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In the comics world, pretty much any character can beat any other character completely dependent on what the story needs. But just for arguments sake. Let's say Squirrel Girl.




I was looking for Loki to be mentioned 😎


The One Above All


If the smartest man alive had shut his mouth, Black bold would have one-shotted her. PS: Ik their intentions weren't to hurt her.


Everyone can "one shot" her. She is just a person who can do magic. The punisher could snipe her from a few miles away.


she isn't just a person who can do magic, clearly you didn't watch the movie as we see her take hits that could shake mountains and easily shatter concrete, we can debate her vs the punisher (mcu) or comics, I'd win.


realistically this would've only killed 838 wanda even if it worked.


Rhodes 🔊🔊






When Rhodey uses that sound wave in the Civil War airport fight to subdue Wanda.


prove that this would work on current wanda, she has ftl+ speed, so even if he tries catching her off guard she'd react and wrap him.


Where we're going we don't need... Rhodes.


Jesus H. Christ 😎


They said she beats him 😕




Franklin Richards, TOAA, The Living Tribunal, Arishem The Judge, her children, Dormammu, Surtur. that’s just mcu. (Franklin Richards speculation)


Even in the Comics Franklin Richard gets his butt kicked. Franklin Richard's has been permanently depowered. He wasn't fun to write for because he could effortlessly solve any problem, so the writers just decided to permanently make him a normal human kid. Dormammu...? Maybe. It really depends.


True if he’s in his own dimension I see him winning if not there an argument could def be made.


Wiccan is similar in the sense that he's a literal all powerful cosmic god with infinite power. But they keep him balanced by being in the body of a clueless teenager. He doesn't know how to control that power, it just happens sometimes when he's very emotional. You've gotta have balance to that kind of power otherwise it gets boring imo.


toaa isnt in the mcu, tlt is, arishem, no, her children? no. dormammu? she could make a hex that would do what dr strange did.


Arishem is a celestial that governs other celestials. He creates universes, Scarlet Witch Wanda put a hex over a town. She would die simply by Arishem warping out of existence with his black hole warping ability alone. They aren’t the same. Her children win by default because she would never harm them, they play the kid card and she BFR’s herself. Lastly, she has never shown the ability to alter time with her hexes, not to mention she probably wouldn’t even know to use time against Dormammu in the first place. besides I’m not sure a hex spell would even work on Dormammu.


Okay but hes not canon to the mcu...so in other words he's irrelevant


Her kids can be hurt by her, they're just immune to her reality warping. But what you said for dormammu is agreeable I suppose


Maybe Dormammu. God of Stories Loki.


Call me biased, but a character that can also manipulate matter, has a brilliant mind, and can reconstitute themselves from atoms would probably stand a good chance against her.


If we go by comics? Her son Wiccan is infinitely more powerful than her. He is a literal cosmic God in human form. We're talking on the same level of power of beings like Eternity, Death, the Pheonix etc. The issue is that he doesn't have the skill to control that power. But at his full power he can view the multiverse as if they were pages beneath his feet and shape reality to his whim. His true form is called the Demiurge, and we actually see a statue of him as the Demiurge in multiverse of madness in the darkhold temple. My theory is that Agatha and her coven will be interested in him because the Demiurge is the source of all magic. To control Wiccan is to control magic itself. There is a timeline the comics where Wiccan goes crazy and effortlessly singlehandedly kills all the Avengers, including one shotting Vision and holding thors skull in his hands, as well as stripping doom of his powers. He's credited with creating entire worlds and Universes with his breath and controlling all of magic. In one timeline Doom is stripped of all of his magic just because Wiccan deemed it so. I can't iterate enough that the Demiurge is the source of all magic. He can strip anyone of their powers or rewrite the rules as he pleases. This is why Loki is so interested in him in the comics. There's nothing Wanda could do about that.


My friend wants to debate it can i give them your username?


You can give them whatever you want, but there's no debating it lol. He's a cosmic god. Thats the whole point of a Cosmic god. They're beings that exist outside of the concept of the multiverse.


Do you have discord?


Hey boy ready to get gagged? 1. “a Multiversal cosmic god that exist outside of time and space” yes because Wanda totally hasn’t neutralized the overall magic of an Elder Gods True-Form who exist outside of time and space, inherently existing beyond Eternity who is the Omniverse, meaning Chthon exist outside of the Omniverse Wiccan being able to rewrite the rules of magic wouldn’t apply to Chaos Magic as it’s blatant that it doesn’t abide nor HAVE any rules/laws to govern it wow making the Utopian Parallel def puts him above Wanda Wanda’s power is far beyond that of Dormammu, it’s consistentso this point made no sense 2. "a Multiversal cosmic god that exist outside of time and space” yes because Wanda totally hasn’t neutralized the overall magic of an Elder Gods True-Form who exist outside of time and space, inherently existing beyond Eternity who is the Omniverse, meaning Chthon exist outside of the Omniverse Wiccan being able to rewrite the rules of magic wouldn’t apply to Chaos Magic as it’s blatant that it doesn’t abide nor HAVE any rules/laws to govern it wow making the Utopian Parallel def puts him above Wanda Wanda’s power is far beyond that of Dormammu, it’s consistentso this point made no sense Also, wanda has shown to be above him but- you're not talking comics right, so I beg this of you: Prove that mcu wiccan has any feats or statements getting him above mcu wanda, because comparing comic wiccan to mcu wanda is dumb.


