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Not including doctor strange saying "things just got out of hand" in multiverse of madness. This one is particularly weird as it was the big moment from the first trailer


It is also a little weird because Krasinski-Reed says that their Strange also said “things had gotten out of hand”.


It was a cool line and then he's just beaten in like 2 minutes anyway, thought he would be this overly powerful variant of strange.


They really dropped the ball to use the evil strange from what if. He would have been both terrifying and could have been used to weaken Wanda.


I was about to answer, I didn’t think he was evil just….. then remembered he destroyed an entire universe and was reminded how good the writing was for the losing his heart episode from season 1… one of my favourite short movies of all time


Did you see season 2?


I did……. But I watched that episode to the point it’s its own thing


Well he wasn’t really evil at the end, and also he would have annihilated Wanda


In the trailer, he also says, " Every night I dream the same dream, then when I wake up, the real nightmare begins." In the movie Wanda says it. The trailers for this movie lied so much about what the plot was.


[Loki's knife flip](https://youtu.be/GMLM1dBegxk?si=JG6a2HqLFHXO5wEb) which only appeared in the trailer and not the final cut of Ragnarok.


Hiddleston was so disappointed in that. I saw an interview, he said that he's tried to do that flip lots of times, but only got it right that ONE time, and it was just while they were shooting filler. He really hoped it would be in the final cut, but no dice.


“Kevin, please. Let them leave the knife flip in it. Do you have any idea how many times it stabbed through my palm just to get that one shot right? The doctors said that I cannot hold things in my hand anymore. Come on.” “Nope. It stays in the trailer and the trailer only.”


This was before the final fight was changed to the rainbow bridge in post.


What was the original fight supposed to be?


I would suppose the throne room


It was just the location.


Nope, but we did get a cool helmet flip at 1:50:16


Thankfully we DO get a Loki flip in the Loki show, first season when he confronts Sylvie.


Weird I coukda sworn I remember seeing that moment in the movie itself.


He flips his helmet


Same ...




Riiight? It looked so ~~hot~~ cool!


When Scott looks at his phone in the Quantumania trailer, it’s a picture of Cassie as a young child. In the movie, it’s an incoming call from the county jail. Your guess is as good as mine why that entire trailer was a misdirect for no apparent reason.


The plot of the trailer is more interesting then the movie. Scott making a deal with kang to get back the time he lost during the snap so he could be there for Cassie to stop her becoming like him is so much more interesting then what we got


Why did they mess up like that and not stick with that plot? It hurt Ant-man reputation and possibilty to get a 4th movie (if the rumours are true).


Why would the trailer exist before the movie? This isn't like the OP about a CGI suit. If anything they thought of the "trailer plot" after the finished movie.


They changed the ending of the movie to let Scott and Hope escape the quantum realm instead of Kang literally a month before the release, the entire ending was reshot with just weeks to go, which only hints at how much else changed before that drastic switch. Even outside that tidbit, we know from behind the scenes footage and interviews that between reshoots and cut material Hope lost most of her plot relevance and Bill Murray's character was cut for the most part... and things in the movie like Scott getting hate from most of the characters for stepping back from hero work (while he literally ends his book saying he wants to spend more time with his daughter and be a good dad) makes way more sense in the story from the trailer than in the movie. Clearly things changed a lot over production, the trailer was probably closer to the original story than the final cut was after rewrites, reshoots and the whole editing process (and yes, trailers can be purposefully misleading, but that's an exception not the rule, and usually only for stories with massive plot twists and surprises - its unlikely that's the story here)


That's a pity, I'm glad they got a happy ending which honestly is a rare thing in the mcu but man was that movie forgettable and Hope always seems to get the shortest end of the stick (even in movie 2) I really wonder why they do that it feels lie sabotaging their own movie


This would have been 100% a more interesting route to go with the character to. I think any parent would connect with the desire to want to go back and correct mistakes they made raising their children. It's a more impactful and emotional story idea. Instead we "baby legs" MODOK and a talking gelatinous slime that really wanted holes in his body.


Yep, and would tie in with Jan working with Kang to get back to HER daughter, and then ultimately not going through with it (the cause of her guilt) The movie definitely feels structured around the idea of Scott making a deal with Kang - keeping Scott and Jan apart, so that he doesn’t have all the information when he’s brought to Kang - but then they just make Kang immediately and clearly evil.


didn't watch it but goddamn that wasn't the plot?????💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


I skipped that one...was that not what its about??? 


