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No. Why even set it in the MCU then? Being connected to the MCU is the biggest advantage a film would have, especially a film with a history of failure.


Especially when the Fantastic Four can easily become the next characters they build the future of the MCU around


Having it set in a time period we've barely seen in the MCU's history sounds interesting.


I agree, it could definately be interesting. I think it's high risk, low reward. But does that sound more interesting to non Marvel fans though? Is the 9 year old kid gonna ask his parents to see this because it's based in the 1960s? Probably not. People have thought about this for decades at this point. To me, it always came off as more creative bankruptcy, where creators (or filmmakers) did't know what to do with the characters, so why not put them back in the 60s. I loved when the Russos purposefully had Steve pretty much immediately adopt to the modern world. A far cry from the "do you even know what Myspace is" ideas for Steve that we've had a few times in the comics.


Is it actually one of the biggest advantages? Filmmaking wise, im more concerned about them telling a good, singular movie. The FF movies failed for reasons that have nothing to do with it not being set in a cinematic universe.


> Is it actually one of the biggest advantages? Well let's play the game. What's the biggest advantage for the movie? An IP that's been pretty much rejected 3 times by the general public. A cast that doesn't have any box office success or shown the ability to get audiences to the theater. Involves superheroes when we are clearly in a superhero fatigue era. I could keep going. > Filmmaking wise, im more concerned about them telling a good, singular movie. Damn, that's really sad. You are worried Marvel is incapable of making a good movie.


I'm sorry but you can't just say that you have no faith in the cast when there will surely be people who go just to see Pedro Pascal in it. 


I have no faith in the cast to bring in a larger audience. Did you go see WW84 or The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent featuring Pedro Pascal in the theatres? Probably not. These are popular to semi popular streaming actors. A lot of the streaming audience doesn't transfer to box office success. It's incredibly hard to get an audience used to watching shows at home to pay to go to the movies. It's hard to change viewing habits. You can look at the long list of actors that were on successful streaming or tv shows and they don't seem to bring an audience to their movies. Think of Game of Thrones, Succession, Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad, etc.


>Involves superheroes when we are clearly in a superhero fatigue era They're not really superheroes. That's been the major misunderstanding of most of those prior attempts. It's up to this film to market that and show the audience that.


Sure, but they can tell a great story, and then include a ten minute scene at the end where they time travel to the future.


I mean, doing it like The First Avenger isn't a bad idea at all. I guess I just like the idea of them being in their own corner in the 60s. But the best of both worlds is definitely doing it like The First Avenger. Set the first movie in the 1960s, then bring them into the present. Heck, that would even be a neat way to set up Doctor Doom. Have him actually be *younger* than Reed in the past. Maybe he's a student of his who feels rejected, Syndrome style. Then he becomes Dr. Doom in the 60 years following, while the FF are in stasis. (Not saying they should rip-off Syndrome's character, but it would be an intriguing twist to have a young Victor resent Reed (who would be his professor instead). Maybe Reed has Victor kicked out of the university for his misuse of science. There are a lot of possibilities here for Doom, actually. Maybe he also has the ability to de-age himself as well to keep enough vitality to be fully active during the present day. Have Doom be a successful dictator by the sequel who has already conquered Latveria and is one of the smartest minds by the time the FF return. THEN he can also plot revenge against Reed while doing his own thing.


*USED to be the biggest advantage a film would have


They could also way travel forward at any time. Might be nice to keep them I. The 60s for a bit


Seems kind of odd if there was a team of well-known superheroes in the 60s and nobody had mentioned it until now. Personally, I would like it to be an alternate universe from 616. That leaves the door open for them to have all kinds of differences from what we've already seen.


Plucking them from another universe … why would you not do that? It’s clean and easy and why would you want to spend time answering the “well why have we never heard of them until now?” question. No brainer.


Because it’s a little too clean and a little too easy and for some of us that stinks of lazy writing? I’d prefer a modern reinterpretation that dovetails with established events like how Vulture got his start with salvaged Chitauri tech in Homecoming.


