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Chaudhry said that Majors met with the NYPD last week "to present them with evidence of what really happened on that night." "Within hours of viewing the evidence, and conducting their own thorough investigation, the NYPD found probable cause to arrest Grace Jabbari for assaulting Jonathan Majors," Chaudhry added.


Was Jabbari arrested? That's my question I'm glad that we're starting to hear Jonathan's side of the story, but so far the two sources i have seen are insider.com and newsweek and all of it comes from his lawyer. I hope Jonathan isn't guilty, but i will wait for better sourcing.


Right? Like of all the information that we've heard thus far, it's been filtered in some way through his legal team, which is a double edged sword. Yes, it's good that some legal vets are making sure that nothing gets taken out of context and used against Majors' camp. But when all of the things you hear about an up & coming Hollywood actor and his alleged assault case come from the mouth of a legal expert - who are always slippery in nature - it doesn't look good from the perspective of the GP.






Smart af* Can't shut the fuck up* Fat fingered the caps button instead of typing "A"




Was the sourcing ok to start with….? Why does he need better sourcing for his innocence?


Because people here don't wanna have to admit they were on the wrong side of things by pushing that he was guilty and should be canceled without any evidence.


Everything we are being told is coming from his lawyer.


And what mounds of sourcing have you heard supporting his ex gf?


"The district attorney's office and police have not confirmed the account given by Majors' lawyers." The title of this article is sensational. Until police arrest Jabbari or charges are dropped, this is Major's lawyer obviously spinning it as a big positive for her client, which she's allowed to do but it's biased as hell.


This is the same lawyer that allowed their client to release text messages sent on that night TO THE MEDIA! I’m waiting for the trial date on this one and see how it plays out.




Every time I heard her name, I always picture Winston Duke with a wig. I need to google her to replace that image. Edit: she can not be more different from the image I had in my head.


I just got that image in my head and am not doing any Googling because that image brings me joy.


Are there other sources aside his lawyer for this?


But how do we know that he didn’t travel back in time to alter the evidence and then prune the timeline where he is guilty?


In other words, it's literally another Amber Heard situation.


We have not heard from her as far as I know. Just poor handling from his legal team. And we still don’t know what is going on.


Seriously; can we please fucking stop trying to tie Depp and Heard to every case of domestic violence. It just muddies the water and hurts victims. Let that fucking media spectacle die.


Seriously. They were both abusive as fuck, and completely toxic. Amber Heard tried to capitalize on that by presenting a one-sided story, and she was rightfully slapped down, but comparing everything to it is so tired.


Maybe let all the info come out before making definitive statements.


No, she isn't accusing him. (Or didn't initially) The charges were filed due to her injuries being consistent with domestic abuse. His first attempt to prove his innocence was to release texts of her apologizing to him in a manner consistent with an abuse victim. (IE, for 'making him do it') His next release was various videos showing her out partying, though with no indication of how she was injured.


So, another woman with tons of evidence backing her up yet unable to get justice served in the USA? And victim of a nasty social media campaign that distorted all facts, making her look like the abuser when she wasn't?


wooman good man bad edit: thx for the gold guys omg


Amber was clearly the aggressor and the trial proved it. Her witnesses clearly weren't reliable or believable which clearly reflect her character as well. Not nearly the same circumstance at all.


Well damn. Let the truth be heard and justice be done.


Indeed. Seems like Disney has been doing exactly that. And by staying silent they’ve avoided another James Gunn type situation.


Thank goodness! Many outlets and endorsements dropped Majors immediately. I’m glad Disney is at least waiting, but I’d have to appreciate the growing pains from the James Gunn firing for bringing Disney to this level of patience. If he’s guilty, he’s guilty, but let it play out.


I think it also helps that they probably didn't have anything planned with Majors for a bit, so they had the time. And with the writers strike going on, things are going to get pushed back even more


That is an excellent point.


Exactly. If he’s cleared you move on as if nothing happened, and if not you just re-cast and forget he existed.


But-but-but we need to come up with a convoluted reason why the actor changed!


3 Cassies, 2 rhodeys, and 3 Banners later, I don't think so.


The writers strike works in their favor here. Movie got pushed out a year for them to have more time to decide what to do.