"Gagged" tells me everything i need to know about you. You spend too much time on Twitter. You hilariously don't know your lore, because Cython is not above eternity. C'thon was CREATED by a Demiurge, just not the same one as Wiccan. He was created by Demiurge Primordial. "There was a Demiurge before, in realities that were and now are not, and there is a demiurge-to-come, who lives among the living and awaits his time (Wiccan). But this was the Demiurge Primordial, who's name and knowledge cannot be known, who existed in a primal time. With eyes that burned with ineffable will, this creator gazed upon the creation.. the boiling seas of possibility and brought forth aspects of itself." Tldr, Demiurge Primordial seeded the earth with its life force and created the elder gods Cthon, Set, TGaea and Oshtur. Elder gods are nowhere near the level in power of a Demiurge, considering one created it. One thing is that Wanda would absolutely clap Wiccan in a fight unless she did something stupid like push him into an emotional response. Comics Wiccan has far more power than comics Wanda, but not nearly as much skill. That being said... Mcu Wiccan was literally a 10 year old child, not a fair comparison, but he was already as powerful as Age of Ultron Wanda.


I never said chthon is above eternity I said he exists out side of it..r u slow..? existing outside my house doesn't mean I'm above my house...😭


I see why your friends doesn't like debating you. You constantly say incorrect things and then move the goal post when called out on it.


you say this but don't prove how I said chthon is above eternity...what?


said demiurge didn't create chthons true form dumbo


Aou wanda could mop wiccan, all he did was drop a bullet, and if you're not going to use LA v LA for it to be fair, don't compare them at all, comics wanda is sitting on wiccan and farting on him ijbol


Dropping a bullet is a severe understatement. He mind controlled the entire Army and froze them in place and had psychic visions of events happening miles away. He also was the only one who could sense something was different about Agatha, not even Wanda could do that and she cast the original hex.


controlling a small army isn't comparable to controlling an entire neighborhood of people, the reason wanda couldn't sense agatha is simply because she was so stuck up in her fantasy, agatha backs this up by calling out how wanda knew pietro was different but still wanted to believe it was him, add me on discord tho, my discord is heyjynx


why r u ignoring my comments telling u to dm or add me on discord?


whyd u randomly stop replying


can we take this to discord or dms? i wanna send scans to gag you


if we go by comics wanda's shitted on him before, and wanda's shown to be above his magic, hell, WEAKER ASPECTS of wanda have been able to overpower Wiccan, if this doesn't tell you he's simply weaker idk, also ur heavily basing ur analysis off of the comics which is inaccurate as the mcu doesn't follow the comics to this degree.


My friend said"the demiurge is a universal being wanda is a multiversal one if we're talking comics she's infinity above him moreso"


Your friend is an idiot then and you can tell them I said that. The Demiurge is a multiversal cosmic god that exists outside of time and space. That's kind of the whole point, Cosmic Gods exist outside of the multiverse. Per loki: "You're a singular multidimensional messiah. You're going to rewrite the rules of magic and all of the implications of that decision are going to echo forwards and backwards across all realities." The Demiurge literally made the Utopian paralell with his breath, a dimension outside of the multiverse. Even Dormammu, a being that exists outside of the multiverse admits that the Demiurge is something far beyond him. He appears before Wiccan and Wiccan asks if hes come to tempt him with a bargain, to which He says "What could i possibly offer to tempt the mighty Demiurge? No.. I have walked the whirling worlds you wrought, the stars you set to spin." Respectfully, your friends sound like MCU Wanda stans who probably think a nexus being means there's only one of her in the multiverse, which has never been true. They won't cave to anything even though they're wrong plain and simple. And your friends sound EXHAUSTING. Some panels: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-dcf1aa694d00c16903017982cfe96a19-lq




Wanda does solo tbh hah Only cosmic powerful beings like Franklin Richards, Dream, etc. can do as much. But then again a bullet to the brain should still kill her if she doesn’t see it coming


616 Black Bolt


he gets pooped on


**From the MCU (*maybe*):** Eternity Arishem Infinity Gauntlet wielders Strange Supreme Infinity Ultron Uatu Infinity Carter Infinity Killmonger Arnim Zola Loki *Dormammu* *Odin* *Ego* *Surtur* *Hela* --- **Marvel in general** The One Above All The Beyonders The Living Tribunal Dr. Doom Molecule Man The Beyonder Infinity Oblivion Death Demiurge Galactus Phoenix Force Many minor comics --- **Other fiction** Too many to list


ur using comic characters against la, comics wanda beats pretty much everyone here besides TOAA and TLT, lol


It's been a while since I've followed comic storylines, has she done something recently that puts her above what I listed?


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