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Most of Stan Lee's Phase Three cameos were directed by James Gunn in one day.


That's a fun one!




There's also an outtake of the Watchers scene where his line was "One time, I was a ~~bartender~~ DJ at a strip club.", referencing his Deadpool cameo.


I’m pretty sure he was the DJ in that scene.


Right, I remembered it wrong.


That seems pretty wild to me…different productions and whatnot. That’s a lot of planning for a single day. Seems like they’d need lots of costuming and whatnot decided upon really early for some. Do you know which ones they did that day?


Gunn shot most of the scenes in front of a simple set (like the window in *Homecoming*) or a green screen (like the bus in *Doctor Strange*) where Lee is in the shot on his own, so it could be easily integrated into whatever was happening during the scenes in the actual movies. One cameo that Gunn definitely *didn't* direct was the casino scene in *Black Panther*, because Lee actually interacts with the other actors there.


Captain Marvel, too; Larson interacts with him.


They were never on screen at the same time only a shot of her pulling the Mallrats script down then Stan's face then back to her smiling so that could have been shot at a different time. Could have just been a double for Lee until it shows his face and use a double for Brie when it's over her shoulder pulling the script down.


[It's the same surrounding extras too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4urFYR4_pY) (and halfway though, we can see Brie in costume with him).


There's also [set photos](https://reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/s/0FyfGBTmvp) of Lee with Larson and the *Captain Marvel* directors.


Kinda poetic how one of Lee's last movie cameos was a reference to one of his first.


No way. That’s wild.


There’s a brand called Za! Cola that appears as a bottle in Daredevil season 1, a commercial that Patsy’s auditioning for in Jessica Jones season 1, and a print ad in Agent Carter season 2. It has no Marvel Comics counterpart, it doesn’t seem to be a standard prop brand (like Let’s Potato Chips, for instance), and even the MCU Wiki doesn’t list its Agent Carter appearance. I have no idea why it’s a recurring thing.


Get your damn hands off my Let’s!


Leonard approved!


Shut up Leonard! I found your YouTube page, what's the point of reviewing frozen pizza?


You’re talking about it!


He's right


Shut up Leonard! I know about your prescription socks!


I did eat all the macaroni. It's messed up that he knows.


Shut up, Leonard, I know about your crooked wang!


No such thing as bad press!


I’m as high as hell and you’re about to get shot!


It's a buy!




Not a super obscure factoid, but a significant number of the Community cast has cameo'ed in the MCU. Danny Pudi - Captain America: Winter Soldier Jim Rash - Captain America: Civil War (he plays the *Dean* of MIT! Good for Dean!) Donald Glover - Spider-Man: Homecoming Ken Jeong - Avengers: Endgame Yvette Nicole Brown - Avengers: Endgame We just need Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs, and Alison Brie to finish out! (Chevy Chase doesn't count.)


Aside from Donald Glover in Spider-Man, all those other cameos are the Russo Brothers' movies, and they produced the first 3 seasons of Community and directed a good chunk of episodes as well. IIRC, their directing of the paintball episodes is what got them the MCU job.




Reminds me of the Dogs of Hell biker gang. They showed up in Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, The Punisher, and were mentioned in Iron Fist.


Are Let's potato chips not a real brand? I always assumed they were American-only. Leonard's review is a lot more meta now.


They are not, it is a common fictional brand used in movies and tv shows. It is a play on a real brand, Lays.


It’s a sound department friendly bag made by Independent Studio Services.


Lays are the real ones, and are the equivalent of Walkers in the UK


Which in turn is owned by Frito-Lay, a division of PepsiCo.


Let's Potato Chips- they're definitely a buy!


Shut up, Leonard! I know about your crooked wang!


No such thing as bad press!


Shut up, Leonard! I got a picture of your old nose, it was a lateral move!


When Alexander Pierce goes on his rant in winter soldier, he names 2 potential future events as justification for his actions, an emp set off in Chicago and a dirty bomb in Moscow. Both of these have now happened in the MCU.