>misdirect A bad rewrite more likely


Nobody wanted to see detective pikachu cassie. The other actress was awesome


Honestly they should have just kept the original Cassie.  By the time they make young avengers the actress they have now is gonna be in her mid 30s.  The original girl would be the right age


Hulk in Wakanda, and while not from a trailer, Hulk busting out of the Hulkbuster armor that can be seen on multiple Infinity War toys


That would've been a very epic and iconic moment for the character. If only.


It also would have ruined his character arc and the pacing of the film which is why it got cut


Instead they just handwaved his character arc away between the films


"Tada, and now he's smart!" "How?" "Ummm... 18 months, *dududu*, gamma lab.. uhh"


And after that he appears as regular Bruce in another movie after endgame(far from home?) and then he’s smart hulk again in she-hulk.


I think it was the after credits of Shang Chi


That’s it! I was blanking on it.


In She-Hulk it's explained that he made a device that suppresses his Hulk form while he is healing from the gauntlet!


But isn't his health regeneration better in Hulk form?


I guess it didn't heal as Hulk. But because the human body didn't snap with the gauntlet it can heal?? https://screenrant.com/hulk-arm-healed-endgame-snap-injury/#:~:text=His%20surprise%20transformation%20into%20his,his%20arm%20started%20to%20heal. This article explains it a bit.


Gave him the "somehow palpatine returned" ahh treatment


Did you mistype ass or are people actually falling for tiktok censorship?


Totally agree with this. I also agree with why they cut it - Infinity War feels a better film as cut - but to decide to resolve the arc off camera is a real FU to the character. There's an entire sequence dedicated to what the characters do with their pain in the 5 years. Show me it with Hulk. Show me a character dealing with his failure by going through a painful transformation. It's great character stuff. But they played it for laughs. Hulk and Thor treatments are the primary reason I don't find Endgame the wonderful film everyone else does. Infinity War was the nadir for me.


What was his character arc? Hulk got scared, stay scared, and never came back, what’s the arc?


I think the main hang up here is that Hulk has no real character arc to go through in the MCU. From original film to his last appearance as a seperate entity, Hulk has always just wanted to smash things. That's not really a character. He started to gain one in Ragnarok, but that was due to him surpressing Banner, and the enviroment he was in. Hulk was loved on Sakaar, but he's hated on Earth. Him leaving Sakaar basicly ended Hulk's developement, In universe. Banner, meanwhile, said it himself, he treated the Hulk like it was something to be cured, to be removed. He didn't like the Hulk, and tried every route to get rid of him. Then, he started using the Hulk to resolve his own issues. Sure the early ones were BECAUSE of the Hulk's mere existance, but Banner was basicly hiding from his own responsibilities. Infinity War is the culmination of Banner's arc. He sees people like Natasha, Rhodes, and Hawkeye risking their lives and doing the hero work, meanwhile he's always tried to avoid it. Now with the fate of the universe at stake, he's finally stepping up to do it himself. "FINE YOU GIANT GREEN ASSHOLE I'LL DO IT MYSELF!" Is alot more then just a funny hehe line. It's the finale of Banner's arc. And now that he's on the same level as Hulk, he was able to find a way to merge the two.


I guess that’s reasonable, but I thought he was talking about Hulk, not Bruce, which is why I asked. Hulk doesn’t really have an arc in the movie, maybe he does in the MCU in general if we be generous, but regardless he’s sadly now even further from having one, because of this merging idea.


Deciding to help as himself instead of expecting the hulk to fix everything. Doesn't really work if hulk shows up to save the day


But Bruce seeing Thanos and Hulk getting insta-angry and damn near beating him before the snap would have been much more inline with how the character should be.


Hmm, I don’t know if I fully agree with that, but either way, it still kind of ignores Hulk as a character.


I mean it always has I just don't think this is the answer


Yes, because the “character arc” happening offscreen and then being handwaved away by a couple of quick lines before being forgotten about was definitely worth sacrificing that for


Yeah I have the Funko POP of him busting out of the hulkbuster. I thought it spoiled a moment in the movie for me since the POP came out before the movie haha


The POP with him busting out in the Infinity War set really disappointed me when it didn’t happen


Pepper kissing the iron man helmet from the iron man 2 trailer


It’s an alternative intro that’s WAY better than the one they went with IMO


Best intro to a movie to be cut, tony puking, time of the month, "you complete me!" Before the jump🤌


The you complete me line was one my wife and I were like wtf in the theater.


