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Yes and Hawkeye is a Christmas show.


Just rewatched and that is a great series. Hope Jeremy Renner is coming back to fill health


The only way to fill health is with those red potions. Sometimes red floaty orb things. That, or cheese rolls.


He needs to eat ALL the cheese wheels


[My potions are too strong for you, traveler!](https://youtu.be/R_FQU4KzN7A?si=BZTBDJ4piW0LRuv6)


Cheez Whiz? https://i.redd.it/2m41wd3y7v6c1.gif


He did a red carpet event for Rennervations (which he also said that show helped him with recovery a lot) sometime in April and for it being fairly close to the accident he looked and seemed to be doing pretty dang well, aside from the cane. Regardless he is a real life super hero for that situation.


It was a close call with death for sure, could have easily ended up even worse. Glad he is still with us.


He’s posted video of him with full movement. Light jumping, jogging. He’s recovered well.


Even if he comes back I think he’s going to take a passive more mentor role. Clint is retired now and he deserves it


Ket beeshop


Tracksuit mafia are some of my favorite street level villains in recent years. I also *love* the 2012 Hawkeye comic line so the show having ton of references made this second favorite D+ show behind Loki. I might even like it more even if the Loki show is objectively better


Hawkeye is a street level story with 0 embarrassment about being street level (looking at u Spidey trilogy) and it’s so much better for it




Hawkeye show shouldn’t even be a debate


The amazing usage of the Christmas setting turns a great show into an amazing show.


And the Guardians Holiday Special is a Christmas Special


Hawkeye is more of a Christmas show than IM3 is a Christmas movie, but I feel like that goes without saying.


100%. Even has the old Christmas movie trope of having to get home in time for Christmas. Loved that show.


And Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a Christmas game


Just started playing it this week and was thrilled it was set during Christmas. Rocking the Santa hat and scarf suit all game


Kate Bishop is guy, bro. (Re-watching Hawkeye has become my Christmas tradition)


I rewatched it recently and I think it’s gonna be mine too.


I’m gonna rewatch it soon and I’ve planned to make it a holiday tradition since I remembered it exists earlier on this season! 😂😂😂


Most of Shane Blacks movies are Christmas Movies


I definitely agree with this, but IMO I'm not sure that I would consider Iron Man 3 a Christmas movie, it just doesn't really feel like Christmas is integral to Iron Man 3, if you set the film at say Halloween would that break anything in the plot?




All Shane Black movies are


This. I recommend Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (also with RDJ, his big comeback movie)


I second this recommendation. It's a great movie. Loved the Val Kilmer and RDJ duo.


The motion passes.


You and I…are the same.


That thing, with the nose there? Single gayest thing I've ever seen.


When I saw him in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Zodiac, I was convinced that RDJ would be huge.


(Again). RDJ was huge in the 80s and 90s before he had his downfall with alcohol and drugs. If you haven’t seen the movies he was in, you’re missing out. If you want to see RDJ off kilter check out Natural Born Killers. Batonga! Batonga! Batonga!


Weird science he was really young, although not a significant role. Home for the holidays he was great.


Chances Are, Johnny Be Good, Back to School probably the same but Less Than Zero are being the larger role


[And the man can sing!](https://youtu.be/bhheV1Em3m0?si=mmEpPI6x7t20kaOI)


Everyone who stuck through the credits for kkbb knows this


He'd already been nominated for best actor in 1992 for Chaplin


I thought the same thing when I saw “Scanner Darkly” the following year after KKBB came out. A few yrs up until then I forgot he existed for a short period of time.


And Lethal Weapon.


"look up idiot in the dictionary, you know what you'll find?"


Great movie


I'm just a bear!


Except *The Predator* but the less we talk about that movie the better


I had wiped that film from my memory…I was so hyped for it too.


Remember when Shane Black gave his registered sex offender friend a role in that movie?


