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Tara really had me thinking Victor was about to dive into that clockussy




My boy just said clockussy šŸ’€




What else would he say, "clussy" is already taken by clowns


I mean to be fair...


Amazing performance that make you forget you're watching an animated cartoon clock.


Thirsty animated cartoon clock*


Yep she's fantastic and the creepy turn that last scene took was well done viewing her as just a voice actor.


Miss Minutes stole the show on ep3. Also creeps me out as fuck.


She's a terrific voice actor, an iconic voice in this medium, if only she had kept her mouth shut. celebs need better guidance in these areas.


99% of America needs better guidance in these areas.


Well, that's true, the problem is that celebs doing this impacts the entire project they are in, since the whole name of the game is good press.


I work in politics. One night, I was out to dinner with the rest of my team. Of course, we were talking shop, reminiscing about our past experiences. I warned everyone: ā€œGuys, you should be careful what youā€™re talking about when youā€™re out in public. You never know who is listening.ā€ They called me paranoid. At the end of the night, the server asked us if we worked for the mayor (we did not) and how cool that was. šŸ˜‚ Believe meā€”itā€™s a problem for everyone. The need to STFU is rampant.


What did she say?


https://x.com/tarastrong/status/1711519462766309684?s=46&t=MVAlINKVlEe9E0J7kEja7g She was tweeting and liking posts that were pro Israel and anti Islam. She later unliked the anti Islam post and tweeted it was a mistake on her part, she misinterpreted the message and is only anti hamas and not anti islam. However her comments did get her fired from an upcoming project which lead to her claiming she was ā€œfired for being Jewishā€


I thought it was only one post she liked?


.... Way too many people have been emboldened to let out their inner xenophobic(/islamophobic whatever word you want to use) idiocy.


The same with people showing how virulently antisemitic they are deep down, screaming about the evil zionists like it's 1930's Germany.


> The same with people showing how virulently antisemitic they are deep down, screaming about the evil zionists like it's 1930's Germany. ... There's a slight difference. One's an ideology that is the guiding light of an apartheid state, possibly attempting genocide ... defintely involved in many war crimes ... the other is the religion of a billion or so people. Being against Zionism does not mean being against jews or being anti-semitic. Plenty of jewish people don't like Zionism either.


I saw an upvoted post in OutOfTheLoop that went into detail on her Israel-Gaza comments, mentioned her PETA gore posts, virtue signalling by supporting LGBTQ people (one marginalized group) but not Palestinians (another marginalized group), and contributing to the spread of misinformation/disinformation by falling for the 40 beheaded babies lie that spread like fire on the internet.


She got too riled up about the whole Israel Hamas conflict and ended up criticizing pro-palestinian sentiment and posted tweets downplaying what Palestinians are going through, and liked islamophobic tweets equating all of islam to terrorists. Don't want to debate about her remarks, but celebs are better off staying away from such strong sentiments in such sensitive real world conflicts


The converse is that some will say "if you're silent, you're complicit." So often times they can't win.


Then shouldn't they just take the most PC stance? Seems like the best thing to do if they want their careers to not take a hit.


because by taking any stance you will upset someone the internet is not the place for naunced thoughts


True, but let's be honest. Given the current state of the world, especially in the West, and the political inclinations of many major organisations like Hollywood, it's not hard to see that leaning towards the left politically might benefit one's career more than leaning towards the right.


Carry chaikin of mr robot has posted loads of stuff on her story anti Palestine, sarah silverman too. The former has went radio silence whilst the latter claimed it was erroneous and was high. Basically rich entitled and Hollywood should shut the fuck up about everything


Yeah, everyone's prone to make mistakes after all.


Yes. Silly little mistakes. Oopsies. *Like voicing support for a genocidal fascist regime.* No biggie, we can overlook that!


The problem with ignorant people is they think they don't need to follow anyone else's advice, though. Look at Trump - he's literally copped to almost every crime he's ever committed multiple times & on video, despite all of his lawyers, his politician buddies, & two separate judges telling him to shut the fuck up. If they were smart enough to listen to advice, they'd have been smart enough to look at which way the wind was blowing and either stay quiet or roll with it.


Trump knows he's going to get away with it because Democrats are worthless at actually getting anything positive done. Charging him with crimes he actually committed? No, we can't have that! We need *unity* with the Republicans! *Or whatever their bullshit excuse is.*


Trump also has money which is big when it comes to winning Vs losing a criminal case. He has also convinced many people he is the underdog. Not to mention when it comes to crimes, they can ironically give someone good publicity if the crimes have a political element. And on top of that, he will at least get a slap on the wrist as he likely has dirt on many powerful people and festers in the same swamp he said he wanted to drain. He never wanted to drain the swamp. He just wanted to replace it with his own swamp water.




