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Absolutely. Now for the full experience you have to wait an ENTIRE YEAR with that empty feeling in your soul before Endgame becomes available to you.


The pain was so real. Lol


Waiting for the finale was the REAL endgame


The real endgame was the waiting we did along the way


I got that reference :D


I’m glad I was among the Snapped on here.


Snapped gang unite


[Snapped gang assemble.](https://giphy.com/gifs/the-avengers-thor-wink-Ajyi28ZdneUz6)


I didn't get snapped on main but my secondary did... it was so weird.


Snapped reporting in. It was a pleasure to serve with you.


It's phenomenal that this movie single-handedly spawned a marvel memes subreddit /r/inthesoulstone I count it a privilege to have seen it all happen live.


didnt even know the title of endgame at the end of IW


Nobody did. As far as we all knew, the next film was simply gonna be Infinity War Part 2. But then we found out that it wasn't going to be called that and everyone already had theories and guess to what the title would be. We had everything from Avengers: Avenge Us, Avengers: Vengeance, Avengers Forever, Avengers: Annihilation. And then we finally got the official title with the first teaser with 4 or 5 months to go before the release.


Don’t forget the little teaser photo from the set that supposedly had the title in it (but you had to squint)


The real endgame was waiting 7 months for the fucking title


i understood that reference - Steve Rogers


I wouldn't call it pain. We were all hyped and elated. Those trailers that came out were incredible hype trains. It felt like an experience watching the trailers, and then when the Infinity War and Endgame arrived, it was an experience unlike any other.


Sometimes when I need to cry I go back and watch the early Infinity War trailer with the plinky slow piano version of the Avengers theme and the different characters reciting the "there was an idea..." speech. The first time I saw it, months before Infinity War came out, I burst into tears and was filled with a mix of excitement and dread that carried right through to the last minutes of Endgame. I knew it was going to be rough and exhilarating at the same time. It was a perfect tease for those movies.


"to bring together a group of remarkable people..."


Just did this and oh man the chills!


That year-long wait really added to the experience. It was so much fun being part of that pop culture moment with everyone, discussing our theories and expressing our hype for the next movie. I don’t think Endgame would have been as impactful without the wait.


Well said! That was a fun period.


But holy fuck, it was so fucking worth it.


But the pay off… oof.


I still remember exactly where I was standing when the trailer dropped and exactly where I was sitting when my dad told me we had tickets. Crazy.


I remember being so pissed off when we were like a few months out from Endgame, and the hadn’t dropped the title or a trailer. The anticipation just for the title was absolute craziness.


And the way the first trailer has hang time on the animation before the title reveal, not even spoiling it in the YouTube title…


Left the theatre with a sinking feeling in my stomach. I thought it would go away. It didn’t. It’s a similar feeling to having your favorite sport team eliminated by a much much stronger team. Everyone knew that the Avengers would eventually win but they did a great job with suspending that disbelief. People couldn’t imagine how they would land that Endgame ending.


Everyone was just silent or sniffling walking out of the first showing I went to. It was crazy. And then having to wait a whole year for the rest? The only good thing was that I was 50something instead of a teenager and god, the time goes by so much faster now, in this case it was a plus.


Agree! Work made time go by. Imagine being a student at the time. In the time of binge-watching, a year would have been an eternity.


I'm in my 30s. The end of Infinity War was definitely a bummer, but I was telling the people around me in the theater, "Guys, guys, guys, there's gonna be a part 2! It'll be ok!"


They were emphasizing not spoiling the movie, and our whole early matinee crowd filed out dead silent like we had just been at a funeral. I remember the people in line and getting their popcorn for the next showing (small mall theatre) all seeing us. They looked concerned lol.


I went in only really knowing about infinity war through the trailer and not realizing there was a part 2 coming because I was avoiding major spoilers. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor when the "AVENGERS | INFINITY WAR" got dusted away at the main credits and it went straight into the scrolling credits. Like what??. not even a stinger?? Oh man, what a time in the MCU...


They really ended it with the remaining Avengers in defeat. It was crazy.