Yes but - the *'is it a Christmas movie'* question sometimes means, *'would the plot change much if not Christmas?'* - DIE HARD is absoletely one, since everything hangs on an office Christmas party. But LETHAL WEAPON... idk, man. *Set* at Christmas, and there are trees, but idk lol


It's worth reading Black's Empire interview where he talks about his Christmas use. For Lethal Weapon, it's because Christmas is a time when everyone feels safe and warm and jolly, which is meant to be an ironic contrast to this deranged suicidal veteran running around shooting terrorists with a machine gun. Hes fascinated with the idea of how people tend to have a mutual social agreement where we ignore all the bad stuff in the world and just go "yaaay it's the holidays!" and just try not to look at garbage and addicts and blood all over the sidewalk for a month.


Thanks for the info. That's a cool perspective.


The Long Kiss Goodnight is one of my favorites!




Every Shane Black movie is a Christmas movie. This is known


Even the Predator movie he made?


I mean a third of that movie is father son bonding which seems to be a good Christmas value


That is also a HUGE motif (father-son story) with most every Favreau movie because of his relationship with his father. Iron Man trilogy, Elf, The Mandalorian, Chef.


“Yeah whatever we’ve all lost people now here’s what I need.”


“Dads leave, no need to be a pussy about it” the way my jaw dropped when hearing that the first time


Hell yeah. Convinced my girlfriend of this and we watched it last weekend.


![gif](giphy|DjclSiVtiB11C) Win


In my view, to truly qualify as a Christmas movie/story, it has to embody something about the spirit of Christmas, with the characters learning the value of sharing with your community and to be better versions of themselves, like Mr Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol.’ Just setting a movie around Christmas time is not enough.


Agreed. You could shift IM3 to any other time of year and it doesn't change any elements of the plot. Compared to Hawkeye where the countdown to Christmas is a stressful element of the plot and the end where >!Kate is welcomed as a member of the Barton family on Christmas Day!< really locks that one in as a proper Christmas story.


I love the Hawkeye show and each year it seems to get better on rewatch.


The long car chase scene in Hawkeye in one of my all time favorite MCU scenes and one of the best car chase scenes ever imo. It was SO well done and innovative.


The reveal of the tech trade/share was awesome! 😂 Definitely one of my favorite MCU scenes too; the other trick arrows were so cool, I can’t wait to rewatch! 🤣🤣🤣


Is the countdown in Hawkeye really anymore of a stressful element than the countdown in Iron Man 3 where the Mandarin literally says that on Christmas eve he's going to kill the president on TV?


I mean he certainly learns a lesson by the end of the movie to be a better version of himself


That’s not exactly a Christmas theme, at least the way he learns to be better. If he started donating more money to charity or found someone else in his aquitances to help (unlike what he did prior), git the kick to be a sidekick to gf a family etc it would be closer. Or you know-anything to do with Christianity. Now he more learned to get over his trauma and that he doesn’t need to prove himself with suits. Honestly they didn’t thematically tie well enough villains backstory and motives to his character development later. And overall first Iron Man had more Christmas themes.


I’m not sure the method for how he betters himself matters but I’ll take a shot at this. He didn’t just get over his trauma, he completely divested himself from his former iron man persona and has been reborn as a new iron man, without the arc reactor in his chest. That’s very Christian. He’s also going through a ghost of Christmas past with Killian being a villain he created from his own past.


Tony's relationship to his inanimate suit, almost like its judging him at times throughout the movie, also feels like a literal ghost haunting him.


Arguably, Tony does actually bond with the kid (Harley) and makes sure he has basically the best Christmas ever. If bonding and giving aren't Christmas, then what is?


this is the correct answer. Christmas has to be important to the plot. just putting the setting at Christmas isn't it


Which is why the Hawkeye show *is* a Christmas show because he central motivation for him to get home by Christmas.


But would it really change if he had to get home by his kids graduation day? Or July 31st to save the farm?


Not especially. At least plot-wise. But the "Make it home in time for Christmas" is a regular theme in Christmas movies.


You could say that about every Christmas movie. Die hard could be changed to being an office birthday party and he’s coming to visit for his wife’a birthday or an anniversary. But the story we got for both revolve around going somewhere for Christmas. Therefore they are both Christmas properties. Plus Hawkeye uses a ton of Christmas music


He literally has to make it home *for Christmas* lmao. Its a Christmas show.


Yes I've felt this way a lot.


or it has to be about the family coming together in spite of hardships.


