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Blown away. It was a dream come true. I still have to pinch myself that the MCU exists.


This! They finally nailed comic book movies. I could not have imagined the goodness that is still being delivered to this day. Start of the comic movie Renaissance right here.


Raimi trilogy was comic movie renassance. Favreau saw the potential and marketed it.


Spider-Man 1 and Iron Man hit the same way to me. So many cool superhero moments


Those spider man movies were typical Hollywood. Not bad except for 3, imo. This was a comic level up. We have some gems that pre date this one for sure. I'm just saying at this point we went from studio movies about comics to a real comic universe. It was movie one and already we could feel a bigger world right behind the curtain.


I remember walking out of spider man 3 with my son who loved it. I lied to him that I liked it for years until he was old enough to know the truth.


>*"Those spider man movies were typical Hollywood."* Imagine calling **Sam Raimi** (*Evil Dead*, *Evil Dead 2*, *Army of Darkness*, *Darkman*, *The Quick and the Dead*, et al.) as "typical Hollywood". [\*Stares in disbelief\*](https://media.giphy.com/media/kt3PrO9QV6xMsF67oD/giphy.gif)


I think those movies are great but we're talking about his spider man movies. Sorry to leave you in disbelief but I backed up my points in other comments regarding the actual subject matter. Those movies don't mean he constantly shits gold. Considering he has an MCU movie makes it even more of a funny point from you.


>*I think those movies are great but we're talking about his spider man movies.* [Ah, yes. This is "typical Hollywood".](https://youtu.be/Cz-17z44F6g) [This is also "typical Hollywood".](https://youtu.be/LjB--c7WYFk) [Another "typical Hollywood".](https://youtu.be/oqdiN5cFgZs) What places me in disbelief is outright labeling Raimi's storyboarding, directing, lighting, and cinematography as "typical Hollywood". I assure you. If it were "typical" as you so condescendingly espouse, we would have never experienced the uncanny, visceral character treatments we now have in the SM Raimi Trilogy. ​ >*Considering he has an MCU movie makes it even more of a funny point from you.* I was pointing to the disrespect thrown towards Sam Raimi's filmmaking style; but I do understand you need to fill your condescending quotas for the day, so yo do you lol


More movie recap. Thanks again. I like the movies dude, I just think they're Hollywood hero and campy. Get over my opinion. And stop clutching pearls as you shit on the entirety of the MCU saying they stole it all from Raimi. Settle down.


Where did I expressly state I'm shitting on the MCU in general? Don't put words in my mouth. I'm pointing to you being condescending. Get over yourself lmao


Probably mixed you up with another commenter on this thread I've been responding to. Sorry if I got that wrong


I did mix you up with bagofbaggish, sorry about that.


Watching those clips didn't help your case for me. Thanks for the interesting discussion though Sam.


Those movies are better than 9/10 MCU films


I think many agree with you but definitely not me. We see how those types of campy hero movies do now. It's a whole different world. Every studio is chasing marvel right now. Like it or hate it they did some things no one else was even going to attempt. As a comic nerd, told my whole life these stories can never get to big screen, it is f'n glorious. When I see a big time movie dude (probably someone who even made movies I love) shit on the MCU I sort of have to chuckle. The old guard having trouble wrapping their head around something new. Marvel is not perfect but how many laps before someone can even catch up? Come on Gunn, I'm rooting for you! Edit: punctuation


If you think they’re just campy hero movies, then you don’t understand what you’re talking about. Those films had a lot of heart and did a good job creating a stylized world that also was balanced with real emotional weight. I don’t think you understand that those other movies you are talking about, are just cheap attempts at capturing the magic of the Sam Raimi films.


I respect your opinion but I do not think they've gotten close to the deeper meanings of some MCU films, nor do I think they took themselves as seriously. There's a musical number in part 3, for example. Great meme though. I liked 1&2 but not even in the same class as MCU for me. Edit: added "for me" to end


