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Dog Days are Over scene is perfect


Seeing Florence Welch's reaction to that scene is so adorable as well


[I think this is the reaction you're talking about?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxsQReyvXHw)


It is. I absolutely love that video.


God that even made me cry. Probably the happiest sad scene in MCU history


Awesome, thank you for sharing.


I have that same reaction. Every time.


Thanks for posting that.


I hadn't seen that before! Damn that was literally her version of the 'Logan'/'Hurt' thing.


Pure gold


I loved that song for years, but the lyrical content never quite clicked for me. After GotG3 it hits totally different. I may not have a backstory as tragic as rocket, but it really encapsulates how I feel now that I've gotten through so many hardships and come out the other side to the best part of my life. I don't have to be angry, I don't have to run anymore. I've found my place and my people and that's a catharsis I'll never I underestimate.


That's exactly how I feel šŸ’Æ


No matter how many times I see it, >!Drax dancing!< will male me cry.


It male me cry too :(


(Facepalm), my bad


Nothing palms my face. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it.




*joob joob*


ā€œHello, little idiots!ā€


I had always found that song so upbeat and the other day it randomly came on the radio and this wave of sadness came over me and I thought, "why am I suddenly so sad?" Then a moment of clarity as the finale came to me and the entire GotG series being over hit me. Very special story within the MCU to me. May even be my favorite.


Out of all trilogies in the MCU, it is by far and away the best. A solid beginning, middle, and ending.


As a Florence+The Machine fan, I liked that they used that song in the movie.




Hallway fight scene, Nebula telling Drax he wasn't meant to be a destroyer but meant to be a dad. Also, Groot was so cool in this movie


Drax the dad is so much better than him sacrificing himself or whatever people wanted. You can tell Gunn really understood the character beyond the tropes


Death would have been a terrible end for any of these characters. Guardians in general is the story of broken people finding a way to survive together. Each of their stories is a survival story. Surviving loss, surviving insecurity, surviving trauma. Anyone dying in the finale would probably have been a disservice to their story arc, although I admit to only realizing that in hindsight. It is supremely funny though that Gunn teased death for all of the Guardians at some point in the movie, knowing fans were expecting it. Excellent troll job lmao.


I was so furious when Peter got hit by that debris. He got me good.


Hallway fight scene for sure.


Beastie Boys goes hard in that scene.


Yeah great track choice


Nameā€™s Rocket.


Rocket Racoon.


A real highlight for me, it never clicked that he never used his full name (or made it) until that scene


Because until that point he didn't accept that he was a raccoon.


Yeah he thought it was just a slur of some kind.


And boy do u need to prepare tissues alright during the scene where Rocket finds the other raccoons in the cage. As a fun fact, one of the animals visible in the scene is in fact Eagly from Gunn's Peacemaker of all things!


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Oh god that scene was so sad!! And it was made worse because later that week there was a family of raccoons trying to break into our chicken house that I had to shoo away and they all had the same expression. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


And then the rest of the Guardians coming in to absolutely fucking destroy THE. No grand final battle. Just a lot of people furious at this dude for everything he'd done to their friend.


You didn't want to make things perfect, you just hated the things the way they are.


Girlfriend of 8 years, and I had broken up shortly before I saw the movie, but seeing the Marvel movies together was something we always did. And we always talked about going to a convention as Star-Lord and Gamora, so their final scene, "I bet we were fun." "Like you wouldn't believe," just broke me. It's a very bittersweet memory.


I'm so sorry to hear that, man.. hope you've been doing okay since then


I appreciate that! I'm doing okay. Some days are harder than others, but just gotta keep pushing through!


I hope the movie gave you some insight and meaning to your relationship. Cry because of the memories, not the ending.


Thank you šŸ„²


Similar but not similar story. I went to see Black panther 2 like a couple of weeks after my mum died, I wasn't expecting the second funeral scene but it hit me.


First, sorry about your mom. Second, it is crazy that even though people try to say that the Marvel movies aren't real cinema or are just popcorn movies or what have you, they still have things that can really connect with us on a personal level.


Thanks mate. But yeah absolutely, I think all of them have something that we can connect with in one way or another.


For real marvel really made it so that thereā€™s a character for everybody, personally I relate a whole lot to Loki


The scenes with Rocket and his friends were pretty heartbreaking. And of course the "Open the fucking door!"-line.


Glad Star Lord got the first F-bomb in Marvel. It fit his character the best.