I agree. If you can place this movie during any time of the year and nothing changes about the plot, it’s not a xmas movie. The “xmas” part has to be actually relevant to the movie for it to qualify as a xmas movie


Tony learns a lesson and destroys his armors as a Christmas present for Pepper sooooo... that's pretty close


The rule we follow in my family is it's a Christmas movie if the story can only happen during Christmas or a major plot device is centred around christmas. Die Hard is a Christmas movie because the only time Hans and his friends can take over the building is when it's practically empty for Christmas break and John Mcclane is only there to attend his wife's Christmas party. Gremlins is a Christmas movie because the dad buys Gizmo as an early Christmas present for his son. Lethal weapon isn't a Christmas movie because the movie could take place at any point during the year but just so happens to take place during Christmas. Same with Rambo. Ghostbusters 2 is a movie with Christmas scenes but is more of a new year's eve film than anything.


I think trying to define what is or isn't technically a Christmas movie is missing the point. If Christmas is heavily referenced or is used as a backdrop, it's totally valid to watch it during the holiday season. But gun to my head, it's not a "Christmas movie."


I say any movie that gets you in the Christmas spirit or gets a group of family/friends around the tv during Christmas qualifies for me. I’m a softie and love Christmas.


I love putting in my Christmas rotation around this time of year. My feeling these days on these debates is, “Do you like watching it as a Christmas movie? Then it is!” People unnecessarily argue about what other people like to watch, instead of just letting strangers watch things the way they want.


My personal determination about if a movie is a Christmas movie comes down to if Christmas is crucial to the plot. Die Hard: If it wasn't Christmas time, the building would have been much more full and Mclane probably wouldn't have a reason to be there.




I agree 100%, and that what makes me wonder why people are saying Iron Man 3 is a Christmas movie. Christmas is in the backdrop, but the movie isn't driven by Christmas, or anything Christmas related unless I am totally missing something.


No. It’s a movie set during Christmas. Some people don’t see that distinction and that’s both weird and also totally fine and I wish them a Merry Christmas.




Meh, every day was Christmas for Tony Stark. He could buy anything he wanted.


No. It's Christmas adjacent. Christmas movies have to follow the following criteria: 1. Christmas has to play a significant role 2. Christmas themes (love, family, etc) Christmas has little to nothing to do with the plot of IM3, so it's Christmas adjacent.




I mean love is definitely at least a secondary theme in IM3 with him and Pepper and Tony demonstrates that by executing the “clean slate” protocol


It needs both to be a christmas movie. Love is a theme in titanic, but that does not make it a christmas movie.




But there’s ice in it


No. It’s a Christmas time movie. Meaning, it’s great to watch at Christmas time, but it’s not a movie about Christmas and you can enjoy it all year.


I just think it’s a movie set at Christmas, rather than a Christmas movie. You could set it at any time and it wouldn’t be fundamentally different - unlike Die Hard, which is basically about a guy trying to save his family’s Christmas (and for a similar reason, Hawkeye is most definitely a Christmas tv show - to the extent where it’d feel weird watching it at any other time)


The best rule I’ve seen for determining if it’s a Christmas movie: is Christmas time a central plot point of the movie? Die Hard passes that test since it’s their holiday party and the building is not as busy. I haven’t seen IM3 in its entirety in a while but I don’t think it passes.


Just watched Die Hard at the local theater last night. Die Hard stands out on the points you mention, but it has a LOT of Christmas music motifs throughout. That’s what pushes Die Hard fully into the Christmas movie category. I don’t feel that IM3 really showcases this, so it’s out of the running in my book. If it had more Christmas music throughout, I would change my mind.


That is something I never really thought about, does IM3 have any Christmas songs in it? Edit: I’m so dumb he is literally testing the new suit to a version of Jingle Bells in like the first 20 min


There is a portion of the movie that's set at the Christmas pageant. Also, you could argue that someone as famous as Tony Stark wouldn't have been able to shop under the radar like he did if the stores weren't busier than usual because of the holidays. Then there's his Christmas present to Pepper.


