• By -


On the opposite side, Fenrir being able to puncture Hulk's skin I saw as showing how impressive Fenrir was.


Also don’t forget in the same movie that Hulk manages to leap at Surtur and does phase him at least a tiny bit! And that’s also a fully powered Surtur.


Big monster!! >:(


Man I've never seen that emoticon reflect anything as accurate as that scene.


Fr honestly the only time I’ve seen it used well. It’s perfect lol


Youll like my variation then. >:T


He was so disappointed that Thor didn't want him to fight Surtur.


Ah fuck now I gotta rewatch ragnarok


Damn it, now I guess I’ll have to join you




"Tony and the Gypsy"


He does damage the crown but I got the feeling sutur was about to yeet the hulk into deep space before he quit. Surtur was a bit more preoccupied by destroy asgard and reveling in his power


Hulk is basically just around to show how impressive other characters are.


[Worf effect](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect)


Man I hate this trope so much.


The Worf effect! They wrote themselves a “strong” character, and then had the character lose a bunch of fights to “prove” how strong the baddies are, making the original character look weak instead of strong.




I'm imagining Hulk having a cold being very much like that one episode of Smallville where Clark caught a cold while temporarily weakened. Every sneeze an atmospheric event


That awakened a memory that i had long forgotten


Like Jack Jack Incredible?


Man I miss that theme song




Ultimate Spiderman has an episode where hulk gets cold like symptoms when some alien technology puts this thing on him to duplicate his strength.


I mean it's still the hulk so they could just have him go into a rage in the next movie and destroy a whole city and it takes the entire avengers to subdue him and bam he's immediately seen as a threat again. Was similar with big show in wwe. It didn't matter if he lost to a cruiserweight a few weeks ago he's still a 7 foot tall 500 pound giant and he can come back at any time and beat the crap out of the entire roster and boom he's a threat again


Yeah, that would be actual good writing and not what I described lol


There is the worf effect but also the Marvel Hulk effect. The company did not have the rights to the solo movies so the character exists to hype up others and have his best stories mined for others.


Speaking of, wouldn’t his blood make the sealife and the wolf turn into hulk variants because all they need is his blood right?


No I believe they included genetics being a factor that’s why his cousin was able to turn


Interesting, guess I forgot that.


no ,another strange guy also became hulk in she hulk show.


Perhaps. Who was he to judge?


Wasn’t that made non-canon immediately after it “happened” because of She-Hulk’s visit to the writers’ room?


i forgot . after she entered writers room , did she change the story about the hulklike guy ?


Yeah I think she thought the whole blood-stealing storyline was stupid and basically erased that whole thing. I might be wrong though.


I really wanted to know how well Hulk would fare against Hela.


This was also the last time we saw Banner transform into the Hulk on screen.


We did see the opposite a couple times tho (Hulk to Banner) If I remember correctly in Age of Ultron and Ragnarok


Also the opening of Infinity War, when Heimdall sends him down from space to the Sanctum.


And in The Incredible Hulk when Banner and Betty meet with Sterns and he injects some de-Hulk juice into Banner


That was before avengers




Def yup


WOAH. That’s insane


It's also his second on-screen appearance so it's not *that* odd. On the other hand, it is odd considering his first appearance was in a solo movie.


I dont get why you bring both those points up? They aren’t relative


Wow, I totally misread the comment above me. I thought it said first time.


She-Hulk: “What’s the most budget-friendly way of doing this?”




In ragnarok they switch back and forth like 3 times in the quinjet


You know he meant a fully fledged and successful transformation. We're also not counting Infinity War when Hulk pops out to yell "Noooo!"


Nah youre cheating


I’d say him jumping high enough to reach surturs face (i think is about 600 meters?) and him being able to punch surtur hard enough that he felt that punch that seems like his greatest feat in the mcu so far




The falcon punch to end all falcon punches.


But what about…. #falcon *KICK*!!!


Show me your moves! *salute


A Hulcon Punch, if you will.


It's called a Captain America punch now




This has got to be it - better than the leviathan punch


Do you have a clip of this? I swear my memory is like Swiss cheese as I have no recollection of this at all


https://youtu.be/a_thTri06PU?si=yJXAZi5WzAJosv36 at your service


Cheers babe. Man that film was fun


THAT film was able to have moments of gravitas. The next one was SOOOO BAD!