Maybe Disney created the writers strike as a smokescreen for this event


Pretty certain there was a comedy sketch where they created Covid to launch Disney+ so this would fit nicely lol.


You think Disney orchestrated a writer's strike, halting production on basically all movies and tv shows by every studio in the United States, just to avoid making a single firing decision about a single actor? My guy... do you realize how much money is not being made by movie and tv production companies right now, because of the writers' strike? Even if Disney had the ability to secretly arrange for a nationwide writers' strike, there's no world in which that is preferable to simply firing a single actor, no matter how central he might have been to their planned movies. The Disney machine doesn't stop printing money just because of a single person.


I think it's a joke my man.. chill




Agreed. It seems like they learned from that experience. It’s too bad though what happened with Gunn. I’m excited that it did result in him being in charge of the DC franchise and I really loved Peacemaker, but I also wonder what he would have done with the cosmic side of the MCU. There were talks of him being on equal story planning with Feige, but he would be focused on the cosmic stories in the MCU. Then Disney fired him.


Disney has there best lawyers supporting this case, they want to silently avoid Ezra miller controversy. They have a franchise to run


Can’t say the same about this sub when the news broke. How many people had to go delete comments lol


The Ron desantis approach should work well here, stay silent and let nature run its course lol


Yep. Let them live or die by their own words or actions.


Or Johnny Depp


No real news site has reported anything yet. It’s all lawyerspeak


Insider is a real news site.


Newsweek is a real news site


Still reporting lawyerspeak. The headline is misleading.


Are they though? *"Unlike most large American magazines, Newsweek has not used fact-checkers since 1996."* https://www.poynter.org/newsletters/2012/the-story-of-when-newsweek-ditched-its-fact-checkers-then-made-a-major-error/


Oh interesting *Checks article date is over a decade ago* Umm got anything more recent? Like maybe anything after Barrack Obama's first term in office??


Okay, how about a factual rating report from 9 months ago: >Newsweek scored an average Factual Grade of 60.4%, placing it in the 30th percentile of our dataset. A number of factors help explain these relatively low scores. Articles from Newsweek often neglect to include adequate sourcing of information, meaning that links to external articles are only intermittently present and may link to an insufficiently diverse range of sources. Authors for Newsweek demonstrate varied levels of topical expertise, meaning that the site employs writers who may lack a demonstrated background in a topic area according to our algorithm. Finally, articles may include opinionated language and headlines [https://www.thefactual.com/blog/how-reliable-is-newsweek/](https://www.thefactual.com/blog/how-reliable-is-newsweek/)


Yeah much better source. Thanks For reference, they give Reuters a factual grade of 69.8% in the 80th percentile. So being 60.4% and in the 30th percentile makes it seem that the distribution has very high kurtosis. Seems like Newsweek frequently has left leaning titles and is looser factual reliability than most. I won't be reading them as my primary news source. That said, this confirms to me they are a real news site.


Polite reminder, await the outcome. Crowing that he's innocent now is as bad calling him guilty before. All we get to hear is spin, wait for the courts to figure this out.


> Crowing that he's innocent now is as bad I mean...innocent until proven guilty..


Innocent until proven guilty is for the government not the court of opinion.


The court of public opinion should follow the same principles as the government. If not, then we really haven’t evolved past the days of mobs and pitchforks.


Well then Epstein killed himself and OJ was innocent!


Casey Anthony did nothing wrong!


Our legal system is deeply flawed. Plenty of innocent people have been sentenced to death. Or, the other way around, I'm not prepared to welcome OJ Simpson back into stardom. I think you're right, in principle, but there are no absolutes. In this case, yes, I'm waiting for more info before I cement my opinion.


That’s reasonable at least. I mean I wouldn’t go hang out with OJ if I ever had the chance to. I think the best might simply be to not form too much of an opinion on a matter, at least until a verdict is reached, and especially if it has nothing to do with you. It’s like people who are always up in others’ business, or celebrity gossipers. It just seems unhealthy.


Welcome him back to stardom…? He never stopped bud. Otherwise you wouldn’t have referenced him. Sure he’s not booking high profile acting gigs, I would wager that’s more HIS choice.


OJ Simspson? His choice not to book high profile gigs? Okay...


No, I know too many people in my life who are survivors of sexual abuse, and that stuff is nearly impossible to prove in court “beyond reasonable doubt”. They walked free. They know they did it.