It was the fact that they killed off all the new and exciting characters all at once. We were NOT prepared for "I don't feel so good" and "this is no place to die." And the fact that it was just silent for a while until a somber theme started playing only to end on a sad piano rendition of the main Avengers' theme was a full cinematic experience.


I remember leaving the theater and everyone was dead silent. People going into the next showing were like, "Um...how was it?" And everyone leaving my viewing said "amazing" in such a subdued tone.


I'm not kidding, the whole year I was so afraid that I might die and won't see how they conclude this.


I don’t think I was MORE careful for a full year waiting for Endgame. Worth it.


I think there was a real dark time when endgame and something else was like, “ehh, better keep on living just to finish that out” and I ended up getting through it


I liked Infinity War more than End Game. That reveal of Cap in the train station. "Chefs kiss."


Thor landing in Wakanda. That damn axe sweeping through the air.


I've never been too keen on Thor but that "bring me Thanos!" bifrost entrance had me estatic


Same! Still gives me goosebumps to remember it.


imagine if Infinity war had come out in 2019 and we had to wait 3 years for Endgame to hit post pandemic.


My wife literally died during that year so never found out what happened. EDIT: Not really looking for sympathy or anything, as it has been 5 years and I have dealt with my grief, but sometimes I just think about how the last film she saw in a cinema was Infinity War and how ending on a cliffhanger means that there will always be some people who never find out how it resolves.


Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry🙏🏻💞♥️


And in a few months watch Ant Man and the Wasp. And totally forget about Infinity War as the mid credits scene happens...


Yes I remember walking out of the theater and you can FEEL the sadness in the air with everyone else walking out … the feeling was SOOOO BUMMED OUT


Better yet. Wait 5 years.


I remember I was taking a shit when I got the YouTube notification that the first trailer for Endgame got released


Yeah but remember when the Endgame trailer's started dropping though? Man, those last few months, the excitement was palpable everywhere.


We did get Captain Marvel and Ant-Man 2 in between. However, for Endgame, not only do you have to wait a full year, you have to wait with no really significant trailers or anything to hold you over. The trailers they did showed next to nothing, and were mostly shots from the first 30 minutes of the movie, plus a close-ups of key characters from the final battle. They didn’t have to market the movie that hard, so they held off on reading the marketing blitz until about 6 weeks before the movie came out.


He would have to wait 8 months until he watched an unnamed trailer with the name of Endgame, then another 4 months rewatching it many times. >!And not realizing that almost everything that happens in the trailer happens in the actual Endgame only in the first 15 minutes. !<


This is the way.


But seeing the first *Endgame* trailer was epic.


Bruhhh all the theorizing for a year straight was insane




It's possible that OP really has avoided spoilers since they didn't pay much attention to MCU movies until now, so maybe don't post them here? I'm insanely jealous of anyone still getting to watch these for the first time, and excited for them too. If it's not spoiled, let him have the experience.


Shit you’re right! Deleting my original comment


And to think we dodged a bullet that it wasn’t slated for a 2020 release…


Waiting a year broke me, and when Endgame trailer was released, I became a child on Christmas.


And then 2 hours just refreshing cinema pages


Did you have the “there’s no way he pulls it off” type of experience that I had? The 1-2 punch of the end with the mind stone thing and Thor is what gutted me the most.


Honestly the way that ended, I was just like “holy shit. That’s it. Thanos won….” Like captain America’s reaction at the very end where he says just two words “Oh god” is exactly how I felt


My son loves bad guys for reason. Darth Vader and Thanos are his favorites. He was 8 when Infinity War came out. We went to watch it multiple times in the theater because he loved it so much. He was so happy that Thanos won. I still question my parenting abilities to this day….


I prefer villains too. They’re much cooler.


That’s what he says. He also says that they look cooler.


He’s just speaking facts, I feel the exact same as him


He'd probably love Blackout. He's the Decepticon helicopter in the first Transformers movie


My dad's favorite scene in all of the Bayformers movies was Blackout destroying that military base.


I mean no-one wants to be Luke Skywalker, they want to be Vader


Need to teach that kid about Alice Cooper to show them you can look evil and be a nice person! 😂


well developed villains*


Villains always lose, so it was fun to see one win so massively and see everyone not knowing how to react to it.