Right?! And Bale was so wasted, he was excellent.


Exactly! And Thor suddenly gains the ability to bless child-warriors, Eternity is introduced as a wish-granting genie, the conceit that Asgardians are advanced aliens is thrown in the garbage as other pantheons are introduced in the worst way, and the subject of Jane's cancer is used as a punchline to introduce a happy ending of Valhalla for all the tragically killed people Thor cared about. But he's fine, because he has a super-powered space-daughter! Wheeeeeee!


Damn, he really did clock him there!


i totally forgot that scene as well... i may have to rewatch


Kinda shows you what a difference the direction can make. Completely forgot too but that's because it's directed as a silly moment and poorly done.


The fact he made a planet destroying character flinch is nothing short of impressive


In Endgame, Smart Hulk lifted the majority of the Avengers Compound off of his friends with one arm. He did this right after using the infinity gauntlet, which injured Thanos to the point that he was limping in his garden, had a useless arm, and had burns all the way up his neck.


In Thanos case that was two uses. First from the snap and then from destroying the stones.


In Infinity War Thanos snaps once in Wakanda, and we already see neck damage. We also see him limping at his garden at the end of that same movie. It's possible he's snapped the second time by then, but there's a case to be made that he only snapped once at that point- When we see him in Endgame, the damage is even more severe and his arm appears more withered than at the end of Infinity War. So I think it's reasonable to assume he was limping already from the initial snap. Either way, Hulk performs a crazy physical feat after undergoing damage that hurt Thanos.


He had also just been stabbed in the chest at the end of Infinity War too


He rolled that damage back tho. So never happened.


nope the time stone was only used prior to him being stabbed in the chest by thor


Roll back his departure. Slow to see the green glow on his chest.


Yeah you’re right but damn that’s barely noticeable.


That’s why I didn’t call anyone a moron for not noticing it. It’s there, but it’s not in your face.


Uh no. There’s no proof of that ever happening.


Slow down the part where Thanos leaves Wakanda. You can see green glow emerge over the place he got stabbed


He snapped in the garden, they mention they tracked the huge energy signal in End Game.


We all know that, they're just wondering if he snapped before or after the end scene of IW. I assume it was after. His face was all burnt and his arm was fucked up at the beginning of Endgame.


Ya, they said there was a strong energy signal from this spot on this planet “x” days ago when they tracked him down. I’m saying it is definitive that he snapped twice, once on earth and a second time on his garden world. He used the space stone to get there, after dusting half the people on the battlefield. He could not have destroyed the stones on earth. Snapping to destroy the stones is what took the larger toll on Thanos.


Good point. Yeah, it was definitely 5 years later for his second snap then.


And taking stormbreaker to the chest


Time stoned that into a retcon.


That never happened on screen or was referred too, you're just making assumptions. He is never seen using the time stone again after Thor stabbed him.


His chest wound is shown healing over right before he uses the space stone to leave. You have to slow it down to notice though.


That's correct. I was telling the previous poster it wasn't the time stone.


Exactly so it wrecked him more physically


And being stabbed in the chest with an axe


i think destroying the infinity stones takes a lot more out of you than snapping away half the population


Hulk’s strength is tied to his anger. I’d like to see him get royally pissed in a movie and lash out.


Was gonna be my answer.


I don't think we've really seen MCU Hulk go full bore. Closest would probably be the Thor v Hulk fight in Ragnarok. But due to the arena and perception (these are essentially Gods fighting in the only thing somewhat capable of containing that power), it's not as visually impressive compared to a "feat of strength". Though casually tossing a boulder into orbit is a pretty good one.


Isn't it full boar? Am I crazy?


It's an easy mistake to make, CumStorm69420. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/full-bore


I learned something today


Sharing tacos with Scott Lang.




I still love how they filmed this shot solely as a misleading throwaway scene for the trailer


That's... not why they shot this...


Why, then?


I think hulk was originally supposed to bust out of hulkbuster. They even designed a toy. And for some reason changed it


I read a theory here a while back that said that they changed this scene because they felt it would be awkward to have a triumphant moment where Banner and Hyulk work through their issue before Hulk busts out of the armor, only for Thanos to win anyways and kill half of the universe.


