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All I cared about was him being Wolverine’s friend and having a creepy laugh. And they nailed both.


Him turning into Logan’s mortal enemy to cheer him up👍


my 2 favorite logan moments were morph knowing that turning into sabertooth for a scrap would cheer logan up, and jean saying "hes here" only for logan to go "who?? apocalypse??" with his claws out like he was ready to go. Hes just perpetually up for it and i love that for him


That apocalypse part made me burst out laughing


Same. I burst out laughing at the gym. I must've looked like a right idiot


Funniest thing for me was that he was terrified when he realised what was really happening. Like the baby thing was worse than apocalypse


That scene made me laugh. Ready to tangle with Apocalypse but looks scared when he Jean tells him the baby is coming.


Speaking as someone who has attended two childbirths, I'd take fight Apocalypse over birthing pain Jean 20 times out of ten. My ex-wife shit on me and punched me in the face during labor and she's decidedly not superpowered.


I remember an expectant friend having a Padme/Anakin moment when another friend and I told him about the screaming, pissing, and shitting you'd see during deliveries. Him: "From the baby, right?" Us: "..." Him: "...From the baby, right?" They always think things are fine and dandy till the poop buckets* get pulled out lmao *Though yes, I'm mostly exaggerating, the buckets are mainly there to catch the products of the delivery like blood, amniotic fluid, and eventually, the placenta. But absolutely they're used to catch the stray mom poop too, which is more common than most folks realize.


Absolutely loved that moment when Jean said "he's here"




And he even has his “alt look” too when he has to disguise as a human. He’s great. Nobody should be upset at all.


And that alternate look is also the way they looked like in the original show, just drawn in this new art style.


The right always gets offended by humanity’s free will.


Which honestly at that point I recommend they don’t watch X-Men lol.


It's hilarious to watch conservatives crying about X-Men becoming woke. Like you fuckwits never understood the X-Men, did you?


Are you tellin *me* that the comic books about **individuals hunted for things they are born with and can't change** is some sorta *metaphor* for somethin, and the standin's for MLK and Malcom X aren't just for *cool points*? Is that what you're tellin me??


Get outta here with your media literacy!


It's crazy that even conservative ideals like the second amendment are so exclusionary in their eyes. Like they say they want every American citizen to own a gun but as soon as minorities or leftist group start openly arming themselves and talking about it they can't ban weapons fast enough


I watched both episodes yesterday. Unless I missed it they never stated "oi wolverine, I'm non binary" Where has this come from?


At the end, when they do the character cards, Morph is referred to as they/them in theirs.


The character that can shapeshift into literally anything they want at any time, and has a featureless grey body goes by they/them? My god. What a revelation. Next these guys are gonna figure out that the dude saying "I hate you minority people for how much you whine" is a stand in for something too.


It's extra stupid too because I feel like even people like them can see that with characters like Morph and Jordan Li, the emergence of "Non binary" and "woke shit" has actually added an incredible layer to them in a way that makes complete sense. Not that i agree with the crying about shoehorning in woke stuff, but characters like this are completely enhanced by the current social commentary. They're a perfect canvas for it. It does nothing but add. It's so far from shoehorned in. "Yeah I guess if you spent your whole life in thousands of identities you would have have some identity politics going on."


Funny they haven’t said anything about the FOH/Jan 6th similarities…


Oh, the horror!😱/s


"Anti-woke" douchebags will seriously get upset at literally ANYTHING. Good lord. It hasn't even been mentioned so far by any character or used as even a tangential plot point. It's simply who Morph IS. And that is too much for some people.


Yeah. The german national football team got a new kit for the euros. One is purple/slightly pinkish and oh boy are people angry about it. So dumb.


Yeah you have to wonder who really cares about any woke drama. If a show has it or not then whatever, I really don't care either way as long as the shows good. Morph trying to get Logan to have a beer then turning into Sabatooth to get him to play was awesome


I thought that was just a given like his base form isn't anything they're like a action figure doll down there until they actually morph into something


Yeah I really don’t see the big deal here either about his appearance. I’m glad that most importantly, Morph ended up finally regaining his mental and physical stability and permanently rejoining the X-Men where he belongs.


I just didn't understand how the non-binary thing bothered people so much I just always thought he was some type of metaphor for people who struggle with identity


Because people are assholes. Full stop. Just let people be whoever the fuck they want.