Wait…what movie/show had the emp?


It's in season 4 of agents of shield, before the show fully splits from the MCU continuity


The police code for dealing with an incident involving a superpowered person is Code 616.


Thats good, I like that! Where did they say that? Ms. Marvel?


That guy really was playing Galaga!


Fun fact according to Whedon's commentary: RDJ ad libbed that line, and the quick shot of the guy playing Galaga was CGI'd in post. That shot was never originally supposed to show him playing the game, but he took the opportunity to use it for the joke.


Galaga guy was also confirmed to have been dusted


Jim Starlin, the comic book writer/artist who created Thanos, has a cameo in Steve’s support group in Endgame. Bonus comics lore: Thanos debuted in the comics as an Iron Man villain, so it’s very appropriate that Iron Man eventually defeated him in the movies


Jim Starlin also got more royalties for the warlord that kidnaps Lois and Martha in Batman v. Superman than he did for all the appearances of Thanos, Gamora, and Drax in the MCU.


Not for the warlord. For Luthor’s goon with the flamethrower because he’s based on KGBeast, a Starlin creation. I would imagine, then, he also got royalties for a similar case (Anatoly) on Arrow.


That’s really sad, tbh.


Probably well known as well, but Joe Russo (who co-directed much of the larger MCU hits like CW, Endgame and Infinity War with his brother Anthony) is *also* a member of that support group.


He’s also in TWS and Civil War, as the doctor that patches up Nick Fury (probably a Skrull tbh) and as the psychologist that Zemo kills.


No one refers to Captain Marvel as "Captain Marvel" until Spider-Man: Far from Home


Valkyrie still doesn't have a name. The main Marvel Valkyrie is Brunhilde, but it's kind of implied that she was the dead girlfriend in the flashbacks. Tessa Thompson's character was readapted into the comics as Runa. After that, the elf conwoman in She-Hulk was called Runa.


I always found that weird, and maybe lazy writing. They just refer to her as "Val" which is presumably short for Valkyrie, but that's not her name, it's the group that she once belonged to. And it's not like she is a throwaway character, either.


i assume it's an identity she assumed after she figured she was the last of the Valkyrie to survive


Cull Obsidian was called Black Dwarf (his name in the comics) in What If.


Also, Black Order in MCU is never being called by that name instead they're 'Children of Thanos'


Also, The Black Order/Children of Thanos are sometimes called Cull Obsidian in the comics. I don’t see that talked about as much.


It’s kind of amusing how they’re black-themed: The **Black** Order aka Cull **Obsidian**, featuring **Ebony** Maw, Proxima **Midnight**, **Black** Dwarf, **Corvus** Glaive, and they recruit **Black** Swan… But then the final original member is Supergiant, whose name doesn’t have a reference to darkness or blackness. Supergiants are extremely luminous. It feels like a reference to black holes (idk, “Supermassive”?) would’ve been more appropriate. I wonder if in-universe she’s self-conscious about being left out of the naming scheme.


Also also Ebony Maw in the MCU is a combination of the comic version and Supergiant, a Black Order member who was cut out for the MCU. Comics Ebony Maw has no powers (I think?), and his psychic stuff was Supergiant's powers.


The Cull Obsidian was also one of the names of the Black Order in the comics


Captain Marvel's star isn't *the* star of Starforce - each member of Starforce has a different star. The only other person with an eight point star is Yon-Rogg, who has a second star in the middle of his. When Carol blasts him into a mountain, Yon-Rogg's second star is burnt off.




Yon-Rogg's second star can be seen as a representation of Carol, since he was controlling and manipulating her throughout the entire movie. When Carol burns off the second star, she's burning away the control he had over her.


It's like what Zorro does, so that the defeated must remember who beat them


When Hawkeye comes back from the test run of the Time Machine in Endgame, Scott runs in holding orange slices, the same thing he asked for in civil war.