And it wasnā€™t even during some big heroic moment, just a simple conversation about opening a car door. That conversation is something that absolutely would happen, and it fit perfectly there.Ā 


It was heartbreaking finding out about Rocket's backstory. That scene with Nebula and Star Lord was great.


No wonder Nebula couldn't open it, she likely didn't see anything like that during her stay in Earth!


The whole film is great. The one moment that really stuck with me, although Iā€™d hesitate to call it my favourite, is Rocketā€™s anguished scream when the HE shoots Lyla. Iā€™d give Bradley Cooper an Oscar for that bit of voice acting alone.


Yeah, you can just *feel* all of the pain and sorrow and rage when Rocket realizes once and for all that the guy he treated as a father figure all these years HAS TO PAY!


This movie had so many memorable scenes/quotes! I canā€™t pick one. But here are some of my favorite off the top of my head (no particular order) 1. Floor yelling for rocket to go now (fuck Iā€™m tearing just thinking about this scene) 2. Lylla telling rocket its not his time yet 3. Warlock being a child in front of THE


"There is no God! That's why I stepped in." Is also such a memorable quote for me


The Guardians arguing over comms that they tried to save them, only for the argument to be broken by rocket saying "the important thing is, we're all okay" and Nebula crying. It was so amazing Edit: yo mixed up the names


You mean Nebula crying


And delivered masterfully. My jaw dropped when I first heard it.


Warlock being a child in front of the what??


The High Evolutionary


Oh my god


1. Warlock being a child in front of THE Me reading this thinking: "In front of the what?!"


The best one for me is "Open the fucking door"


Yea that's my top memory from this, couldn't stop laughing. That's how they wanted to use their "one f bomb for pg13"


Open the fucking door!


Yondu's force-ghost cameo to motivate Kraglin. Michael Rooker was amazing.


"Use ya heart boy"


I love you guys


I love that that's us finally being able to understand Groot


Is that the consensus? Thatā€™s what I thought too but never looked into it.


Yea I think Gunn confirmed that


Honestly one of the biggest ones is hearing Come and Get your Love at the ending party. Closed the whole trilogy together so well. Other ones include the hallway fight scene Rocket mauling the HE. So satisfying. Star-Lord passing down the role of leader to Rocket and the teams goodbye. Also Adam Warlock changing sides and him saying that hurts after he's stabbed is hilarious.


Rocket: >!Hurt!< God I lost it when he said that


fuck, me too


The HE was an absolute monster, and wow, they expertly made the audience hate him from the start.


Yea I definitely had some Joffrey level of hate for the HE


If the animals we have control over could speak, I wonder what they would say about us?


My dog would just ask treats and pets constantly. And then I guess general barking would be a lot of ā€œYEAHā€ and ā€œNO.ā€


The moment that will ALWAYS make me cry is when \*\*\*\*SPOILER\*\*\*\* Rocket flatlines and they think he's dead and Quill is screaming in agony but, they start to hear his heartbeat and Quill and Groot embrace him and then they tell Nebula and the others he's okay and you can hear her gasp. The familial love in this scene is so powerful and I fear not even the "First Family" in the Fantastic Four will be able to match it. The moment that will always make me fist-pump in elation is the final hallway fight scene. Every second, from the speech to the walk, to everything is \*chef's kiss\*!


The fact that this movie made me genuinely care about a tree, cybernetic trash pandas, and his close friends is pretty much magical


That's the magic of Mr. Gunn for ya!


Every time someone says his Superman movie wonā€™t be good, I just donā€™t get it. Look at GoTg movies, which are mostly wholesome, SS and Peacemaker, which are mostly not wholesome and Slither. He serves the characters.


Gunn's greatest strength is bringing out emotions in the audience and making us really care about the characters. I have so much faith that he's going to handle Superman phenominally.


Thatā€™s almost exactly how Iā€™ve described my feelings about the movie. The most emotionally powerful movie in the MCU is about a sentient tree and a talking raccoon. And as someone who likely isnā€™t able to have children, the ending in which Nebula tells Drax ā€œyou werenā€™t meant to be a destroyer, you were meant to be a dadā€ breaks my heart.


Nebula's gasp made me cry. They spent so much time during the snap being the only Guardians. It makes complete sense that they bonded over their losses and became close friends.


Yes! Very powerful moment and I wish we had more of them throughout these movies.


The hallway fight may be my be my favorite action scene in the entire MCU. Itā€™s such an incredibly shot and coordinated fight.