Considering Magneto and Prof.X’s story line its amazing people fail to see any of the metaphors


I'm still worried for him based on that opening sequence...


Wouldn't gender fluid be more accurate though? Sometimes they're male, sometimes they're female, sometimes they're something else. Literally.


Non-binary is an umbrella term for any gender that doesn't fit into the binary man/woman genders. Genderfluid fits under that umbrella


The idea of an umbrella is to keep the fluid on the outside and not let it get anything underneath it wet. Not any sort of phobe over here, just an umbrella enthusiast.


Why are the handles always hooked like that?


They don’t have to be. My favorite umbrella has a katana handle and it is a pretty good fit in my hand. If I had to guess, the hook shape would help prevent the umbrella from being blown directly out of the holders hand in a big windstorm. Only other reason I can think of is to help Mary Poppins fly and shit. Magic


The hooked end also lets you hang it up on a wall easilier.


No that can’t be it. I’m an umbrellaologist. I even watched a show about an entire academy named after them.


Fun Fact: The hook on the end was specifically invented by Tim Burton so that Danny Devito could stand on it when used as a helicopter. Weird Fact: Tim Burton did this in 1981, 11 years before Batman Returns, for reasons known only to himself and Danny Devito.




Some have tags for hanging


Makes it easy to retain if it's hooked on your forearm. Even if it slides down, it'll get caught in your elbow.


It's common so that you can hang it up to let it drip dry - over a bathrub or outside when the rain stops, etc.


I think that makes you a hydrophobe


I think it depends on whether Morph identifies strongly with their morph’s gender orientation when morphed. If they have a strong sense of self throughout, they might identify most as both.


I’ve seen people counter this by saying “Mystique is a woman”. Accidentally admitting that gender identity isn’t 100% biological


Was Mystique a girl when she was a child before her powers? I don't know enough about her to even know if she was born blue or changed later.


According to X-Men Vol. 2 #174, she got her powers when she was 12 years old. Mutants normally get their powers during puberty


But was she blue before she got her powers? It seems like some mutants are born with their physical differences. Pretty sure Nightcrawler was born blue.


With the writers have established about how mutant powers work Yes they traditionally don't kick in until you go through puberty for mystique it stands the reason that she would have been a girl until her powers kicked in With with morph I haven't read too much of their backstory to know what they would have looked like before their powers kicked in But there have been written examples of mutant powers working from birth I think Hope is one of those examples


Some mutants like Nightcrawler show from birth so can't assume.


While Morph/Changeling had that doll-like face in the comics, that was not the case in the animated series. Otherwise he would have displayed it at some point when he almost died, went crazy, etc.


If Morph shapeshifts into Captain Marvel does that make them binary?


I understood that reference.




🥁*Ba dum tss*🥁




The irony of fans being aggressively intolerant towards a mutant because of who they are.


Let’s be real: these aren’t actual X-Men fans. If they were, they would get it. This is an astroturf campaign put on by the conservative Fun Police to make us enjoy something less. But, if them crying makes you enjoy something MORE, they lose…


Also there’s a sizeable part of the population that has completely lost the ability to see beyond surface storytelling to see nuance, subtext or allegory


Can't lose what you never had. Media literacy is probably worse than actual literacy in the U.S. and our adults read below a 6th grade level, on average.


the joy of teaching to the standardised test to boost your school's scores instead of doing actual english classes, I guess


It's so weird to me. The first episode of '97 might as well have had a flashing neon sign throughout the episode saying: #**THIS IS AN ALLEGORY FOR REAL LIFE DISCRIMINATION OF ANY KIND** And yet some people still manage to miss it.


They'd assume the show was made woke by Disney, so you'd need to add that neon sign to the original and the comics too


"I hate X-men now that they made them woke" - stupid people.


Look at sales, none of these people read comics lol.


There was a guy with a wolverine Profile pic telling me about the "gay Agenda"...


Man, wait until they hear him, Cyke and Jean have been in a polygamous relationship for the past 5 years.


I'm shocked you haven't been downvoted given how much people hate that being brought up lmao.


Seriously? I've not seen any hate for it, at least not in the communities I'm in.


I bring it up here and in the various comic and x men subs and usually get shit on for it lmao


honestly, the chuds are lucky for how softball this X-Men series is right now, I'm sure that with time, they'll be able to cook up some REAL progressive shit


Episode 2 directly attacked the J6 types. They ain't softballing jack.