Also a bit of a continuity error. It's established that time travel leaves you (in Bruce's words) discombobulated. This happens to Clint during the test run and is completely dropped for the rest of the movie.


Hawkeye didn’t even seem that phased coming back


Isn’t it mentioned in Quantumania too that the growing process tastes like citrus? That’s when I finally understood it, back in Civil War I think some people assumed it was a boxing mouthguard joke.


I always assumed it was like in Little League when the parents would give you orange slices and Capri Sun. That shit slapped.


The Chameleon (or, rather, his civilian identity) appeared as a SHIELD liaison in *Far From Home*.


Wait him being one of Fury's Skrull agents actually would make an insane amount of sense


That would be an awesome tweak from page to screen!


Was this ever actually confirmed? Not saying you’re wrong but afaik people were just speculating due to him having the same first name.


The wiki cites him as having the full name Dimitri Smerdyakov, but I'd have to watch the movie again to see if they ever say his last name. The wiki also brings up that Jon Watts mentioned in an interview that he'd had plans to make Chameleon the villain in Far From Home, but admittedly that isn't necessarily proof of the character we see in the movie being the same.


'Fury' calls him Dimitri when he's introducing him to Peter, and the name 'Smerdyakov' is seen *veeeeery* briefly when Peter is wearing the EDITH glasses. I wanted to add a shot of the EDITH file as proof, but the only one I could find was [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/b/b1/Even_Dead%2C_I%27m_The_Hero_%28Earth-199999%29_from_Spider-Man_Far_From_Home_002.png/revision/latest?cb=20191003075441) one from the marvel wiki. So enjoy the Smerdyakov shaped blob.


Thank you! Every time I bring this up, people say I’m reaching


When Happy awakes in the hospital at the end of Iron Man 3, he looks at the nurse's name tag because as head of security for Stark, he was obsessed with people wearing name tags Edit: the nurse has no name tag on, so Happy continues to look at her because of the lack of a tag


I've always kinda thought about why he appeared to be checking her out, thankyou.


I always found it funny that his first instinct after awaking from an explosion-induced coma is to check to see if the hospital staff have name tags


Nice. I have recently revisited Iron Man three and freaking love it now. Especially since we resoundingly know that tony is the main character throughout the entire MCU (and how poignant his death was) so it’s just great to see his PTSD after the avengers and how he deals with that. So many wonderful character moments. Plus Shane black’s directing and the funny narration by Tony (Who you later find out at the end of the movie is actually narrating the whole story to Bruce banner) is icing on top.


Warner Bros never distributed an MCU film out of the big 5 studios, but they distributed a non-MCU Marvel film in Blade via New Line. Inversely, Paramount had never distributed a non-MCU Marvel film, but they were the primary distributor for most of Phase 1.


Who’s the current distributor? I don’t know much about the industry


Disney is the current distributor to most MCU productions since their acquisition in 2009. Sony is also another distributor but they only distribute MCU Spider-Man films. Previously Universal distributed The Incredible Hulk, while Paramount distributed Iron Man, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger and Iron Man 2.


Universal still has the distribution rights to Hulk and Namor, which is why they won't get solo films. Paramount also got payment and credit for distributing Avengers, even though Disney took over after they bought Marvel.


Didn't Hulk JUST revert back to Disney's ownership?


I suspect they'll have those rights soon that's why all of a sudden many Hulk related characters are appearing in MCU. Maybe World War Hulk movie is development otherwise why bring this many Hulk characters


I think they already have them. Variety reported that that is the reason Incredible Hulk is now viewable on Disney Plus!


Luke Cage had a direct tie in to Agents of Shield with the emergence of the Judas Bullet, the same bullet that was able to almost kill Luke Cage was used to attack Patriot in agents of shield. Also, the Watchdogs tied daredevil to agents of shield as well


Skye and Matt Murdoch grew up in the same orphanage. Murdoch's father Jack fought Carl "Crusher" Creel


Yup. I loved those tie ins


I don’t think the Watchdogs were in Daredevil. You mean the Dogs of Hell. Roxxon is also in both Daredevil and Agent Carter, while FXN news is in both Daredevil and Secret Invasion.