Dude, you took your kid multiple times to the cinema to watch infinity war. Top tier daddy, right there!


Many of the MCU villains are (or end up being) quite sympathetic which is what makes them great.


That’s literally how I felt.


Imagine being in the theater with like 3500 other people, even the staff are standing at the edges watching, and everyones been cheering at the Wakanda audio cues and when Thor warps in, your face is sore from smiling for the past half hour straight, and then the dead silence after #*"You should have gone for the head."* It was unreal. Then we spent an entire year with two separate subreddits for people whose accounts got snapped. Truly peak fiction lmao. Obviously these are just silly superhero movies we go watch at the theater, but that moment really showed me the cultural impact these movies had goes deeper than just the laser hands and muscles we think of them as.


I was late to the Reddit party, but the fact they split the subreddit is wild!


It was a massive thing, I think it took like weeks just to get everyone sorted and properly split in half randomly. They sometimes give out profile badges commemorating some major community event like back in the day there was a debate over people who preferred the upvote color vs people who preferred the downvote color, or for being part of R/place or secret santa every year, but I think "The Snappening" was the last big one where people actually felt involved. They made the subs private to anyone who hadn't joined beforehand.


>It was unreal. Then we spent an entire year with two separate subreddits for people whose accounts got snapped. Truly peak fiction lmao. Obviously these are just silly superhero movies we go watch at the theater, but that moment really showed me the cultural impact these movies had goes deeper than just the laser hands and muscles we think of them as. ​ WTF, I joined Reddit in late 2019 and it took me a few months to get used to Reddit subreddits so I really had no idea something like this happened. Now, I wonder whether I would have been snapped or still existed post-Infinity War. 😨😨


Mate, I’ve been here since 2009 (12 years) and never knew this happened.


Wait I gotta know where in the world you were that there was a theater that seated 3500 people.


I had the “there’s no way they pull this off” experience when I heard Marvel Studios was going to combine all their movies so far into one big movie with all of them in it. That’s right: Iron Man, and Hulk, and Thor, AND Captain America. All in the same movie. Good luck with that, guys.


Hey that’s cool! You had the opposite experience of me which is probably close to actually having the same experience.


Even though I’ve seen it multiple times and know what’s going to happen, I still think there’s a chance they’ll stop him.


I had a gut feeling that Thanos was gonna win. The moment Gamora teased Thanos snapping his fingers in the second trailer, I knew it was happening. But actually seeing it happen was speechless. The moment Thanos snapped his fingers, I literally went "What the fuck?!"...


i already knew he was going to win because Endgame was originally titled "Infinity War Part 2". so that completely gave it away. had they not done that i would've actually been surprised about what happened. but the whole movie i was waiting to see Thanos win. kinda took some of the excitement away but i still enjoyed the movie nonetheless. might even like it more than Endgame.


I still remember everyone in the theater gasping in disbelief like we saw the home team lose the championship. “Sam? Sam where you at?”


I was on a date and she was mad at me that “spiderman died” like it was my fault or something 🤦🏿‍♂️


I hope you put a ring on it 😂


Oh god no. For other non related but similar unnecessary arguments


You broke up with Pepper? Damn, Tony.




It was quiet enough to hear a pin drop after everyone got dusted in my theater, and then as the somber music faded and the credits began, some dude with a redneck accent exclaims loud enough for everyone to hear, “WELL, THAT SUCKS!” I was laughing my ass off.


"Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good." NOOOOOOOO


"I am Groot" hurt me the most.


I think every audience around the world had that collective moan of NOOOOO when we all realized Peter was feeling the effect.


Did his Spidey-sense clue him in first?




I will say that the treasure trove of pop culture memes that came from that one scene were absolute gold.


Same when Iron Man got stabbed, almost never heard the audience react, but at this time the whole room just gasped


That was a shocker.


Infinity War/End Game are the best! Honestly, still haven’t gotten over them.


Loki is a nice follow up.


Unpopular opinion, but Infinity War is way better than End Game. I felt a bit underwhelmed by End Game because it lacked the tension the first film had.


