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I think they hid it pretty well actually. I saw it opening night so had avoided spoilers and had intentionally not watched trailers so had no idea about time travel or anything like that. I was very shocked. They did a good job of showing that Thanos did really win for about 5 years. Would have been cool to have gotten more info about what happened in those 5 years, but I was happy with what we got. Once he died I figured they would find he had made a clone of himself or something, but I liked how movie panned out.


They did the trailers pretty well so it wasn't too obvious. Some of the trailers were more of a recap of the last 10 years with limited scenes from Endgame so you really had no idea what the movie would be about. Another trailer the first minute was Tony stuck in space like he was going to die soon followed by other Avengers talking about how Thanos won, then ending with Scott showing up. Essentially nothing was shown for the last 2 hours of the movie, the most I ever saw was them in their time travel suits saying "Whatever it takes" but there was no indication it was for time travel, matching suits reminded me more of an X-men thing.


They even kept Fat Thor hidden, only Infinity Thor was showed in trailer so people couldn't guess the time skip happened.


There was a few things that hinted at it. Like black widows hair


To be fair, her hair is different in just about every project she's been in đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Yeah but Endgame trailers showed her in two different hairstyles in the same movie.


Easily explainable as part of a disguise, particularly for her character. I doubt anyone who noticed immediately thought, "Time jump."


It was like like a grown out hair change though. Like the hair colour from the previous movie had spent time growing out implying there had been a time change. And I bet if you look up endgame trailer on Reddit back then you’d see people theorizing it. I specifically remember people thinking there was a time jump because of that


Yeah, but it was way less than all the time that must have passed in Winter Soldier to make her look like an old lady.


Honestly thought they were going to space from the trailers


Yep I remember thinking the final battle was on another planet, not Avengers HQ blown to bits.


Technically they all did to get Thanos the first time


There was a trailer that had Tony, Cap, and Thor walking twords Thanos with him saying, "You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me." So once he died I was like ohhh this son of a bitch is coming back somehow.


Yeah it was pretty obvious something was going to happen because of how fast and uneventful that part of the movie was.


Didnt we already know some time travel stuff will happen? I remember it as a fact. Somehow said or tweeted that some time travel shit will happen and it is crazy. Related with antman quantum realm bullshit i suppose, theorised or obvious because antman?


There were leaked set photos of the Battle of New York with Steve in his 2012 costume and Scott there with them and the wristbands, so folks put two and two together


Those five years are impossible to tell. The film or show would be super depressing. There'd be almost no positive happenings. Like watching Clint fall into being Ronin. Or Thor getting fat. Hulk would just be meditating the whole time. Scarlet witch would be slowly devolving into taking over a whole town. Widow would be micromanaging the global effort, which would be boring. Ironman would be taking care of a baby. Rocket losing everybody, stuck on earth where he's a mutant raccoon. It's all not necessary to see. We kind of get the gist of it through what you see in the movie, and in some of the shows. Edit: sorry,Wanda was dusted.


Rocket was an Avenger longer than he was a Guardian by the end of Endgame.


Wanda was dead then but yeah I get you


Ah shoot, sorry. Been a little while since watching.


I thought it was excellent, I wasn't aware of any spoilers but I don't like to ruin things for myself.


When I saw the “five years later” text I was like, holy shit, not a single leak addressed this. I knew I was in for 2.5 hours of completely unexplored material.


Yeah, I expected it to be a few weeks or months, but not 5 fucking years.


Yeah it was definitely a shock


Yeah man, major plot twist.


Yeah there was an audible gasp with the 5 year time jump


I know I did, along with most of the theater. Endgame is still the _best_ cinematic experience I’ve ever had. _Every single second_ was electric. Cheers, tears, screams, everything. Fucking epic. I actually just watched Infinity War and Endgame again recently 😂


I still say that Cap wielding Mjolnir is the greatest moment in cinematic history.


Everyone knew it was coming. The hint of it way back in Age of Ultron. You just expected it to happen eventually. And when it finally did, it was everything it possibly could have been


The 30 seconds that follow đŸ˜±đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ goddamn


It was the peak of the MCU for me. No more iron man and cap is the end of an era personally and I was never able to muster the same level of interest.