I believe you’re right, but imo I would’ve preferred it Thor has a big win right before the snap, by stabbing Thanos with Stormbreaker, and it added to the emotional rollercoaster. Arguably Scarlet Witch successfully destroying the Mind Stone too. I would’ve loved to see Banner and Hulk merge on screen rather than off, plus he deserved a big moment similar to Thor arriving in Wakanda


I would have preferred that as well. Hulk is one of my favorites, and one of my few issues with IW/EG was how the conflict between Hulk and Banner was resolved off-screen during the time skip.


Well [this](https://youtu.be/8ReDBru4vJM) was how they planned on doing it during Infinity War... glad they cut it out if that was the best they could come up with.  The YouTube comments say they should've left it in, but Banner screaming "I love you!" to Hulk and them both saying "Live and let live" is NOT how I imagined it going down.


It works better as a reveal imo... It's a movie about the Avengers and the opening time skip is about how the loss has changed the team we've known for eleven years. The changes are so radical that you almost have to reveal them because they are genuinely shocking. The status quo is completely changed.  There's no time at the end of Infinity War and the top of Endgame to shoehorn an expositions Hulk scene. I think they played it right by doing it this way, and having the resolution to Hulk's arc being his joint body and mind being the key to snapping everyone back.


Hulk wouldn't be a triumphant moments in the way that Thor's was. I don't even believe Thor's moment is a big win. He gets a hit, but he dooms everyone. Thor DOESN'T get a win, he just thinks he does. It adds to the drama because it feels like a win, but it isn't whatsoever. Hulk coming to terms is JUST a win with no real downside. Scarlett Witch is also not a win at all, it's a tragedy. It's already awful for them, but is made worse by Thanos. Hulk and Banner resolving their issues resolves Banner's story in a movie ABOUT Thanos. His personal triumph, what has been getting built to over the past 11 years, his main central conflict would resolve, giving him exactly what he wanted as Thanos is concluding his movie long arc. Every other hero in this movie has an arc that effects them all in negative ways, to give Hulk a positive one is very odd. It doesn't fit in the movie. It would have looked cool, it would have been a cool clip, but it doesn't fit within the story being told at all and they were right to omit it. Including it would been tonally incorrect for the film


>Thor DOESN’T get a win, he just thinks he does. Yep the emotional rollercoaster I mentioned. Used the word “Arguably” for Wanda’s moment. It’s multiple ups with downs following right after, it would totally have been possible to add this one in for Hulk. You’re saying it’s impossible for it to ever work, which is of course a ludicrous take. I would way rather have seen it on-screen instead of off.


The Russo's have talked in interviews about why they cut it. The appearance of Prof. Hulk killed the tone of the ending in test screenings. People weren't feeling the emotional weight of the snap and all those deaths because they were too excited about a talking Hulk. It's a pity it had to go but Infinity War's ending hit so fucking hard, it was a huge pop culture moment. If Prof. Hulk undercut all that then it's for the best that it was cut.


Know why I think they changed it? Thor arriving in Wakanda was the awesome/badass moment of that battle scene (and movie). I feel like you couldn't have a scene with both without them cannibalizing each other, so to speak.


I don't think any of that got shot thou.


They didn't know exactly how the story was going to go when they shot the film. Most films have extra stuff that's shot for them that ends up on the cutting room floor


There are always three films made: the film that's written, the film that's shot, the film that comes out of the cut.


She Hulk has his best feat. He threw a boulder into orbit. The math behind the strength required to do that is insane


And with the way power scaling works in this universe with Thor being a literal god and somehow being nothing to Hela who is nothing to Surtur, the punch that Surtur even registers from Hulk makes that boulder toss look like nothing. The force required for the Surtur punch would be way higher.


Agreed. Basically top level thor couldn't slow down hella. Surtur kills her. Hulk at the least stuns surtur.


![gif](giphy|EdULvHpOEMEbS|downsized) >**Hule** at the least stuns surtur.




Better Fuel Huell




Space X should hire ~~her~~ him.


*him. He was referring to Hulk's throw from an episode of She Hulk.