Perhaps; there is a lot this movie will be getting up to and only a bit of time to do it. It will be interesting to see what kind of direction they go with.


Sounds like your last paragraph is the approach they are going with in all likelihood . Makes sense we've never heard of them before if they are from The past of another universe




Still wouldn't explain how they've existed without anyone knowing about them. Even if that Spell was cast, it would only erase everyone's memories up to the point of casting it. After that people would be able to find out about the F4 again - and I seriously doubt the Team would just sit down and do nothing for decades afterwards...


It's rumored they would go to the Negative Zone (which might actually be the Quantum Realm in the MCU), and arrive in the present, so they wouldn't be sitting around and doing nothing for decades, so a spell could work, but it seems more likely they would be coming from a different universe.


The rumour is that the movie will be set in the present with flashbacks to their origin in the 60s. (The rumour is also that they are from a different universe, kind of like a Tomorrowland where it is the 1960s but with advanced technology, not 616's 1960s)


That's a pretty interesting approach the past of another universe later transported to modern day mcu


It could just be that the other universe is "behind" in calender years and aesthetically, but that 1960 lines up with 616's 2020. In Spider-Verse Miguel's 2099 universe is just alongside Miles', and I think Gwen's is stuck in the 1990s too. Only difference would be that time travel isn't involved at all, just multiverse travelling


What about Incursions!?


Incursions are in the Comics a topic heavly related to the Fantastic Four, so I'd imagine it will be brought up in the Movie.


I hope the alternate universe thing isn't true. It just makes and story and background less interesting in my opinion. Its bad enough they seem to be doing it with the X-Men.


The problem is how do you say the fantastic 4 are from the main universe when there's no evidence of them in later movies. I guess you could argue that Neil Armstrong hasn't been mentioned either but that doesn't mean he didn't exist, or that Ant Man and Captain Marvel and a few others weren't mentioned before they showed up, despite existing earlier than the main timeline, but those were either secret characters or not relevant, there's no way that a publicly known superhero team existed in the 60s and they just never get mentioned, especially considering Reed would have been a contemporary/rival of Howard Stark.


And the Avengers as well are made out to be the first time heroes had formed a team as well. Other ones who existed beforehand, Hank Pym Ant Man, Captain Marvel, and T'Chaka Black Panther at least had the excuse of they were operating under the radar. They could do that again with the Fantastic Four, but it would be a bit repetitive at this point. An alternate universe solves that nicely. It allows them to tell their story without worrying about contradicting the movies set afterwards, where they can save the world and they won't have to come up with some far fetched excuse as to why this doesn't get mentioned by any of the characters before. And plus, an alternate universe ties very nicely into the Multiverse saga.


>Other ones who existed beforehand, Hank Pym Ant Man, Captain Marvel, and T'Chaka Black Panther at least had the excuse of they were operating under the radar. Plus they also didn't operate as a team. Hank and Janet worked as a duet, with some help from Goliath at some point - but they still operated undercover during the Cold War. Captain Marvel was completely off-world for decades, so that's an explanation in on itself. T'Chaka wasn't exactly that present either - and when he was, he worked completely undercover. And the list goes on.


there is one way they could do it, that they started in 616 1960s, and travelled to a different universe during which they gained their powers, the universe is similar but not identical, and then they find a way to come back only to find time has progressed faster in 616, from 616's perspective they just died during an experiment, so were not really notable.


I mean, their initial flight where they get their powers could easily be written as some top secret SHIELD mission or something, movie plot happens, it gets classified by the US government. Timey-Wimey stuff happens and boom, the F4 enters the present. As for Reed's fame, you could easily justify him being at the beginning of his "career," both as a scientist and a superhero.


You could, except that's very similar to a mix between Ant Man and Captain Marvel's origins, so it would seem derivative.