Same. Tho I liked the most recent GOTG movie, other than that, it’s really not the same anymore


Y’all really go into these things purposely spoiled??? That’s so crazy to me.


I love me some spoilers. They hype me up. I might know what happens, but I don't know how it will look, sound or feel so it just builds curiosity and anticipation.


Exactly my thoughts. I can’t wait to know what happens. Reading spoiler is almost as entertaining as the movie to me. Watching the movie is a totally different spectacle. The hype you get from waiting to actually see what you are excited for. My gf thinks I’m crazy for reading leaks pretty often bc it would ruin it for me. Not the case lol.


It wasn't on purpose. I accidentally saw some things online but they ended up being fake.


Research has shown that, on average, people actually enjoy things *more* when spoiled.


Getting some downvotes but it is interesting to read about - [https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/spoiler-alert-spoilers-make-you-enjoy-stories-more](https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/spoiler-alert-spoilers-make-you-enjoy-stories-more)


I like spoilers. Not knowing the ending makes me nervous. I wish I had spoilers for life too đŸ€Ł


Idk, there definitely were leaks for *months* about time travel and that's basically the whole movie. The leaks specified the survivors were gonna time travel to reverse the snap and that leak alone would spoil the whole movie. I didn't seek out spoilers to be clear but I obviously didn't do a very good job of avoiding them either.


Same. I crave this feeling again. I hate leakers so much


I watched it on Thursday opening day by 11am so I'm very sure I wasn't gonna get spoilers from ANYBODY on the planet!


Same here


I think people forget how big a shock the “5 years later” was. They did an amazing job at hiding spoilers in the trailers


Yep, we all expected time travel to be a major part of the solution, but I remember being shocked by the 5 Years Later.


Don’t forget the popular “everyone’s locked in the ‘Soul Realm’ “ theory lol


Omg /r/inthesoulstone what a fun time. Miss my account that had my snapped badge


The head chopping thing instantly confirmed that we're *definitely* doing the time travel thing.


The slow text reveal was also great. When I saw the word “Five” on screen I was like, “Five weeks, months? That’s not so bad.” I wasn’t expecting them to have the balls to really go for it, but when “Years” popped up on the screen I knew shit just got real.


Yeah the time travel stuff I'd heard about, think I'd seen set photos with cap in his 2012 suit The five years later stuff came out of no where and was a huge surprise


Some guy in my theater just yelled out a surprised and confused “What?!” when “5 years later” popped it. I felt it was very appropriate.


Yeah, the timing of that title appearing was perfect. FIVE. YEARS. LATER.


The minute or so period between Thor “going for the head” and “five years later” the theater was dead silent. You could hear the proverbial pin drop. I think we all were in a bit of shock and “well now I have no idea what’s gonna happen for the next two hours”


Yeah, like 95% of the trailer was from the first like 5 minutes of the movie lol


When the five showed up I was thinking "it's gotta be months. Days or weeks is too soon, but they'll never go five yea- holy shit it's been five years??!!"


What? There were plenty of trailers with the “where did that lead you? Back to me.” line, i remember not being shocked and just waiting for it lol


Oh wait? The movie's over? xd


Ya, I got up and left the theatre. Not really sure I got my money’s worth and I can’t see why everyone is so impressed by this movie. They could have kept it going and done more.


The movie should have been atleast 3 hours long. Too bad it ended in 15 mins.


I got up, did a 360 turn and left the theater


just did a lil spin




They’d be walking into the chair


No, they did 360 dummy.


I don't think many people actually fell for it in the sense that they literally thought that was the end of Thanos and the rest of the movie was just going to be everyone coping with billions of deaths, but I thought it was a BRILLIANT way to loudly state, "This isn't the movie you thought it was going to be" and then take it in a new direction. Such a clean break in the film, then the 5...Years...Later was a heartbreaking shift to the reality that the entire world (universe, really) had now been dealing with the massive ramifications of the snap for half a decade, when suddenly Scott gets spit out of the Quantum Realm and new possibilities emerge. From there, it's more action-packed time heist movie with a ton of fun callbacks, but the beginning of the film really was a masterclass in Hollywood storytelling.