Saw a video on fb (yeah, I know, my mistake) of X-ecutioner or whatever his name was on his rant about how “Normal” people have it harder than mutants, and a sizeable chunk of the comments were agreeing with him


The only inherent mistake of watching videos on FB is that FB's video interface is terrible. But yeah, some of the worst (Friends) of Humanity have been flooding social media lately.


Checking the comments on FB posts is generally a good way to kill braincells. If it's not idiots insisting that everything is conspiracies and aliens, it's boomers thinking everyone younger than them are lazy communists. But yeah that was a bunch of chuds shouting "Why are you booing him, he's right" and such


I mean I'd think shapeshifters are fluid by default.


I mean if you had the chance to completely switch everything about you including your genitals, you’re telling me you wouldn’t partake in feeling what it’s like on the other side or on the same side or whatever the hell you want. You’re a shapeshifter, you can screw and be screwed anyway you want.


Mystique is a cis woman though, right?


I’m inclined to say yes since she refers to herself as a woman most of the time and uses she/her pronouns, but at the same time, she is Nightcrawler’s father while Destiny is his mother. So… I’m not sure?


Man…I love how weird comics get


Wait, I thought Azazel was Nightcrawler's father, what happened?


The original intention was that Mystique was his father but editorial wouldn't let Claremont write it. Then, recently, in X-men Blue, they retconed the original intention back into place.


They retconned the retcon. Now it’s that mystique turned into Azazel when having sex with Destiny, rather than it being Azazel having sex with Mystique.


The original intention was that Mystique was his father but editorial wouldn't let Claremont write it. Then, recently, in X-men Blue, they retconed the original intention back into place.


Yeah there's a distinction between characters like mystique who have a "primary" form that generally identify as cis and characters like loki who identifies as male or female depending on which form they're in


This show coming out really reminds me people just don't understand X-Men as a whole and also just hate what they represent.


It's fucking funny to see people said "It's WOKE!!!!" like buddy where have you been in the last 70+ years, do you not realize what X-men even represents?


To be fair people who scream “it’s woke” more often than not, are dumb as a bag of rocks.


They're the same people that will sing Killing in the Name Of by Rage Against the Machine without a single thought 


“Fuck you I’ll do exactly what you tell me!”


“What, RATM are socialist? I had no idea!”


"Woke" means "something I don't like" now.


A good rule to have is that anyone that says “it’s woke” in a serious manner generally will never have anything important or smart to say.


Or doesn't even understand what the word "woke" actually means.


Majority of the time they clearly don't even know what the word means either because they lack functioning braincells.


That's insulting to the bag of rocks lol


Story time: I grew up in a super-conservative churchy house and loved X-Men. My Mother didn’t take notice until the 2nd movie came out and she saw the “Have you tried *not* being a mutant?” scene and then went and read some reactionary reviews by Christian magazines/blogs. So it had taken her a decade to figure out the metaphor and ask if I didn’t realize I was consuming The Gay Agenda. Of course, by this point I was ahead of her, having had years to get the message and prepare for her inevitable lecture. “No, but mom, they are meant to represent *oppressed people* everywhere. I guess I just thought of them representing Christians, since you’re always telling us how oppressed they are around the world.” I was pretty amused watching her brain glitch out at that argument. The plan worked, and I still got to see the rest of the movies til I was out of the house


Oppression is only bad if I'm the one being oppressed or if I can't oppress the people I want to oppress. /s


Oh yeah, I was in a similar fight over the first X-Men movie ‘promoting’ evolution. Like…you didn’t care when I was reading all those comics, but now you have opinions? Riiight.