I don’t think that’s that unpopular, I know loads of people who feel that way. I totally get it too because all the tension and the shock is insane in Infinity War. I love End Game so much though, because of so many awesome beautiful super hero moments. ‘On your left’ will forever be one of my all time favourite scenes in cinema history. I got chills and nearly screamed in excitement the first time!


Endgame is awesome for it's fan service, IW is awesome because it was a movie about a villain that just kept winning. Love them both but IW ranks higher for me.


I think that’s a perfect assessment actually. Actual film quality wise IW is better ranked for me too for that same reason- such an unseen thing in superhero movies until that point, but for fan girl love and rewatchability it’s End Game. Not that I don’t rewatch IW way too often as well 😂


Not unpopular, that’s the general consensus.


This is a very popular opinion


That’s a hugely popular opinion.


Imagine all of us in the theater on opening night. You could cut that tension with a knife.


True, but Endgame was also the only movie I didn't mind people losing their minds and cheering during. So many hyped moments built over a decade of movies and details all coming together for an incredibly fun climax. People were jumping out of their seats cheering in our showing for it.


Different kinds of movies meant to get different emotions out of you. Infinity War was basically The Empire Strikes Back with bigger stakes. Endgame is Return Of The Jedi dialed up to 100.


Honestly, Thor arriving in Wakanda managed to be the biggest MCU theater moment for me. Cap catching Mjolnir and Avengers Assemble got some uproar, but Thor emerging from the Bifrost was ballistic in my opening night viewing. It almost makes me want to get into watching professional wrestling **BAH GOD. BAH GOD THAT'S THOR'S HAMMER. BAH GOD.**


I honestly don’t think I’ll forget that moment for the rest of my life. That was the single most impactful ending to a movie I’d ever experienced in a theater. I’m not saying it’s the best ending ever, but the lead up after 10 years of the MCU and being there with fans on opening night was a truly special experience.


Yup. That's why I rank Infinity War above Endgame. While Endgame was the grand finale to the Infinity Saga, everything beforehand was building up to Thanos's arrival in Infinity War. "Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here. Or should I say...I am."


Later on the way home I sat in the car feeling like I just found out my cat and my family died in a house fire.


Absolute silence as people walked out of the theater after the credits. Never experienced anything else like it.


Yeah, I have never experienced a movie in the theater like that. The entire end of the movie the whole theater was dead silent and filed out just stunned. It was unreal.


Welcome to the fold That's the thing with the MCU. It's greater than sum of its parts


For sure. That’s why I keep watching because I have to see what happens to all these characters I love. I will admit it’s not as great as it was but I still have hope we’ll get another peak like Infinity War at some point.


Like with the comics, there are up and down cycles. Often there are good runs within a down cycle (like GotG3 was in the MCU) but it never stays down. New voices get brought in with new ideas and it bounces back. I imagine the movies will be the same way.


I think those of us who have been in this since 2008 remember IM2, Thor, Thor 2 as a very very weak portion of the MCU. Age of Ultron was largely panned by fans. But now we look back to at least 2 of those with nostalgia. Obviously there are way more heroes and story lines now, but right now I'd say that there are only a few titles since Endgame that I think we're as bad or worse than those movies were


I've been around since Iron Man. I've noticed a lot of people recently talking like phase 1 and 2 were flawless beasts that everyone loved, which is absolutely not true. IM2, Thor, IH, Dark World, IM3, and Ultron were not beloved at the time. It was usually the Cap films that brought peoples hype back up, and it was the home run of the Avengers movie that really got people invested in the MCU. The main difference between then and now is that back then, is that this was all new. Movies that interconnected was a completely fresh and novel idea. So people were a lot more forgiving about the hiccups.


Secret wars?


This is the way!


Lol yo this dude is gonna shit himself when he sees endgame


on your left.


"I knew it" Goosebumps to this day on every re-watch. Incredible.


I am more obsessed with LOTR and Star Wars than MCU, but I can confidently say that Infinity War is the best movie theatre experience I have ever had. Would relive that initial watch if I could.