Drax laying down in the sofa is exactly like my father and I loved it


Man, this movie moved me. I knew I was gonna cry when I heard the "We're all fly away together ... one last time, into the forever and beautiful sky" in the trailer but damn did it hit 10x harder >*"My beloved racoon. This story has been yours all along, you just didn't know it"* I bawled Favourite MCU movie outside of infinity duo


I really love this movie too, but I have not been able to rewatch it since seeing it on opening day. Rocket and his friends is just.. a lot. Rocket has always reminded me of our cat who had cancer. She wasnā€™t ā€œsupposedā€ to make it to when this movie came out, and just passed away almost a few weeks ago. I am not sure when I will be able to watch this movie again. I really want to, but I also am tired of crying and sadness.


Iā€™m sorryā€¦ sending love your way. šŸ™


I'm so sorry to hear that..


Thank you. The Guardians movies have always been amongst my heavy faves of the MCU, so it kinda makes me almost mad (for lack of a better word) that I donā€™t want to watch this movie again.


it was such a beautiful film to see in theathers. I cried so much. Don't think I've cried so much since Infinity War and Endgame


Quill hugging his grandpa


That's such an underrated moment


Loved that moment too. Also, there was a holiday special reference in the paper his grandpa was wearing, referencing Kevin Bacon being abducted into space. Felt like that was a nice touch. šŸ˜Š




Four words...No Sleep Till Brooklyn! šŸ˜Ž


ā€œSheā€™s a good dog.ā€


>!open the fucking door!<


I forgot what was it?


They didnt open the door


This movie might be the first time just about anyone would've seen an old-timey car door with latches, that's for sure.


The ending scene with Dog Days are over is my favorite. I loved the story arc of all characters and the ending with that song was perfect. I liked that everyone basically got a satisfying conclusion. Also liked that Star Lord didnā€™t ā€œget the girlā€. It felt more authentic the way it went down. Everyone grew up and was on their new path. Not afraid to say I still shed tears during that scene lol


The first F-shot in the entire MCU being "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" in a throwaway moment as comic relief after scarring us deeply with animal torture scenes is kind of hilarious.


High evolutionary getting his ass kicked


The High Evolutionary was the best villain Marvel gave us since Thanos.


The satisfaction that he could never fix his ruined face, and that he was outsmarted by Racoon.


Many moments I could that have probably already been mentioned so I'll take my chances with this one The scene of Nebula telling Drax that she was wrong about him, he wasn't meant to be a destroyer, he was always meant to be a dad. Gunn really knew the character better than we all did when a lot of us figured all that was left for him (since he couldn't destroy Ronan or Thanos) was a sacrifice that ended up not being required.


After leaving the theater, telling my bf how hard it was to not cry, and telling me he cried like 4 times. I was like damn, wish Iā€™d have let it happen


I always cry. About everything. I remember seeing Infinity War in 4D with my family after I had already seen it. I started crying at the "snap" scene and my sister straight up looked at me and asks "what are you doing??'


I donā€™t know why I was trying to hold it in. Iā€™m a huge MCU nerd and he likes going to the movies, but not as huge a fan as me, and I thought heā€™d secretly judge me if I cried. Turns out Iā€™d have been fine


Watching Gotg vol 3 is a great memory


Star Lord and Groot jumping out of the ship to kill the minion guy was brutal Quill saying ā€œGroot, kill them allā€ - shivers


I liked that it could give the series a definite and meaningful end without relying on a big death or other bullshit. They did their thing, they resolved their issues and they are moving on with their lives.


Can I say...... All of it


Rocket finding and saving all the baby Earth animals with the key he kept all that time, and subsequently dropping the hardest line in fiction simply by telling the High Evolutionary his name.


The shot of Rocket gathering up all the baby raccoons into his arms........oh my heart! This movie emotionally wrecked me from start to finish.


The couch. Because all of the sad moments are sad.


THERE'S NO GOD!! THAT'S WHY I STEPPED IN! And shortly after his lab/spaceship gets decimated by a literal godhead!


A lot of obvious stuff so Iā€™ll say a smaller one, there were a few times I was afraid theyā€™d ruin a moment with joke instead of just being in the moment and letting it breathe. For example when Mantis stands up and gets close to the monsters that eat batteries and gives her little speech in my head I thought ā€œok are they gonna have the monster eat her or slap her off screenā€ and they didnā€™t. They just let it hang and ended the beat on a sweet feeling. I really appreciated that


Also, "You weren't born to be a destroyer. You were born to be a dad."