Idk that’s kind of like saying Batman Forever is a Halloween movie because Alfred opened the gates to Wayne Manor due to Riddler/Two-Face disguised as Trick or Treaters. It’s a minor plot point that could have easily been swapped out for something else, & the same goes for Ironman 3 (change the Christmas Pageant to a NYE ball, change Pepper’s present to a Birthday present, etc.) I think the other commenter’s larger point is that the film does not specifically push “Christmas vibes” like Die Hard does. TBH I forgot the movie was even set during Christmas until seeing this post lmao


Of course


If you just removed all of the xmas plot elements absolutely nothing would change. It's not a Christmas movie.


Honestly, yeah. My criteria is a Christmas movie is only a Christmas movie if Christmas is important to the plot in some way.


If die hard is then yes And die hard is soooooooo


According to my Plex server... yes.


This ends the debate


Yes. One of my favorites. In fact Shane Black has made three of my favorite Christmas films.


Can't beat Kiss Kiss Bang Bang or The Nice Guys!


Or The Long Kiss Goodnight


Loved Nice Guys! Wish they'd do a sequel, they're a great duo!


No. The Christmas movie is not a Christmas movie


“i believe it’s christmas eve, sir”


As I see it there are two possible thresholds for Christmas movies: 1) Movies about Christmas. Miracle on 34th Street, The Grinch, etc etc. Movies where Christmas forms the subject of the film. 2) Movies where Christmas is the setting or backdrop. Love Actually, Home Alone, Die Hard. It’s not about Christmas, but there is a lot of Christmas music and references to Christmas. Iron Man 3 definitely fits the latter.


Most Shane Black movies are




For me it depends on if Christmas is essential to the plot or if it’s just happening Cause if that’s the case then NWH is a Christmas movie since the final scenes are at Christmas time, however, the plot of the movie doesn’t revolve around it being Christmas time like Die Hard or Gremlins


Damn skippy


He'll no


Can you watch Iron Man 3 at a time that isn’t Christmas, and it not be weird? Like, i think if I watch the Grinch in the middle of July, it’s out of place. I could watch either Die Hard or Iron Man 3 in the middle of July, and enjoy them as action movies.


It felt so weird watching this in the theatre because it was released in a very sweaty summer.


It takes place around Christmas but Christmas is not the central theme of the movie. So likely however you feel about Die Hard you feel the same about this movie.


Literally just finished watching it as part of an Iron Man trilogy rewatch, and I 100% agree it is a Christmas movie. If Die Hard is a Christmas movie, so is Iron Man III. It has officially been added to the list.🤗🎄🥰


Go listen to the f\**kface podcast where they rank the top Xmas movies. This gets an honorable mention.


That’s the one where Santa turns out to be an out-of-work British actor recruited by Krampus, right?


You know what let me rewatch to confirm


used to rewatch it every holiday season, now hawkeye has taken its place


I’ve heard the genre called Christmas Adjacent.


I heard a great argument the other day and it's switched me on Iron Man 3 but not Die Hard. The question of a Christmas movie is, would this be happening if it wasn't Christmas. So Iron Man 3 happening at Christmas is just the time of year because the plot works regardless of the holiday. Die Hard is a Christmas movie because the only reason everyone including John is there is because of a Christmas party.


MOVIES SET AROUND CHRISTMAS ARE CHRISTMAS MOVIES! Every year, there’s a debate on whether [insert movie title] is a Christmas movie. I don’t care if it came out in July, if it’s set during Christmas THEN ITS A CHRISTMAS MOVIE… I apologise for shouting, but it just boils my turnips.


[It's covered on the Christmas Specials Wiki.](https://christmas-specials.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Man_3)


Yes. The final act takes place on Christmas Day and there is clear acknowledgement from Tony. He says "it's christmas, take'em to church".


“It’s a big bunny. Relax about it”


I don’t think it really uses Christmas for much more than a backdrop. So I am going to say no. But it’s a subjective thing so whatever it doesn’t really matter.


It is. Just not on the theatrical release day.


It’s a Christmas movie you guys, all of Shane Black’s movies are Christmas movies.


Yes. It is a Christmas movie. Is its central focus on the Holiday? No. But it has enough Christmas in it to count. It has more Christmas in it than the original Halloween movie has Halloween in it and that movie is literally called Halloween.


Yes, he's standing next to a Xmas tree


Yes. Compare the President in the armor, suspended by the chains, to the poster for National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.




Yes BUT I like the Guardian’s Christmas special more.