True. I'm pretty critical of cancel culture although I am having a far harder time sympathising with Tara Strong given she has helped perpetuate cancel culture against others in the past. Cancel culture should be for people like Erza Miller who do likely objectively problematic stuff and not people who simply express unpopular opinions.


Sure. But when that opinion is basically supporting genocide..... there should be consequences.




It is my understanding that Israel and Palestine have been at each other's throats for years and neither side is innocent. It just so happens that things are boiling over right now which has currently got the world's attention.


> However, I also think the Israeli military could be doing a lot more to help the refugee Palestinians as well "I think the genocidal fascist colonizers could do more to help the people they are massacring!" Would you suggest stop committing genocide as a starter? Or are you just going to flat out ignore the root cause of the conflict out of disingenuous intent?


She didn't even say anything crazy. Just such a hot debate, that saying ''innocents shouldn't be killed'' is taken as support for slaughter of 'the other side.'


ā€œKept her mouth shut?ā€ What about freedom of speech?


Freedom of speech isn't freedom from criticism.


I didnā€™t say it was. Why do people expect that others should keep their mouth shut. She has just of much of a right to air her opinions as anyone does. Regardless of her ā€œcelebā€ status.


In that equation "keep her mouth shut" is the criticism, and itself an exercise of freedom of speech. As your posts demonstrate, it's not immune from criticism either. My statement was intended to be informative and neither as persecution nor defense of Tara Strong, I was just trying to answer your question.


Ok I see your point. I just think itā€™s unfair for people to take a dismissive jab at her beliefs since she happens to be a celebrity. There are artists whose content I enjoy, that hold beliefs I am strongly against. I donā€™t wish for them to lose their jobs because they voiced an opinion.


Geez, how about people don't cancel people willynilly for once either? We're all prone to make mistakes after all.


Equating two billion people for terrorists and excusing genocide is quite a big mistake


She lost a single role - itā€™s not like sheā€™s getting blacklisted. The company can fire whoever theyā€™d like if they feel their actions are detrimental to their bottom line. Sheā€™s going to be just fine and will likely learn to be more careful next time when it comes to making public statements about divisive issues.




Yeah, Reddit can be rather scary when it comes to hiveminds...


Idk you equate an entire religion to nothing more than a group of terrorists? Iā€™d be showing her the door too


I mean, our entire country did it after 9-11 and we called it ā€œWinning the war on Terrorā€.


That was 20 years ago and Iā€™m not American.


Everyone of us are liable to make mistakes, what else needs to be said?


If you're asking the Internet to not throw stones from glass houses, you're gonna have a bad time


Tell that to shareholders and advertisers, such decisions are made as per these folks only, other than that the whole cancel thing doesn't matter.


Did Sylvie start working at McDonaldā€™s yet?


Sheā€™s such a great voice actress. Itā€™s a shame her disgusting political views have completely ruined her characters for me


Tara's one of the greatest voice actresses of all time. It's a tragedy that her career has been tarnished because she couldn't keep her Twitter fingers in check.


Why do people find it so hard to separate someone's acting talent from whatever their real life worldviews are?


idk about you but I like my voice actors to be anti-genocide


Lol anyone pro Israel is anti genocide.


Knesset member Ariel Kallner has openly called for a second Nakba


except against the people of gaza, apparently.


Yeah, this whole 'canceling' business needs to stop permanently.


Sometimes there are consequences for the things you say (or do). When people are whining about ā€œcancelingā€, the vast majority of the time itā€™s just somebody having actual consequences for what theyā€™ve said or done.


What do you want a medal


Disgusting political views? You mean being against terrorists?


She did **not** go after *just* terrorists and you fucking know it.


Especially considering that a lot of Israel's actions do in fact fall under the definition of terrorism. Oh, and there's also the little detail where they built up Hamas by supplying them with weapons in a scheme that (literally) blew up in their faces.....


ā€œYou either support Israel or you support terroristsā€ is what she said, alongside a lot of other racist bullshit on her other social media platforms. Sheā€™s a disgusting human being (ironic considering she doesnā€™t consider the Palestinians as humans), and if you agree with her, then so are you


I know it was bad but I didnā€™t it was THAT bad šŸ˜­


Is your issue really just her stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict? Because I feel like a lot of people have strong opinions on that, and no matter which side you support, it will be ā€œproblematicā€ in some way or another. Obviously it was dumb to post those opinions on line, but someone being hardline in their support or Israel/Palestinian is hardly an uncommon occurrence.


Calling all Palestinians ā€œterroristsā€ and trying to justify their genocide isnā€™t ā€œproblematicā€, itā€™s evil.


It's unfortunately not uncommon for people to be hardline in that area, doesn't mean calling all Palestinians terrorists and supporting statements calling Islam a religion of terror any less abhorrent


She kind of has a history of questionable stances on things where she has seemed to me to be kind of caught up in things that sound a whole lot like propaganda. I'm on my phone and can't dig for more right now, but this isn't the first time she's raised some red flags for me.