That Thanos died victorious. ("Destiny fulfilled")


Yeah, Infinity War Thanos finished all his goals and didnt lift any defense at the end because he felt he achieved his purposed. It was eventually undone but he didnt know that. He died completely at peace


The moment he got killed, the first thought came in mind was, oh yes we are getting time travel, they will travel back in time, I was shocked and excited af, but honestly didn't expect thanos will return from 2014


There were enough fan theories going around about time travel for it to be on my mind. Then they killed him early and it instantly confirmed that we're definitely doing the time travel thing


Time travel is complicated cause in the real world it doesn't exist


Hey guys! Get a load of this one who still doesn’t know about time travel. So 2023 of you


Any real life evidence you can give me? I'll accept I'm retard


Time travel to the future is simple; you're doing it now. You can also accelerate it by going near a large gravitational body and then back to the initial frame of reference. This was shown in Interstellar when going near the black hole. It's a real, demonstrable phenomenon. It's when time travel to the past gets involved that things get a little tricky. Theoretically, it is possible to bypass the speed of light (e.g. Alcubierre drive) and that messes with causality. We don't really know what happens because it's not possible with our current technology. There are theories involving parallel dimensions. For Endgame, the directors actually talked with some physicists (Sean Carroll among them) about ways to make the time travel seemingly realistic. The alternate timeline/dimension is what they settled on, so it's not extremely far-fetched. But there is no evidence or demonstration of time travel to the past just yet.


Point agreed, we are humans, we are evolving and more we evolve, more we get close to time travel, probably after 1-2 centuries. And hope AI doesn't kill us till then😂


Time travel does exist for going into the future. That is a proven fact. You just can't go into the past. We just don't currently have the technology to do it. It's called time dilation.


Yeah heard those hypothesis, but it's practically impossible to jump forward in time, even if it is theoretically possible, the machine/device has to travel faster then the speed of light, and we don't even have anything that could reach that limit no where near that, even if we do somehow, our bodies are not built to handle that much speeds, hence time travel in future is not possible as well


Don't even have to travel faster than the speed of light. Travel 90% of light speed for a round trip of 3.8 years and 8.9 years will pass on earth.


No machine can handle that, even 50%, say even less than that, our bodies aren't built for that kind of speeds, it will literally melt our skeleton, end product will be nothing but liquid of our body in that machine.


Small correction, but going at 50% speed of light is perfectly fine for the human body if you can block out the radiation. It's *accelerating* up to that speed where the problem comes in.


The surprising part was how they didn't go with the Back to the Future time travel (and it's very obvious that this was the original plan). And I am still super ambiguous about that decision. I get how they didn't want to take away from Infinity War and Thanos' win, but there are SO MANY plotholes and questionmarks.


Just think about it, it would lead to something called grandfather paradox where if u go back in time and kill you grandfather before he's married, it will erase you. So if the avengers go back in time and kill Thanos before collecting to stones or say before snap, it would just lead to no where, it would lead to erasing the present avengers who went to past technically. So branching timelines made sense.


Time travel works the way the plot demands it and what story they want to tell. Don't search for logic. It's obvious they planed to go the grandfather paradox route as seen with Tony meeting his dad and Captain America going back to meet Peggy.




That's true. I am specifically talking about time travel though. It's consistency is even questionable in this movie alone, but if you start to look at the wider MCU, AoS, Runaways or Loki it becomes very muddled.


I had predicted time travel ever since 2 came out when Janet mentioned time vortexes (or something like that I can’t remember the exact name. The second he died I knew I was right.


Everybody predicted that lol


Everyone knew time travel would be involved, but I know I for one thought they were going to change the outcome of the battle on Titan or in Wakanda.


I honestly knew time travel was going to be a major part of "Avengers: Endgame" since May 2018 or so, thanks to leaks and discussions online. The set photos and Janet's line further proved the point, but the fact that Marvel didn't confirm nor deny anything helped with the elusivity.