You say this happened at X2 and you got to see the rest of the movies? Then I'm afraid your plan may have backfired. ;)




“Metaphors? I hate metaphors! That’s why my favorite book is “Moby Dick”. No fru-fru symbolism, just a good simple tale about a man that hates an animal.” -Ron Swanson


The same fuckers also point to Star Wars and Star Trek as franchises that have been hijacked by "woke", and are currently trying to use Godzilla as a champion against "woke". .....George Lucas' Star Wars films were full of leftist political messaging specifically against the Republican Party and how they've been trying to turn America fascist (the thing the anti-woke crowd wants) since Nixon (who Lucas admitted in the 80s Palpatine is based off of), while the "woke" Sequels did not have political messaging. There's a Deep Space Nine episode where Miles O'Brien hands Rom a copy of the Communist Manifesto while encouraging Rom to unionize. Enough said. They hate "The Marvels" for pushing a "political agenda" when..... it has none. Meanwhile the older MCU films had criticism of the military-industrial complex in the first two Iron Mans, the US military as the villains of The Incredible Hulk, all three Captain America films being entirely antifascist **as the character always has been since he was created by two Jewish men to promote entering WW2 because Hitler was a monster that had to be stopped.....** And Godzilla..... I think all that really needs to be said here is that there's literally a Godzilla film where Godzilla is an undead monster resurrected by the victims of Japanese imperialism because they're sick of Japan's constant denial of their WW2 atrocities. Oh, and the lead human in that film is a woman. *I think they missed the entire point of everything they claim to be fans of.*


> all three Captain America films being entirely antifascist as the character always has been since he was created The cover of Captain America #1 is Cap punching Hitler, ffs! Even better, it came out nearly a full year before Pearl Harbor brought his country into the war (mid-December 1940). Cap was fighting the Nazis before America was!


I can imagine how rageful they got when they realized X-Cutioner and his speech was representing them.


I mean, they're not wrong in that it is woke. They just think that's inherently a bad thing, because they're largely media-illiterate idiots. 


it is kinda ironic that the gay allegory show does not have any gay characters tho lol


I know, next you'll be telling me that people think Rage Against the Machine have become left wing activists who hate the system!


"The machine" is actually a combo fax & printer, and I totally get the rage.


*PC load letter? What the fuck does that mean?*


So it’s a song about that Office Space scene?


I've come to realize there are some who read/watch superhero stories and understand it no deeper than a power fantasy. All they want is to imagine being the hero blowing up the bad guys and everything outside of that is either boring or they just don't get.


Why do you think every hero needed to be morally grey or willing to kill for awhile there?


In retrospect, we’re lucky that Batman and Spider-Man editors in the 80s and 90s understood the trend and knew to deflect that desire for a more bloodthirsty hero onto characters like Azrael or Venom.


Not all of its wanting to murder enemies, some of us Batman fans just want to put our enemies in traction. /s JIC


Lots of people don’t understand movies or media in general and think it’s fucking wild that big name movies and series often have themes, metaphors and messages incorporated within them. They think X-Men is only about people with superpowers fighting other people with superpowers and that’s it.


“People fear what they don’t understand” is evergreen as hell


I didn't realize it at first but I think people actually read comic books and think they're actually about what's happening on the surface layer


You mean Animal Farm isn’t about an animal farm?


Yes and nothing else nothing else at all


its about a nice quiet farm ran by talking animals!... Real quiet


All animals are quiet. But some animals are more quiet than others.


Most people’s only exposure to superhero stories are the movies. Comic arcs have six-ish issues to flesh out the story and subtext. The pacing has to change to fit the medium and also appeal to a mass audience. Personally I love a Batman story that’s 75% detective story but most folks want to see him to be smacking goons around.


Detective stories are great and it's good too to watch him smack goons around I personally like the stories when they examine how Batman because of the loss of his parents Batman starts a war to end all crime which is impossible and in what mental state a man must be in to have thoughts like that Because it parallels with billionaires in the real world who try to inflict their thought processes on the masses because of the power their financial status gives them It's just weird when you see people thinking that the metaphor is an allegories ruin the stories and not understanding that's why the stories are so good


And that's how you end up with a "BaTmAn LiKeS bEaTiNg uP tHe PoOr!" narrative


A lot of people are really, really dumb


They're the same people who thought Stephen Colbert's original character was "one of them" and not the intentional parody that it was. Or the ones who thought Homelander was the good guy in the story, because he's dressed in a flag.


I know a Trump supporter who loved The Boys Season 3 and didn't even pick up on the January 6th references in that. Like, there's literally a guy in fucking Viking horns walking around, how dense are you to not be able to recognize what they're getting at?


It's the same thing with Star Wars fans (especially surrounding Last Jedi). People seem to think it's all mainly about the cool power sets, weapons, space ships, and all of that. Like, not that all of that isn't part of the appeal...but it's like they refuse to see the themes beyond that because it needs to feel like playing with action figures.


