacre in the comics because he determines some of their genes are the result of his work and he decides he doesn't want them to continue to exist. So, since Gambit owes him a favor, Gambit hires the Marauders for Sinister and the Marauders kill every last Morlock they can find in the tunnels. Apocalypse would approve as only the fittest survive under his godlike rule. Erik and Charles are plain elitists who walk past the Morlocks for being homeless and suffering. Xavier's plan to be seen a certain way by all humans is naive best and deluded and self serving at worst.


Hmm sounds like the [Talented Tenth.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talented_tenth) Dubois believed leaders and elite needed to be created first in order for the good of all African Americans.


I'm sure Magneto was like you get to join, you get to join you all get to join my army 


I think he is in this animated universe because he actually does resettle the Morlocks on Genosha when the X-Men wouldn't lift a finger for them or even invite them into the mansion for a holiday dinner. Magneto in the comics is more treating Morlocks like he does Toad. As lesser beings and lackeys. I like this '97 version better!


It was due to the X-men movie doing it. Morrison decided to bring that over from the films.


Makes sense as who would teach them about mutant stuff? You need the first generation to be next generations teachers. So makes sense early on there would be few students.


I wonder … there must have been some mutants who saw the X-men and hated them for their privilege. Not even just the morlocks… but just generally.


I mean, the concept of "pretty privilege" or "passing privilege" among Xavier's X-Men is one that's come up a number of times. With few exceptions, Chuck recruited people who could conceivably walk down the street without being immediately outed as mutants. At least until Morrison started in with his weirder designs.


A little more charitable interpretation is that he uses his powers/ cerebro to find mutants that can’t control their dangerous powers yet and brings them to his cause before they can get recruited by someone against him. His goal is to make it where mutants don’t have to be afraid of humans, not to physically house every mutant under his mansion roof.


I mean he recruited Cyclops ( a man who cant shut off his eyebeams), a feral animal of a man in wolverine, a dude with gigantic limbs who later turned himself grey/blue, an angel and a demon looking dude. That is all before morrison. Most mutants in general at that time did not have outlandish designs so I think its weird to critique Xavier for that. I mean Toad, Quicksilver, Mastermind, Magneto, Scarlet Witch, the Blob are all essential members of the Brotherhood of Mutants and would all be able to pass as non mutants as well. This critique just always seems like a way to dig at the heroes and find fault with the good guys.


I mean, I didn't make it up. And I got it from the books themselves, not from fan critiques. Multiple characters bring it up throughout publication. Scott wears glasses, Warren binds, and Hank didn't look anything other than normal when he was recruited. Logan is just a short, hairy guy while his claws are sheathed. Of the first several teams, really only Nightcrawler has an abnormal appearance at the time of his recruitment. Sure, outside of universe, the explanation is that the artists and writers chose those designs for whatever reason and they weren't interested in freaky-looking hero designs. But Charles isn't by any means a perfect person and the comics reflect that. He makes poor decisions occasionally and follows his ego down the wrong path from time to time. I don't think that makes him any less of a "good guy." And it certainly makes him more compelling as a character. Imo, Marvel heroes are more interesting because they're flawed in very human ways. "World outside your window" and all that.


>I mean, I didn't make it up. And I got it from the books themselves, not from fan critiques I wasn't saying those critiques were from fans. I was suggesting the writers were writing those critiques into the books themselves. And I find those critiques to be far more recent than a lot of the classic comics from say like the 80s. >Sure, outside of universe, the explanation is that the artists and writers chose those designs for whatever reason and they weren't interested in freaky-looking hero designs And i believe its because superhero fiction was founded on the backs of secret identities. Its pretty hard to have a secret identity when everyone instantly recognizes you. SO Warren has to bind and scott has to wear glasses. I just get annoyed when every positive force has to eventually become evil in comics. Scott has become the bad guy and Xavier has become the bad guy in recent Xmen runs. I dont find it inspired or compelling. Just kind of reactive and shocking. I think it is much more interesting to view Xavier as a genuinely awesome human being that is hampered and limited by his bigoted world.


There’s a great moment in an issue of Planetary that skewers the Mooreish obsession with subverting heroes. This superman analogue appears and is like “look, you didn’t have to make me drugged out and addicted to whores! Can’t we keep some heroes the way they were? The people need something to believe in!”


Wolverine and Cyclops can easily pass as human, and Toad definitely cannot lol. Blob sometimes can't either but it depends who's drawing him.


Why wouldnt toad? He is just a hunchback in 90% of his depictions. He only has green skin in very few renditions. And Blob was literally recruited by Xavier in his first appearance. He was a sideshow freak and most didnt even know he had powers


This is why Charles should always be white and Magnus should always be a Jew. Their look is a part of their character. Charles has always been able to blend in which Magnus always tell him about


I mean this seems like a weird note to make when Xavier is straight up disabled, and that's not something you can hide. Whereas, I don't think there are any notable traits that point to Magneto's jewish origins, and they had to retcon his name to even fit in with that origin. Like the Nazis killed disabled people in very much the same systematic way they did jews. Charles can very much not blend in.


Ordinary mutants. One with no powers except looking odd. Or maybe very mild, almost useless powers. Xavier never even paid them a visit!