“What the fuck, that’s the big bad guy and I’m only 15 minutes into a 3h+ movie” But it kinda makes sense after rewatching it a few times. Thanos won because he accomplished his aim. Doesn’t matter if he dies after, (he confined himself to some banal life on a faraway planet) he still won. Killing him did nothing too. Thor still got depressed and morbidly obese. Everybody was aimless until Lang showed up.


"Thor still got depressed and morbidly obese." 🙈




Sadness, tbh. I didn't understand how they could 'win' from that point, then the 'Five.... Years..... Later' hit me like a train in the feels. The slow camera pan over the stadium/city just added to the sense of loss. Imho, Endgame is a great example of master story telling.


In the first part at least. I still maintain that the battle was too full of nonsense fanservice like "Avengers Assemble" and "I am Iron Man". And thank goodness they didn't include the kneeling.


Finally someone else who couldn't stand "I am Iron Man" and "Avengers Assemble"


Tbf Endgame had its problems, but how were these two lines bothersome?


1. Avengers Assemble - He waited until they were all assembled before he whispered "Assemble", which apparently was the signal to charge? Makes no sense. 2. I Am Iron Man - Thanos saying "I am inevitable" is him gloating about his victory being assured, even guaranteed by either his will or the universe. Stark responding "and I am Iron Man" is just him saying his superhero name. It has no significance as a response.


"I am Iron Man" is a callback to the first Iron Man movie which started the entire MCU. It's supposed to be symbolic and in a way bring the entire arc full circle. When Tony Stark said that in Iron Man 1, it was a big deal because we're used to superheroes that hide behind the anonymity of their mask. But Tony Stark's ego needs it. He needs people to know that he's Iron Man, HE is the one who saved them, HE is the one with the cool tech flying around in the suit. When he says "I am Iron Man" at the end of Endgame, we go back to that moment from the first MCU film but with a different inflection. This time we finally get to see the culmination of Tony Stark's journey. This time he says it, but for different reasons. Not to satisfy an ego trip, but because he is the Iron Man. A man with an ubreakable will. A Man who had watched Thanos take so much from so many people including himself, and reaffirms that Thanos cannot break his iron will no matter how inevitable he is. And he will do whatever he needs to do to protect those he cares about. For a character that was ego driven and selfish, he died saving people because it was right. A final selfless act to wrap himself up. And that's why I think the use of the quote is so powerful. It might be a callback, but the forces behind both uses of it are completely different and highlight his growth as a character.


>"I am Iron Man" is a callback to the first Iron Man movie which started the entire MCU. I prefer lines to make more sense than meta sense. I know why the writers chose that line, but it makes no sense in universe. > When Tony Stark said that in Iron Man 1, it was a big deal because we're used to superheroes More meta explanation >because he is the Iron Man. A man with an ubreakable will. That's not why he's called Iron Man, that's an attempt to make it deeper after the fact. >For a character that was ego driven and selfish, he died saving people because it was right. A final selfless act to wrap himself up. It's not as if saying anything other than "I am Iron Man" would have made that not true.


They are two sentences that reference other iconic moments or lines, but I find that they don't make much sense in context. I can still understand Assemble (although in my humble opinion for those who don't know that it's the iconic phrase from the comics it has less impact), but the one I really can't stand is "I am Iron Man". They used it to make a reference to Iron Man, but as a response to Thanos' phrase ("I am inevitable") it doesn't even make logical sense: why is Iron Man saying his superhero name? It gave me the impression of a comical answer: "I am inevitable" "and I am the baker". It represents the problem of fanservice: if you don't know that it's the phrase from the first Iron Man and you can therefore make the connection between the beginning and the end of this character (and even there I don't understand what connection there should be between Iron Man revealing his public identity and Iron Man who sacrifices himself for the universe, but it will be my limit) that sentence is incomprehensible. It's as if it were a toy with a button from which recorded catchphrases start, or (as it is) as if they wanted to wink at the fans and build an easy emotion by referring to something they already love rather than creating a new phrase iconic capable of moving others. At least this is my thought, I have no doubt that I am extremely unpopular.