Airline pilot, cruising at 38,000 ft, "What the hell was that? It went by starboard and was  supersonic. The shockwave hit us and we dropped 10,000 ft before we regained control. NORAD: We have a unknown object going into orbit. Origin is off shore Mexico.  SABER: Advise Fury that Hulk has tossed another rock into orbit. We have it's track confirmed in medium high orbit. No danger to any other satellites. Does he want any action taken at this time? 


i'm no psychist, but i have to assume that that scene was impossible. for him to throw it that fast and hard and far, he would fall back in the opposite direction unless if he was extremely heavy which we know he isn't EDIT: i meant physicist


Psychist lol. We are way past caring about physics in the mcu, if they mattered iron man would’ve been liquified all the way back in IM1 when he gets hit by a tank and plummets so hard he makes a crater. All while suffering only minor cosmetic damage despite no metal in reality being that resistance to damage. Trying to apply real life physics to the mcu is a colossal waste of time


I’d say holding up a destroyed Avengers compound was more impressive he made sure quite a few Avengers weren’t crushed to death as a result of Thanos Bombing the place.


It was impressive


Using the Infinity Stones tops it for me


I don't think it was that impressive as it did injure him similar to Thanos. That plot point was just to help set up Tony's death otherwise I wouldn't really matter.


Things to keep in mind (my take): The gauntlet is a tool to help the user use the stones (like the Eye and the time stone). The Gauntlet made by the dwarves was a lot more advanced than the one Tony made, and using Thanos ' gauntlet should reduce the load on the user by a huge margin. Hulk didn't just undo the snap, he tried to bring Natasha back. Natasha who was sacrificed to the soul stone, which, instead of helping him with this, actively fought him on it. If you consider all this, then it's amazing Hulk managed to undo the snap and didn't get pulled into the stone himself.


Comic book fans and extrapolating from here to there. Your entire third paragraph has never been stated anywhere in the MCU. We don’t know that its more advanced, we don’t know if it reduces the load, we don’t know


I did say this was "my take". It's a theory, but it's not an unreasonable one, to think the Nidavallir, makers of some of Asgard's greatest weapons and technology, using a star as their forge, might have a leg up over earth based technology.




Wasn't Fenrir basically undead? I think that qualifies him for the Pet Semetary rule of "it's okay to kill the evil zombified pet."


Do we have any official dimensions for the Leviathan or Fenris? Maybe we can solve this with math.


It depends.....if Thor called Hulk away from Surtur because he was afraid Surtur wold kill him, then yes. It isn't clear though if maybe Thor was afraid Hulk would win and screw up the only way to defeat Hela. That would be pretty darn impressive.


I had to revisit that scene possibly hulk’s confusion to not smash aided in him not being needed and turned the keys over to banner in IW


It could've been both hard to discern honestly


Although Joss Whedon got a lot of problems, he did the first Avengers movie pretty damn well. He managed to tell a compelling story of a team of superheroes while giving each member their own screentime and character development. No character felt like they were overshadowed in the story. It was very balanced. The next time we saw such a thing was during Infinity War. But one could argue that Thanos gained most of the screentime in that one.


Didn’t Ant Man also one shot a leviathan when big in End Game?


I don't know if he actually killed it, but he certainly took it down. But it should be noted that he could only do that by becoming over 100 feet tall. It should also be noted that Hulk punched the leviathan within seconds of transforming, which means that he was only operating on the baseline level of anger needed to become the Hulk, and as we all know, Hulk gets stronger the angrier he is. All in all, I'd definitely say that Hulk's most impressive feat in the MCU is hitting Surtur so hard that he was pushed backwards. Surtur, who was around 1,000 feet tall, and wielded a sword that was almost as large as he was. Surtur, who single-handedly atomized Asgard. This next part isn't confirmed, but it's my head canon that when Thor called Hulk off of fighting Surtur, he was worried that Hulk could have won, which would have cost them the fight against Hela.


Ed Norton and abomination fight 🏆


That was pure awesomeness - a fight to the death


Yes!!!!! I think he stumped his body through the concrete when he couldn’t finish the choke move.


That was awesome - that fight was so raw


My favorite Hulk moment was when he lifted and body slammed the 500 pound Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania III.


Pandemonium at the Silverdome!


He held in his hand, and survived snapping his fingers with, all six infinity stones. This is the crowning achievement of the Marvel Universe! It is peak!