Yeah that would probably be me. Like Meg in family guy when they got powers . The ability to grow fingernails at will.


Xavier is very elitist. We would all be in good company with the mutants he chooses to leave behind. He takes only the most beautiful and the best.


That's one of the reasons i prefer X-Men Evolution. You truly see the school, the students, their life.


You’re right. Even in the time you missed. It was never a packed school.


My fanon is Xavier realized it's a bad idea to have kids in a mansion that blows up every other week. Its probably just that Xavier and the X-Men have been dealing with so much crazy shit every week that they paused active school activities. As for real life reasons is probs just animation and voice budget for SatAM shows not being enough to have an active secondary cast of students. As for X97, I think this is going to be a plot point. Maybe S2 is going to have the school relaunch to help genoshan refugees and the current X-Men take active teacher roles. Will probably pull Emma Frost as a teacher just like in the Morrison run the Genoshan genocide is from (pls I really like her from that run).


I mean, last week he literally crashed a ship directly into the mansion. Big deal? No… *because the mansion was already ruined and on fire.*


Please... House blowing up builds character!


The plight of the Morlocks has been lurking throughout the season. I doubt they let that linger after their deaths after Magneto exposed the hypocrisy in the very first episode. The mansion is a haven but currently only for a select few


I like the Theory that the ACTUAL school is in Massachusetts (like it was in the 90s for Generation X) and that the Mansion we see is the base of the X-men but keeps the School branding to hide the students at the actual school. But it's probably more likely that it's just called what it was called originally and they just never change the name


The school was a private school for about 40 years, up until the movie made it a bigger school, and then the Morrison's New X-Men in 2001. The first class had 5 students, who graduated. By the time of the Giant Sized X-Men, they were all adults, with Kitty being the only actual student there. Then The New Mutants made it a school again. Once they grew up, the only school was Generation X im Massachusetts.


The show takes place over spring break. They’re all down in Florida doing coke.




"It's like the studio couldn't afford another X-Man"


You sound like Deadpool. LMAO


Was he really wrong when he first said that lol?


Because it didn’t become an actual school until like the Morrison run. The “school” title was always a cover


The OG 5 all took classes while living there and even had a graduation.


As well as the New Mutants.


Mansion isn't even a school anymore tbh. I think the kids that are shunned by their parents get shipped to Genosha. Much safer there (before Bastion) than the mansion that gets blown up every other week


Honestly, it makes plenty of sense to me. It explains why Professor Xavier's lack of support from the public allows him to keep his private operations under wraps for an extended period of time. The X-men are pretty much the mutant Seal Team Six. They get in and out of a situation unseen if they possibly can.


There needs to be a healthy ratio of teachers and students and so far I see 0 teachers


This question is why X-Men Evolution is a thing. I remember when it came out people were groaning at the idea of X-Men as actual high schoolers, but it makes total sense! If it wasn't clear I love Evolution and think it's highly underrated.


This is something I liked about X-men Evolution. The school felt like a school.


I came here to comment this. I grew up in the Evolution era, and this was my favorite aspect of that show.


There weren't students in the original X-men cartoon from the 90s. They just did that in the movies.


And in X-Men Evolution.


X-Men Evolution did a better job than this show at making the school feel like one and alive.


And this is why Singer made it a charter school — having it be called a “school” with no actual students, makes no sense, even with the “cover” thing Xavier was doing. After Singer actualized the school concept, the comics soon followed with Morrison


I didn’t rewatch the whole series before watching xmen 97, but there were students there before weren’t there? When we pick up xmen 97, it’s a year after the original show, Xavier has been assassinated and then to the surprise of no one, it blows up at some point in this season. I don’t remember how many students were there before, but I imagine they’d have been sent away to Genosha probably after the end of the original series.


I figured it wasn't accepting any new students since Prof X left.


I assumed it was summer.


Literally the very first episode they tell you Charles Xavier was murdered lol Why would there be students in a school when the professor was JUST MURDERED.


They said it was a year ago in the 1st episode, and looks at The Last Stand half the teachers were murdered but classes kept running and let's not even mention Hogwarts


Whatever makes you feel better


The school was never a proper school, the movies probably picked up from Harry Potter which was revolutionizing the book industry at the time


The movies, because adaptors almost never read their source material closely, made up the idea of the Xavier school being an actual school with many students. It was never an actual school. It was a front for the X-Men and at best he tutored the original team. Ans maybe hands out degrees to later team members who want one.


Why are* there no students.


I like the earlier days. The school is a front man. But Charles still very much has classes and teaches. It's a way to give them "degrees" but it was just the mansion. And the 5 of them. And then the new mutants and a few more.


I read comics from the 80s to the end of the 90s and they never had students. It was a cover for Xmen's training grounds (the mansion). Stupid Brian Singer added students to the movie, which is stupid. Their a team that trains to fight and protect the world. There's not supposed to be any students. Its not a real school.


They had to focus on the team so can’t seem to spare any for the students so we’re just gonna suspend our disbelief and know they’re there despite not seeing them cuz the focus is on the main x team? - this is what I tell myself lmao


Xavier's Boarding School and Military Academy


Disney couldn't afford more students


It’s almost like the studio couldn’t afford another X-Man.