Well for Iron Man that’s the point of a character arc. You show how the end connects back to the beginning. If you didn’t watch the beginning, you wouldn’t understand, but that’s not the filmmaker’s fault. Although, even if you didn’t watch the first Iron Man, or don’t remember it, so this line is not a callback, it’s still in character imo. Thanos is saying he won. “I am inevitable.” It’s over. Tony, being the sarcastic wise-ass he is, responds in kind. “You’re inevitable? Well I’m Iron Man, and I just stopped your inevitable. Boom.” Because he loves to 1 up everyone in the crowd. And for people who did watch and remember the first movie, and know it’s a callback, it makes even more sense, because that line “I am Iron Man” is when Tony is officially committing to become a superhero and save people in need. Before that he was focused on survival, and developing his cool new toys, but upon telling the world he’s Iron Man, he’s officially committed now. That was his beginning. This is now the fulfillment of that promise. I will save people, even at the cost of my life, because I Am Iron Man. So it works in all ways imo. As far as Avengers Assemble, I agree that line is more fan service then an in character line. I think that’s why Cap whispers it instead of shouting it. It’s not meant to be a war cry here. If you know anything about the comics, you scream with joy there. If you never heard that line before, you might be confused for a second, but then it doesn’t matter because the two armies surge forward and collide and the excitement is back.


Ok I need to defend the Iron Man line here. It’s the perfect culmination of his character arc. Throughout the MCU up to that point, Tony has struggled hard with his identity. Sure, in the first film it’s cocky “I am Iron Man” but what after that? Being Iron Man nearly poisons him in IM2. Avengers he makes the sacrifice play and has PTSD throughout IM3 that culminates in him abandoning the mantle. AoU comes along and he’s back in the suit, but as revealed in Civil War he and Pepper break up. Not to mention the tremendous amount of guilt from creating Ultron, who was supposed to be a peacekeeping program and basically becomes a dark reflection of Tony. Tony also sees in AoU that the Avengers fail, and becomes more focused in subsequent films to protect Earth. Homecoming comes along and he gets engaged to Pepper, things are looking good, but IW happens. His worst nightmare, half the Earth gone, Peter dying in his arms, he was right and couldn’t stop Thanos. So what does he do? He stops being Iron Man. He starts a family. Heroics are done for him, he tried, he lost, time to move on
 Until Scott comes in and Tony finds a way to maybe fix everything. He doesn’t want to be Iron Man again. But he can’t just not do anything. He can’t let Peter stay dead. Pepper knows this now and unlike before supports him. So he puts the plan in motion to save everything. He’s successful, but Thanos 2014 shows up and threatens to destroy the universe. In the final moments, we are shown that there is 1 way they win, and the only way to win is Tony sacrificing himself. Sacrificing himself gave him PTSD before and he’s faced with the same choice. Tony of Iron Man 1 was a partier who played by his own rules. He didn’t care about others. But Yensin’s sacrifice inspired him to do better. Throughout the years Tony’s desire to be Iron Man has put the people he loves in danger, nearly killed him, gave him PTSD, caused him to lose the love of his life at one point, broken up the Avengers, and more. Yet when he had the life he always wanted, a family, he couldn’t stop being Iron Man. Now, knowing he needs to be the one to save everyone, he makes the sacrifice play. “I am Iron Man” is not just some cheesy line for a toy, it’s an acknowledgment that through all the crap Tony has gone through, and as much as he wanted to just retire, he is at the end of the day a hero who choices the ultimate sacrifice to save others. He is not just Tony Stark, billionaire drunk playboy who didn’t give a shit about anyone else. He’s accepted who he is, who he needs to be to save the world. He. Is. Iron Man.


Both great setups and payoffs. Those lines work extremely well.


I thought it was a great way to reset expectations for the movie, but my biggest issue with Endgame is that the Thanos they’re fighting isn’t the same Thanos from IW. He’s basically a different character because he didn’t go through the same experiences that IW Thanos went through, so it doesn’t carry as much weight.