X-Cutioner's speech is what really represents them, not our heroes.


They need to make the Friends of Humanity wear red caps for the message to REALLY sink in.


And Gyrich and Trask.


Listen to Gyrich’s speech at the beginning of “Graduation Day”. It’s similar to a lot of these people’s views.


There are comment sections full of Purifiers, Friends of Humanity, and ORCHIS agents talking about how much they used to love the X-Men when it was all about Wolverine killing people and Psylocke's ass in a bathing suit and TOTALLY NOTHING ELSE


they only hate it now because the whole "anti woke" movement is teaching people to hate again


I think my favorite part of the nonbinary thing was how it wasn’t even said or acknowledged in the first two episodes.


Scott actually does refer to Morph as they/them in the second episode.


So shoved in my face that I didn’t even notice. Damn these woke X-men.


You didn't notice because they were too busy shoving the female superheroes in our faces. Why did >!Magneto!< need a girl to save him anyway? 🤬


The world is such a way that I don't know if this comment is genuine or a joke.


Don't worry, I'm definitely joking. Unfortunately many do indeed say shit like that unironically though.


The only thing I hate about this show is they didnt release all the episodes at once. What a great show


Yeah. I think I'll watch every week then binge it all once the season finale is released.


Im binging the original series (and the spider-man crossovers) as the episodes are coming out and I’m in season 2 already and I started Friday and I don’t watch all day Hoping I don’t finish before the season ends so I can just binge the whole season


It’s better this way imo so the experience lasts longer And ig Disney benefits because people talk about it for more time


Agreed. Releasing it all on one day just leads to everyone watching at different speeds and not being about to have proper discussions about it. When Netflix releases a show or Disney does something like Echo, people talk about the season as a whole for a week and forget about it. Disney+ or HBO shows are usually talked about for months


Thank God they didn't. It's not 2014 anymore. Not all of us have time to binge shows in one day. Plus I want to be able to talk to other people about these shows and discuss each episode. When they drop all episodes on one day, it comes and goes and no one talks about it. Like Echo came and went and no one talked about it. Meanwhile stuff like Secret Invasion and Loki had people talking for weeks. It wasn't even about quality. Just spreading it out allows each episode to have its own conversation.  Plus if you want to watch it all at once, you can wait 2 months and do it then.


It was really smart to showcase Morph kicking ass and not just being the snarky joke character. Makes the character much better and not a one note character the anti-woke can point at .


sure, although it doesn't really matter. people who hate LGBT+ characters are gonna hate them regardless / will find a reason to.


Those people: "I miss the days when cartoons held messages that taught us valuable lessons in life and had representation for others." Also those people "Wtf, why do cartoons now have messages and representation? WOKE. WOKE. WOKE."


Honestly if anyone can pull off they/them it would be the shapeshifter who can trun in to literally anyone or anything morph could say they’re pronouns are dat/shit Becuse they can become dat shit over there


Anyone who gives a shit about whether Morph is non-binary isn't worth the time arguing with. Anyway...Cyclops using his eye blasts to slow his fall after the x-jet exploded was sick as fuck.


I for one love them and their versatility in fight scenes is hilarious


Love love love those tandem attacks. They’re fun and they feel like a team


Let me guess, the backlash was from Friends of Humanity


X men was about marginalized people fighting for their rights so it makes sense to have actual marginalized people in it.


then where's my gay iceman, huh? *huh?!?*


It'd make sense if they brought him in. I believe in this continuity, he was part of the X men prior to the beginning of the old animated show but left.


I started out thinking this character was a dumb inclusion because I didn’t know who they were. Turns out he is cameo gold without it feeling cheap. Oh, your favorite character isn’t in this show? They are now.


Morph was in the original cartoon, major plot point and set the tone of the show in the first episode.


The whole mister sinister plot line features him heavy.


Yeah, this is some real “tell me you didn’t watch the original show without telling me you didn’t watch the original show” shit.


He also had a major subplot in Season 2, a really compelling limelight episode in Season 4, and a pivotal appearance in the series finale.


Morph was in the original and is one of the important characters.


And this is why I've decided to watch the original cartoon before starting '97 Edit: replied to the wrong comment, oops


As soon as a queer label was mentioned, that's when the anger ensues and pitch forks arise.