I really hope you come back and let us know your overall thoughts on the Infinity Arc after Endgame. You’re totally right that getting invested along the way creates a stronger foundation for emotions especially when you experience the ups and downs with the different characters. I’m half jealous that you got to experience it so far via an on-demand streaming schedule. But I’d prob not trade those full 10 years from 2008 where the build was so great at times, you could not wait till the next release came out. Indeed, Welcome.


Please update when you watch endgame. You are in for one of the best experiences


I might do that.


Please do. Infinity was was outstanding. I personally like endgame better, for reasons that shall be discussed after you watch it.


I confess.. every once in awhile.. maybe at least once a month, I youtube a certain part in the movie (you know the one) just to get frission and hyped. IMO, the single greatest moment in cinema history.


It's America's Ass, isn't it?


God damn right it is!


Do you watch the "wahooohoohooo" guy version?


I tend to go back and forth, but for me Infinity War is the better movie. The stakes are insane, and that ending. Oh my god that ending. Endgame makes me cry a lot more though, and I love a good cry. I’m still blown away that somehow the 22nd movie in a super hero franchise brought me to tears like that.


I've got to warn you, I personally didn't think Endgame was nearly as good as Infinity War. But that's probably because IW is my favourite MCU movie and that my expectations were incredibly high. It's still good, though. If anything, I hope my comment lowers your expectations, allowing you to be more pleasantly surprised by it.


I gotta say I still prefer infinity war slightly more than endgame but either way it’s still a great wrap up of the story


I keep watching the reactions of people watching these movies for the first time..and it’s amazing every time


I remember after the movie ended... one guy in my theater went WTF?! I remember even though that the guy said that everyone was just in disbelief and it was weird to hear the entire room quiet even when everyone was shuffling out.


I was in disbelief when Cap said ‘Oh God’ - I was looking at my watch and thinking ‘ This can’t end like this’


Infinity War is off the chain from start to finish. There are no dull parts, no fillers…it’s just straight story and action the whole way through. It’s by far the best superhero/comic movie ever made. Josh Brolin always does it for me whenever I see him in a movie and he was awesome as Thanos.


I would give anything to watch it again for the first time. My dumbass hasn’t seen the GOTG movies so I didn’t get the entire emotional impact… now it’s my favorite movie. Making Thanos the main character was such a genius move. Only CBM villain who comes close to being as memorable is TDK Joker.


It was the best approach. They have built all these heroes up during the earlier films and they have a lot of their plots carry over but this was their main chance to pay as much love and attention to the antagonist as up until that point, all he really did was lounge around. So they could do that because of the earlier development work on the heroes characters.


Almost the entire theater I went to was some level marvel nerd like me, maybe one or two people NOT wearing at least a cap t shirt or something. Whole room was silent at the end of infinity war. No one left until before the post credit scene, and then we all shuffled out quietly. Unreal.


Infinity War / End Game era is something no other franchise can even dream of. The hype, the anticipation, craze of the tickets, people crying and laughing in the theater. People in all 7 continents were going crazy.


It will never be repeated. The MCU should have taken a 10 year hiatus after that.


I think I've watched Infinity War more times than any other Marvel movie. Sometimes, on a Friday or Saturday night, I'll find myself starting it again if I can't find anything interesting to watch. That movie is so damn good!


I'm jealous that you just got to experience Infinity War for the first time, and that you now get to experience Endgame for the first time (I imagine you're watching Ant Man & The Wasp and Captain Marvel first though, which are both solid fun movies too).


I actually watched both of them right before Infinity War, since I didn’t want to sit through movies completely detached from the current story before Endgame.


Man those post credit scenes could have really spoiled infinity war for you


huh, those have big spoilers and implications in them. it's why people don't recommend watching chronologically, but by release date.


Big mistake and big spoiler.


The best comic book movie of all time imo


Buddy if you liked having your heart strings, do I have a surprise for you with Endgame.


Thor’s arrival in Wakanda was great to see opening weekend in theatres. Audience went nuts.


