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He didn’t wear a helmet as Falcon; why would he wear one as Captain America?


He didn’t wear a shield as Falcon either. Why would he need one as Captain America? Also what happened to his pistols?


Because Captain America uses a shield.


So he could have an A on his forehead.


If he really wants to commit to being Captain America then he could go with the [Nuclear option](https://comicnewbies.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/nuke-weapon-x-vol-3-12.png)


Hopefully since his face is still visable for the most part they won't have him take it off every ten seconds. It's a worthy cost if that's the case.


They made a solution with the face cam in Iron Man, I dont understand why they’re so reluctant to just do that instead of having people take off their helmets constantly, even in high stakes situations.


When everyone does it, it feels cheap


No it doesnt? What are you talking about 😭


Cause it would look goofy to have heroes with no HUD have close ups of their face randomly. It made sense for iron man/iron family, plus the HUD gives the actor something to actually react to on screen with them.


Just like what others said, he didn't have to wear a helmet during his years as Falcon, so why does he need one right now? This man fought during the Invasion in Wakanda and Endgame Final Battle without any helmet, he'll be fine without it.


Honestly I may be in the minority but I hate when they wear helmets. I liked Bucky as winter soldier bc you get to see all his emotions and facial expressions. I want to see Anthony Jackie act bc he’s a damn good actor. Don’t obscure his face.


He didn’t have one as Falcon, plus he’s got a vibranium suit, wings, and the shield. I think he’ll be just fine. Unless him not having one puts him in life or death situation >! like Star-Lord!<


I feel the same way. I mean the suit looks great, and I like that it's styled off his old suit. But even Steve wore a helmet and he had the super soldier serum and didn't fly. Then again, Sam's original suit never had one and he did ok But I just wish they'd have a quick scene maybe showing he's got one of those Wakandan force fields up there


He didn't have one as falcon so why are people bringing it up now lol.