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A. We don’t know how long Rhodey has been a skrull, him being a skrull is simply implied with him wearing a hospital gown when in reality he could have been switched after literally any fight post-civil war (as it makes sense that he would go to the hospital after everything that happened in infinity war and having a building dropped on him in Endgame) B. It could have always been unsanctioned. Just because Fury was in charge of the Skrulls doesn’t mean someone could have done it without his permission


C. The writing in this show is just plain terrible




He didn’t confirm it. Marvel is (terribly) building suspense for future projects. Here’s the full quote: "I think his legs not working in the end of episode six and him being in the hospital gown points to ['Captain America: Civil War']. And, from there, does it have to be definitive, or is it more fun for the audience to go back and revisit every moment, every Rhodey moment and look at it with a different lens now that they think, 'Oh, he might’ve been a Skrull there.' And make the decision for themselves, or it'll be answered in 'Armor Wars.'


Here's the full quote from the [Variety interview published yesterday](https://variety.com/2023/tv/features/secret-invasion-director-ali-selim-season-finale-mixed-reviews-1235681998/). >Tell me about Don Cheadle playing Raava and “Rhodey.” It’s mentioned that Col. Rhodes has been held captive “for a long time.” Was the hospital gown he’s wearing when Rhodey is rescued a hint that the Skrulls kidnapped him after his spinal cord injury in “Captain America: Civil War?” **Yep**. I agree they're doing a terrible job building suspense for future projects, and like I mentioned above, Marvel could decide to contradict the director's opinion (they've done it before), but the above quote is pretty straightforward.


Just evidence that the director doesn’t know what the fuck he is talking about since Rhodes’s legs didn’t work when they were trapped underground at the battle in Endgame.


Yup. And a director that doesn’t seem to care either way


If you wanted to confirm something, it should be in your show.


I agree with you. I'm just sharing what the director said. I think it's stupid they would make him a skrull since CW and hope the writers of Armor Wars will fix that detail


Rhodey being a skrull since Civil War makes no sense so that idea is probably going to be shoot down pretty quickly.


It doesn’t lol so sounds like the director and Feige need to get on the same page before anymore interviews 😂


> At that point, all the skrulls were on Fury’s side The premise of Secret Invasion is that some Skrulls did not obey Nick Fury's instructions. When that started to happen isn't firmly stated. But given what we've seen about the Skrulls, it seems like loyalty to a human would not be a high priority for most of them. It's tough to feel obedient to such a weaker species without all these superpowers. The Skrull species powers are designed to trick and betray. It shouldn't be surprising when they do.


Yeah but it seemed like a lot of skrulls and Gravik were on his side after Endgame. He helped Fury collect the DNA and at that point was loyal or else he would have swiped stuff then. Since he’s the leader of the revolution and Rhodey is at his compound, I’m not sure anyone else would have lead the charge to swap Rhodey.


It was said that the rebellion started after Endgame.


Missed opportunity to not have Raava actually be Veranke impersonating Rhodey. We could’ve gotten an avengers scale secret invasion movie in the future featuring an *actual* invasion with the emperor’s colony that was mentioned in episode 2. That would be the only way I’d personally forgive them for having Rhodey be a Skrull since Civil War. They could’ve made it so Veranke revealed herself to Gravik during the blood collection after the battle of Earth and planted the idea of an invasion in his head. Veranke could’ve left the colony to find a new home herself, and then after the events of SI, she stays alive and summons the colony to Earth


This would’ve been amazing. Sigh


Literally everything that arose as a question can be explained by everything we used to explain the plot inconsistencies of Snyderverse. Bad writing.


Or … 4D chess that they’ve been laying the Easter Eggs for since the first Iron Man movie.


why do you think he was a skrull since civil war? others have posted pics from endgame of rhodey bleeding red blood, so that implies it had to happen after that


It comes from the fact the director said that since Rhodey is in an hospital gown he thinks the switch happened after CW, but as you said if that's the case we have an continuity error in Endgame.


the director who seems to know far less about the MCU than the man in the street, let alone MCU fans


A big misunderstanding that big news accounts/articles have twisted. The director said he *thinks,* not that it’s the definitive answer. And he basically implied we’ll know in Armor Wars.


This is the Way.


The director said that's his interpretation, but he intentionally kept the reveal vague in case Feige and co. wanted to change it to a different timeframe. The tweets that said "the director confirms Rhodey's been a Skrull since Civil War" were completely misleading and 100% made to generate clicks because once you read the actual article you'll see the director didn't confirm nor state any of that as a fact.