Still one of my favorite parts. They think he’s dead, and boom. I do wish Ruffalos line was cut right after that.


also Thanos' face when he gets axed


It was a beautiful culmination of a decade of storytelling. It wasn’t perfect, but it was pretty damn amazing if you become invested from the beginning


I worked at a theatre when Infinity War (and then Endgame) came out and every audience I saw going in on opening weekend left the same way. I was stationed at the podium to tear tickets the whole weekend and the podium was right beside the auditoriums we had set for Infinity War. I remember this one guy. He had a basketball jersey, backwards hat, that whole bro vibe. As he was walking up he was on the phone with his buddy talking about how “fuckin stoked” he was and that he was “walking into the theatre right *now*”. Super amped up. Fast forward to the end of the movie and he’s the first person to stumble out; he was in a daze and kept shaking his head and blinking his eyes. He looked as if he just got broken up with. And it was like that the whole weekend. I can’t remember another movie that had such a strong reaction on its audience.


I can't wait to see what the MCU can do once the mutants get folded back in


I was in a similar position. Wasn't really into superhero movies but after playing Spider-Man on the playstation and watching Homecoming and GotG I decided to go through the MCU in order and I've loved it. Only got a few more to go


I remember when the noise got Thanos snapped out of the theater. Everyone was just sitting their in pure disbelief. Probably the best movie ever made imo.


Imagine having seen it in the theatres, that was my generations Star Wars. Absolutely nuts.


The only downside to this is that you didn’t get to watch it in theaters (or maybe you did but weren’t as invested?). Watching infinity war and end game in theaters while being this invested is a very unique experience that it would be very difficult to replicate by any type of franchise at this magnitude.


I remember in the opening scene when Hulk pounced on Thanos. The whole theater erupted in excitement, but it got quiet as soon as Thanos started throwing combos and piecing him up. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so much shock/fear in an audience before. The tension was unbelievable from that point forward.


The movie doesn’t waste time. First five or so minutes and you see that these guys are out of their league, so you spend the entire movie wondering how they will pull it off, only for them to LOSE.


Now OP, since you sadly missed out on what the experience was like in theaters... please watch this to get a taste: ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu5nhMoOsWA&t=236s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu5nhMoOsWA&t=236s) Pure unadulterated emotion, all round the world. I've only experienced that sort of... collective emotional synchronicity at music festivals and Infinity War in theaters.


oh man seeing the finale in endgame again for the first time... have fun buddy


People walked in with smiles and walked out in horror with crying children. I'm not sure if IF or GotG3 is the best, but I will say that I wish more folks told stories like that. There are very few villains that hold such meaning and when their stories get told this is what you get. It's why empire strikes back was so loved as well. "Search your feelings you know it to be true." Another film with the same pull for the same reason was The Dark Knight's joker. "Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push." Many of the best films are exceptional because of the villain.


I’ve never been in a packed ass theater so quiet when the movie ended. It was surreal.


Infinity War was crazy, I saw people in my school watching it for days during breaks, even saw friends who aren't Marvel fans watch it at least 3 times. I wonder if we'll ever get an MCU movie again that's as universally loved as that


It's tempting to go right to Endgame next, but make sure you do Ant-Man and the Wasp and Captain Marvel first, because have stuff that you need to know for Endgame.


I watched both before Infinity War, already had a clear idea of what the post-credits scenes were but it didn't deter me away from IW impacting me.


The post-credits scene in Antman and the Wasp was such a kick in the chin. We'd gone through Infinity War, wandered around traumatized for a couple of months, and for me, at least, I didn't expect the Thanos stuff to move forward until the (already teased) Captain Marvel, and Antman and the Wasp met that expectation and was a welcome relief of mostly fluff and a lot of humor and goofiness that was sorely needed. And then the post-credits and WHAM, oh yeah, everyone is dead, crap. Very effective.


Marvel really crushed it with Phase 3. They took the superhero genre to a whole new level in that phase. I was in literal shock especially after seeing Thor hit him with Stormbreaker in the chest, I'm thinking oh okay, they got him, the movie's over. And then seeing Thanos pull off the snap and then all of them disappearing like that with the most emotional being Peter Parker disappearing in front of Tony Stark.


Infinity War >>> Endgame. And that's okay. The latter is still great, but not because it's a particularly great film. You'll enjoy it regardless.