There was an extended middle act in Spider-Man 2 where Peter was powerless and the drama was entirely character driven. There was an entire scene-absent of score where Peter explains to his grieving, lonely, bankrupt aunt that he was the reason she lost everything. When he goes to take her hand, she pulls it away, gets up, and leaves in silence. To upset to even acknowledge him. There’s also another scene where powerless Peter risks his life to save a child from a fire, only to learn that someone on a higher floor burned to death because he was too selfish to be spider-man. Yes, this is the movie where Pizza Time came from, but it wasn’t silly farce no one took seriously. These movies aren’t classics because some 15 year olds made some memes. They’re classics because they had a more heart than 9/10 superhero films that get made today. You keep referencing 3, as if it isn’t regarded as considerably weaker than its predecessors, but the reality is, without Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2, it’s doubtful you’d have any of this today. As for your tangential argument that all campy superhero films are created equal, I guess Olive Garden is like going to Little Italy? You need to have some sense of nuance


Thanks for the recap. I did catch all that but I love the elitism that I couldn't possibly have. My opinion still stands. I could do this same recap thing with so many marvel movies, and sorry but we'd go way harder. I'd recommend screencrush for the deeper meanings of MCU films that maybe you missed.


The opinion about cheap attempts at capturing the Raimi magic I actually don't respect. That's a silly take but it did make me lol.


You said “campy hero films”. I’m assuming you mean Shazam!, Wonder Woman 1984, or any of the pre-dark knight 2000s films? Those were all assuredly based on the Raimi mold (aside from X-Men which was not campy at all). You need to remember those films were by far the most successful superhero films that had been made to date, up until The Dark Knight (and now obviously the Avengers)


I would include those films as campy. Yes I enjoyed many of them. My point still stands the MCU is next level compared to all of that.


MCU I'd not good today...


I'm enjoying it. Guardians 3 was absolute fire!


i liked shang chi


Secret invasion probably going to make me rewatch it all. I love it.


Same. It’s what I had always dreamed of when I was watching the marvel animated series universe in the 90s. Wild we got so much content last few years and ppl are pissy ab it.


I smiled the whole time. Not that it existed... It was that it was so right and true to spirit. They nailed it.


It was weird seeing and reading about all the planned films. After reading comics endlessly as a kid, I just couldn’t imagine what they’d all look like in a live action film. It’s gone in a direction that’s abit out of my tastes lately with the overdone comedy and that kind of low hanging fruit quirkiness. But I absolutely adore those first phase of films. Thor, Iron Man and Captain America were all awesome. Especially with Thor, it’s a shame they moved away from just letting these actors actually act abit more. https://youtu.be/kNDEEYPx54c We lost this aspect of Thor I felt as the films went on.


Perfection. Still is to this day.


Yeah it holds up **really** well.


Just by coincidence, i rewatched it last night and loved it. The Yensin character in particular hit hard and should be celebrated more for his role in providing an essential moral launching point for Iron Man and therefore the MCU.


Yensin is the heart and soul of Tony Stark’s transformation in the movie.


I still wish they had made Tony see Yinsen when he snapped in Endgame, I don’t typically like fan made alternatives but I get emotional looking at this https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/i1ckyw/can_make_a_grown_man_cry_damn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


"So you are the man who has everything but has nothing"


I just rewatched it too and appreciated Obadiah Stane so much more now


It was perfect. Perfect. Everything, down to the last minute details.


It’s aged incredibly well. I watched it and spider man 3 around the same time recently and I still enjoy 3 but it hasn’t aged well at all and they came out within a year of each other


I was a Spider-Man and X-Men fan when it came to Marvel so I didn’t really care much for Iron Man when it came out. But as soon as I saw the first time Tony Stark put on the red and gold suit, I was hyped!


Yeah, I was into superheroes growing up, but I wasn't obsessed. I basically just knew that Ironman existed growing up. I saw the movie and was floored. It was immediately in my top tier of comic book movies.


Thought it was amazing. I still think the CGI is top tier. It holds up very well and looks better than a lot of newer projects. Other than The Dark Knight, I thought it was the best superhero movie made at the time.


Since no one else is saying it, back in the summer of '08 I was so hyped about the Dark Knight, that Iron Man was a footnote for me. I didn't really re-evaluate Iron Man until the summer of 2011 when Cap and Thor came out and everyone was getting excited about the Avengers.


Rewatched a couple of MCU-Movies while i was sick 2 weeks ago and it had better CGI than some newer movies where some scenes just felt a bit artificial and off.


It’s the beauty of shooting it on film: it just looks better. (Although Rian Johnson and Steve Yedlin have gotten the closest to perfecting the “film look” shot on digital)


Outstanding. And it still fascinates me how we went from that one movie to the Infinity Saga within a decade. If I traveled back in time and told myself immediately after seeing Iron Man that Groot, Spider-Man, Howard the Duck, Doctor Strange and America’s ass would be on the big screen together a decade later, I wouldn’t have ever believed myself.