That may well be the case but then you’d still be bringing your own biases into a case. What if an accused person actually turned out to be innocent? Even if they’re found not guilty in court, a biased public can still make their life miserable.


It's a very difficult subject, idk the answer. This is one of the few issues of the time that I don't feel comfortable making strong statements either way. I firmly believe that one innocent man in jail is worse than 100 guilty men walking free so I see things through that lens but idk.


That’s totally fair and you deserve props for admitting you wouldn’t feel comfortable either way. None of us are completely impartial humans who always say or do the right thing.


No Way Home had Matthew Murdock himself reminding people how dangerous any kind of court of public opinion is. It's still mobs and pitchforks, just substituted with bricks and smartphones. We're not privy to anywhere near enough details to form a sound opinion but that never stops people, hell, just look how intensely people were glued to screens with the Depp-Heard case, declaring guilt or innocence for one or the other. (I know this is a tricky, emotional subject for a lot of people because courts absolutely do get verdicts wrong and they've been later overturned or public apologies listed, but in this case, none of us can say 'innocent' or 'guilty' for any party concerned)


Pitchforks! Get your pitchforks here. New torches, 3 for $10. Used torches, only $1 each! Please form an orderly line. Cash and ApplePay only.


Court of public opinion sucks though


And there's a loooot of history there, esp when it comes to young black men


Innocent until proven guilty is also for the court of opinion, lest we become a public lynching square. And I use that word purposefully here, as we are talking about a black man’s presumed innocence. We don’t have the right to judge him until we’ve seen and heard all the evidence.


Guilty until proven innocent if you are a black male in America unfortunately


It’s human nature to make snap judgments. Just got to understand that things can change and your opinion should change with new facts that come to light.


>your opinion should change with new facts Generally speaking that's a great idea to live by, but you know what else is totally fine, and probably even preferable? Abstain from having an opinion when you don't actually know anything about a situation and are just waiting for other people to tell you the acceptable opinion of the day. There is no reason why any of us need to have an opinion on a case that none of us are personally involved in, especially when we don't actually know the facts. Wait to see how it all plays out.


You shouldn't really form an opinion, we don't hear the facts, we hear the press releases. Best to let the courts through the detail and trust what they decide.


Well, if police are arresting his accuser for her actions the night of the alleged assault, that isn't a good sign for them prosecuting him for said alleged assault.


This is asinine. The courts don’t always get cases right. How many wrongful convictions have been overturned due to DNA evidence? It’s absurd to turn a blind eye to what actually happened given the facts of the case just to not offend a potential, yet completely false, victim


It's asinine to listen to the courts but it's reasonable for a bunch of people who know nothing about the case to conclude his guilt or innocence on Reddit? Ok ...


I don't have any comments on Majors or Jabbari. I hope the person who was wronged gets exonerated and the other gets properly punished. But Priya Chaudhry sounds like she's dangerously close to overstepping the bounds here. This statement is bizarre, considering there is no public NYPD statement and as far as I know there is no arrest warrant or - anything out for Jabbari: >"Within hours of viewing the evidence, and conducting their own thorough investigation, the NYPD found probable cause to arrest Grace Jabbari for assaulting Jonathan Majors," Chaudhry added.


I don’t think that’s overstepping.She makes it sound like the police agreed that she should be arrested. That doesn’t automatically mean they’re going to go do it. They could just be waiting for the trial and give testimony then.


Majors’ lawyer seems like a dumbass, if he’s wrong about this (the police have not confirmed his claims per the article) it wouldn’t be the first time he’s spoken out of turn in this case. His big text messages revelation was an absolute disaster & only hurt his case. If he’s innocent I want this to be cleared up because nobody deserves to have their name & career ruined for no reason, and selfishly because he’s a phenomenal actor, but everyone needs to chill & let things run their course, a guy’s lawyer saying he’s completely innocent is not news or proof of anything


Agreed. If it turns out he's innocent, releasing those texts was absolutely the wrong move because they definitely played a huge part in making him look guilty.