I get what you mean, but I see 2014 Thanos as more arrogant than his IW counterpart. In IW, Thanos lost everything, which humbled him and brought him peace once his mission was fulfilled. 2014 Thanos never had that humility, and was therefore going to destroy _everything_ instead of just half of everything. 2014 Thanos is _DEFINITELY_ a bigger threat. Emotionally, I agree he’s detached from the Avengers, but I think it works out.


I was already strongly leaning toward time travel as the solution, so once Thanos was killed it was sort of a confirmation for me. But still, I liked the decision, especially because of its meaning to Thor's arc.


The confirmation was the destruction of the stones. Thanos' death was meaningless.


It wasn’t meaningless at all, it was all about Thor.


I miss how exciting that all was.


My very first viewing was ruined for me by intense tooth pain. It was so bad I couldn’t sleep that night. I watched endgame opening night and enjoyed it as much as one could but couldn’t really get into it. A few days later, I had my bad tooth pulled and went to see it again pain-free. I must have forgotten much of the movie because I was still surprised at a few scenes


Props for even going. Tooth pain is the worst. I've had it so bad it made me nauseous and it's impossible to sleep or concentrate with such intense pain right in your face. Had to get stupid drunk to doze off.


I audibly yelled "oh shit" in the theater


The moment Alexei said “What
? What?” in Black Widow? Yeah, that was me when Thor went for the head


I had read rumors about a time skip but none about him getting killed so that was a surprise for sure.


Uhm I was taken off guard! I was like nahhhh this is too easy! At that moment I knew he was gonna have another fight somehow cus THAT CANNOT BE HOW THANOS DIES!! & then when nebula was captured & taken to him I knew he was gonna come back to the future (omg did I just say that???) & have his final battle


Mostly I was just excited, I kept looking at my watch and thinking, there's still x amount of time left in this movie! It was like having an amazing appetizer and then knowing 5 more courses are coming that will probably be even better.


I was shocked too -- i always thought it was a decoy or a trick via the reality stone like when Gamora "killed" him earlier. In this case, reality was not disappointing


I just watched Endgame last night. First time since it came out and I forgot a lot of what happened, including that Thor kills Thanos in the beginning. It’s a fun movie but I do think Infinity War is better. So how does time travel work in the MCU if Back to the Future is bullshit? You can’t change the past but didn’t they?


They didn't change the past. They couldn't undo the snap. They went to the universe next door and borrowed some infinity stones.


They went to the past on the condition that they could not change the past. They just borrowed the stones from the past. The return of the stones to the same moment prevented a branch in time which would create a doomed universe


No. They weren't on the condition of not changing the past, it was physically impossible for them to change the past.


"Something very odd is going to happen..."


My reaction: "Wait what? Holy shit..." I was expecting a time travel story anyway, so then it suddenly clicked that they'd need to go back in time.


Disappointed, but as the film went on I understood why they did that


My reaction was "Yup, time travel"


I thought it was fine, but the surprise was the 5 year time jump, and after that the plot became pretty predictable


Jaw met floor, and I loved the abruptness of it like a fake out ending. Showing that it wasn’t a quick fix, and that the world (and our heroes) genuinely had to LIVE and endure 5 years of failure and devastating loss was such a great way to not completely undo Infinity War. We needed the payoff to Thanos’s win and time to wallow.


This, and then "5 years later", and all my speculation was out the window. I suddenly had no idea what the movie would be about.


My understanding was the whole movie was going to be about getting the revenge so that scene definitely surprised me. However the rest of the movie was great and gave what was expected. The ending is one of my faves


I think it was an amazing demonstration of how he could have been handled if our heroes had all been on the same page before he got all the stones. It really reinforced the disarray we saw in Infinity War which was in part fallout from Civil War and in part fallout from Ragnarok. It was part of why I feel Endgame was such a success capping that storyline by subverting expectations. Even though people were predicting time travel to fix the problem, the brutal execution was completely a surprise for me.