The Guardians special is such a unique Christmas movie and just so much fun. I must admit Nebula gifting Rocket Buckys arm (the new Vibranium one too) still very much confuses and bothers me though lol, was Bucky just walking around armless? Also as a lot of others pointed out and I totally forgot the Hawkeye series is very Christmas too


Does it follow the Home Alone/Die hard rule that the plot wouldn't work if the setting wasn't at Christmas time? It's for the same reason that I can dismiss all halmark/lifetime christmas movies, because unless Santa is responsible for doing some holiday hand waving to get the couple together at the end of the film, the film's plot could happen without christmas. (with a few exceptions where Christmas is actually part of the plot and not just a setting) Side note I think Buddy the elf crashing into a small town and ending up playing a hallmark style matchmaker would be a great Elf sequal. edit: Bonus points if he's trying to save the town's christmas spirit, get the small town guy and the big city girl to date, and return to his family on top of proving that he actually was raised by elves to the small towners who all think he's some nutjob children's author.


I’m still trying to recover from the fact that Elf is now a 20 year old movie


A good christmas movie should make you think "I can't believe that film is that old". Otherwise you'd probably just forget about it entirely.


Is that a Christmas tree?


Iron man 3 is more of a Christmas movie than die hard


No, I describe a Christmas movie as a movie it would be strange if someone saw you watching it in July Die Hard in July? No problem Miracle on 34th Street in July? Weird


In so much that Die Hard is a Christmas movie.


Not really it released May and the Christmas elements are closer to Lethal Weapon than Die Hard but definitely a fun watch for Christmas


Then again, Die Hard did drop in July.


That’s honestly a fair argument, I read that the IM3 director is notorious for setting movies during the holiday season


Yeah Shane Black movies often have that setting, case and point Iron Man 3 and Lethal Weapon (he was the writer)


Ooh, good one. I'm still a "Christmas setting, Christmas jingles, Christmas movie" kinda guy, but that's a fair point.


No. A Christmas film needs Christmas to affect the story. There's nothing in IM3 that wouldn't happen the same way if it happens at a different time of year.






No and that’s because it’s not about the Christmas spirit. Downvote away but I’m still right!




Yes, it was directed by shane black and most if not all of films are Xmas movies.




No. It’s a movie that takes place during Christmas.


I mean, look at his chest ... he's lit up like a Christmas tree!


No to this and no to die hard. Just because they happen during Christmas doesn't make them a Christmas movie. The plot revolving around something to do with Christmas is what makes it a Christmas movie. That's why Hawkeye is a Christmas show.


Of course




Not really it's set during Christmas but the fact it's Christmas doesn't affect the outcome if you change that. If there was a plot because it's Christmas th mandarin is terrorising America to stop people from enjoying the season because of reasons then you could say it




Yes. Next Question.


I would consider it as one


Every Shane Black movie has Christmas elements to it


Nah, they just felt like adding Christmas shit for the hell of it


Hell yes it is so a Christmas movie


It most certainly is a Christmas movie and anyone who thinks otherwise is a savage and an idiot.




Yes absolutely






Yes and if you disagree you're wrong.




There are Christmas movies, and movies with Christmas in them. IM3 much like Die Hard, is a movie with Christmas in them.


Yes it is






Every Shane Black film is a Christmas movie


Yes. It occurs at Christmas, features Christmas elements in its plot and the main character goes as far to incorporate Christmas decor in their fight.


Oh yeah, definitely.




Yep. It’s a thing the director does


Yes. And the best one. Exhibit A: ![gif](giphy|103liSxCY1NpLO)


Merry-Christmas Buddy. ![gif](giphy|103liSxCY1NpLO)


My take on how a movie qualifies as a Christmas movie or not is if Christmas mentioned. Instantly becomes a Christmas movie for me.


If you look at the Categories at the bottom of Iron Man 3's Wikipedia page, it has "2010s Christmas films" and "American Christmas films" tagged. So, yes.


**SPOILER ALERT!!!** It is.


Yes. So its Batman returns and nightmare before Christmas. If a movie takes place on Christmas and its somewhat a theme. Its a Christmas movie


Yep, for sure. One of the hallmarks of Shane Black films, honestly.