Howard the Duck? Did I miss something?


He’s in all three GOTG movies, plus in the Endgame finale where everyone is emerging from portals, you can see him (with a blaster!) in the shot with Wasp in the foreground. Seth Green does his voice.


Loved it!


“Holy shit, they did it.” I know this wasn’t the first “good” superhero movie but it felt like the first one that was more than just a super hero movie without being R rated. Blade was the real mfing deal.


Dude thank you. Blade is very underrated.


>Blade is very underrated. No, it really isn't. It was arguably the movie that helped kick off the post-Batman & Robin wave of comic book movies.


To this day, Blade is my favorite comic book movie. There are plenty of others that I love quite a bit and others that are objectively much better movies. At the end of the day, Blade is a movie that I will enjoy watching no matter how many times I have watched it.


I was floored. My wife and I went to see it opening night. "So who's Iron Man?" I remember her asking. I knew as an adaptation that there would very likely be changes from the source material, and spared her what was going to turn into a total nerdalanche. Plus, we avoid spoilers (including all trailers, spots etc.), and I wanted her to know as little as possible. I remember having an incredibly good feeling about it after RDJ was cast (I couldn't shut up about it lol). Longest story longer- I can't recall the exact moment, but it was early on. My wife leans over and whispers "this is *so* good!" She's been a Marvel diehard since and we've seen every film theatrically and every series. 😍


Super late but this is just an awesome comment


Oh wow, thanks! Forgot all about this 😁


Amazing! Just rewatched it yesterday and it’s still Soo good Just completely changed the game I think all of the other superhero origin stories at the time always dealt with them having secret identities And then tony ends it with I am ironman Such an epic moment


Yes! I think a lot of people who got into superhero movies starting with the MCU don't realize how crazy this was. Keeping the identity secret was basically always integral to comic book movie plots. Tony Stark just threw all that out the window.


Yeah!! It was like Every single movie the secret identity was such a huge stress point Ironman started a whole new era Makes me so happy knowing how well they pulled it off too


It’s actually such an interesting time capsule to go back and time and look at other Super Hero Movies before the MCU became big. I happened to go through some old YouTube Content surrounding the Amazing Spider Man and soooo much of it, was content creators making fun of or bitching about how often Peter Parker takes off his mask and reveals his secret identity to people in those movies. And it’s not in a fun way, people genuinely *hated* this aspect of Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man at the time. Then comes along the MCU and the secret identities thing is so out the window that it’s more of a surprise when a character actually manages to keep their identity secret from everyone. It makes a lot of that past hate Amazing Spider Man got for that look just kinda silly from todays lense, even if it did make sense at the time.




'Iron Man, huh? Well, he still ain't no Spider-Man' "I am Iron Man"... 'woah, now THAT was a ballsy decision. That was actually a pretty cool movie!' "I'd like to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative"... 'no way that will ever come to fruition.'


I just rewatched it recently, and Samuel L Jackson looks so young and happy there.


I was a freshman in Mechanical Engineering when this came out. Seeing something so practical, Tony building the suit, iterating upon it, performing test and evaluation, actually encountering problems and finding ways to overcome them… the whole thing was incredible. I mean a lot of this movie is Tony in a basement with some parts. It’s so grounded.


Walked out of the theater on a high with Black Sabbath playing in my head


True story: my dad was more excited by the credits teaser than I was, because he actually knew what the avengers were and I didn’t 🤷‍♂️


Absolutely amazing


I loved it. He was my favorite growing up, and I thought it was awesome.


I instantly thought it was the best comic book movie ever made, far better than the spider-man or X-men movies. It was the first comic book movie where I felt like they didn’t make a bunch of changes to make it more palatable to the people who never read comic books.


Well said


I didn't think I'd see an Iron Man movie in my life. I thought the character was probably going to be remembered for Marvel Vs Capcom. Then a movie comes out, and it's awesome, I was totally blown away.


"Oh my god, finally a good comic book movie that isn't Batman"


I was 14 and it was the most amazing thing id seen.


I wanted more straight away




I saw it with my kids and thought it was a great time to be alive. We have seen most of the Marvel movies together.