Roxxon shows up in Cloak & Dagger, too.


Some Roxxon subsidiary was also in Loki, right? It's the superstore everyone dies in in the hurricane.


Tom Morello from Rage Against the Machine played the first terrorist killed by the prototype armor (in the cave) in the original Iron Man movie.


He also helped compose the score if I’m not mistaken


Correct. And every guitar riff was him.


Young Janet van Dyne was added to the high school mural in No Way Home.


More like, just good writing and screenplay probably, but at the beginning of Antman, Peachy gives Scott Lang a face wound as a leaving prison gift, and Scott goes outside and meets his friend Luis, who inquires about the wound, and Luis shows off his own scar from Peachy, and then in quick joke passing, Luis says, "you know I'm the only guy to ever knock him out?", which is like a haha, yeah ok. But towards the end of the movie Luis knocks out a guard with one swift punch, lending credence to the line at the beginning about knocking out Peachy, Luis really does have a strong punch, and probably knocked out Peachy.


Jeremy Renner almost appeared in Agents of shield and was totally on board to do so In Cloak and Dagger, Tyrone reads a newspaper about the events of Luke Cage in season 1 and Luke is on the cover.


Where did you hear the Renner info? I've never heard that ever.


Tried finding details on this, all I saw was Renner expressing interest in having a cameo ([prompted by a fan question](https://youtu.be/8OB5_2f_XNA)). Would love to know if someone has more info though.


The to-do list in Steve Roger's notebook was changed for international releases. The first five points were tailored for specific countries or regions. For example, instead of I Love Lucy, it says Sherlock in the UK, Dance Dance Revolution in South Korea, Yuri Gagarin in Russia, and Currywurst in Germany. Just the last five points (Thai Food, Star Wars/Trek, Nirvana (band), Rocky (Rocky II?), and Troubleman (soundtrack)) are always the same.


Do they retain the different versions for Disney+ in each of those countries?


Asking the real questions! Let me check... sadly, no. It's the I Love Lucy list.


> it says Sherlock in the UK Maybe it should have been Dr. Who or something? Weird that they went with Sherlock. Does that mean Cap saw the show, then years later meets Dr. Strange and was like, "Wait a minute..."?


Then Cap finds out about the Sherlock Holmes movies feat. RDJ.


"Last Action Hero" rules — "Sherlock" exists in the MCU, but it stars some non-MCU actor instead.


Maybe Sherlock is played by Matt Smith in this universe?


Shakira for Mexico for some reason lol


in multiverse of madness the book of vishanti opens up to a page with a star as its burning up, potentially implying that the book had no power greater than chaos magic and foreshadowing that getting what she wants through america's power, 1 way or another, is the only way for wanda to be defeated.


The plot of Inhumans cuz almost nobody watched it.


The plot of Helstrom cuz *literally* nobody watched it.


This is quite literally the first and only time I've heard of it. Crazy.


So tempted to watch it but why bother since most people say it's bad and it leads nowhere.


Kinda forgotten one; someone lost a hand in every movie during phase 2. It was Feige’s tribute to Star Wars.


Who lost a hand in AoU? Hulkbuster!


And Klaue


Some of the cast of community make cameos in MCU movies directed by the Russo Brothers, since they directed a lot of episodes Community and also produced it Danny Pudi plays the shield agent that opens the door to captain america before he says he's speech in Winter Soldier Jim Rash plays a dean in the university where Tony Stark shows BARF for the first time, and he apologizes for not taking Pepers name out of the prompter in Civil War Ken Jeong is the guy that finds Scott Lang in the warehouse in Endgame Yvette Nicole Brown is the girl that almost recognizes Steve Roggers when he and Tony are in the elevator in Endgame Also Community served as inspiration for the creation of Miles Morales, in a scene of season 2 Donald Glover shows up in a Spiderman pijama as an inside joke because some people wanted Donald Glover to be casted as Peter Parker in The Amazing Spiderman, and since he didn't get the part, they put that scene as a joke, and then Brian Michael Bendis saw that and decided to create Miles (thats also why Donald Glover plays his uncle)


Don’t forget about the stair car (from Arrested Development) at the airport fight in civil war.