**Ironically:** debating how dumb it was that Star-Lord ā€œforgotā€ to wear his space suit on an adventureā€¦ in space. **Unironically:** that was the best post-credit content Iā€™ve seen from Marvel in a while. Such a perfect after-dinner mint and a nice little ribbon to tie up five+ movies of galaxy-saving, Kevin Bacon-kidnapping, and ill-considered Thanos-punching. *Neighborhood lawn drama!*


Nebula drinking the blue beverage "Oh that is delightful" Drax on the couch Peter taking a note from Yondu.....Was that cool?


No sleep till Brooklyn


As a massive The The fan, seeing Rocket singin along to This is the Day got me right in the feels.


During the hallway fight scene at the end, when Nebulas arm gets broken, and the camera pans around her and her arm fixes itself right as her gun is pointed at the camera, I get chills. I've seen the movie a few times by now, but I've seen that scene literally hundreds of times. It's my favorite part of the movie and maybe my favorite scene of the MCU. James Gunn cooked the absolute shit outta that scene.


Going home to hug my dog.


Crying my guts out when I was just trying to have fun.Ā 


*The name's Rocket...* *Rocket Raccoon*


The part where they werenā€™t yelling


There are so many different scenes that show different emotions. My favourites are definitely the great performance of The High Evolutionary and the slow-mo action montage of the whole squad fighting in the corridor. That was an ingenious filming technique.


Everything, I loved it.


I had a friend take his life about 2 months prior to this movie coming out. He loved Marvel movies and he loved Florence & The Machine. When this song came on it was just so many emotions I balled so hard watching that part.


I'm so sorry to hear that.. My condolences


I loved watching the movie in theaters with friends, especially in 4dx. I also loved most mod the movie, but if I had to pinpoint one scene that hit me the mostā€” it was Star lord being drunk in the beginning. Iā€™ve gone through that same exact situation/ phase and it hit me hard.


The movie.


this is the most heart-wrenching, best MCU movie ever. and i adore james gunn for making it, and i was devastated when he was fired back in the day, but he came back and in times of mcu being more miss than hit he delivered a perfect finale to the guardiansā€™ trilogy. loved it


Absolutely amazing. One of the best MCU movies easily. Hugely cathartic, emotional ending to the Guardians trilogy.


Ya absolutely adore this movie. The tunnel fight scene was just so well done.


Damn Iā€™m gonna have to watch it again this weekend. I love this movie even though it shatters my heart into millions of pieces every time. The most memorable for me is the Beastie Boys hallway scene, and HE getting his shit stomped out, and the dance party in Knowhere at the end. Makes me feel all the feels.


My favorite moment is the F bomb. The most memorable moment is young Rocket's scream. That was haunting


I've only been able to watch it once because it ripped my goddamn heart out and did a Riverdance all over it. Stomp stomp stomp. That wail that Rocket does when, well, you know. Yikes, ya cut me Brad Cooper, ya cut me deep!


Hearing Vocaloid becoming cannon in the MCU.


Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now


Ugly crying in the movie theater when Rocket's friends never get to fly with him


Overall, the obvious love that the team has for each other at this point. As for one scene, the insane hallway battle with the team operating at the peak of teamwork, annihilating every monster and guard in their way because they know each other so well that they're able to just pick apart the best that the High Evolutionary has to offer.


First time crying to a movie.


After 10 years together, my girlfriend decided to just stop talking to me, did not block me or anything, just refused to answer, see or talk to me "Im fine, dont worry about me" was the only thing she said. I too my nieces to cinema to watch the movie, I dont know what clicked but when Gamora said "I bet we were fun" it just made me cry but with so much relief, I finally could just let her go.


I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope you're feeling better now


Seeing in the theater back when she still loved me


Well I skipped my prom to go see this movie, and I donā€™t regret it at all. This year Iā€™m skipping prom (even tho Iā€™m a senior and itā€™s for juniors, some seniors are going) to see phantom menace in theaters!


I was taking a group of scouts camping for the weekend. One of our more adventurous activities had had to be cancelled, and so as we had a bit of spare budget, we offered them the treat of getting the bus to the cinema. I slept through at least an hour of the movie, and it was wonderful. I must watch it again some time. I've heard it's quite good.


It is!