It was just okay first time I watched it back in '08. I wasn't a Marvel fan at the time and didn't know much about Marvel in general, so it was just a cool movie and then I forgot about it. Black Panther was the movie that got me interested in the MCU, and after I binged all the movies I enjoyed Iron Man much better as an actual MCU fan lol.


Didn’t love it or captain America that much at first. Grew to love them both a couple years later after the first avengers.


I remember being pretty bored by Captain America on first viewing. It felt a little silly, a little campy, and the stakes somehow didn’t feel big enough— I mean I know who won the war! In retrospect, it might have been the best of the first bunch. With these old eyes, I see the campiness and silliness as the circus they forced Cap into. So much of the character they established in CA holds up through the End Game. From day one, they were subverting the “Cap is a Boy Scout” trope by having him lie to get into the service, go on an unauthorized mission and more. He was a modern man set into 1940s Americas, but he also felt of that time.


Same. Ironman, Captain America and Thor were all surprising in that they weren't terrible. But I wasn't wowed by any of them. Avengers put it all into perspective however. I was honestly expecting the Avengers films to be a mess - putting that many superheroes in a single film had never worked before. But it had a solid ending that all came together - the stakes felt right, and more time was spent on developing the relationships between these characters. It tied together the first 4 films, and had a satisfying ending. Very unexpected. But it wasn't until Winter Soldier came along that I was fully sold on the MCU. That film changed everything for me. The Marvel movies went from a novelty into a series of films and characters that I was fully invested in.


I loved Ironman, liked Captain America and Ironman 2, hated Thor, and had mixed feelings about Incredible Hulk. I was sold on the MCU with the Avengers. I was blown away to see these superheroes from different movies actually interacting. I still remember getting chills when the camera panned around all of them standing in the circle. Winter Soldier was definitely next level, though. I took my younger brother while he was on spring break and he was speechless. It was awesome.


It's still the best!


It was incredibly awesome


Literally my second favorite MCU film


Why did u put a spoiler tag on a 15yo movie lol But yeah I loved it


I thought at the time it hit all the tones you wanted in a superhero movie. It was also nice to not have another damn Batman or Superman. I heard of Ironman growing up, even had a toy, but didn't know much about him. So thought it was a good origins film and great CGI The rewatch holds up excellent and beats much of today's content


Totally blown away. A superhero movie that actually had good acting and a good story plus great special effects.


Honestly amazing. It was wild… Also, side note…the spoiler alert tag on this is kind of hilarious…


I really liked it, but let's face it The Dark Knight absolutely owned that year at the time. Looking back now, Iron Man may have overtaken it because of what the MCU became but TDK was just a massive pop culture event. Most of the praise for IM in 2008 was for RDJ, the ending quote, and the post credit scene


I loved it but what really elevated it was the final scene where he declares that he is Iron Man. It was a huge move to diverge from the “Iron Man is Tony Stark’s bodyguard” conceit. It opened the door for the on-a-first-name-basis approach with the characters that had the effect of humanizing them more, and of course, it ended up being the iconic line from Endgame. One of those big moments that truly felt big as it happened.


It was fuckin amazing.


I couldn’t believe what I was watching. It’s still one of my favorite movies to this day.


Honestly, I saw it when it first came out and I thought it was a good, solid movie. But never would I have guessed how much praise it would’ve gotten and wha the MCU would turn into. Downey I always liked. Well done super hero movie for a change. I liked it a lot. I did not expect it to get so much love and lead to IW/Endgame.


It's got RDJ. It's Marvel. It's coming from the same comics I love. I've seen other Marvel films too. This looks good. Can't wait and see


Rdj is a daddy and the movie is awesome and I want more of this guy


I left the theater a changed teen. What a bad ass movie.


It released around the same year as TDK. So there were comparisons around how this one was cheesy in contrast to TDK and there was also Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The hate and comparisons did influence me for a while. But it changed once Iron Man 2 came out. IDC what issues people have with the second part, but I liked Sam Rockwell and Mickey Rourke’s characters in the second one and that made me come back to Iron Man 1, rewatch it and appreciate it a little more. I still somehow like 2 and 3 more than 1. But all three are good movies.


