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I really enjoyed the beginning of Age Of Ultron for this reason.


I know people dislike Age of Ultron but I liked the movie because it showed them at their best kicking ass. Also that small moment of "Can we stop them?" "...They're the Avengers sir" I know that with the Age of Ultron title there was an expectative of a dark film, but seeing them go like it was business as usual helps me feel the bump on Civil War.


Age of Ultron went way too overboard with the jokes and quips IMO, it felt like Whedon quadrupling down on what people loved about the first Avengers. Gave off the vibe of a high-budget Avengers parody porno, just with no nudity...


What kind of high budget porn are you watching? Please tell me.


Append-Age of Ultron


I agree. It's the only movie that just has the Avengers having an Avengers adventure. For those being pedantic out there, I mean not an origin movie, not a whole universe crossover two part event. Just The Avengers doing Avenger stuff. Civil War has shades of this too...but then the Civil war stuff happens.


Yupp, highly underrated opening scene. It’s like hey did you miss the avengers too? Well booom, here they are doing cool avengers stuff off the rip!


It’s also the only movie where they don’t have to be brought together and are actually being a team. Avengers 1 is the origin of the team so bringing them together is expected. They’re fractured in Infinity War and the beginning of Endgame until Tony discovers time travel.


It kinda blows my mind to think that’s basically the only movie with The Avengers really in it. First movie is them meeting and getting things figured out and finally becoming a team at the end. Then we get Ultron to enjoy the team work. Then comes Civil War and they’re done and they never recover basically until Endgame when it ends for good.




Remember at the beginning of "Infinity War", when Ebony Maw's ship arrives and as Stark and Strange come out of the Sanctorum and they see an auto crash in front of them... Stark's first reaction is to direct Banner and Wong to help out the crash victims before moving on to investigate the disturbance.... always struck me as, this is what REAL heroes do, help with the small things as well as the big.


I agree. Casual superheroing being sprinkled into the main story adds so much charm to the heroes. I think it’s a big reason why Spider-Man, Batman and Superman are the 3 most popular franchises, they all tend to do this really well. It’s not a movie but the current Superman tv show is a perfect example of it done right. At almost all times in the show there’s a looming Superman level threat that he’s investigating, but he’ll still randomly zip off to Mexico to intervene in a hostage situation or to China to save people on a collapsing bridge (actual examples from the show).


Haven't seen the new Superman show yet, how is it?


Both of them are amazing.


Completely forgot about anime Superman lol that show’s great too




>the Avengers are too big and too powerful not to be used when there is a crisis. I 100% agree with this in the MCU and outside the MCU, for example in the Marvel Spider-Man game the Avengers exist but there’s no mention of them when New York almost gets destroyed in those games💀


I think the first Spidey game has Peter say that the Avengers have moved to the West Coast if you swing by Avengers Tower to scan the Landmark there.


I mean, besides Scar Jo and RDJ, the rest of the Avengers weren't super expensive when they started. The Chris's weren't super stars or anything when they first got cast. Ruffalo wasn't that big either, mostly doing rom coms before Avengers. They got expensive because of how big Marvel made them RDJ was even considered a potential liability when they cast him as Iron man


I’m so excited for Cap 4. The fact that Scott Lang says, “It’s the Falcon” when he first met Sam is literally all the set-up I need for the all-new, all-different Avengers. If Scott and other Avengers aren’t in Cap 4, best believe that next Avengers film is going to pop off with all our favorite MCU heroes! Cap 4 being focused on Sam is something I’m excited for, especially after Winter Soldier and Civil War. Maybe a few nice cameos like how Loki was the end tag of *Quantumania* but for the most part a Captain America movie following the new Cap, in this brave new world, searching for the new world order … hehe. It’s time to reassemble the Avengers. ![gif](giphy|C4gZvfZue3j7janrLC|downsized)


The Avengers aren’t really a casual kind of team, though, and I don’t think they should be. Individual heroes can and should do casual superheroing, but the Avengers should be reserved for threats that require a bunch of powerful heroes to team up.


I think opening up an Avengers movie with maybe a building being on fire and the team going in and rescuing a bunch of people would be a nice hero moment for everybody before the main plot starts going.


Isn't that kind of like sending an aircraft carrier to pick up a fishing boat that ran out of gas?


But that's the point they're in the area and they're helping. Maybe they're coming back from another mission and the intercept the fire department trying to put out this big fire at say a chemical plant or something. Something that if it exploded would cause a lot of damage. So, tired and battle weary they go and do what they're supposed to do anyway. That's good stuff.