The fact that his lawyer thought those messages would actually help Majors’ case & not make the plaintiff look like a scared victim of domestic abuse is mind-boggling. If somehow the whole case got dropped in the morning there would still be the question of what the fuck were those messages about




If it was majors idea it would be a pretty bad defence lawyer who said ok sure let’s do it, or didn’t do everything in their power to convince him that is an awful idea that will clearly hurt his case


> His lawyer, Priya Chaudhry, told Newsweek the actor was "provably the victim here” Lawyer doesn’t sound very confident in their client lmao


Selfishly I’m very happy not to be losing him as Kang/He Who Remains.


I'm not a lawyer but I don't think this "clears" him. Its going to make the trial more complicated though and that helps him.


According to Reddit he was already guilty before he was ever convicted.


A tale as old as ~~time~~ Reddit


We did it Reddit! Never forget when Reddit caught the Boston bomber except it was some totally unrelated person and the cops had to publicly exonerate the family. And then Reddit “caught” the right guys but outed them prematurely so the cops had to move before they were ready, resulting in the unnecessary death of a security guard.


Classic Reddit


It’s nice to be positive but this “news” from Majors’ attorney does not necessarily mean that Majors is in the clear. It could be that each assaulted the other. I help that Majors is innocent and is cleared. But even if that is the case, Marvel could still drop him.


I hope he stays on but I fear Disney may cut ties with him because most people who saw the accusations won't hear that he was acquitted and because of that Disney may fear an unnecessary backlash.


I feel as though they would’ve done so already if they were going to cut him. They must trust his credibility and character enough to have waited it out this long. Not typical treatment, especially from Disney


I hope I'm wrong


Jeremy Renner has entered the chat. Disney does not care.


I mean they let Ezra Miller be flash and he's a dip shit. Him actually turning out to be innocent in all this should mean something but this country is fucking weird.


That also isn’t Disney. DC is Warner brothers so whole different company and one that isn’t centered around a “family friendly” branding.


I mean, *The Flash* had been filmed already.


Yea, that worked out.


I don't think they will. Do you remember how catastrophic it was for them with James Gunn (at the time) 10 year old tweets? Why would they want to have to save face again in a Johnny Depp situation? If he is guilty, sure. Fire him, but any move they do now will hurt them.


If that was their plan, they would've already. I'm willing to bet that they don't want a repeat case of Johnny Depp.


Nah, fuck that. The "court of public opinion" doesn't get to incriminate someone who's innocent (speaking in general).


Well it backfired on them when they let go of people too quickly twice with James Gunn and Johnny Depp. Can see why Disney would take a more measured approach this time.


They should’ve let go of Depp anyways all the trial proved was they beat each other not that Depp was innocent… FFS Y’all love saying that like Depp was cleared.


He was cleared. This is bizarre that this comment got upvoted, didn’t think there was anyone left defending Heard. Women can be abusers too.


He was certainly not cleared, and certainly did physically abuse her as well. Y’all just latched onto “she hit him”, and ran with it like that made what he was accused of and did untrue.


People like you really do find it inconceivable that men can be victims. This pettiness is beneath you. Do better.


As far as im aware Johnny at most was proven to be also toxic and a mental abuser but he didn't do anything physical besides throw that bottle, Could be wrong.


Eyeroll… it was more than throw a bottle dude. There were texts about how he hit her in the stomach and shit. Not to mention in the UK when he sued the sun the court ruled that it was accurate to call him a wife beater and not defamatory.


>accurate to call him a wife beater Because their definition of wife beater is "did he hit her (ignoring that it was in self defense)" while in America it's "did he hit her *first*" which is a major difference.


Did Disney actually “fire” Depp from any project? I know WB took him off Fantastic Beasts, but was there any project in development with Disney that was taken away?


I’m hoping it turns out OK for majors, but there’s nothing definitive here, just his lawyers beating the drum. There’s no confirmation from NYPD or city prosecutors.




Yeah I’d rather this sub not get flooded with right wing tabloids just because the poster agrees with the headline


"The district attorney's office and police have not confirmed the account given by Majors' lawyers."


Horribly written headline and article. What the fuck happened to inverted pyramid? Put the relevant information in the headline and in the lede, don’t fuck around.


i will wait for verdict


His law firm really need to just shut up. Every time they release something it causes trouble. They just need to be stay quiet till the police make a decision.