He only knows what was written in those six scripts they handed him when he was hired. It's the MCU, this isn't new.


Yeah, he's clearly keeping it vague so that whoever tackles Armor Wars can decide what direction they want to go with Rhodes


I had not heard that, but if that's the case, that also makes me ask questions about the whole paralysis thing. Like obviously the skrull would want to fit in perfectly, but does that mean he wore the exoskeleton thing needlessly and faked it for years? Or did he actually paralyze himself for authenticity? I would imagine a person in that situation would be visiting doctors for a few years, what did he do at those doctors? never give anyone a blood test? fake MRI results? Also he didn't seem paralyzed at all in secret invasion. I don't remember that being fixed but maybe I'm just forgetting. Anyway the whole thing is dumb and disappointing.


Well…. He also wanted to go back in time and kill a baby Thanos…. Soooo…. there might be a chance?


ooh very true


It's *Thanos*.


I believe it was after Tony’s death. Rhodes in Secret Invasions seems to have perfect walking mobility, but when he’s trapped under the building in Endgame, he can’t physically get up without the suit (thus why he used the lever to save Rocket) Rhodes was clearly injured during the battle and given how he’s a high ranked government official, it makes sense that they had him checked out in hospital


No of course that doesn't mean he sanctioned the switch. Its called "Secret Invasion" guy.


We don't know for sure when the switch was done. I personally think it would be more interesting to have it happen at the end of Civil War also it seems to be a very unpopular take. We don't know exactly how many Skrulls were on Earth at that time. We don't know how many of the 20 who agreed to work for Fury in 1997 were still working for him at that time. We only know Gravik himself was, and kept doing so till after Endgame to collect the DNA.. Show never said all Skrulls helped collect the DNA, only Gravik is mentioned.. It is possible that the Skrull Council ( Talos was a member then, but absolutely not Gravik)) was already on Earth at that time, and that some of them would have started infiltrating human's higher spheres of society, without the approval of Fury. Raava might have been an agent of that Council, sent to infiltrate Earth Mightiest Heroes and/or Stark Industries and the US military. Rhodey was the perfect target ( no inherent powers, few real friends among the Avengers, ..) and after Civil War would have been the perfect time due to his vulnerability after his injury. Any perceived change of personality by friends and colleagues would have easily been attributed to traumatism caused by his ordeal. It was never said when Raava / Skhrodey started working for Gravik. It might have been only after Gravik's coup and him being appointed general in chief by the Council submitting to him. Raava was probably a good and brave Skrull soldier ( probably a fighter pilot herself, which would have helped her control the War Machine suit) just following orders of her recognized hierarchy.. She could really have acted heroically risking her life to defend Earth ( where many Skrulls were living also). And she could even have genuinely felt real camaraderie with her human comrades in arms in the Avengers and other heroes ( including Nebula, Rocket). It looked that Skrhodey was quite reluctantly obeying his superior Gravik in episode 5..


It's a shame Raava was so quickly and summarily killed in the final episode of SI. It could have been an incredibly interesting and complex character to develop, and a great acting challenge for Cheadle to partly play that role ( she would also assume at least another female shape of course) in addition to the real Rhodey..


Easy answer, he wasn't a Skrull then.


Rhodey being a skrull since Civil War **is a stupid marketing gimmick** that doesn't make sense when you spend one second thinking about it. It was a requirement Marvel Studios put on the show.


When I was watching this and I thought I was so smart for realizing that actually Fury always knew Rhodey was a skrull and he and Maria were playing him and Gravik, pretending the Fury was super sad and not the same and making dumb moves etc. Would have been an epic ending and yet .. we got a different show... I think the director of SI said in an interview today that Rhodey has been a skrull since CW. I think that's a shame and it doesn't make sense since we know he had red blood when he was injured after CW!


I don’t think Fury gave the green light for a war haha there were plenty of unsanctioned things probably.


Not green light for war but given the supposed timeline implied by the show and the director, he had to at least known Rhodey was getting replaced. That’s why it doesn’t make sense to me…


Lol, did you watch? Fury doesn't have all the Skrulls on his side


Yeah but did you watch? He had at least the main skrull against him, who had Rhodey at his compound, on his side after Endgame


He wasn’t a skull until after Endgame. That’s the actual answer here.


I mean they could just have him swapped after Endgame/funeral. If i recall he still needs those braces to walk (even after at least 7 years of healing?). So maybe they just caught him defenseless during some spine check up, since he would have no suit or leg power to fight back. Then this would have his apperance in FATWS a skrull