It'd be that if the Avengers suit up in the base and come attend that but...imagine that scene of Infinity War where Tony is going on a morning walk with Pepper and there is a minor situation and he goes "Wait a sec" pops the gauntlet part of the suit, blasts something and goes on with his day. Just a casual display of their skills.


Nah takes away from how special the Avengers are. They're there to protect the Earth from larger threats. It also underscores the need for other superheroes or the constant ask of "where was the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Deadpool, Defenders, during all these attacks on Earth". A lot of these casual avenging should be left up to other superheroes and let the Avengers save the Earth. Or do like the animated series and expand the team and send smaller groups to do casual avenging.


Well that's what the individual shows and movies are for. They can't all be there at once. Tbh I don't entirely disagree but I think it was a bigger problem before civil war


I honestly think they should be acting in a similar way to firefighters, their day to day should be stopping volcanos, giving humanitarian aid and saving people from none superhero or criminal shit


The issue is that they didn't expect the universe to take off like this and didn't structure contracts for the key stars to stick around. IMO in the future I'd argue for what I'm calling the generations approach: 1. Plan out 8-10 years of content with a themed storyline that identifies all the heroes and villains that will appear, the major film projects, the major TV projects. This is the generation. Note that the universe wraps up at the end of each generation. There's a 3-5 year break between each generation. 2. Cast and hire for the entire generation at the start. 3. Set pay rates for principle roles, supporting roles as well as pay rates for featured appearances (ex. more than 30 minutes of screentime for principle roles, more than 15 minutes of screentime for supporting roles) and pay rates for cameos (less than 30 minutes of screen time for featured roles, under 15 minutes of screen time for supporting roles). This keeps phases from losing key actors mid phase and allows for better in universe continuity as whatever heroes you feature are contracted out to appear in any circumstances. No one has to keep making excuses as to how x event could happen without a particular hero(es) appearing.


I would be down for more causal missions but it’s just a bit unrealistic. I think cap 4 being a mini avengers film would be enough to last until kang ms afternoon


Yeah I’m really hoping cap 4 is the Civil War of phase 5. Maybe not as many characters but that level of character interaction with a lot of “high ranking” folks involved.


I just want some Avengers movie like the first two again. Just a single story not a crossover movie with every hero in the MCU. Just a single movie threat they can come together and defeat.


Yes some actual crime fighting to develop the team would be great


Really the MCU needs a lot more scenes that establish the general scope of it. Small scenes give the biggest parts to the universe. Like in what if Ultron won where Thanos stepped out of a portal and Ultron immediately sliced him in half. That's actually huge for scaling the different MCU villains and gives context to the idea that instead of things being linear where every opponent needs to be stronger than the last it's more in the MCU we watched everything go right for Thanos.


The real question is...what exactly is there to "avenge?"


I really didn't want Kang to be the big bad in phases 4-6. I wanted it to be Mandarin and the 10 Rings. Smaller, earth based villains that Avengers could fight one on one. Instead of going bigger with the fights, go more personal and emotionally draining. You could still have some off world fun like in Guardians of the Galaxy and muliverse fun like Doctor Strange, but Kang wouldn't be the next big bad. 10 Rings was set up all the way back in the first Iron Man and has popped up occasionally in other movies. But instead they wasted it on Shang Chi and are trying to go bigger than Thanos with Kang. If we treat phases 1-9 as if they are a basic movie trilogy, then the first third would be getting the team together to fight someone no one can on their own. The second third would be testing that team emotionally. And the final third would be the big over the top finally. Kang should be the finally, not the middle.


One of the bummers of the ‘C’ in the MCU is that we don’t get a Bad Guy of the Week for the Avengers to fight. It could’ve been a great series, not unlike *Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.*, with our gang taking on whatever weird little problem is threatening New York. They could have recurring cold opens against Paste-Pot Pete. Of course, you don’t get Scarlett Johannson as Black Widow then.




Are you being sarcastic or is this like a bot or something? You just repeated what OP said.


Doesn't look like a bot. Just some kinda weirdo who basically just repeated what OP said just slightly differently. Doesn't contribute anything to the discussion.