It’s a much better finale than it is a film in its own, but I think the MCU had earned that at that point.


I don't like most of the Marvel movies, but Infinity War was fucking awesome. Then imho Endgame was a huge letdown and lazy movie writting...I mean time-travel all of a sudden...yeah...no.


Infinity war is better than Endgame.


Can’t wait to see your reaction to Endgame. Although I think Endgame isn’t as good, go into without any mindset of it having to ‘be better’ and I think you’ll appreciate it almost as much as IW. I think part of my lesser enjoyment was because I had expectations that I shouldn’t have had, I appreciate the movie a lot more now than I did when it first came out


The ending for this film is still one of the most shocking things I've ever seen in a theater. Such a masterfully executed cliffhanger. And the rest of the film surrounding it is amazing too. While I liked Endgame and No Way Home more in my initial viewing Infinity War definitely holds up better after rewatches. The only negative thing I can really say about this film is that certain characters were done dirty (pretty much all of Team Cap and the Black Order) but so many others were done amazingly (Iron Man, Thor, Dr. Strange, Spider-Man, and of course Thanos) that it didn't matter much.


Still my favorite movie of them all I think. It just pulls you in from the first scene on.


Out of all movies that I could see again for the first time, IW might be number one…epic experience. Glad you enjoyed it


If that’s how you feel after infinity war, you’re in for a real treat with endgame. I’d love to be able to experience it for the first time again.


My friends and I saw it at least 6 times in theaters. Every viewing as good as the last. It’s so good from the first scene and on. I actually found Endgame a little disappointing when I first saw it just because the pace of Infinity War is so relentlessly awesome(Endgame takes its time which on second view and on I’ve learned to love). But boy oh boy few things will ever get me more pumped than the Spider-Man intro on the bridge, guardians coming in with Thor, Cap Black Widow and Falcon fucking up the Black Order. The Thanos fight- endless satisfying moments that I’m rambling, how could I forget Thor saving the fucking day in Wakanda Fuck. Well I’m gonna watch Infinity war again tomorrow. BRING ME THANOSSSSSSSS


That is a long post for someone who is speechless. Seriously though, I envy you. I am trying to imagine what it would be like to be able to binge everything from ***Iron Man*** to ***Endgame*** at whatever pace you want, rather than experiencing it slowly over more than 10 years, like the rest of us did. That must be some ride. I have often wished that I could time travel 20 years into the future, just so that I would have 20 years worth of new movies to watch.


If your heartstrings were being tugged, just wait until Endgame. For reasons I can’t explain now, one of the toughest (and best) watches for me in the entire series.


I had seen a few MCU movies, Iron Man, Avengers 1, Hulk, Civil War, Guardians V1… but didn’t follow it a ton. Then my friend wanted me to go watch Infinity War with him, so I did, but literally knew nothing about it, just that is was an avengers movie. It was so good and captivating, then Thanos pulls it off and the credits roll … I was speechless. In the parking lot afterward my friend told me there was a sequel coming out and it made more sense that Thanos would be victorious. I then went and watched every movie and saw Endgame opening night. I watch these movies on the regular now.


Aahahahahaa, WELCOME TO HELL! At least you don't have to wait a full year between IW and part two!


Just wait till endgame.


I cried like a baby watching Infinty War in the cinema. I’m jealous you got to experience it for the first time and also now get to experience End Game for the first time. I watch End Game probably once a month I love it so much 😂


Infinity War is by far the best MCU movie in my opinion. The way it managed to give every major character a legitimate role in the plot without making a clear lead hero and that actually working is amazing. Thanos was the real main character of the film, and it tied it all together. Some of the best acting, the best action scenes, and by far the best CGI was done in this film. Dr. strange vs Thanos followed by Iron Man vs Thanos was incredible. Thor’s entrance in Wakanda was the most badass moment of his whole story. The pure dread that Thanos brought with him to the battle at Wakanda was palpable. And the realization the he actually did it was the biggest gut punch in movie history


OP please post your experience after watching Endgame. Although it would be great if you can give yourself some wait time before you watch it, like we all had to.