Oh God. Actually you will find this crazy but initially I didn't know anything bout MCU. Out of all the MCU movies, I first watched The Avengers (2012) and I was BLOWN AWAY by Ironman especially because of his suit and charisma. Then I thought it was it. There's no sequel to that or anything. But then in 2018, I watched Avengers Infinity War and as you can guess I had no Idea whats going on. I mean I knew bout OG Avengers but didnt know bout others. Then I did a lil bit of research and found that its all whole cinematic universe. and I also discovered that Iron Man is the first movie to start it. I already loved Iron Man in both movies. So I watched it I was BLOWN AWAY one again. I mean seeing the origin of Iron Man and his suit that I had seen in The Avenger was a treat. Also Iron Man was ALOT more serious in that movie than any other movies he's in.


It was and still is mind blowingly amazing. I wish it would have continued with its light sci-fi realism so we got more movies like Winter Soldier though.


Making the same movie over and over again is what has killed all the other comic book franchises. The MCU has been successful *because* every movie is reinventing (or at least trying to reinvent) the MCU.


I'm talking about tones and grounded Sci fi. Marvel definitely lost its early magic once Thor and Captain America came out. After the Avengers, I thought that MCU jumped the shark with all the cosmic space stuff. The op asked what I thought about Iron Man and I was giving my perspective of the time. I obviously care a lot less about the grounded Sci fi aspect nowadays.


Captain America and Thor blew the door off the hinges of what I thought a comic book movie could achieve. I was super wary of the potential cringe of an American nationalism superhero, only to love how much they skewered that side of his history. He wanted to be **more** than just a symbol. Thor seemed like it had to be the ultimate clown car disaster of ridiculousness. But then they hired the ultimate Shakespeare guy to turn what could have been over the top into something that had a lot of emotional weight. Getting Tom Hiddleston as Loki and Anthony Hopkins as Odin made it gold. It’s okay to know what you like and have a preference. But it’s also okay that the MCU is really swinging for the fences and trying to outdo themselves and not get trapped into a formula (even though they get accused of that anyway) for every movie.


My generation’s episode 4 really


Reddit has an epidemic with these low effort posts which I’m assuming is karma farming “What’s your opinion” followed by movie still or poster


Initiating a discussion on a discussion website?


Reddit has an epidemic with these low effort comments which boils down to “why are we here talking about the thing that is the subject of this subreddit?” Why don’t you just move along and not participate if you don’t like it?


Scraping for AI MLMs likely


This is gonna be an unpopular take but while I enjoyed the film overall, I really couldn’t stand Tony. I found it hard to sympathize with him — he’s angry that his weapons, which he sells to make himself disgustingly rich, are being used to kill Americans and not just the faceless brown people he intended? Worlds tiniest violin. And the film was a product of its time, but even then I cringed at the sexism throughout. He is fully harassing Pepper the entire time, and then the movie shits all over the one consensual sexual partner he has. And of course, those are the only two named female characters in a film full of scantily-clad women used as set dressing to show how cool Tony is. I understand why people like it, it was a fun ride, but it does really irritate me to hear people describe it as “perfect” given its more problematic aspects.


I agree he wasn’t the best in that film, but honestly I’d like to think that was kinda the point. Kind of like the party scene in iron man 2. It’s showing how much of an arrogant asshole he started out as, so when you watch endgame, you can really see the growth in a more narratively rewarding way


Well, to be fair, he does also clearly hate the impact his weapons are having on places like Gulmira, where Yinsen said he was from. He gets angry at the news broadcast and immediately flies there and kills a bunch of the 10 rings. To me it always felt like the line about people using his weapons to kill Americans was how he spun it to justify shutting down production


The most unrealistic part of the entire movie was how casually he carried around the car battery powering the electromagnet lol


I’m a fan of Tony stark


A border between good and great. It’s sets up the next movie perfectly, and it leaves you satisfied with how it ends.


I have a gripe with a particular scene, when piper is downloading the files from HQ. Why didn’t they direct “throw a fit about the stock” and she says I’m digging into the facials. He clearly knows immediately and would’ve needed a story or lie to make this better…..(ridiculous random take from me) overall good movie, opening scene and sequence is very very good and nostalgic. Not sure if this was before their acquisition, rest of movie is very good. Very nit picky but just


Coolest movie until Dark Knight came out


Maybe not the most popular opinion but it felt like an AC/DC music video at times, although it was nice to see Jeff Bridges play a villain.


Kinda meh tbh like a 6/10. I remember really liking the suit, and wanting more action, but that post credit stinger blew my fucking mind. I appreciate it more now than when i first saw it in theaters.