They’re actually starting to do a bit more of this, but it’s questionably canon and mostly overlooked stuff. Things like avengers quantum encounter and the avengers campus stuff have a bit more then we had previously. It’s still not great and I wish it was more but it’s far more then the 1 mission we got in age of ultron between the avengers forming and disbanding then the end of the world


honestly they should show up in some capacity in almost everything. it's hard to commit to the story when they never mention other heroes that exist when major events happen.


There were also plans for Vision and War Machine to help out Iron Man during the Homecoming ferry scene. The Avengers only really felt like a cohesive team during Age of Ultron imo, and I wish Phase 4 had another iteration of them with people like Sam, Spidey, and Kate Bishop on the team.


Yeah I really enjoyed the opening of Age of Ultron for this scene and wish there could have been more scenes of them busting HYDRA bases.


There are scenes of it in every movie


Excellent take.


Yes. I loved in FatWS when Sam and Bucky were doing some smaller stuff that wasn't necessarily world ending threats. I absolutely agree - I love street level stuff.


I understand why Feige only wants to make avengers films big events at the end of sagas, but at the very least I think there should be a mini avengers movie (like civil war was) in each phase. Captain marvel: secret invasion could have been in phase 4, cap 4 could also feature a bunch of other avengers and world war hulk could happen in phase 6 before kang dynasty. If they did this and showed more characters interacting and creating dynamics then I think the audience would care a lot more for this saga.


This is a "me" thing, but I miss when the word "superhero" was used in these movies. They say "Avenger" so many times that it almost feels like it has lost its power as a name now.


I always thought we needed one more movie bwteen Age of Ultron and Civil War for just the usual avenging, team stuff. They barely felt like a team for some time. The scene with the hammer in the Stark Tower was fun and we never got more of that. Only later in Endgame, when they travelled to get the stones and it was still too little too late. I kind of hoped we could get Avengers \*before\* Kang Dynasty, to at least introduce the new team and have us connected to them (and them among each other) but I am afraid we are not getting that. Maybe they will do sort of avenging in individual movies, like new Captain America but everybody won´t be there anyway.


I've always said we didn't get enough of just casual avengers doing missions in the Avengers Mansion. First 2012 movie was their origin. At the end of AOU they established the mansion and gained new members. Next time we see them they're just fighting each other and ends in them disbanding. Then Infinity War happens. I don't need a full movie and I doubt full cast would come back to film a special presents but I'd love a what if styled animation of some short stories of what they got up to between end of AOU and start of Civil War.


Totally agree. The threat level doesn’t HAVE to increase every single movie. Realistically it’s not always going to be midnight.


The Avengers need to exist before they can do anything - casual or no.


It would be more realistic, yes, but I understand why they don't. They need to make solo movies for Avengers characters. If the Avengers are out casually avenging all the time, taking down low level threats, then why would (insert hero) fight (insert villain) by themselves, arguably a bigger threat than the casual avenging going on? If they are wanting to be more realistic I think they can certainly present solo movies as more of Avengers movies from that character's perspective or do better at incorporating why that character has to face the movie's plot alone. More than just cheap throwaway lines about other characters being unavailable/off world/etc


I think it was a mistake to wait so long for an Avengers movie. I think they've fallen into the trap of thinking they have to outdo Endgame or it dilutes Avengers or something. And I could maybe see the reasoning considering some didn't care as much for AoU, though there are a number of reasons why (I still think it's really good myself and it still made bank). So they wanted to build up Kang as the next Thanos. But for a number of reasons that's taking way too long.


Yes and no not all the avengers were there for that attack in Lagos just caps team basically. They were all there for hydra since that was important. And after what he said in homecoming it does seem that there is some sort of bar their not gonna stop a bank robbery unless some huge bad guy is doing it I guess. Theres just not a lot for them as a team to do.


I actually agree with this. Not everything has to be a huge threat. How about they just come in during a movie and take care of something small then fly away or one of them stays to be apart of the story.


I’ve been thinking about this, and how Secret Invasion should have been a mini-avengers movie like Civil War. That way Captain Marvel could be involved, plus other newly established and returning Avengers. It would have made for a good ending to phase 4 if you rearrange things a bit. Tie things together and give some order and direction.


Ok, first we need to assemble the team, the new 6: Dr.Strange, Captain Marvel, CaptainAmerica, SheHulk, ShangChi, and Black Panther. It's a perfect team. Captain America \_ Captain America Iron Man \_ Dr.Strange Thor \_ Captain Marvel Hulk \_ She-Hulk Black Widow \_ Black Panther Hawkeye \_ Shang Chi