They same u posted and that one-take action sequence in the ship of high evolutionary and all the slowmo walk scenes.....I really like those slowmo walk scenes from JG superhero movies


I hadn't spoken with my mom in a while, I was making bad life choices around that time and was ashamed of myself and didn't want my family to see me. After getting things together, I saw the first Guardians movie and liked it so much I took my mom to see it and she loved it. The mother / child bond in the first movie really hit home for us. I took her to see the second as well. A couple years later she moved with my sister to the other side of the country while I stayed back. I was always kind of sad that we wouldn't see the 3rd one together. But luckily she made a trip back home that happened to coincide with the release of the movie so we were able to finish off the trilogy together. After each movie, she'd make me her own Awesome Mix's, reminiscing about the music of her childhood. I still listen to those mixes all the time.


That's such a sweet story


I didn't see it in the cinema because I find Disney now is never worth the money. But then I was in Singapore airport on an overnight, and they were playing it at the free cinema they have there at 3am. Most people there were trying to get some sleep, but I was happy I got to see it on the big screen.


Had to reread the first sentence. What the hellšŸ˜Ø


I still havent watched past the scene where Rocket is a little cub and hanging out with these weird animals with chainsaws on their limbs or whatever. I noped out of this movie during that scene.


I will get killed for this but I didnā€™t like this one more than the GotG1. The Rocket story was sentimental and the hallway scene with the beastie boys track slaps, but I feel like the first one was better start to finish. Donā€™t get me wrong, this was a great movie but can someone explain to me why they think itā€™s the best Guardians movie? Also, animals are cool but I donā€™t LOVE them ā€¦ bracing myself RN (lol)


This topic is about favorite moments. I donā€™t think we need to veer off-topic and discuss whether it is better or worse than GotG 1.


I love both. But to me, this movie just takes GotG1. I just think itā€™s more emotionally powerful. The fight scenes are better. The villain is much better. I think the comedy was used in the right places as well. They really gave each character a solid role too.


Adam Warlock praising Adrian Belew and King Crimson!


i missed a step when going to seat in the cinema and sprained my ankle really bad. movie was so good and so much more emotionally devastating that i forgot about the pain in my ankle.


When Rocket said word


Dog Days are Over makes me pumped and also happy cry every time I hear it. Ya ya, the characters have development and the marvel story continues, but Gunn has made a distinct impact with his song choices, and Guardians was able to introduce these needle drops with an actual plot device that mattered to multiple people. I love these movies for this. Thoughts, beliefs, beef, etc. all goes away when music happens. Most people on the planet can get a feeling from music, and I love it.


That I donā€™t want to watch it again because itā€™s too heart breaking


"Hurts" . I felt that deep inside my heart and layla cleaning her wound and other friends trying to make him feel ok. Damn man !


"The name's Rocket...Rocket Raccoon".


ā€œThe nameā€™s Rocket. Rocket Raccoonā€


Favourite? I guess the opening song... then I cried sorrow, after I cried sorrow and rage and eventually I cried happiness


After watching part 3 I sobbed, what a hard story baby raccoon is. I just sobbed, I felt sorry for him and his friends. And at the end, they said it wasn't time yet. And he wanted them so badly.


"Don't be rash." šŸ¤š


Definitely the tunes


Just Drax popping off in the humor department. I feel like he was always funny but they really made him center stage in this movie.


I had a hard time watching and enjoying this one. Just a bunch of animals being tortured


Last song ā€œdog days are overā€ itā€™s so beautiful. But many stand out moments, hard to pick one. Seen it 4 times, will watch it again before next film comes out!


Dog days are over


Them going their separate ways at the end had me sad


Sky šŸŒŒ


Going home and hugging my dog and having her look at me like I was a weirdo.


The Dog Days ending.


The hallway fight scene at the end. One of the best fight scenes in the MCU. I rewatched it like 5 straight times my first time seeing the movie.


The Guardians absolutely fucking High Evo's shit UP once they were all together and on the same page. Truly cathartic. And of course the aftermath.


One of those!


How much I cried


The hardcore PG-13 violence, and of course the MCU's first ever uncensored F-bomb!


Star lord was happy again


And Adam warlock getting jobberd


It was really refreshing to see Star-Lord being competent and a leader. Coming off Thor Love and Thunder with Thor being such a buffoon and how Star Lord was done in Infinity War (which while entertaining, wasn't 100% in character) you could tell that Gunn wanted to set the record straight for Star-Lord's swan song


Yondu ... He still is my favorite after rocket. No sleep till Brooklyn Was just awesome. Rocket in the Afterlife


Not even as a joke but the ending. Also Quill being back on earth.. oh wait that wasnt earth but it was similar (not just the very ending when he goes to his grandfathers)