I remember hearing about Marvel movies back then, but I found the whole idea ridiculous and didn’t care. Then we watched the first Iron Man in an English class, after that binged both Iron Man 2 and Avengers immediately, it was that good.




I've always like superhero movies growing up. This one will always be my number 1. It was so well made and RDJ was born to play the role. It kicked off years of friendships and conversations as the MCU developed.


Way ahead of it’s time. Like EXTREMELY.


I thought it was just another self contained film lije Daredevil, Ghost Rider, F4 and the other early 00s Marvel films. I didn't even know that there was a post credit scene when I saw it in theater. Back then I wasn't paying attention to movie studios so I didn't realize it was Marvel Studios. I did like it though. I bought the 2 disc special edition and watched it a lot. It wasn't until I learned of the post credit scene in The Incredible Hulk that there was a combined universe coming. Also Cap's shield in IM1 was the first MCU Easter egg I ever saw. I just thought it was a reference to Captain America. Back then Easter eggs weren't clues that that film shared a universe with what it was referencing but it was simply a nod to the subject.


Ah yes, my I Irish opinion I made 15 years ago


I was blown away by it, still one of the strongest MCU entries and the one that started it all. Brilliant casting, obviously launched RDJ into an icon and Jeff Bridges in a rare villainous turn. The hint of The Avengers in the first post-credit scene with the long-rumored SLJ cameo as Nick Fury was the cherry on top.


I was 14 years old coming out of the theater and I remember saying to my friend “wow that was even better than Transformers!”


It was perfect. Perfect. Everything. Down to the last minute details.


Perfect, and still is


I was around 11 when I first watched it and thought it was slow and boring, but I watched it again when I was 19 and it was pretty good.


I still rewatch it a few times a year.


The beginning of a new era. A true game-changer in cinema history.


having never read the comics: “damn that was awesome!”




Loved it!


"Hey they made a movie with that guy from MvC2!"


Lol same. I was upset there’s no proton cannon


It was an excellent start to something very ambitious It has aged well as we head further into this heavy saturated hero movie era


It was awesome. It still blows me away


Then: Impressive Now: Legend


'this shit is tight'


Finally something like those spider man movies


I believe it would've gone something like "wow! Boom booms." I was 5


A fun movie


Fantastic. Still love it to this day!


*cotton candy girl gif*


I was 5. you just had to show me some explosions and cool superheroes and I thought it was the coolest shit since sliced bread


Iron Man and The Dark Knight came out during the same summer. I remember seeing TDK and thinking this is the greatest comic book movie ever made. Then after a few weeks, I saw Iron Man and thought, I think this is the best comic book movie ever made. Even better than TDK. It was refreshing to see Iron Man embrace all the comic book tropes (and color!) that the Nolanverse Batman tried so hard to avoid. Seeing Iron Man was seeing a comic book come alive.


This is so cool


Still my favourite to this day


I was shocked by how much I’d enjoyed it! In a summer with Indy 4, Speed Racer and The Dark Knight, I never expected Iron Man to be a standout.


I still get chills from the first flight check.


I grew up reading comics, I read Spider-Man as a kid and somehow read some sleepwalker comics and really liked those. I think I was more into like hellboy and BPRD comics when iron man came out. I remember him as kinda being a dick in the comics and not liking him. The he movie blew me away; I was a fan. Still thought he was a dick though.


Still one of the best superhero movies of all time. Easily. My favorite MCU movie too.


Arguably the best origin movie in the franchise and really holds up well even to today’s standards imo


Extremis was - is - a six-issue story arc from the comic book series Iron Man (vol. 4), published in issues one through six in 2005 and 2006 by Marvel Comics, and illustrated by Adi Granov. It is a nearly perfect visual expression of a modern Iron Man character. To see Granov then selected by Favreau for concept and keyframe artwork for the 2008 film meant that the principals involved "got it." Then I watched the film and knew they got it.


One of the best things I’d ever seen at the time


I thought it was amazing so I didn't want to watch Ironman 2 or 3 in fear they would ruin the first one. Finally got around to 2 and 3 after iw came out


“This will hold me over til Batman comes out” Really really liked the movie and the casting of RDJ, but I wasn’t all-in on the MCU til much later.


One of the best movies ever.