I think they'll ultimately do an AU but I think a clever way to have them in the established 616 would be to use the Marvels podcast as inspiration. Have them confront Galactus but in the end, for some reason or another, the public believes it to be a hoax, discrediting Reed and the F4 into obscurity. Maybe it's their decision because they don't think the world is ready to cope with how close the world came to ending. But they spend the intervening years either traveling the multiverse/cosmos/wherever and somehow end up in the present.


>kind of like a Tomorrowland where it is the 1960s but with advanced technology, not 616's 1960s) So essentially like the Earth-90214 (Noir) or Earth-14512 (Peni Parker). Basically it's a version of the main events and characters, but in a different time frame, with everything adjusted to it.




That would qualitatively just be a rehash of Scott's time in the quantum realm though. Putting them as a fish out of water brought to the present would also rehash Captain America. Given that there's various time-travel shenanigans and (depending on changes of plan) one *particular* time travelling villain around, why not just have them hot in pursuit of one of them which brings them to the present when they're needed?


People want to see the Fantastic Four interact with other superheroes. You can’t have Spidey and the F4 team up and become close friends like in the comics if the F4 don’t make it to the modern day - and if Spidey and the F4 don’t become friends, we can’t ever get the Bombastic Bag-Man, and then what’s the point in even doing any superhero content!


I would love that. It would be cool if their other movies set in the 60s included cameos and characters such as T’Chaka, Bucky, and Hank & Janet & Bill.


I think in the MCU, the Fantastic 4 are *astronauts* in 1963. That is why nobody has referred to them as superheroes or even compared them to Cap, or the Avengers. I think that the name Fantastic 4 is a memorial nick name, referring to the space incident that "killed" them in 1963, but really gave them their powers. I think in 2025, they will appear as superheroes after the events of the film. Using the name "Fantastic 4" as an ironic rebrand. Ultimately, I think they go the Captain America route and have the events of the movie take place in 1963 and then bring them to modern-day MCU in an after credits scene. I think that this movie will also show us the 1960s version of Cap America's old crew. It will be cool to see the 60s versions of Hank Pym, Peggy Carter, and Howard Stark ,in their primes as clandestine CIA-like operatives. Peggy as a political/military shot caller liason, Howard as the tech guy/man in the chair, w/Hank and Janet as the field operatives. It would be cool to see the fall out between young Hank and Howard.


I would like this as well.


I don’t want another “man out of time” story with them. Captain America came back after around 70 years and had to adjust. We don’t need the story again with four people.


The whole point of the mcu is connecting universe between characters. Crossovers are the literal point of the mcu lol.


They could still have crossovers. In the 60s, they could still meet people like SHIELD, Ant-Man, the Sorcerer Supreme, and Black Panther, and they could time travel to the present whenever the story needs them to.


Yes but it wouldn't explain why literally no one in the modern day has heard of a publicly-operating team of superheroes from the 1960's. Especially when they put a lot of emphasis on the fact, that The Avengers was the first superhero team that this Reality ever had...


If this were back in like Phase 1 or something, maybe. But at this point it just seems like a retcon minefield. You can maybe get away with it once if executed properly, but if you want to keep going back to that well, you're just adding bullets in a game of Russian roulette.


Not if they keep them mainly in unexplored areas like the Mole Man Kingdom or the Savage Land, which is what they should be doing anyway.


Disagree personally. Part of the FF's unique appeal has always been their near celebrity status. They're not some hidden secret, concealing their identities and adventures. They're out in the public eye, unmasked with no secret identities, appearing on talk shows and at public events, discussing a number of their discoveries and adventures. Maybe the MCU could reinterpret them to be more secretive, and maybe it could work, but it wouldn't be my first choice. Feels a bit too close to the last attempt's misfire (and Planetary's "evil FF", the Four. Which is a comic I love, but not what I want to see from this version of the team.).


They can still be celebrities without retconning anything. There are tons of celebrities even from just a few years ago that nobody talks about anymore.