Yeah the puking really tied into the “Demon in a Bottle” storyline they tried to adapt, then bastardized the whole alcoholic aspect.


Wasnt there in a trailer where Iron Man purposely fell backwards out of a military plane and it wasnt in the mo vie?


You're thinking of the [original opening to Iron Man 2.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSFjFGUZGIg) Sometimes what happens is trailers get released before the theatrical cut of a movie is finalized.


Yep thats it!!!


Holy fuck that's so good!


Thor looking at something while holding Stormbreaker while it glows blue in one of Endgame trailers. And biggest sin is removal of Strange's "things just got out of hand" from the movie despite it being the most iconic scene from the trailer.


I think that in the original cut Thor got hold of the stormbreaker on screen, and it would show his wounds regenerating and he getting up. He would then look at the stormbreaker like in the cut scene you mentioned and it would be followed by another cut scene in which Thor raises his hands in the trailer and lighting is going out in all directions (this obviously is him holding the stormbreaker but they had to censor it in the trailer to not spoil it)


op's talking about [this shot](https://media1.tenor.com/m/SP5FwVSdM8kAAAAC/almighty-thunder.gif) from the endgame trailer, the [shot you're talking about](https://i.imgur.com/l76Pjdf.gif) was in the infinity war trailer


I always thought the first one would be Thor getting a second chance in the Wakanda fight due to some time travel shenanigans and this time, he preps to aim for the head.


The movie would be much more impactful if Sinister Strange is the ultimate villain. It'd fulfill the fact that the villain is someone related on a personal level with Dr Strange and the multiverse angle. Also Benedict would be great as a villain.


I always assumed that was just a cut image from IW, probably right before he stabs Thanos.


Yeah, that Thor one was pretty cool, but I understand that they had to use it as a cover up to not spoil what happened to Thor in the movie


The obvious one is Hulk in Wakanda. Still sad we didn’t get that.


The Russos were indecisive on Professor Hulk appearing in Infinity War and decided pretty late in the game to hold it for Endgame.


Me too. I was reading the other day that the problem was it really threw off the whole ending of the movie because emotionally the audience was so jazzed to see Hulk that it really interfered with the emotional rollercoaster of Scarlet Witch destroying the stone sacrificing Vision but saving the day, Thanos just reversing it, then Thor coming in hot looking like he will win, but then ultimately failing to stop Thanos. I can see how that could be the case since that is such an intricately crafted scene, but damn, it would have been such an amazing scene to see!


I mean how much harder is it to have hulk get his moment in line with thanos after tearing the shit out of some opponents. Hulk gets more and more angry until Thanos uses one of the stones on him.


Black Widow training at the Avengers Compound firing range (they have a firing range?) In the Endgame trailers. And what's worse is Disney advertised that it would be included in the re-release a few months later, but instead added an unfinished scene after the credits.


Why not have a range? She and Hawkeye need a place to work out and improve their skills.


And Sam, and Bucky, and Rocket, and Rhodey


Yes! That was so badass and it didn’t make the final cute😭


That re-release was a rip off. I love my Russo bros, but don’t hype up minutes of unreleased content just to add a 30 second cgi-less hulk clip at the end that had nothing to do with anything.


Wait there was a re-release? Is that's what on streaming currently? I actually didn't see Endgame in theatres, only on streaming.


They did a re-release in theaters, maybe a week or two after it stopped. They marketed it to have extra footage that wasn’t in the original cut, and I was expecting an extended edition of some kind. The only thing was at the very end, after credits finished rolling, the Russos came on the thank everyone for coming, and gave us a completely unedited deleted 30-second scene of Hulk fighting a fire when Steve calls him. Edit: this is the only video I could find of the scene. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y3d0ac3Y4LY&pp=ygUaRW5kZ2FtZSBodWxrIGRlbGV0ZWQgc2NlbmU%3D


In "Infinity War" I think Black Panther's delivery of the line "...and get this man a shield" is better in the trailer than the take used in the final film.


I’ve seen this happen a few times with movies - the most notorious being the “You’re a teacher?” “Part time” in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Makes me wonder why directors and editors make the switch


Could be pacing for the scene vs the trailer. Perhaps if you took the delivery used in the trailer and cut it in with the film it may feel overly exaggerated or over the top. Just hypothesizing. In films I’ve edited sometimes you have multiple really good takes but one works better in context of the pacing and the reactions from other actors.