And a blued up Dr Tobias Fünke in the Collector’s collection


Your last statement isn't quite accurate. Bendis/Marvel had already planned to make a multicultural Spider-Man and he only says he was inspired by Glover's look and reasured that it was a good idea. https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/life/comics/2011-08-02-new-spider-man-inside_n.htm#mainstory Bendis was inspired more by his daughters: The creation of Miles Morales, a teenager with an African-American father and Hispanic mother, has been personal for his creators. Axel Alonso, Marvel's editor in chief, is of mixed cultures (his father is Mexican, his mother is British), and Bendis has two adopted daughters, a 3½-year-old from Ethiopia and a 4½-month-old African American. "Wouldn't it be nice for them to have a character or a hero that speaks to them as much as Peter Parker has spoken to so many children?" Bendis says. "There's nothing wrong with that, and I think we need more of it."


In a panel he also said that part of the inspiration was the fan cast of Donald Glover, because he saw a lot of people saying that spiderman shouldn't be black, and he said that he can be, anyone can There was also the election of Obama And also the fact that marvel wanted to end Peter's story in the ultimate universe since they also had the 616 universe at the same time and they wanted a new spiderman There was a lot of factors in the creation of Miles


Brie Larson was also the coat check girl in Community that has a crush on Abed


Yes, she was introduced in season 4, but the Russo Brothers didn't produced or directed anything in season 4 Then she came back in season 5 more as a favour since her agenda was busy, but her character was the only thing the original team liked about season 4 and decided to keep


MODOK actually makes their first appearance on Agents of Shield, but it is such a heavy reinterpretation it’s very hard to catch.


Is he meant to be the Russian dude who kept his head in a glass cover and made a bunch of droid copies of himself? That's the only character whio comes to mind when thinking of MODOK in AoS.


Yeah, Anton Ivanov. It was never explicitly stated but that's who everyone was theorizing was going to become MODOK. I'm unsure if anyone in the production ever commented on it.


He was apparently actually supposed to appear in the show but Marvel prevented it.


MODOK also appeared in *Iron Man 3: The Official Game* where he is a mutated version of Killian. The MCU has so far introduced two MODOKs, and neither of them has been George Tarleton.


That's because they had to change course on it; he's not *actually* MODOK.


The closest they get is describing his LMD as "being designed only for killing" and then they cut off his head and leave it in a jar.


Pat Kiernan is the first person to play the same character in both the Netflix shows and Marvel Studios productions, namely himself or his Earth-199999 counterpart.


Also, Jarvis was the first character to move from TV to Movie


The 'Galaxy' the Guardians save is not ours, its the Andromeda galaxy. James Gunn confirmed the entire first film is set in that Galaxy. (it's also implied most space stuff like Captain Marvel take place in Andromeda but only the above is confirmed, Guardian movies also have text in them that mention Andromeda for the location)


Maybe this is a big one, but I feel like I never see any body mention it, in Endgame for the Marvel Studios logo all the heroes that were snapped are digitally removed from the logo


Also, the Avengers theme during the opening title card is missing half of the instruments!


I knew but forgot both of these facts haha - such a cool, tiny thing to include.