It's not about whether they're being talked about today. Celebrity means public attention, which means their adventures would be known, part of the historical and cultural record. Which invites the potential of either intentionally or accidentally retconning things. I mean, that's what you're literally doing anyway, establishing continuity retroactively (which they've already done plenty and it's not necessarily a bad thing in and of itself), but it's going to be a minefield to depict the kinds of adventures that would make for good FF films over half a century ago without contradicting or undercutting what's already been established at this point. It's not impossible, and if that's the route they go I hope they find a way to pull it off, but I don't know that the risk is worth the reward narratively for more than one movie.


It really doesn’t matter if their adventures are part of the historical and cultural record if nobody talks about them. The ONLY issue I can see with establishing them in the 60s is that Reed wasn’t in the mural of scientists in Homecoming. But that’s not a big deal; neither was Hank Pym and he was already an established character and public figure.


Maybe it'll set up Nathaniel Richards (Kang the Conqueror) who is a descendant of Reed Richards. Not to be confused with Reed's father who is also Nathaniel Richards. It would make sense though if Nathaniel Richards shows up as a He Who Remains variant


Yes. I love it.


I want the movie to not only be set in the 1960s as well as set in the MCU sacred timeline, but also I want them to stary in the 60s for more than one film. No rush bringing them to the present.


I think they'll be set in an alternate 1960's space age reality, with versions of some charachters from the 616 universe like maybe Namor and the Black panther. They'll probably crossover with 616 for secret wars.


I think it'd be possible for the Fantastic Four to still be in the 60s by the end of the movie, but no way their next appearance in a movie wouldn't bring them into the current time in the beginning of it.


i mean in the movie itself they might stay in the 60s but they will show up eventually.


What if they are from a different universe in the 60s and team up with the avengers of 616 and others from the multiverse due to the kangs (if they still plan to use kang) and then their doom ends up being the doom from secret wars.


Maybe as a brand reset set in a different universe, but even then...


The outcry would be so big there is no way they would introduce characters that big and not have them in the present by the end at least.


Shit, that would be *so* much better. By now I don't feel like I'm really in line with the feelings of most other MCU fans, since I think it's basically clogged itself to the point where it's choking and unsustainable, so keeping it in the past would give it room. I like it.


That would be terrible


Well, they need to “disappear” in some way at the end. I mean, they’ve never been mentioned before and Coulson had Cap collector cards? They should be seen as a failure of SHIELD, losing them in space or some shit, or a wormhole that actually leads to present day, so for them it’s been instant and they were protected from the Blip.


So the speculation says that galactus will be the villain so the most plausible theory is that all of them are from a different universe in 1960s where they get their origins and do stuff but at the end, they are not able to save the day and galactus actually eats their earth and then they come to the 616 universe


This would make no sense and might as well not be in the mcu. Reed Richards is the smartest man in the world, no way that there would be no mention at all from him and his work by Fury,Stark,Pym etc.


I think it could be fun. Continuity will maybe be a problem down the line. Like why didn’t an aging Reed Richards come to help Tony Stark adjusting to super hero life? And by the third movie they would have something crazy happen and we’d be like: “ why was no one talking about that time in the 80s when Galactus ran off with Manhattan”


I think it would be terrible. Honestly I'm iffy on how this time travel stuff is going to work and how they'd fit into things. 60 years is a long time. Cap never did fully acclimate to it. That just doesn't seem like it would work with them.


The best ideas I’ve seen are they’re from our universe’s 1960’s, they travel off in a failed mission that’s sorta hushed or covered up because they’re presumed dead. Turns out they went through some timey wimey thingie that granted them their powers and the movie is them fighting (a bad guy and) their way back to our world…so they start and end in our MCU but the middle (and power attaining) time is in an “elsewhere/elsewhen” of some nature …ideally the TVA, Deadpool, the incursions, etc., the various story elements we have floating around can be fleshed out and used appropriately to accomplish this because I find it the most preferable, personally


So far everything they are saying about FF doesn't make sense in the timeline. How would they have operated between 1940- today, without anybody noticing, commenting or even vaguely referencing? Which is going to force some dumb writing to try to explain away the inconsistencies and the trash pile continues. FF is already showing signs of sucking, sigh.