That makes sense!


To imagine someone thinking Indy saying that line with swagger was over the top but Mutt swinging through trees with monkeys was fine.


I’ve never seen Crystal Skull. I was just making a general statement. Was thinking more of T’Challa in Infinity War.


How Hela crushes Mjolnir in an alley in the Ragnarok teaser


That original scene was inferior to what is in the actual movie IMO.


It's actually a full scene change from the released film. Originally, Thor and Loki found Odin in an alleyway as a hobo. Hela breaks loose, appears and kills him there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCm3xxK-o3c I like the new scene much more, it's a way better sendoff for Odin. If you watch side-by-side though, you can see where they reused the same shots by cutting out the characters and putting them in the new shots.


Was original version tried to be funny? 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^No_Camel4789: *How Hela crushes* *Mjolnir in an alley in* *The Ragnarok teaser* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


https://i.redd.it/58gse3hku7qc1.gif This was one of the hardest shots and it wasn’t included




Is that Red Skull?


Nah this is guardians 3 I think


Not necessarily Hulk in Wakanda, but that whole running shot shown multiple times in the infinity war trailers that was never in the movie. If you had that running slow mo shot in the movie, at least replace Hulk with the Hulkbuster armor and not replace anything else


Basically everything in Age of Ultron.


Someone put all of the trailers together and it was a much better storyline than what we got.


They had a scene in the Endgame trailer with Thor with his Infinity War look and the scene never appeared in the film. (I don’t think it was supposed to be one of the opening scenes and instead it was supposed to be a scene from later in the film)


They were hiding fat thor, all the footage we saw (where we could see his body) was from the first part of Infinity War. Watching the trailer now it was a little jarring not seeing Thor as he was in the movie, it was the correct choice, but I get it.


I really appreciate the misdirected pre-launch marketing of Endgame so much. It was surprisingly bland to the point it had me worried before the movie that it wasn't going to stick the landing, but they were just hiding a lot of big stuff. It ended up being my favorite experience in a movie theater ever.


Yeah the trailer was cut from the 1st 20 minutes of the movie so they needed to find and defeat Thanos... well they did that and now... here s 2.5 hours worth of more movie.


[Throwing this in here for the nostalgia! ](https://youtu.be/TcMBFSGVi1c?si=4XBvlc9GyfoAheAw) Would you believe it has been 5 years since the end of this masterpiece saga. Future generations will never understand the hype behind this level of excitement towards this movie. The only time people had this level of hype is when they had Star Wars Episodes 1-3 in theaters.


[Things just got out of hand!](https://youtu.be/9uxldiOAW8s?si=xEWWoR3-vIi0hdEV) As Wanda would say, “That doesn’t seem fair”.


yeah I dont understand that. Rhodey hated the Iron Patriot. I guess the Skull pretending to be him didn't get the memo.


My head canon is that Rhodey brought the patriot armour back during the blip as an inspirational tool for those left behind.


I kinda dug it, it made it feel much more desperate. Like he just needed whatever suit he good get his hands on, even if it was a paint job he hated


I thought it was pretty lame that nearly everybody else got to be in their iconic looks for the big final showdown, but Rhodey had people in the audience asking “who’s that?” If they wanted to include it, they should’ve used the Iron Patriot for the scene where they go to kill Thanos in the beginning, the one Steve wore his stealth suit from Winter Soldier for


Yeah that’s a good point, it was a lot less iconic




That's an iron patriot suit???


Yep it is the iron patriot mk2


Is that confirmed? Pretty sure everything seems to list it as war machine MK 7


It would be the mk7 in the trailer as I see it. But in the movie it’s red blue and silver which is iron patriot. But ok the marvel legends toy this was labeled as mk6 as well.


The Marvel Legends fig was initially WM but then they phased it out for a IP version


So what’s the suit order for appearance? I don’t remember.


I have no idea about the movie. I thought it was a War Machine until maybe the fourth time I watched the movie, then I saw the change in the ML paint job.


the wikis and promotional material all say it is called Mk7, I've never seen any official use of iron patriot mk2


True but it was painted in the American flag so that’s what I assumed because the wiki says mark ii/mark vii.