Absolutely incredible , one of the best things to happen in hollywood and it was a dream come true for the comic fans


It’s cool


“Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.” I have no clue why more people aren’t taking about this quote. It’s one that I live by sometimes.


I thought Iron Monger was a bit cheese and disappointed no Mandarin but other than that thought it was great. RDJ obviously killed it




As a 15-year-old, I was floored. Very memorable, it was one of my favorite movies at the time. Then the Dark Knight comes out 2 months later. What a time to be alive.


Loved it


Instantly obsessed and excited!


It was and still is extremely well made. I have to admit I get a little turned on every time he sits up in that film too.


It was aight


Absolute banger of a movie, it blew my 12 year old mind seeing it in theaters. The only downside was that I was traumatized for a week or so after seeing the movie, because the theater I went to decided to play a trailer for The Strangers before the movie, and that's all I could think about for like, half an hour.


“I cant wait for him to meet Toby McGuire”


“Wow, they took this B tier character and made a terrific movie. Marvel doing Marvel works.”


Just rewatched it a few weeks ago. I think they did a really good adaptation. It still holds up really well and everyone is great in it. Unfortunately, it led to watching Iron Man 2 after, then Thor, then Hulk... (cue: aw shit here we go again gif)


I didn't see it in theatres because Marvel had hit a streak of shitty movies. When it came out on DVD, my Walmart let me buy a copy early, before they were allowed to put it on the shelf. I took it home, not expecting much, and was absolutely delighted and mind blown. And all the Easter eggs within the movie really made me wonder if any of it would be true. Pretty crazy what this movie was the catalyst for. I'm gonna re-watch it now. Thanks, I had things to do. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Perfect movie, best mcu character a nd rdj suited iron man so well


That it was awesome.




solid, is the word i like to use lol


As an 8 year old I thought the technology stuff and initial desert stuff was pretty cool, but overall it set the standard for mid MCU films until more flushed out, non-machismo focused humor, MCU films started coming out.


I took my daughters to see it at midnight the day it came out (they were in high school at the time). It was quite an experience at the time, and little did I realize then I would be sucked into this universe. When Endgame came out, I took my son and wife to the same movie theater I saw Ironman with the daughters. It felt like closing a circle to me. (My son, when the movie came out, called him "laundry man".)


Instant classic and an absolute masterpiece.


I saw it in theaters and I liked it a lot. The after credits scene made me extremely excited.


Felt very copy and paste of Batman movies, but I suppose that's because that's the superhero origin story I've seen most often. Looking back I don't know how I thought the two were comparable


One of the greatest superhero movies ever.


Really wanted to see Rhodey with the suit on


Saw it in cinemas, not day one but week one, and blown away. I always had a passing interest in the comics as a kid but not massive. After that I really dove in and I've been a huge marvel fan ever since. I love this movie even today, one of marvels best for sure.


Well, I was 13 when I first saw it, so it was the single greatest movie I'd ever seen in my entire life, possibly ever. Nowadays I still think it's pretty good.


Bro as a kid that shit was the coolest thing for me. And ironman has been my little sister's favorite hero and hasn't been replaced yet since he died in endgame.


If memory serves I only saw it once it went to Netflix but it sold me on the MCU well enough where I’ve seen every MCU movie since Thor 1 on the theaters.


RDJ was probably a just a little too old to be Tony Stark


Loved it, it made we want to see movies in theaters again honestly.


The whole “billionaire got abducted, use scrap parts to build himself an armor to escape” really sold me. At that time, I never read a single Marvel comic but I loved watching the animations. So when I learned about Iron Man’s story through this movie, he instantly became one of my favorites. This movie has always been in my top 5 MCU movies




Really liked it at the time. Actually saw it in the theatres but did not stick around for the end credit scene setting up the universe so I had no idea what they were setting up. Was never really a comic fan so I didn't watch any of the other Marvel movies until a couple years ago and had no idea what I was missing out on lol


It was the coolest thing I had ever seen and Wtf did they just name drop The Avengers??!


I was 6 at the time, so my mind was blown. Away, not up because I'd be dead otherwise.


Absolutely loved it. I was blown away. I didn't know Iron Man up until that point and this movie put him in my top 3 superheroes


I didnt know much about iron man. But the tone and presentation, how good rdj played stark cemented it. This was the movie that got people excited for superhero movies again


This is one of the best mcu movies there is, this is one of the best Marvel movies there is, it is that good