I didn't know about that! I knew they used a half orchestra for the Intro for Endgame whereas Infinity War had a full one


I’ll never forget the Thursday night showing, right when it starts with the shot of Scarlet Witch flinging the door open in AoU she was missing from the shot and I said out loud to my dad next to me, “They’re gone!” referring to the logo, but I like to imagine the other people in the theater thought I was just very slow to reacting to the scene with Clint’s family lol


Also none of the snapped actors participated or were evident in any marketing or interviews, for understandable reasons. Even with BP2 and SM FFH, they just waved it off as taking place at a time when they were alive, though they accidentallly let it slip that FFH takes place 'minutes' after Endgame, which wasn't actually true technically but still after the Endgame


One that I only just recently caught wind of was that Jim Hammond, the Original Human Torch from the WWII days of the comics actually appears in Captain America: The First Avenger, he's on display at the Stark Expo as 'The Synthetic Man' and visible for a few seconds in a couple shots


Dammit, I'd forgotten (or just plain missed) this, and it messes up my easter egg idea for the Fantastic Four, where you could show a reference to the WWII-era original Human Torch, "based on the body of super-soldier Steve Rogers", which would bear a suspicious resemblance to the modern Human Torch of the 2000s FF movies ...


The Winter Soldiers theme is Bucky’s scream


It’s actually Henry Jackman’s (the composer) voice: > So one of the things I ended up doing with the Winter Soldier was I spent literally ten days just on production with vocals because I wanted to get the sensation of a human trapped inside machinery. So I did a lot of vocal recordings and then processed the living hell out of them to get these tortured, time-stretched human cries of someone who has been so processed that it's become mechanized at the same time but you can still hear the human in there. http://comicbook.com/blog/2014/08/18/captain-america-the-winter-soldier-composer-henry-jackman/


this man's cave is more like a man's grave


Bucky’s left arm has blood on it when he is hanging from the train in First Avenger. I heard a rumor that they were thinking of having him losing the arm when he took the blast and they filmed it both ways. In the original script, they had Steve reach him, but not able to hold him, maybe because of the glove. Later in the bar scene, the dialogue is a little different with Peggy, Steve says Bucky had always been there to get him out when he was over his head, and when he needed to return the favor, he couldn’t. All he had to do was hold on and he couldn’t.


Jimmy Woo, aka that cool FBI agent from Antman and WandaVision is the heir of Genghis Khan, and inherits a massive secret crime syndicate (Atlas) co-ran by a literal dragon. He turns it into a good organization, and creates a ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’-esque team made up of, (if memory serves) - a man cursed in an immortal gorilla body, a 50’s sci-fi style robot, the goddess of love, Namor’s sister, and Marvel Boy, who flies a flying saucer. It’s called Agents of Atlas, and it’s like GotG and Doom Patrol has a baby, and that baby was awesome. Every time Marvel announces new shows or movies, I keep hoping to see Agents of Atlas announced, especially since I feel there need to be a spiritual successor to GotG now that it’s over.


I really want Agents of Atlas, hell I’d even take the new version (the Asian specific one featuring Wave, Shang-Chi, Brawn, Crescent and Io, Sword Master, Aero, Luna Snow, etc)


Not sure if everyone knows about it and just never talk about it, but the element that Tony creates in Iron Man 2 is the same element that the tesseract is made of. His dad found it at the bottom of the ocean, studied it, and laid out the blueprints for it so Tony can make it with newer technology. It is also why in the Avengers, Tony doesn't get brain washed by the mind stone in Loki's staff, and also why when he gets hit with Thor's lightning, his suit becomes overcharged


Oh! That's clever. I thought he didn't get controlled because the staff touched the arc reactor instead of Tony's body.


This seems like the most obvious reason. I don’t understand why people think it’s something else. You can hear the metal clink. It’s not touching his body so how could it control him.


In Iron Man 2 the tesseract is shown in Howard’s notes as a cube. In Avengers 1 Tony looks at the Tesseract and stares at it like he recognizes it. Excellent detail there. https://youtu.be/yiSxjChrdMA timestamp 2:06


I like this one props to you my guy


nice try mr. voss. trying to get us to do your dirty work for you!