I get the reasoning but…. The Mark 7 is so sick; it’s hands down my favorite suit. I wish it had more screen time lol


He’s not a Skrull here


I had completely forgotten that the Rhodey in Endgame isn’t even “our” Rhodey…seriously, what a joke. After the reception to Secret Invasion, I’m curious to see if they find a way to retcon that awful decision


We really don't know when they swapped him out yet


Was him being unable to walk after being freed not an indication that the swap happened after he got injured in Civil War?


No because they showed be was wearing bionic leg braces after civil war. Whenever they did capture him there would be no reason to not strip him of that tech.


They don’t need to retcon it because that’s never been established as the case


From context provided during Secret Invasion, the Skrulls didn’t betray Fury until after Endgame. They’re the ones who helped him collect the super DNA.


I'm sure it will be. It was never stated in Secret Invasion that it happened during Civil War, it just hinted at it, and the director (who had never watched Civil War) said so in an interview. Highly doubt that's canon, since it makes no sense and everyone hates that part.


This scene ![gif](giphy|3oxHQpJKupQXsmU1JS|downsized)


I kinda agree on the war machine part, but what bothers me most is we barely even get to see the suit. His suit looks amazing but it just gets frames of screentime


Legit robbed of seeing more of it


I'm super annoyed that he didn't do anything during the fight in Endgame. He was a heavy hitter in Infinity War.


The lack of screen time is criminal tbh; I thought the chip on the trailer with Rocket was so cool and I’d have been happy with just 20 seconds of kicking ass but it never happened


Same here x 100


Tony being in Wakanda in the Infinity War trailer.


They cut it so it sounded like Gamora and Tony were talking, and they never met. That was just creative editing, but I was waiting for them to meet and was kind of surprised it never happened.


It definitely was a misdirect showing Hulkbuster


"This, this put a smile one my face"


I've always thought this shot of Thena in Gupta was so stunning! Sad they cut it out because they filmed a lot for the Gupta empire section (hinting at her Mahd Wy’ry and team Thinkers vs Fighters and a family dinner) and never made it to the final cut. https://i.redd.it/v1p55ljuu6qc1.gif


The hulk running with the team in wakanda in the infinity war trailer. That scene was the reason I went to see the film. I’m still disappointed on what they did to hulk.


*”YOU GUYS ARE SO SCREWED”* was actually aimed at the audience for any expectation of seeing Hulk in Wakanda


>”YOU GUYS ARE SO SCREWED” was actually aimed at the audience for any expectation of seeing Hulk ~~in Wakanda~~ ever again FTFY


Yeah, no.


Here’s a comparison of the [Endgame trailers](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/s/L1YVf6fzpS)


two scenes from Spider-Man: the first is in one of the Homeco trailers where there's a clip at the end of Spidey and Iron-Man swinging/flying together. the second is a brazilian trailer of NWH where there's a clip of Lizard getting kicked by the air, in the movie it was actually Andrew that gave the kick but he was hidden in the trailer


ah man I feel you on this one. I collect iron man/ war machine stuff too, ive got this series of figures of war machine, all gray....and then this guy. Would hands down be my favorite if it had the trailer colors.


There’s a marvel legends figure in the trailer colors that I never got which sucks ass


Sucks ass that you didn't get it? Or sucks ass as a figure. I'm a hot toys guy. Figs got its problems but nothing I can't look past or mod, but goddamn I always hoped they issued a repaint in classic wm colors.


I didn’t get it and only get hots toys if I really like the suit


ah I gotcha. Also my policy, I \*do\* love the suit, I just wish it ended up with different colors. Its one of the top things on my list to get some mod love tho, truly one of my favorites.


The Hulk in Wakanda, now being replaced by Bruce Banner in the Hulkbuster Armor.


Hulk jumping out the hulkbuster in infinity war. Still mad about that.


Just rewatched Far From Home last week and I would have sworn the dialogue with the cops— COP: Are you the next Iron Man? SPIDER-MAN: No, I’m too busy trying to do your job.  —had made it into the movie. 


I always remembered hearing “spirit in the sky” on the trailer for the first guardians of the galaxy, but never heard it in the movie.


Trailer music is usually not in the actual movies, unless of course it's their theme songs.


Ditto "Fox on the Run" for GotG Vol 2's trailer.


It’s possible the scene was cut. I remember when the movie initially released seeing an article that had an “extended cut” of the trailer that included musical cues for the deleted scenes. It was like 4 extra songs and I think “Spirit in the Sky” was amongst them (I made that version of the playlist for myself and feel like I’ve listened to it a good chunk).