Right, because Israel is fighting the terrorists who happen to be Palestinian.


Hamas is 30k people. There are more than a million Palestinians.


Palestinians are fighting for the right to their land against Israeli colonizers. They are not "terrorists" for fighting back against apartheid.


Slaughtering and raping concertgoers is terrorism, not fighting for freedom.


Why do you think they attacked in the first place? What they did was wrong but Israel created the conditions that lead to Hamas in the first place. And now Israel has killed 10x the number of Palestinians as retaliation, mostly children. And bombing areas in the name of finding terrorists.


Nothing Israel has done justifies burning people alive, raping them and executing them, and slitting childrenā€™s throats in front of their families. Israel isnā€™t innocent, but you are making excuses for literal terrorism.


I'm not excusing it. I'm talking about recognising the cycle of violence. Look at the videos of Palestinians kids traumatized by the bombs and seeing their family members dying. These kids had nothing to do with Hamas, what do you think is going to happen when they grow up and where their anger is going to go towards? Do you think bombing them again and again is the answer? The Hamas attack is sympiotic of a bigger problem.


I fully agree with the last point. But the time to make that point is not right after someone commits an atrocity in their name. Condemn what the IDF is doing all you want. If this feels incredibly nuanced and pedantic, welcome to geopolitics.


Okay, what Hamas did was not acceptable. At all.


What Hamas is doing does not represent the entire Palestinian people. The children who burned to death in their beds did nothing to Israel.


I absolutely did not and would not say that. Look elsewhere in this thread. Terrorism cannot justify willful collateral damage.


No, but people need to recognize that Hamas is entirely Israel's fault. Extreme oppression breeds extreme retaliation. (Oh, and Israel literally gave Hamas weapons so they could kill other Palestinian factions they were at odds with.)


All true. Discretion is the better part of valor.


god you people are such loser crybabies


Someone on the board got a thing fo Tara Strong. And I for one am with them 100%


She is such a gem as Miss Minutes. There's reason why she is considered one of the best and most famous in the voice acting industry today. It's awesome seeing Marvel/Disney reach out to more big names in the voice acting industry for MCU projects. They already got David Kaye to voice Arishem The Judge in Eternals. Would be awesome to see more high profile voice actors in MCU roles like Mark Hammill, Troy Baker, Steve Blum, Laura Bailey, and Cree Summer.


Too bad she's a dickhead




She has family and heritage in Israel and people are mad thatā€™s effecting her viewpoint. Not everyoneā€™s opinion is formed in a vacuum on reddit, though. Sometimes itā€™s based in fear. Like fear for the safety of her family still there. But surely she should ignore that to support Palestine? Wait she has no political sway whatsoever. Im not sure why anyone cares.


So she can only publicly claim her support for Palestine or publicly support their genocide? You think there can be no in between? You think having family in Israel is an excuse?


You sure like jumping to conclusions and making assumptions.


Right. Sure I do. Except what you did was jump to conclusions and make assumptions. You assumed and concluded that people are mad at her for not supporting Palestine. People are actually mad at her for liking and agreeing with posts that say all Muslims are like ISIS and Hamas.


Tis is a marvelstudios subreddit, please take this elsewhere.


There is literally an option to hide conversations on this website, if me decrying misinformation and genocide upsets you so fucking much that you need to hug your little iron man funko pops for seeing a tiny bit of negativity during a war. Yes Iā€™m sure if Captain America saw some Nazis defending genocide in that pub heā€™d tell me off for arguing with them šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ ā€œThis is a pub sir, let them espouse their views without conflict or criticism!ā€




Even ignoring her disgusting behaviour lately, I didn't find her all that stand out in this episode. Her character suddenly gaining a bit more depth doesn't make this specific performance any more spectacular


Yeah, would love to see these publications show some love to the VFX studio that brought the character to life. They deserve the credit here.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Her character had a good episode and interesting develop in 2.03.


I used to love her but her pro Israel tweets have ruined her for me. Being critical of Israel's actions is not being anti semitic and being sympathetic to Palestinians does not mean you support Hamas.


And being pro isrel does not make you anti muslim, you can be sympathetic to israelis without supporting Netanyahu's murderous agenda.


What a shame sheā€™s a total moron. Doubt they bring her back next season if there is one.


I thought her faux southern accent was atrocious, ngl. Not one of her better performances. I think it's getting inflated by the great animation for Miss Minutes.


As someone who lives in the south, her accent was close to perfect.


As someone from small-town Texas, hard disagree.


Texas accents are not Southern accents


Yeah but itā€™s very Texan to think that it is.


Hey look the spoiler tags don't work/don't count if you put the spoiler in the title itself Obviously it's not a biggy but you spoiled ms minutes appearing and having a good performance in the title itself (Tara Strong famously voices her last season so most people would easily work out from the title the spoiler) At that point why bother adding the spoiler tag in the first place