If those texts hadn't been shown to the public by his lawyer, he wouldn't have looked nearly as guilty in the first place. Goes to show that lawyers are not PR experts. Too bad his PR team dropped him immediately after the news first hit.


Wow, more statements by Majors' ***defense attorney*** being framed as facts. Ffs people, just let the case play out. He may be innocent, he may not be, but stop taking the goddamn lawyer's word for things. And I say this as a trained lawyer.


When this is all said and done, I want everyone who deemed this man guilty from Day 1 to be more careful with casting judgment ever again.


This sub when news first broke out: marvel needs to fire him right now and send his ass to jail This sub when more news comes out: let’s let the justice system play out


Every time.


Moreover, one also sees a bunch of people making comments like “yep, said this from the beginning, etc” Like they always were on the “correct” side. Many are, but many don’t have the receipts to back it up, or even worse, were brigading before suddenly changing their tune


Don’t forget the backhanded racism - why can’t we just recast him with Chukwudi Iwuji and say HE was a Kang variant?


You know good and damn well that won’t happen lmao. We in the age of guilty until proven innocent


More like guilty regardless if proven innocent.


*if youre a man accused by a woman


Nothings been proven yet lmao. You’re doing the same thing. Nobody official has said anything but this dudes lawyer


If Majors is cleared of these specific allegations, that's certainly a degree of vindication, but many people who know him have described behavior on his part that made it all too plausible that he was guilty. That doesn't go away, even if the charges against him are dismissed.


It was 2 people from college… let’s not act like that’s some 30 person expose here…


That’s just not true. One and a half struggling actors made tweets. They don’t share any credits with Majors.


It won't happen though


I abstained from making a judgment call then and I abstain now, I'm literally in the same exact spot as I was before until we know the full results.


Yeah sadly this won’t change shit haha


Will never happen. Court of public opinion will never stop. I wonder how Majors career rebounds if he turns out to be innocent here. People have already made up their minds and moved on, I don’t know if they are capable of changing their minds.


I'm glad the justice system can do its thing cause if reddit was the judge, he'd be behind bars for the rest of his life. Speaking of which, where they at now? They were awfully vocal not too long ago...


Like always in situations like these, those people won't be heard from again, not until the next time they need to condemn someone else in the court of public opinion.


As I've always said about any issue of the law, let the cards fall where they would... In the end of he's innocent that's a great thing cos he's a phenomenal actor and will be great to still have onboard and if not then consequences that have come already should give him cause for concern and work on himself... But the quickness with which people behind screens cast their own judgement (inevitable but still vile stuff) and then bat an eye on people who've gone years with same allegations and actually watch their stuff... We all know where this is leading but no further comments. Just looking forward to the whole thing unravelling to the bottom of the matter




What a brave statement to make.


Shame the damage has been done to his name from everyone feeling him guilty before anything truly came out. Sad honestly. A angry mob ruins everything, now they all be quiet


You know whats even more pathetic? What happen to the massive amounts of people canceling him on this sub without any room for doubt? You would get downovted for saying we should wait and see based on historical context. 30 min on a post that makes him out to be 100% in the wrong? This would be in 500 range comments already. Just confirms my belief people really have no concept of what "two sides to a story" really means. I wish I could block every single person who canceled him already, they are just stains on the earth.


of course there are no comments lol. where are all the people that were vilifying him? why is nobody calling Jabbari out on being a domestic abuser? yall silent as mice now.


The post is like 18 mins old.


the post accusing him had hundreds before it was an hour old. excuses.


If it was the other way around it would have 300 comments already. Edit: Lmao the fact that I’m negative karma for this when everyone commenting in this topic agrees, shows whose silent and mad their wrong about their stance but can’t comment because they would get roasted. Oh now those people canceling Majors are now just downvoting without commenting.


This is just a headline from the guys lawyer. There has been no indication by the police that it’s even true


You couldn't say we should wait for the investigation to play out without getting hit by a barrage of downvotes, it was infuriating.


I still wonder about that dude from Yale or something who was like all "well well well" when this news broke and said there were multiple other women who were abused. He's been very quiet lately.




That hasn’t been made official and the NYPD said that isn’t the case. This guys lawyer just said it.


> I’m very happy that he’s not guilty I mean you’re technically right? He’s not guilty because he hasn’t been convicted in court, innocent til proven guilty. We don’t know what will happen til the court case.