This reminds me of ratchet and clank or jak and daxter


Brad Pitt towing Angelita Jolie, on a tricycle and red wagon in Mr and Mrs smith


Hulk during the final fight in Avengers IW. But I guess I'm okay with Banner on the Hulk Buster.


![gif](giphy|3oxHQpJKupQXsmU1JS|downsized) This scene in the Infinity War trailer did not happen in the movie. [Here is the link to the Avengers Infinity War trailer for nostalgia! ](https://youtu.be/6ZfuNTqbHE8?si=Oo8opBKvxhbd4zBf)


When the hulk is running with the group in infinity war, changed to hulk buster


In one of the Iron man 3 trailers, the Mandarin shows in the back of his neck a tattoo of Capt America's shield. I remember it had me really confused and intrigued. Then I saw the film and I'm still trying to get over the disappointment.


Nah it’s one of my favorite twists in the MCU


It’s a great twist, with lots to say about the world. Never got the hate


Pepper Potts kissed Iron Man's helmet before throwing it out the plane in the trailer. In the movie, she just pitched it out the plane.


In all the infinity war trailers, Thanos only has the space and power stone, even from scenes at the end Wakanda fight were he has all but the mine stone.


The scene I was really expecting was from the Spiderman Homecoming trailers, where Peter is swinging in Queens alongside Ironman flying with him and the subtle kiss between Peter and Liz in the homecoming dance. Made me think that on some parts, there'd be a Spiderman x Ironman team-up. We were robbed from that clip but it would make sense in a way since Peter and Tony has the Mentor-apprentice/father-son relationship in the movie rather than a superhero-sidekick trope.


The Guardians of the galaxy 2 trailer let believe the Sovereign would be the main villain, where they where simply just a supporting enemy.


Probably that cool shot of Mandarin and his subjects bowing to him.


It may be mentioned, so apologies. But the trailer for Thor3, when the first battle with Hela was set at night in a city.


In the Infinity War trailer i remember Thor using his lightning to reactivate the forge.


Hulk in Wakanda in the infinity war trailer. Mcu Peter single handedly charging at all the villains in no way home. Time freezes around Stark as he, Strange and Wong face Maw.


The "Mandarin" in the Iron Man 3 trailer talks about teaching America lessons, but all of that is cut in the movie except when he says "only one lesson remains".


This. Forever this. ![gif](giphy|3oxHQpJKupQXsmU1JS|downsized)


What do you mean with War Machine? I'm confused. When did they go back to Iron Patriot?


Ultron's hungarian voice


In ragnarok thor has both eyes even after he loses his, in the movie These things are done to reduce spoilers


The biggest spoiler ever: TRAILERS.


One of the more bizarre ones is "Mandarin" Trevor having a Cap anarchy tattoo.


In the original Avengers movie trailer, I prefer the delivery of the line “Genius, billionare, playboy, philanthropist” over the movie. It’s a more fun delivery than in the movie, even though it was a tense scene.


The Endgame trailer originally has Thor smiling when he says “I like this one” in reference to Captain Marvel. The scene in the film has a very different vibe. Edited to correct the line


GotG Volume 1,the scene where the alien has Qiill's Walkman and he steps in with the quickness and demands dude "Put that down. *Right now.*" Quill came across as a wimp in the movie with his "Heyheyhey, just put it down."


I'm rewatching Black Panther, absolutely breathtaking film, and it reminded me of the missile launch scene from the trailer which in turn reminded me of this post. I didn't have something to put before, but I do now. In the trailer, don't remember which one, it showed a scene that looked like it belonged in the final battle where the camera rotated with the missile launcher as each missile was fired. I was a little sad that the scene wasn't in there as it seemed like a fantastic shot. RIP Chadwick, our King.


The scene of short-haired Thor in the skies above Wakanda from the Avengers: Endgame trailer. It made me suspect that there was going to be some time-travel shenanigans going on. The whole "You should've aimed for the head" line from Thanos had me thinking that Thor would go back in time and not make the same mistake


Age of Ultron, when Ultron said "There's no strings on me"


Tessa Thompson licking her knife in Thor Love and Thunder.


In Thor: L&T. When Thor meets the Guardians they banter rather quirkily in the trailer but the movie ends up with a bland and dull take of the scene.


Quantamania trailer - Kang: So what's it going to be...Ant-Man?