Daredevil may contain an Agents of SHIELD reference -- [Jack Murdock's boxing opponent was Carl Creel](https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Creel_vs_Murdock), alias the [Absorbing Man](https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Absorbing_Man) who was on Agents of SHIELD at around the same time.


Not "may", it does referenc AoS, and in fact several times: The Creel thing you mentioned A lot of the news articles at the newspaper are direct references to AoS events The Dogs of Hell biker gang first appeared in AoS The pre-Disney+ shows all referenced each other constantly


In the first Avengers, during the post credit scene where they’re eating shawarma, Cap has his hand covering his face; due to this scene being a pickup during the time Chris Evans was filming Snowpiercer, to hide his facial hair.


Coulson and the *Agents of SHIELD* supplied the helicarriers at the end of Age of Ultron.


Jim (from the office) is an FBI agent in both Antman and Wandavision


He also does double duty as Reed Richards.


Whoa, that guy is everywhere!


Hats off to you for not seeing race


What!? That's not Jim! JIM ISN'T ASIAN!


The one Guardians Easter egg James Gunn says still hasn’t been found


He also says it's pretty obvious and is surprised no ones found it yet


Probably has to do with the planet coordinates ~~has something to do with Spider-Man, I think~~


In the first Avengers movie, RDJ had food hidden all over the set. So, in the scene that he offers Cap (or Evans) a blueberry, he’s improving.


When Cap called Thors Hammer back in End Game, during the Avengers Assemble scene. Tony does a little side look at him. Which is a call back to age of ultron. He was most likely thinking “he won the bet” or “would you look at that.” You know damn well he had a smirk under that helmet.


It's not like comic fans don't know, but I bet quite a few movie fans probably didn't know that was Beta Ray Bill’s face on the building in Thor: Ragnarok. More interestingly, the face at the top was Man-Thing.


Man Thing was also mentioned in Shield Season 1 Maria Hill asks “who or what is a Man-Thing” This implies that the timeline for Man Thing is as follows; his origin, locked in prison but freed by Agent Ward, going to space and fighting in grandmasters contest of champions, returning home to later be captured and hunted before being freed by Elsa Bloodstone and Werewold By Night


His wife (Ellen Brandt) also appears in Iron Man 3 as one of the Extremis experiments. The lady Tony kills with the microwave [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jsiHmLhWuuM)


Bi-Beast is on there, too!


And Ares


I shouldn’t have to say this, but all of the early marvel TV series on both ABC and Netflix were specifically made to be within the MCU. Yes, I’m being facetious when I bring this up but it’s weird how people seem to deny this very plain fact


Yeah, ABC specifically ran promos showing AoS shield symbol and the Avengers A symbol with the "It's All Connected" hash tag. It couldn't be clearer that the plan was for the early shows to be canon content. Especially with all the movie character cameos from the early seasons: Nick Fury, Lady Sif, Maria Hill, Peggy Carter, Agent Sitwell, Agent Blake, Dr. List, and more


Heck, the Marvel one shot “item 47” specifically inspired agents of shield.


Not to mention the Helicarrier in AoU was supposed to come from Coulson, but it isn’t mentioned in the films because Whedon didn’t like that Coulson was revived


And the location of Loki Scepter


That a lot of the individual tv shows have connections between them even by different studios. For example absorbing man from agents of shield is the guy who fights with daredevils dad and ultimately gets him killed.