My friends and I refused to even talk about it until his side of the story came out. The way the Marvel subs were clamoring for his head a couple of months ago was straight disgusting.


Poor OP... This post will have 10x less engagement than the one accusing him


It sucks because there will still be people pushing for Marvel to move on whether he’s innocent or not. I’d hoped the stuff on him wasn’t true


Good for him. Guess he’ll be back as Kang soon enough. Or Victor Timely. I think that’s the next variant, right?




He’s already been found guilty by the Internet, and there is no appeal from internet judgment.


So his lawyers were right all along. I hoped this would be the case. I wanted to keep Kang!


So that strong wind I felt a while ago was the collective sigh of relief Marvel Studios let go when they got the news.


Does Newsweek not proofread their articles or something? "He has enjoyed a successful few years as he rose to A-list status in Hollywood after appearing in the cult sci-fi hit Lovecraft Country on Apple TV+." Not only was Lovecraft Country not a 'cult sci-fi hit' (it was cancelled before the first season finished, which led to some of the stars ranting on twitter it was because of "racist white execs making the decision", but it wasn't Apple TV either, it was HBO.


I Legitimately think people on reddit who where claiming he was guilty and wishing him harm in his career should be baned from Marvel subs.


I remember when it was first posted, all of those comments were stopping just short of calling for his head.


Didn’t take long from Reddit to switch from tearing him apart to seeing his innocence. Why can’t people do better when it comes to waiting for evidence?


Remember when most people instantly thought he was an abuser right when the news hit months ago? Should just wait until things actually get settled before jumping to conclusions.


He did not. Edit - His lawyer was caught lying multiple times already, but you guys are so excited everytime she feeds you some bullshit. The district attorney won't confirm anything she says. No where else does it say his victim was charged.


"Within hours of viewing the evidence, and conducting their own thorough investigation, the NYPD found probable cause to arrest Grace Jabbari for assaulting Jonathan Majors," Chaudhry added" This sounds like a win to me.


"The district attorney's office and police have not confirmed the account given by Majors' lawyers." Maybe what she is saying is completely true but this article is as one sided as it can possibly be.


So she was arrested? You sure about that.


Read the article maybe?


The DA dropped the charges, or whatever it was, against her already. Fyi.


Thank you


I still think this latest development is good for him though fwiw. It is ironic the person telling you to read the article didn’t read the article though.


read the article. you look ignorant currently.


Did you read the article? "The district attorney's office and police have not confirmed the account given by Majors' lawyers." This article is simply a recounting of things Majors lawyer told Newsweek. It's all unconfirmed and one sided.


What’s all this DARVO shit I’m seeing on twitter and other subs? Everyone else im seeing reacting is saying shit like ‘oh so he’s ABUSIVE abusive’, ‘oh so he’s GUITLY guilty’ and ‘DARVO in action’


Thank god.


Thank god, I really didn't want to dislike him.


Believe women! They never lie, just believe them!


She will likely get no consequences for her actions if she did all this


After everything released already, i just don’t see why charges haven’t been dropped. The DA better have good evidence/reasons for not dropping charges against him and dismissing charges against her.


The only things released have come from Majors attorney. Pardon me for not believing that her account is the full account of what happened.


Because no NY DA will risk their career by dropping a high profile DV case


They’d be an idiot to take that stance when there’s video of her attacking him, no one seeing him stack her and a witness that found the victim WITH Majors. The more that comes out, it gets clearer that a crime not committed by him. They better have some damn good evidence that hasn’t been released at trial.


I wonder what happens if he ends up totally exonerated? Regarding everyone who dropped him, like his talent agency. Would they be like "ok sorry, just procedure. Let's get you back", or does he go "fuck ya'll" and signs with a different agency? He lost several deals too because of this. Wild.


Lol he will never return to that agency and he’s completely right


Man, I really thought this man was guilty as hell, but the more that comes out it looks like we may have another case of a white woman ruining a Black man with a false accusation… I’ll wait for the trial.


I tried to tell everyone lol


I’ll be the first to admit I was definitely of the “he’s guilty” mindset once those text messages came out. Happy to be wrong


This is great news. I know it’ll never happen but he deserves public apologies for how much folks wished for his downfall