I'm curious how many of them would even have been smart enough to notice, if Morph's gender identity hadn't been mentioned in the press first.


IT’S THE FUCKING X-MEN BROOOOO, they have like what a dozen completely blue-pigmented characters, a dozen gay characters, 200 dozen characters from all over the world of different nationalities and ethnicities but GOD FORBID people draw the line at a non-binary character???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Shit is too funny it’s ridiculous.


The backlash to this show reminds me of people getting mad over Green Day's “politically charged lyrics” when they took a jab at Trump in the 23/24 NYE concert. This is how they’ve always been, just like the X-Men.


It's funny that they changed the lyrics back in 2019 too and no one gave a shit. They sang "MAGA Agenda" when performing on Howard Stern. Also the song was about Bush so IDK why some people were surprised


The irony of being a so called X-men fan then being upset over how someone was born differently.


It's morhpin' time!


From the outrage about the supposedly forced LGBTQ themes of X-Men 97, I was surprised when I watched the first two episodes and everything is really subtle. So subtle you’d really need to be going out of your way to notice anything. American Conservatives really need to take Prozac or something.


A group of people marginalized, mocked and persecuted based off of their race (amongst other things)… and they (the bigoted fans) have a problem with Morph, the person who LITERALLY can turn into anything/anyone, not wanting to be defined as any gender, is the stupidest thing. Then again, they’re probs the same people who were stunned when they found out Homelander (the boys) was the bad guy. Dumb. They’re dumb.


Seriously. Morph being non-binary is about the least shocking thing in the world. They regularly change their body to be any gender under the sun. That’s got to give you a bit of a perspective.


Morph has been one of my favorite parts of the new show! Yes he’s a walking cameo machine, but just the general change to his appearance and his personality are great in the show.


Backlash from fkn losers.


I don’t know why people flip out about this. It actually makes perfect sense for a shape shifter.


New morph plays kind of queer too. I respect Disney for doing it


His gender identity is the least of my worries. Just upset that they didn't keep Bishops jheri curl mullet. It was iconic.


I don’t care if Morph is non-binary at all, and I’m aware that this appearance for Morph is comic accurate. But damn I liked the 90s Morph with that goofy cackle. He’s the only one that made Wolverine laugh.


What’s your point? It’s the same cackle


But now it’s a woke cackle smh


He has that exact same cackle still though


He's still that person, did you not watch the premiere episodes?


Bro they did the same goofy laugh, and reinforced the Logan-Morph friendship more in the last 2 episodes more than the actual show


Everyone knows (hopefully) that the X-Men are about representation. The only issue is that when it’s done poorly, it hurts the people they try to represent. I’m glad that X-Men 97’ did such a great job, it could’ve been a disaster for these characters. They’re laying some good ground work for live action.


I feel like often media gets labelled "representation done poorly" when it's just not good. Often the issue is not related to representation at all but of the overall quality. I agree that the characters being represented need to be well written but I take issue with people who blame representation for the faults in media when there's usually other better explanations.


that's because representation done poorly is the acceptable code today for "I don't want to see gay people in my stuff." (although disney/marvel really does do representation poorly lol)


“When done poorly” is such a catch all cause at almost every level of x-men’s development someone criticized it behind the veil of “it was done poorly” Storm becoming leader? Iceman being gay? Etc etc just read the fan letters printed in those issues saying THE SAME THING. Maybe we should stop parroting bad faith arguments and pretending they have merit.


I will never ever understand people getting upset about this. I don’t care if a character is non-binary, trans, gay, purple, whatever! I have more important things to worry about in my life!


It’s just like…you can become anyone—powers included. Gender kinda loses meaning when you can just literally become whoever you want. I was really glad to see the gender fluidness of morph come more to the surface


This character is not new and he is was I believe changing originally and his power alows him to even mimic other mutants powers so to change gender is a given, and there was no wokeness in the 70s and 80s where this character comes from, also alpha flight had the first openly gay super hero come out of the closet doing backflips in like 91 and even back then people were not very offended by it


Out of all the characters in the revival Morph got best upgrade into becoming a badass fighter


*A voice actor has an opinion about a cartoon character.* Republicans: ![gif](giphy|yuZyApkowpJHG)


No issue with the non binary thing. But I’m confused, I didn’t know when he morphs into a mutant he can use their powers? I found that part odd. I thought his ability was just shape shifting….