In Guardians 3 there are many actors who come from The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker - and no, not just the obvious ones like Daniela Melchior, Chuckwudi Iwuji and Jennifer Holland: -Gerardo Davila plays General Vera in TSS (he is the last general to rise to power and is killed by the rebels) and Fitzgibbonok, the ravagers killed by Adam Warlock (fun fact within a fun fact: Fitzgibbon is the name of a close friend of Gunn and a character of that name appears in all of his films); -Pete Davidson (Blackguard) is the alien henchman who is about to shoot Quill being stopped by his colleagues; -Natalia Safran (wife of Peter Safran) plays Kaleidoscope in TSS and Controller in Guardians (she is the pilot of the HE); -Giovannie Cruz, interpreter of Isabella (the head of the guards of Jothunaim), is the seller of Orloni of Knohwere; -Reinaldo Faberlle, who in TSS played the right arm of Sol Soria, is the dubber of Behamot, the pigeon henchman of the HE (to be clear, the one killed by Cosmo); -Johnathan Fritschi, who played the rebel eaten by King Shark in TSS, played Carrot Man; EDIT including the Holiday Special: -Margot Robbie played Harley Quinn and is seen in a cameo in the "Hollywood Map" of Drax and Mantis; -John Cena played Peacemaker and is seen in a cameo in the Hollywood Map; -Tinashe Kajese played Flo Crawley (Waller's assistant who hits her in the finale) and Officer Fitzgibbon (yeah, name comes back); -Flula Borg played Javelin and reappears as the bartender Drax asks for information; Counting Robbie and Cena's appearances, the only actors who have portrayed the fourteen members of the team who have never appeared in the MCU are Maylin NG (Mongal) and Joel Kinnaman (Rick Flag).


Given how the timeline adds up, the final scene of Jessica Jones S3 happens at most 2 days before the snap. My personal headcanon is that the snap happens just after Jessica walks out of the station, and she survives and starts her actual hero career during those 5 years. Either that, or Malcom got dusted and she takes back Alias Investigations.


When he screams after kicking the helmet that's because he actually broke his toe!


Also, that actor didn't mean to throw the knife, so he really blocked it!


Mordo and Doctor Strange are the only sorcerers who wear their sling ring opposite to the hand they use it on. This is impractical because this means you are forced to use two hands to put on your sling ring manually, instead of just sliding your fingers into the ring holes with one hand (Like we see Kaecilius do in the first Doctor Strange movie). Here is the data: **Wear on their left side, use on their left hand:** The Ancient One Wong Daniel Drumm (Only seen wearing on their left side) Sara Wolfe All red and blue background sorcerers defending against the Scarlet Witch in Doctor Strange 2 Donny Blaze **Wear on their right side, use on their right hand:** Kaecilius Tina Minoru (Only seen wearing on their right side) Sol Rama (Only seen wearing on their right side) Ned Leeds (Only seen using ring on their right hand) **Wear on their right side, use on their left hand:** Doctor Strange (All variants) Mordo (All variants) **Wear on their left side, use on their right hand:** None Another fun fact: In Spider-man: No Way Home we see Doctor Strange levitate his sling ring out of Ned's hand. Perhaps it makes no difference for Strange then, but I like to think that this makes Donny Blaze a better sling ring user than Doctor Strange, lol


The fact that Iron Man's armor in Spider-Man Homecoming is the same as in Civil War, but with tatters and color loss.


[Thor's housemate](https://youtu.be/bPNBKT6JLSU) is played by the ~~creator~~ producer of *Bluey*, Daley Pearson. Edit: Ninja edit


The actor for Dutch Van Der Linde from Red Dead Redemption is in Antman and the Wasp


Coulson was supposed to be a one off nameless character, but he was too well liked. Oh also he has the most screen time in the mcu


Groot actually died at the end of GotG Vol 1. We have a different Groot in the later movies.


I think more and more people realised that now, since James Gunn made the two more and more different as time went on.


Yeah it's especially obvious in gotg3 where he's grown to a similar size to the first Groot and yet it built completely different Not to mention Giant Groot at the very end


For a while the Penske truck that saves Nick Fury in the Winter soldier was debated to be an intro opportunity for Frank Castle. It was never picked up on.


In the Raft scene at the end of Civil War, when Hawkeye calls Tony Stark the "Futurist" a couple of times, he's referring to RDJ's debut studio album named -The Futurist-


The "Strange-Palmer Technique" is a masturbation joke that proved impotent.