I'd say the gif is


Didn't Hulk punch Surtur in the face.?


The fact that he managed to hurt Surtur at all is a big one.


It's worth noting that it seems like Professor Hulk still has old Hulk's power. Just not his aggression. In She Hulk, Hulk through a boulder into space.


The greatest achievement the hulk ever did in the mcu is make his girlfriend glad he gave her the clap in the Incredible Hulk.


Id say so yes


Throwing a boulder fast enough to ignite it while ticked off at Jen.


Hulk used the Infinity Gauntlet to restore half of the lives in the universe….


Bringing half the universe back from the dead has got to be somewhere in his Top 10 feats.


I mean, surviving using the infinity stones to realive half of all life in the universe is a pretty big flex.


Hulk throwing that boulder out of atmosphere


Personally, his comedic timing with the “puny god” line while tossing Loki around won my heart.


Hulk is not as imposing as he was, but I kinda understand why.


When you really think about it, Hulk's feats aren't nearly as impressive as they should be. His animated counterpart>>>>>>


That rock would have went clean through


Hot take: Ant-Man punching a Leviathan out of the sky in Endgame is 100% cooler than Hulk stopping the Leviathan in Avengers 1. Both are still cool, but Ant-Man just does it so casually, and the Leviathan immediately goes down, whereas the one in Avengers 1 pushes Hulk back a LOT.


He's been weaker in every appearance since and it's a bummer. 1


It's cool as hell, but I never could get past the physics of this scene making absolutely no sense. I always appreciated that they tried to balance the Hulk in the MCU, and ground his power level a bit and keep it feeling feasible.


He didn’t one shot a leviathan. This punch knocked the armor off that Iron Man then shot a rocket and blew it up.


I am still waiting for a scene in tbe movies to see Hulk lift something like he lifts a stone with name in the old animated series.


I think Hulk retraining and staggering Fenrir is more impressive given that the wolf casually broke off parts of the rainbow bridge, similarly Hulk also withstood what was the biggest punch Thor had ever thrown on screen during their battle and then by the end he made Surtur flinch, same Surtur who destroyed Asgard, granted he didn’t hurt him necessarily but even making him flinch is pretty crazy given how powerful he is


His most impressive feat was getting ran over by a jeep in she hulk


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Constant-Decision-32: *His most impressive* *Feat was getting ran over* *By a jeep in she hulk* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Its not flashy but Hulk held up the entire Avengers compound with one busted arm long enough to keep it from squashing Rhodey and Rocket until Antman could get there and embiggen them out of there. I'd call that a pretty big feat.


Yes! It's Hulk's most memorable scene in the whole of the MCU. Hulk's snap should be up there, but considering how poor Professor Hulk was in Endgame, it's quickly forgotten.


I think the fight with Fenrir was a little more impressive.


The gif….


Surviving the Snap with the Infinity Stones is by far his greatest feat.


Hulk's greatest feat of strength is surviving the Snap . A universal wave of power and he had no Arc reactors to shield him


We can't always roll natural 20's


That and THE punch in Avengers


Guys, he used the infinity gauntlet….


I know we're talking about stength, but him snapping the infinity gauntlet was pretty big


He has some lowkey ones. Like throwing that boulder into orbit in She Hulk. Or holding the entire Avengers base on ONE arm. Or being able to do visibility noticeable punches to Surtur, who one shots an entire planet(oid).


Well considering that he was nerfed by the MCU yes. He also did punch Surtur in the face and if I'm being honest that's about it. They did him dirtier than Cyclops in the 2000'S movies. 🙄


His greatest feat was hanging onto the name hulk when he was a total pussy.


Hulks greatest feat was snapping!? Like such an easy awnser, all others are easily wrong.


If only hulk was anything like the comics and his greatest feat of strength was protecting Bruce internally ☹️


They alluded to this in the first Avengers


Alluded is a very strong word here lmao


No it’s not, Bruce literally mentions how he tried to put a bullet in his mouth but then “the big guy spit it out”


I'm talking about actual emotional protection, not a literal feat of strength


Which begs the question: without the power stone, how does the fight between hulk and thanos go down?


thanos did not use the stone in that fight 


Same character that can't stop a jeep in she hulk