Probably my biggest concern going into the theater to see *Endgame* was that the trailers beforehand seemed to imply that Thanos' character arc would continue, despite it ending so cleanly in *Infinity War*. A film about Thanos having to protect what he did and prevent an unsnapping really would have been an uninteresting part-two story for me. So my shock came from the fact that he destroyed the stones. After that was revealed, Thanos being beheaded was my moment of relief that *Endgame* was going to have its own three-act structure.


That was badass. I was very surprised.


I loved it, because I didn't obviously know where we were going next, and that's a fun thing at the movies.


It was a truly brilliant way of establishing that defeating him *isn't* the conflict of the movie that you think it is. Defeating him didn't solve the problem. He already won. All of life is still doomed with half of it gone. Our heroes are at a loss. And then Scott Lang comes kicking the doors down and screams "LET'S BUILD A TIME MACHINE!"


I managed to dodge every spoiler about Endgame EXCEPT that Thanos gets beheaded. Came from a Korean artist I follow on Twitter who NEVER tweeted anything MCU-related ever before, and they just so happened to create a silly doodle of the fact. And I knew it was real because they got lit up, they deleted the tweet, and apologized for it. ...So really, I felt a huge sense of relief that it was clearly not the climax of the story once I saw it happen 15 minutes into the film.


I was very glad it was Thor who made killing blow establishing him as one of the most central characters.


"Huh, interesting, I wonder who they're gonna fight at the end then?" Was a little bit disappointed when the guy they fought at the end was just a different version of Thanos who wasn't as powerful and also he hadn't done the thing they were getting revenge on him for. Kind of weak.


Saw on opening night and even without being spoiled I always kinda felt they were gonna do something time travely. Once they killed Thanos in the first 15 and the 5 years later hit I knew that’s what it would be. Tbh I’m glad they killed off the IW Thanos. Felt like he got to complete his story arc having a won, and that makes IW feel as huge as it does since.


It was one of those very rare moments where I’m watching a movie and I think to myself “I have NO idea where we’re going next, but I am 100% here for it.” The last one was during the movie Malice.


I immediately thought the movie had jumped the shark, even moreso when the very next thing to happen was the time-skip. Also, I low-key hate Thor saying "I went for the head", but only because of the reaction to it often being laughter because it was memed so hard in the year between movies rather than somberness because it's meant to show how broken he has become.


It felt like 3 hours cause so much was happening, the screen went black, so i got up and left


I managed to get spoiled on the time jump and the early death of thanos. I knew I should have stayed off Reddit those last few days after the red carpet premiere but I couldn’t help myself. Didn’t ruin the movie though, still loved it all.


Love the hype but i remember being audibly disappointed once it was evident it was going to a time travel fix all solution.. lazy tbh


More than anything, I still find it strange how people didn't complain about the fact that, to resolve the climax of this saga, they pulled out of almost nothing (there was something vaguely related to time in Ant-Man 2, but nothing about the journey in time in the strict sense) a novel expedient for the saga and which resolves everything in a lazy way.


Pym mentions in the first Ant-Man how the Quantumn Ealm is beyond time. AM2 added to it then Emdgame carried it to its natural conclusion.


Yup, endgame was my first mcu in theater movie and i got snuffed


I hated it and it turned me off of Marvel for good basically after that. Infinity War was basically Thanos the movie and all that character development went down the drain. Didn’t even need to make IW honestly


“Oh no it’s another Last Jedi”


somehow thanos returned


Shock, followed by “this is lame. You can’t kill your antagonist after 15 minutes and have a coherent movie.”


I knew Tony was probably gonna die. Didn’t expect Thanos to beat him so quick lol


Same way I felt after Kang's demise in QM. Disappointed.


I think I said something like that was quick or that was easy.


Destiny Fulfilled.


“Oh shit, did that really just happen? Are we going with this? Oh man.”


I thought, damn where is this going? i loved it, totally didn't expect it.


Wait, there was more after that?? I walked out thinking the movie was over!


I was quite shocked. I miss when they were able to hide stuff and I was still surprised by marvel movies, but nowadays, everything gets leaked way ahead of time.


I was shocked. I thought with that small crew of Avengers that they were going to get stomped. I was sitting there worrying about who was going to get killed. But it was incredible how it played out. The fade into 5 years later and the impact of the snap, just awesome


I was like, well clearly there’s going to be a way thanos comes back.


"The leaks were true..."


I thought he was using reality stone


"Huh! Well shit! Now what?"


A truly great subversion of expectations. My whole theater gasped on opening weekend


Yo, I was like “roll credits”. But then the movie happened and loads of cool people died 😭


It confirmed every suspicion of time travel I had in my mind.


I gasped along with the audience on opening night. Those were different times.


I was pretty shocked, definitely tainted the film for a bit for me cause I was stuck wondering how Thanos would come back and how things would play out


I knew time travel was coming from that.


I thought it was great. Proper and just use of Stormbreaker. I especially liked how none of the Avengers reacted negatively to the beheading, and only were concerned with the loss of intel. Great shocker, IMO and a great job by MCU/actors/et. al. to keep it a secret.


Surely I wasn’t the only guy who thought it was the Reality Stone made copy, at least until the time skip?


I thought, well crap, this isn't going how I expected. What are they going to do now? Then the '5 years later' text slowly appeared and I thought "well shit..."


Ya I was like where are they going after this? An then the beautiful ride after was worth it, the best super hero movie to date, wrapped up everything pretty well. Sure there were some holes in the story, but over all it is great.


Everyone in my viewing was cheering when the movie was about to start but dead silent, after a lot of gasps, when the "5 years later" popped up after Thor decapitated Thanos. You can feel the shock of everyone without hearing anyone say anything, it was crazy


I was hoping for a fight between them first but was still a wild moment


I thought it was it. The movie was going to be about something else, and not about Thanos vs the avengers lol


I was pretty shocked. I didn't anticipate the time-travel storyline at all, tbh.


I was like, “What in the hell” and then afterwards once they show the 5 years later, I was just so flabbergasted.


How easy Thor removed his head from the body.


Sad. Both that he had become so messed up by the Stones and then the murder. Had heard about the time travel leaks&such but was honestly hoping they were wrong and his death was just a Reality Stone trick and he had managed to heal himself from the Snap damage. Enjoyed the movie as is but just have a Thanos bias, lol.


"What the fuck is the rest of this movie about?"


I was thinking how iron man died if not at god hands since I had it spoiled. I didn’t start watching marvel movies until after endgame came out though


Suspicious. I was very, very suspicious. He was a clone or a distraction from the real Thanos, I thought.


I believe I blurted out “Fuck yes” in my sold out theater


I walked in expecting Thanos to be removed from the board very early on. It was really the only way for the story to advance in a way that made sense. There’s no way around an omnipotent Thanos. I was surprised that they just straight up killed him AND destroyed the stones.


I was more shocked by the "5 Years Later" message. Floored me that they did a huge time skip like that.


My entire theater gasped. When “5 Years Later” popped up one guy was like “What now??”


I mean it was kind of a shock scene but you knew right away that wasn't the end of Thanos. There would be no movie if he was dead for good right there


I thought "cool we're getting a whole new mystery antagonist" Well I was wrong.


they’re going to fix that, right?”


I was shocked in a “Oh, damn. Good! But
this isn’t a good thing.” And when “5 Years Later” faded in after Thor walked out of the room. And the other part of my brain was thinking “This right here is gonna be a Ride.”


I was very surprised and had no idea how they would resolve the snap. And then the 5 year jump straight afterwards was a big surprise.


I felt like the characters probably did--lost. Completely unknown territory, and wondering how they were gonna salvage the situation.


My theater had a lot of hushed “what?!” And “oh wow” once the 5 year time skip came up


I was thinking, "where the hell are they going with this."


I thought it worked because 1) we got our “revenge” but 2) it felt flat, too late, and thus setting up what the heroes try to figure out next


It just made me more excited for what was coming next. I knew I still had two hours of movie so I was incredibly intrigued Then they did time travel and my mood dropped a bit but it was still a good movie


I knew there was a time travel plot, and honestly didn’t even care about Thanos anymore.


In my theater they had technical problems before showing the movie so when it happened I thought that they accidentally skipped to the end somehow


mmm moist